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Migrant Crossings Head Toward Highest Since 2007, DHS Chief Says

Started by Anonymous, March 19, 2019, 03:17:41 PM

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By Michelle Malkin

Over the weekend, President Donald Trump approved a new annual refugee cap of 18,000, the lowest since the U.S. program began in 1980.

The reduction follows news that America took a pause last month and refused to admit any new refugees. On economic, public safety and national security grounds, this is a very good thing for the 325 million people already in our country. But you wouldn't know it from the grim headlines and hysterical condemnations by globalist zealots and media sympathizers.

CNN International led the open borders funeral procession last week, with a report decrying, "No refugees will be resettled in the U.S. in October, leaving hundreds in limbo around the world." U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-ore., hyperventilated that "Donald Trump is trying to destroy the very heart of this nation. I won't let him." Social justice group CARE bemoaned this "dark moment in our nation's history." Human Rights First complained Trump's proposal is "crippling the United States' status as a global leader in refugee resettlement."

Heaven forbid citizens in a sovereign nation have a say in who comes here, from where and how many. Is one refugee-less month in America such a catastrophe?

America has a legacy of embracing people from around the world fleeing persecution and war. After World War II, the U.S. helped lead efforts to assist 650,000 displaced Europeans who had fled in fear, were expelled and were victims of Nazi crimes and terror. Congress passed the 1948 Displaced Persons Act to accommodate them. Five years later, the Refugee Relief Act of 1953 aided refugees from Italy and East Germany escaping Communist regimes, adding another 250,000 refugees over four years. In the 1950s and 1960s, we welcomed Hungarians, Cubans and Czechoslovakians also escaping Communist oppression. In the 1970s, we opened our doors to 300,000 political refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. The Refugee Act of 1980 created the Office of Refugee Resettlement and office of U.S. Co-ordinator for Refugee Affairs and raised the annual ceiling of admissions to 50,000.

Under Obama, that number soared to nearly 100,000 annually. The idea that we've abandoned our humanitarian leadership role because of this refugee resettlement reduction is ludicrous. Overall, since 1975, the U.S. has resettled more than 3 million refugees. Under Trump, the U.S. still accepted more refugees than any other country in both 2017 and 2018.

In my adopted home state of Colorado, a new University of Colorado Boulder study acknowledged that refugees are often "trapped in chronic poverty" after resettlement subsidies dry up and are unable to lift themselves out of dependency on government aid such as public housing, Medicaid and food stamps. Federal statistics show nearly half of all refugee households receive cash welfare. Chain migration perpetuates the cycle of poverty.

A tiny cabal of government contractors, mostly religious groups cloaking their profit-seeking in compassion and Scripture, perpetuates the refugee resettlement racket. Openly hostile to American sovereignty, these people spread their tax-subsidized syndicate's wealth to a vast network of subcontractors, often tied to billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundations, which promote global governance and unfettered migration espoused by the UN, EU and Vatican.

These special interests have blurred the lines between legitimate refugees seeking asylum from oppression and economic migrants from Central America clamoring for higher wages or better welfare benefits. They're indifferent to the national security risks of absorbing large numbers of Muslims whose adherence to repressive sharia and religious jihad is incompatible with our constitutional principles.

Mass migration champions have stretched the definition of refugee so thin that "climate change refugees" seeking relief from uninhabitable environments are now a phenomenon. Nuts. Doesn't America have enough residents in need of shelter and support?

Only a complete moratorium on immigration would give America the break it needs to regain control of our system. Trump's refugee reduction is not an apocalypse. It's a long overdue respite from the world's wretched refuse that deserves cheers, not jeer


The USA will only accept 18,000 refugees..

But, I read it's still more than most countries.


This says it all.

A tiny cabal of government contractors, mostly religious groups cloaking their profit-seeking in compassion and Scripture, perpetuates the refugee resettlement racket. Openly hostile to American sovereignty, these people spread their tax-subsidized syndicate's wealth to a vast network of subcontractors, often tied to billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundations, which promote global governance and unfettered migration espoused by the UN, EU and Vatican.

These special interests have blurred the lines between legitimate refugees seeking asylum from oppression and economic migrants from Central America clamoring for higher wages or better welfare benefits. They're indifferent to the national security risks of absorbing large numbers of Muslims whose adherence to repressive sharia and religious jihad is incompatible with our constitutional principles.

