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Re: Forum gossip thread by Shen Li


Ok time to set the story straight....

Started by Aryan, November 21, 2018, 05:13:31 PM

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Mel, a simple truth: the only cliques I've ever seen on either forum is you, on the one hand, and Oscar, on the other.

I like shooting the shit with you both well enough, but you're both one-man cliques.

You refuse all interaction with forum members away from focused, public threads. Which is fine. But it makes you an inaccessible group of one. A solo clique.

Again, nothing wrong with that. But, please, stop complaining about the existence of cliques all around you. You're looking through the wrong end of the microscope.
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"
Quote from: "Odinson"Maybe its time for us white people to die..

We had a good run..

Maybe?  We are dying out, buddy...

And for the White areas that remain, we are QUICKLY being replaced, all around the world.

I'm just glad that I will be dead before we become a minority in the West, which will happen fairly quickly at this rate!  I wish the best of luck to the future minority whites...  Their existence will not be easy.

A lot of this leftie crap exists because we arent struggling..

We live in privilege..

We have nothing better to think about than whether some1 uses the proper pronoun when he addresses you..

Maybe we should be struggling..

So that we get our priorities straight.


Aw, he returns to attack Fash. Can't stay away, can't stop attacking

QuoteOk time to set the story straight....THE REAL CLIQUE

This begs / cries out  :icon_wink: for  stirring  the pot with facts  

The only  REAL CLIQUE was the mel / nazi Ad Hom clique where each made things up ... and then each used the other's made up stories as though they were fact to Ad Hom with every time they were shot down in flames like the silly Fokkers they are, which was on a regular basis

Even when relegated by separate means to separate forums .... they kept up their little clique and both continued - one would make something up on one forum and the other would try to use what the other made up as fact to Ad Hom on the other forum

"P A T H E T I C defined"

Fortunately and despite mutual clique help,  like all things kra-t  and / or wannabe kra-t ...  they  always go down to the bottom like the Bismark & Tirpitz
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I'm a Christian, but some people here are very atheist..

I don't get angry if people gang up on me because of my faith.

Nobody has ever once 'ganged up' on you due to your faith, so your comparison is trash and void.

I am a die-hard Atheist, and have always been.  I don't make it a habit to enter into discussions with people as to whether or not they should be religious or Atheist, and most Atheists that I know will also not enter into such banter, as we tend to believe more in personal choice and freedom as opposed to attempting to 'convert' someone over to our belief system.

I didn't want to log in, but I had to call you out on another bullshit statement of yours, Fash, in which you have posted many...  This time how you 'don't get angry' when "Atheists gang up on you"...  

That has never fucking happened here to you, so try another angle next time.

And this is the EXACT same bullshit that I've seen from the Admins from next door also over the years, and it's why I'm shitcanned from there permanently...  I call out bullshit exactly like this, and they don't like it, refuse to accept it, but deep down they can't handle getting a fucking dose of reality.  It boils their blood.

TL/DR?  Fash, you have never been 'attacked and ganged up upon' by Atheists, so perhaps open up your slant fucking eyes a little more in the future, before making such absurd claims.

That was the point Mel..

People oppose my beliefs like they do SCOUSE's, but unlike him, I don't feel I'm ganged up on..

The point went right over your head.


Why is Mel still here whining about Fash. If he doesn't like it here, so some place else. Simple.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"In my absence all kinds of made up tales have been spread about why I chose to leave this place. Well here are my reasons...

The BC clique. These people fanatically defend each other while agreeing on absolutely everything, regardless of how ridiculous it might be and often gang up on various different posters. I've witnessed this behaviour time and time again over the years. Naturally my turn was due eventually what with my un-PC beliefs, which is fine, being 'trolled' (if that's what you can call it) doesn't bother me in the slightest. In fact, those who know me around these boards are well aware that I enjoy engaging in heated debates and a bit of trolling. No, what irked me was the vomit-inducing back patting and smug self-satisfaction of these people who literally will not listen to a single thing said which goes against their small-minded worldview and ignorant mindset regardless of the evidence presented.

Naturally the admin on here is a fully fledged member of this retarded clique and blindly parrots everything they say. My sanity can only stand so much of a group of people who have their heads buried so deep in the dirt they're in fucking Narnia. Blazor has recently posted a groundbreaking truth video which no doubt will be dismissed by the various political 'experts' on here because it's on YouTube. I mean how fucking retarded can you get? Just because information is presented in a video on YouTube doesn't automatically make it garbage. This retarded notion parroted by the geniuses on here is yet another reason why I can't stand being subjected to their particular brand of bullshit and close-minded crap any longer.

As for you Seoul-cuck, you can celebrate as much as your yellow, beta-male ass desires and go around implying that you ran me off the board, but the fact remains without being able to hide behind Fashionista's skirt you'd get verbally chewed up and spat out of this place within a week. So little fella, enjoy that protection which you receive because without it you would have to tone down the smug Korean with delusions of grandeur routine.

Hi Scouse ac_hithere
My Daughter Is Sweeter Than Fucking Sugar!!



Departed for good on November the 23rd.

Returned on the 24th.

As predictable as gravity.


Quote from: "Bricktop"Mel.

Departed for good on November the 23rd.

Returned on the 24th.

As predictable as gravity.

And it's all my fault he isn't happy here.


Everything is everyone else's fault in Mel's distorted world.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Bricktop"Mel.

Departed for good on November the 23rd.

Returned on the 24th.

As predictable as gravity.

And it's all my fault he isn't happy here.

I was shy to say that. And I tried so hard to be nice to him
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Me too.

I bent over backwards to make him feel special.

Chuck Bronson

Quote from: "Blurt"You refuse all interaction with forum members away from focused, public threads. Which is fine. But it makes you an inaccessible group of one. A solo clique.

I only log in, because I like you, Blurt...  You know I do, as you make me smile even though I'm sure that is not your intention!  In fact, probably far from it!

In response to your claim, that may be true, but I do this for a reason...  And I'll explain:

Some of the best material and interactions from all posters that I've seen, was just before Snitz DV went Kaput.  This was essentially due to the simple fact that the majority of the posters weren't 'friends,' nor were sucking each others cocks and cunts...

When Evs and Mimi moved in, I WARNED Vin...  I did.  This ISN'T the way, but he didn't listen and caved to those two hags.  They fail to understand that I was actively involved in creating that forum, before they were even posting there.  They can spin it any way they want, but that is the truth.  I fucking warned Vin, but he didn't listen.

Basically, these forums work best when we all aren't friends.  Facebook is for friends.

And THAT is why I continue to keep my distance from any and all...

Oscar is a great example...  A spamming clown that is friends with Mimi, and is given a free pass to do what he wants.

This is why I became frustrated with Vin, knowing how Mimi and Evs are, and knowing how they 'build' a certain environment around themselves that is only advantageous to themselves, and to them only.

I don't wanna be your friend, basically, but I love to see you post whatever is on your mind Blurt!


Why don't you just fuck off, as you said you would.

Everybody's happy.

Fucking clown.

Chuck Bronson

Don't worry, Bricktop...  You have secured your position here!    :laugh:

The slant-eyed owner here loves your crap more than she loves anything else!

You have found your home!   :laugh:

Chuck Bronson

Here, you can tell them how to act, what to post, and what to be...

You're a fucking joke to the rest of us.