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Re: Forum gossip thread by Shen Li


Ok time to set the story straight....

Started by Aryan, November 21, 2018, 05:13:31 PM

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Chuck Bronson

Quote from: "iron horse jockey"Until the next time he's hammered.

I don't think so.  Tired of telling 'all the usual suspects' here to fuck off, so if the 'clique' dislikes me as they constantly claim, then they can continue to dislike me without my presence.  It's the sensible thing for me to do, and in the end everyone is happy.

Tried to give Erica's forum a go, but I was booted before I could even post there...  Very odd.  Registration went well (I know how to fucking register on forums), adjusted up my profile settings to my preferences, and a few minutes later got kicked.  My username went from successfully registered to non-existent.  From the forums I've modded, only human intervention could kick a user after registration, especially if no posts have yet been made.

Maybe they don't like me there already either, but that's OK...  Fuck it all.  You can find me at 4chan, where I can actually find accepting posters in the numbers necessary to discuss almost anything of interest, without any fucking clique action in progress.


Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"Until the next time he's hammered.

I don't think so.  Tired of telling 'all the usual suspects' here to fuck off, so if the 'clique' dislikes me as they constantly claim, then they can continue to dislike me without my presence.  It's the sensible thing for me to do, and in the end everyone is happy.

Tried to give Erica's forum a go, but I was booted before I could even post there...  Very odd.  Registration went well (I know how to fucking register on forums), adjusted up my profile settings to my preferences, and a few minutes later got kicked.  My username went from successfully registered to non-existent.  From the forums I've modded, only human intervention could kick a user after registration, especially if no posts have yet been made.

Maybe they don't like me there already either, but that's OK...  Fuck it all.  You can find me at 4chan, where I can actually find accepting posters in the numbers necessary to discuss almost anything of interest, without any fucking clique action in progress.

Thanks for dropping by Mel..

Have fun at 4chan.


Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"Until the next time he's hammered.

I don't think so.  Tired of telling 'all the usual suspects' here to fuck off, so if the 'clique' dislikes me as they constantly claim, then they can continue to dislike me without my presence.  It's the sensible thing for me to do, and in the end everyone is happy.

Tried to give Erica's forum a go, but I was booted before I could even post there...  Very odd.  Registration went well (I know how to fucking register on forums), adjusted up my profile settings to my preferences, and a few minutes later got kicked.  My username went from successfully registered to non-existent.  From the forums I've modded, only human intervention could kick a user after registration, especially if no posts have yet been made.

Maybe they don't like me there already either, but that's OK...  Fuck it all.  You can find me at 4chan, where I can actually find accepting posters in the numbers necessary to discuss almost anything of interest, without any fucking clique action in progress.

You're right, Mel.

There is a clique.

It's members are every other member here, except you.

Now fuck off, and this time STAY away.


Chuck Bronson

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Thanks for dropping by Mel..

Have fun at 4chan.

It's been fun, Fash.  I should thank you for being a good enough host over the years, even though you are absolutely blind as to what goes on around you (willingly or unwillingly is not my position to determine).  Nonetheless, it is your forum, and it's first and foremost an Asian forum (I know EXACTLY why this place was started), so I don't belong here anyhow.

Nonetheless, I am trying to make my escape, so all of these forums can finally rid themselves of the 'forum terrorist' and he that 'commits atrocities against mankind'...    :laugh:

It is what it is, the human nature.  I have seen it all already years ago, so this is nothing new...  Progress, they call it.  Out with the old, in with the new, right?  Nothing can stay the same forever, and I was foolish in thinking that it could.

I tried hard, personally, to retain some of that 'oldschool DV goodness'.  I really did.  I probably pissed off every DV Mod I worked with trying to keep what was slowly being lost.  I really did.  Ask them.

The time has come, that ship has sailed, all the players are different, and I don't belong anymore.  It is what it is...

My greatest honour is knowing that these forums will crank about me for months to come, even in my complete absence, even though I've really done nothing wrong, other than NOT wanting to initiate and maintain close personal E-Friendships with the anons that post here and there.  I have always avoided this for a reason...  You can do that shit on Facebook, or on Skype with RW.

All the best to all.


It has been fun..

Best wishes and Merry Christmas if we don't see you again before December 25.

Berry Sweet

Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Thanks for dropping by Mel..

Have fun at 4chan.

It's been fun, Fash.  I should thank you for being a good enough host over the years, even though you are absolutely blind as to what goes on around you (willingly or unwillingly is not my position to determine).  Nonetheless, it is your forum, and it's first and foremost an Asian forum (I know EXACTLY why this place was started), so I don't belong here anyhow.