Mass migration champions have stretched the definition of refugee so thin that "climate change refugees" seeking relief from uninhabitable environments are now a phenomenon. Nuts. Doesn't America have enough residents in need of shelter and support?


Quote from: "Herman"This says it all.

A tiny cabal of government contractors, mostly religious groups cloaking their profit-seeking in compassion and Scripture, perpetuates the refugee resettlement racket. Openly hostile to American sovereignty, these people spread their tax-subsidized syndicate's wealth to a vast network of subcontractors, often tied to billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundations, which promote global governance and unfettered migration espoused by the UN, EU and Vatican.

These special interests have blurred the lines between legitimate refugees seeking asylum from oppression and economic migrants from Central America clamoring for higher wages or better welfare benefits. They're indifferent to the national security risks of absorbing large numbers of Muslims whose adherence to repressive sharia and religious jihad is incompatible with our constitutional principles.

Mass migration champions have stretched the definition of refugee so thin that "climate change refugees" seeking relief from uninhabitable environments are now a phenomenon. Nuts. Doesn't America have enough residents in need of shelter and support?

Anybody who can pay a human trafficker to get them to Europe, Canada or Western Europe is a refugee. :crazy:


Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Herman"This says it all.

A tiny cabal of government contractors, mostly religious groups cloaking their profit-seeking in compassion and Scripture, perpetuates the refugee resettlement racket. Openly hostile to American sovereignty, these people spread their tax-subsidized syndicate's wealth to a vast network of subcontractors, often tied to billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundations, which promote global governance and unfettered migration espoused by the UN, EU and Vatican.

These special interests have blurred the lines between legitimate refugees seeking asylum from oppression and economic migrants from Central America clamoring for higher wages or better welfare benefits. They're indifferent to the national security risks of absorbing large numbers of Muslims whose adherence to repressive sharia and religious jihad is incompatible with our constitutional principles.

Mass migration champions have stretched the definition of refugee so thin that "climate change refugees" seeking relief from uninhabitable environments are now a phenomenon. Nuts. Doesn't America have enough residents in need of shelter and support?

Anybody who can pay a human trafficker to get them to Europe, Canada or Western Europe is a refugee. :crazy:

I know eh. What bullshit.


Man, the US is so frickin lucky to have a president who works for the common man instead of billionaires."> ... ut-of-u-s/">

The White House is planning on targeting the tens of billions of dollars in "remittance payments" sent by illegal immigrants back to their home countries, in the wake of an ongoing migrant flood at the U.S. Southern border, a senior administration official told reporters Tuesday.

The plans to target remittance payments come amid a broader shakeup at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and future executive actions designed to curb illegal immigration. The situation at the southern border has escalated in recent weeks, with thousands of migrants arriving daily to claim asylum.

Officials say the illegal arrivals are spurred by loopholes in U.S. immigration law that allow family units claiming asylum to arrive illegally and still be released into the interior of the country with a work permit.

The migrants are then given a court date at some point in the future to adjudicate the asylum claim, with the vast majority failing to ultimately get a favorable asylum ruling. These migrants rarely show up for deportation, with the senior administration official calling the practice "backdoor illegal immigration."

Potential plans against remittances could follow one or all of anti-illegal immigration group BorderPAC's recomendations:

15-25% tax on all cash remittances to targeted countries

Ban on any remittances to Mexico, other nations, if sender cannot prove they are a U.S. citizen or legal resident

Temporary halt to all remittances to Mexico until that government halts caravans and enforces border controls to U.S.


Good job Mr President. :thumbup:"> ... aign=10941">

Illegal Immigration Continues To Decline At Southern Border

ark Morgan, the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, spoke at the White House on Thursday to discuss the latest month's border apprehension numbers.

October saw roughly 42,000 apprehensions, a drop from the previous month and the lowest number in the calendar year, demonstrating that the immigration crisis is continuing to wane.

For the first time in 18 months, the majority of those apprehended were Mexican nationals and single adults, not migrant families from the Northern Triangle.

The Trump administration maintains that the immigration crisis is still ongoing, and the latest border apprehension numbers suggest that a slate of new policies have helped subdue the emergency.

Mark Morgan, the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), held a White House press conference Thursday to discuss the latest border apprehension data. The month of October saw the fewest border enforcement actions than any other month in the entire calendar year, marking a monumental drop from when the immigration crisis reached its peak, according to Morgan.


