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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles

Huwawei's CEO arrested in Vancouver

Started by JOE, December 05, 2018, 06:55:55 PM

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Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "cc"
QuoteDid she break any Canadian laws?

Goof troll material, but Totally MOOT in the real world!!

Canada should not be required to do America 's bidding/dirty work.

If America has a problem with China they should arrest, chase after & detain her themselves.

Lately the USA had treated Canadian citizens like shit - ie the Guy who received a lifetime ban from entering the USA  for merely trading pot stocks.

America shakes a big stick & rails against supposed lawbreakers and then turns around & does whatever it wants.

This is America 's problem not ours.

They should fuck off.

The Huawei ceo should be released & allowed to go home.

Your idiocy never fails to raise a smile.

Without extradition treaties, criminals would be free to commit a crime in Canada, and then take a single step over the American border and be beyond Canada's reach.

By the way, Joe...extradition treaties also allow nations to seek extradition of other nation's citizens. If an American committed a crime in Canada and legs it back across the border, the existence of an extradition treaty means that Canada can ask the US to transport him to Canada for judicial process.

In these discussions, JOE doesn't read what people write.



Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "cc"
QuoteDid she break any Canadian laws?

Goof troll material, but Totally MOOT in the real world!!

Canada should not be required to do America 's bidding/dirty work.

If America has a problem with China they should arrest, chase after & detain her themselves.

Lately the USA had treated Canadian citizens like shit - ie the Guy who received a lifetime ban from entering the USA  for merely trading pot stocks.

America shakes a big stick & rails against supposed lawbreakers and then turns around & does whatever it wants.

This is America 's problem not ours.

They should fuck off.

The Huawei ceo should be released & allowed to go home.

Your idiocy never fails to raise a smile.

Without extradition treaties, criminals would be free to commit a crime in Canada, and then take a single step over the American border and be beyond Canada's reach.

By the way, Joe...extradition treaties also allow nations to seek extradition of other nation's citizens. If an American committed a crime in Canada and legs it back across the border, the existence of an extradition treaty means that Canada can ask the US to transport him to Canada for judicial process.

But what is the 'crime' here? Even after the hearing in a Vancouver court room, the allegations seem quite nebulous

Even American newspapers have stated that this incident has more to do with a trade war & icy Chinese American relations than an actual crime.

This matter should go into an International court and the charges against Huawei made public. And if it happens to be multiple plaintiffs then they should come forward too.

Does anyone honestly think for one minute that this woman would receive a fair trial in the United States?

Or is fairness and due process something the Americans dont care about?


Regardless of your view of the American legal system (remember OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson), extradition is a formal and legal process that allows countries to apprehend and transfer people accused of a crime in another nation.

She has been accused in the US. Canadian judges will determine if the accusations warrant extradition, and then the matter is out of your hands.


While we are on the subject of Huawel, it's motives and what's really behind the arrest of the founder's daughter in Vancouver, former PM Harper has weighed in on Huawei.

In an interview with Fox News, former Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper said that he supports American efforts to persuade its western allies, including Canada, to ban Huawei from emerging 5G networks.

"I obviously note that the United States is encouraging western allies to essentially push Huawei out of the emerging 5G network and my personal view is that that is something western countries should be doing in terms of our own long-term security issues," Harper said in an interview.

The former prime minister wouldn't comment on Canada's Dec. 1 arrest of Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou at the request of American law-enforcement officials, though he did say that Chinese tech giants Huawei and ZTE are tightly tied to the Chinese security apparatus, "and we think there are some real serious issues there."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday he knew in advance of the pending arrest in Canada, but that there was no political involvement in the decision to detain Meng."> ... huawei-5g/">


Australia has forbidden Huawei from bidding on the 5G rollout here.


I believe it's the United Nations agreed to put trade sanctions on Iran and China/Huawei didn't followed the rules, or maybe China might just have ticked off the US too many times with their arrogance and ignorance and now they're paying the price.
Permanently off his rocker


China threatens Canada with 'grave consequences'

China has warned Canada there would be severe consequences if it did not immediately release Huawei's chief financial officer, calling the case "extremely nasty".">https://amp-theguardian-com.cdn.ampproj ... -not-freed">
Time is malleable

Chuck Bronson

Canada only held her for the US, as she has an arrest warrant there.  We have a reciprocal agreement in that regard, with the Yanks...

Ain't 'globalization' a beautiful thing?


Mutual extradition treaties have been around many decades before "'globalization" was a "thing"
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "cc"
QuoteDid she break any Canadian laws?

Goof troll material, but Totally MOOT in the real world!!

I ignore Joe, so I only see his attention whoring nonsense if someone quotes it. Thanks for not doing that. :laugh3:

I keep him on ignore also and found it the very same way :roll:
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "TheVancouverGuy"China threatens Canada with 'grave consequences'

China has warned Canada there would be severe consequences if it did not immediately release Huawei's chief financial officer, calling the case "extremely nasty".">https://amp-theguardian-com.cdn.ampproj ... -not-freed">

Hopefully, it's an empty threat.
The Russian Rock It


When has China's threats been anything but?

We have a tendency in the West to overrate our adversaries...our politicians find it convenient to heighten our fears.