Nonetheless, I am trying to make my escape, so all of these forums can finally rid themselves of the 'forum terrorist' and he that 'commits atrocities against mankind'...    :laugh:

It is what it is, the human nature.  I have seen it all already years ago, so this is nothing new...  Progress, they call it.  Out with the old, in with the new, right?  Nothing can stay the same forever, and I was foolish in thinking that it could.

I tried hard, personally, to retain some of that 'oldschool DV goodness'.  I really did.  I probably pissed off every DV Mod I worked with trying to keep what was slowly being lost.  I really did.  Ask them.

The time has come, that ship has sailed, all the players are different, and I don't belong anymore.  It is what it is...

My greatest honour is knowing that these forums will crank about me for months to come, even in my complete absence, even though I've really done nothing wrong, other than NOT wanting to initiate and maintain close personal E-Friendships with the anons that post here and there.  I have always avoided this for a reason...  You can do that shit on Facebook, or on Skype with RW.

All the best to all.

I'm not gonna read this  cause it's the same ol shit...

Berry Sweet

If Mel is leaving...then Bye,,,,dont let the door hit you on the way out...later skid


Quote from: "Fashionista" if we don't see you again before December 25.


And the chances of that are about the same as The Beatles reforming.



Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Fashionista" if we don't see you again before December 25.


And the chances of that are about the same as The Beatles reforming.


You don't think they will.



Back to Scouse, has he ever found any forum besides SF that doesn't ridicule the nazi cheerleading. I am not teasing this time because I have been in the same boat. I am an unapologetic supporter of the free enterprise system, but also posted briefly on RW's anti-capitalist forum. Needless to say, I was a square peg and unable to fit in a round hole. By the way, those same posters from RW's expired forum are now at Kylie's new place.

My point is that general forums like this one or VF are not the best places for extreme beliefs. Call it niche beliefs if it makes a person feel better. That is why SF exists for nazi wannabes and why CBT exists for the pro antifa crowd.


Quote from: "seoulbro" By the way, those same posters from RW's expired forum are now at Kylie's new place.

So it seems apparent that Kylie's new place is Peach's new place.

Gee...maybe I should rethink my response to her invitation.



Quote from: "seoulbro"Back to Scouse, has he ever found any forum besides SF that doesn't ridicule the nazi cheerleading. I am not teasing this time because I have been in the same boat. I am an unapologetic supporter of the free enterprise system, but also posted briefly on RW's anti-capitalist forum. Needless to say, I was a square peg and unable to fit in a round hole. By the way, those same posters from RW's expired forum are now at Kylie's new place.

My point is that general forums like this one or VF are not the best places for extreme beliefs. Call it niche beliefs if it makes a person feel better. That is why SF exists for nazi wannabes and why CBT exists for the pro antifa crowd.

This is true Seoul..

I'm a Christian, but some people here are very atheist..

I don't get angry if people gang up on me because of my faith.

Chuck Bronson

Quote from: "Fashionista"I'm a Christian, but some people here are very atheist..

I don't get angry if people gang up on me because of my faith.

Nobody has ever once 'ganged up' on you due to your faith, so your comparison is trash and void.

I am a die-hard Atheist, and have always been.  I don't make it a habit to enter into discussions with people as to whether or not they should be religious or Atheist, and most Atheists that I know will also not enter into such banter, as we tend to believe more in personal choice and freedom as opposed to attempting to 'convert' someone over to our belief system.

I didn't want to log in, but I had to call you out on another bullshit statement of yours, Fash, in which you have posted many...  This time how you 'don't get angry' when "Atheists gang up on you"...  

That has never fucking happened here to you, so try another angle next time.

And this is the EXACT same bullshit that I've seen from the Admins from next door also over the years, and it's why I'm shitcanned from there permanently...  I call out bullshit exactly like this, and they don't like it, refuse to accept it, but deep down they can't handle getting a fucking dose of reality.  It boils their blood.

TL/DR?  Fash, you have never been 'attacked and ganged up upon' by Atheists, so perhaps open up your slant fucking eyes a little more in the future, before making such absurd claims.


Maybe its time for us white people to die..

We had a good run..


Chuck Bronson

Quote from: "Odinson"Maybe its time for us white people to die..

We had a good run..

Maybe?  We are dying out, buddy...

And for the White areas that remain, we are QUICKLY being replaced, all around the world.

I'm just glad that I will be dead before we become a minority in the West, which will happen fairly quickly at this rate!  I wish the best of luck to the future minority whites...  Their existence will not be easy.