American taxpayers are being forced to pay about $60 billion to educate illegal alien students, as well as refugees, the United States-born children of illegal aliens and legal immigrant children, Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL) said on Wednesday.


The Israeli government maintains that most of the illegals who infiltrated from Africa came in order to better their lives economically and not because they are fleeing persecution.

By World Israel News Staff

Transportation Minister Betzalel Smotrich took to Twitter on Wednesday to express his opinion of the best way to cope with Israel's illegal immigrants.

"Creeping citizenship is a bad thing that will not happen on my watch. The solution for illegal infiltrators is to return them to their country of origin, period. In the meantime, anyone who goes against the law has to be dealt with by enforcement, infiltrator and citizen alike," Smotrich wrote."> ... ster-says/">

This is how smart countries deal with the scourge of illegal immigration.
The Russian Rock It


Quote from: "Gaon"The Israeli government maintains that most of the illegals who infiltrated from Africa came in order to better their lives economically and not because they are fleeing persecution.

By World Israel News Staff

Transportation Minister Betzalel Smotrich took to Twitter on Wednesday to express his opinion of the best way to cope with Israel's illegal immigrants.

"Creeping citizenship is a bad thing that will not happen on my watch. The solution for illegal infiltrators is to return them to their country of origin, period. In the meantime, anyone who goes against the law has to be dealt with by enforcement, infiltrator and citizen alike," Smotrich wrote."> ... ster-says/">

This is how smart countries deal with the scourge of illegal immigration.

Illegal immigrants are a cancer on the country they are in illegally.


Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Gaon"The Israeli government maintains that most of the illegals who infiltrated from Africa came in order to better their lives economically and not because they are fleeing persecution.

By World Israel News Staff

Transportation Minister Betzalel Smotrich took to Twitter on Wednesday to express his opinion of the best way to cope with Israel's illegal immigrants.

"Creeping citizenship is a bad thing that will not happen on my watch. The solution for illegal infiltrators is to return them to their country of origin, period. In the meantime, anyone who goes against the law has to be dealt with by enforcement, infiltrator and citizen alike," Smotrich wrote."> ... ster-says/">

This is how smart countries deal with the scourge of illegal immigration.

Illegal immigrants are a cancer on the country they are in illegally.

Israel is a nation of immigrants, but legal immigrants. There is a process that must be followed. Illegal immigration is disorder.
The Russian Rock It


Quote from: "Gaon"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Gaon"The Israeli government maintains that most of the illegals who infiltrated from Africa came in order to better their lives economically and not because they are fleeing persecution.

By World Israel News Staff

Transportation Minister Betzalel Smotrich took to Twitter on Wednesday to express his opinion of the best way to cope with Israel's illegal immigrants.

"Creeping citizenship is a bad thing that will not happen on my watch. The solution for illegal infiltrators is to return them to their country of origin, period. In the meantime, anyone who goes against the law has to be dealt with by enforcement, infiltrator and citizen alike," Smotrich wrote."> ... ster-says/">

This is how smart countries deal with the scourge of illegal immigration.

Illegal immigrants are a cancer on the country they are in illegally.

Israel is a nation of immigrants, but legal immigrants. There is a process that must be followed. Illegal immigration is disorder.

The problem with illegal immigration and refugees is that we here in Canada don't really know their backgrounds like we do lawful immigrants.



Quote from: "Herman"">

Get the ones in the states the hell out. And build a wall to prevent more from coming in.


Mexico has a problem with illegals crossing it's Southern border too.


Guards pelted with rocks

SUCHIATE RIVER — Hundreds of Central Americans waded across a river into Mexico on Monday, some clashing with waiting security forces, in a new challenge for President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's efforts to contain migration at the bidding of the United States.

Scattered groups launched rocks at a few members of Mexico's National Guard who were on the banks of the river attempting to thwart any illegal crossings, as hundreds of others ran past into Mexico, video footage of the scene showed.

The mostly Honduran migrants appeared to grow impatient on the bridge over the Suchiate River that connects the two countries, after some were denied permission to cross by assembled Mexican migration officials.

"We didn't come to stay here, we just want to cross to the other side," said Ingrid, 18, a Honduran migrant. "I don't want to go back to my country because there is nothing there, just hunger."

U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened to punish Mexico and Central American countries economically if they fail to curb migrant flows.

At least 2,000 migrants had been camped in the Guatemalan border town of Tecun Uman, opposite Ciudad Hidalgo on the Mexican side.