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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aryan

I still love my Andygirl...

Started by Chuck Bronson, December 04, 2018, 04:50:42 AM

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Chuck Bronson

Quote from: "Fashionista"He hasn't posted her picture here cc.

Your friend CC is a paranoid spammer with a mental illness, so you know that simply explaining simple things to her is useless, right?  I knew that 10 years ago, when she was spamming her mental illness across multiple boards.

Chuck Bronson

Quote from: "Blurt"Andrea was cute, Mel, I'll give you that.

She has abysmal taste in men, though.

She's a pretty good looking girl, right?  You've seen her!  That was her.

And no...  she's not a fucking Native.  Know how I know?  I bought her a DNA test kit for fun last Christmas as a gift...  Not Injun.

And her taste in men is superb, but here's the problem with her...  She is high maintenance with a low net output...  You want a pretty girl like that too?  Expect to pay the price.  The fact that she couldn't pull her weight did make her somewhat less attractive, but I still like her.

Chuck Bronson

Quote from: "cc"That is disturbing. No one has the right to post another person's pic of someone they are familiar with on a forum

I'm surprised he didn't get permanent boot

What a piece of work "IF" it actually was her  .. and just a pond scum fake if it was a fake which it well could be from this attention whore

Why don't you shut your fucking trap once and for all, you old spamming kike?

I'm fucking sick of you, kike.  And I also see what you do on other forums too, kike.

You follow posters around 24/7, attempting to start shit, you fucking kike.  People are sick of you, kike.

Give it a break, you paranoid kike.  Joe is right.  You don't leave your apartment...  You are a 24/7 paranoid White Rock kike that does nothing but start shit on the net.

Maybe time for me and my camera to visit White Rock again, you useless kike?  This time I can be more aggressive, you spamming old useless hag kike!   :laugh:

You're giving Jews a REALLY bad name, you fucking cunt kike!   :laugh:

You're fucking mentally ill, you old cunt, which means you fit right in with these forums and the clique, sadly...

Berry Sweet">

Chuck Bronson

The old Kike needs to be put in her place...  

How is Berry?


Quote from: "Berry Sweet"">

You post some funny gifs Berry.



Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"
Quote from: "cc"That is disturbing. No one has the right to post another person's pic of someone they are familiar with on a forum

I'm surprised he didn't get permanent boot

What a piece of work "IF" it actually was her  .. and just a pond scum fake if it was a fake which it well could be from this attention whore

Why don't you shut your fucking trap once and for all, you old spamming kike?

I'm fucking sick of you, kike.  And I also see what you do on other forums too, kike.

You follow posters around 24/7, attempting to start shit, you fucking kike.  People are sick of you, kike.

Give it a break, you paranoid kike.  Joe is right.  You don't leave your apartment...  You are a 24/7 paranoid White Rock kike that does nothing but start shit on the net.

Maybe time for me and my camera to visit White Rock again, you useless kike?  This time I can be more aggressive, you spamming old useless hag kike!   :laugh:

You're giving Jews a REALLY bad name, you fucking cunt kike!   :laugh:

You're fucking mentally ill, you old cunt, which means you fit right in with these forums and the clique, sadly...

In 1  post >  8 "kike"s, 1 "jew", 1 threat, 2 orders, 3 accusations, countless blabbers  :laugh3:

A decade + of self-inflicted beatings has obviously taken its toll,

so I'll chalk up these ramblings as merely the desperate flailing and railing of a badly and constantly beaten up and ruined attention whore  

Berry summed it ALL up well
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Chuck Bronson" but here's the problem with her...  

Well, as we're discussing people's's some problems with you.

1. You are narcissistic, with serious borderline personality disorder.

2. You're sociopathic.

3. You're alcoholic.

4. You suffer low self esteem verging on self loathing.

5. You can only socialise through the imitation interaction of the internet.

6. Your self actualisation and personal achievement level is to drive a truck.

7. You're an asshole.

Chuck Bronson

Quote from: "cc"In 1  post >  8 "kike"s, 1 "jew", 1 threat, 2 orders, 3 accusations, countless blabbers  :laugh3:

You must clearly know that I am purposely loosely mimicking your exact posting style on the forums, except I simply condensed it into one post, as opposed to spamming the same shit all over the boards like you do!  You should be thanking me, and in fact should consider condensing your bullshit in a similar manner too!

Chuck Bronson

Quote from: "Bricktop"Well, as we're discussing people's's some problems with you.

Look who it is!  It's Cocktop trying to build alliances online again!

You're a fucking sad old goof!  You spend 24/7 of your life trying to build up alliances with idiots on anonymous online forums!    :laugh:

Sad old goof.   :laugh3:

No wonder Fash fawns over retards like you and CC!  She feels sorry for losers like you two!  24/7 shut-ins that live on the forums trying to build E-alliances!  Sad old fucks!  Even more unbelievable is the fact that posters like you even have the nerve to think you are in a position to judge others...  Heads up!  You're not.


And that, folks, is the rightful recipient of the "Pot Calling Kettle Black" award...and a serious contender for the annual trophy.">


Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"
Quote from: "cc"In 1  post >  8 "kike"s, 1 "jew", 1 threat, 2 orders, 3 accusations, countless blabbers  :laugh3:

You must clearly know that I am purposely loosely mimicking your exact posting style on the forums, except I simply condensed it into one post, as opposed to spamming the same shit all over the boards like you do!  You should be thanking me, and in fact should consider condensing your bullshit in a similar manner too!

WTF is this thread spammer saying? other than  raw BULLSHIT made up on the fly after being caught with his dick out?

Is this self-consumed dork saying he will  forthwith condense all 100s of his "all about him" threads vomited all over the board  into ONE  "all about him" thread?
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

Chuck Bronson

Aww!  Nutty old hag just can't stay outta my threads!  Fucking retarded old kike.   :laugh:

Chuck Bronson

Quote from: "cc"WTF is this thread spammer saying?

Brain too addled with the repetitive thoughts of Muslims and Nazi's to comprehend a simple post, you paranoid old kike?

Seems that way!


Andrea is a pretty girl..

Not model-like but the girl next door kinda pretty.