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Time to shrink Enviro Canada’s mandate

Started by Anonymous, March 24, 2019, 05:57:35 PM

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Report data and that is it.

Dr. Tim Ball is an environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg. Harris is executive director

of the Ottawa-based International Climate Science Coalition

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) should get out of the climate research and forecasting business entirely.

Instead, they should be relegated to merely collecting data to be used by more effective and less partisan entities.

[size=150]Climate research is far too political for ECCC to be involved in and recent developments shows that they are absolutely hopeless at forecasting.[/size]

Consider the following. There is currently 500,000 square km more Arctic sea ice this year than at the same time last year. Lakes Superior, Huron, and Erie are 95% ice covered. Record cold temperatures were set across the country and more severe snowstorms occurred from coast to coast this winter.

Yet, as recently as September 2018, Environment Canada predicted a mild winter for 2018-19. Environment Canada Senior Climatologist David Phillips said, it would be a "milder than normal winter." The agency wasn't just wrong, it was 100% wrong.

On Feb. 7, The Canadian Press reported: "Saskatchewan's record-smashing cold has caught the attention of a senior climatologist at Environment Canada. David Phillips said it's tough to break records when temperature statistics date back to the 1880s, but that's exactly what happened in Saskatoon on Wednesday. The city shattered a 112-year-old cold mark when the temperature plummeted to -42.5 C. The previous record for Feb. 6 was set in 1907 at -41.7 C."

'I'm impressed'

What do we get from Phillips? The story continues: "I'm impressed," said Phillips. "We're talking about more than 25 degrees colder than it should have been."

That is small comfort to Calgarians who experienced their longest stretch of cold weather in 21 years. It was no comfort to the people of Vancouver either, in fact less so, because they lost their usual warm weather bragging rights. The Vancouver Courier reported: "February 2019 was the coldest February on record in Metro Vancouver since the records began in 1937."

The pattern of extremes was global as the Jet Stream, that strong river of air that flows around the poles, changed its pattern to become very wavy allowing cold Arctic air to move into temperate latitudes and warm air to move into Arctic regions. Because of this increase in the north/south amplitude of these waves, a phenomenon understood since the 1940s, we saw, as Weather Underground, the Internet's 1st weather service, explained, "From North to South, A Winter and Summer of Record Temperature Extremes."

Few of the so-called experts understand these mechanisms. National Geographic reported: "Scientists are only recently beginning to understand how a climate changed by warming temperatures may lead to colder winters. One study published last March in the journal Nature Communications found a link between warmer Arctic air and colder U.S. winters, particularly in the northeastern part of the country."

Recently? Swedish American meteorologist Carl Rossby (1898-1957) first described and explained these waves around 1940, and they are now named after him.

In the modern era, and especially after the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) deception appeared on the scene in the 1980s, all normal meteorology and climatology effectively ended. The deliberately narrow and premeditated science of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) focuses only on human causes of change. This eliminated natural causes, including solar and major planetary mechanisms.

Most of the people now working at weather agencies throughout the world were educated during the postipcc era of the last 30 years. Worse, they all work for government agencies that comprise and appoint the IPCC. It is a truly incestuous system. Environment Canada is a member of the IPCC and contributed to the assembly of 100plus computer models that make the IPCC forecasts. All the forecasts are wrong and the Canadian model forecasts are the worst.

This winter, we saw again the abject failure of these models. Yet, funding continues and they remain the primary source of advice to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change on energy and climate policy. They plan for warming because the bureaucrats tell them it is going to warm.

They do this using these completely failed computer models while all real-world evidence indicates that cooling, a far more dangerous threat, is more likely.

The sad, but delicious, irony is that the Farmer's Almanac that began forecasting in 1792, predicted a very cold snowy winter for most of Canada. This pattern was achieved by the amplified Rossby Wave pattern that brought prolonged outbreaks of very cold air interspersed with brief warm but snowy periods.

Even as the cost of equipment and maintenance soars at ECCC, there is no improvement in accuracy.

Private agencies with virtually no funding or equipment achieve much better results. It is high time to defund the climate research and forecasting arms of ECCC.


Catherine McKenna would be out of a job.



I think the tide is turning against these warmalists. Only vote hungry politicians seem to be clinging to the tattered remains of climate catastrophe prophets.



Quote from: "Bricktop"I think the tide is turning against these warmalists. Only vote hungry politicians seem to be clinging to the tattered remains of climate catastrophe prophets.


It's still very strong in North America.  :t1929:


It's strong everywhere...but is starting to wane.


Quote from: "Bricktop"It's strong everywhere...but is starting to wane.

America is giving serious consideration to the nutty Green New Deal.
The Russian Rock It


They also believe the Earth is flat, man did not walk on the moon, their Government knocked down the WTC and Trump is a Russian agent.


Quote from: "Bricktop"It's strong everywhere...but is starting to wane.

We still have a carbon tax.




QuoteIn the modern era, and especially after the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) deception appeared on the scene in the 1980s, all normal meteorology and climatology effectively ended. The deliberately narrow and premeditated science of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) focuses only on human causes of change. This eliminated natural causes, including solar and major planetary mechanisms.

Most of the people now working at weather agencies throughout the world were educated during the postipcc era of the last 30 years. Worse, they all work for government agencies that comprise and appoint the IPCC. It is a truly incestuous system. Environment Canada is a member of the IPCC and contributed to the assembly of 100 plus computer models that make the IPCC forecasts. All the forecasts are wrong and the Canadian model forecasts are the worst.

I didn't know that about Environment Canada.


Climate science is all politics. I wish the UN would get the hell out of it.


I wish there was no UN...or at least in its current guise. It's just a front for global socialism...a means of scamming money out of wealthy nations to give to basket case third world losers.


Quote from: "Bricktop"I wish there was no UN...or at least in its current guise. It's just a front for global socialism...a means of scamming money out of wealthy nations to give to basket case third world losers.

It's a relic of the cold war era that has morphed into what you just wrote. It's become a joke.


Quote from: "Bricktop"I wish there was no UN...or at least in its current guise. It's just a front for global socialism...a means of scamming money out of wealthy nations to give to basket case third world losers.

My province has a carbon tax..

It has caused financial problems for families, school boards, hospitals, churches, mosques and synagogues.


Glaciers growing again. How can that be? The brilliant spic bartender assured the world that they have twelve years left if they don't implement her loony Green Dream."> ... dium=email">


One of fastest shrinking ice glaciers in the world is reversing course and starting to accumulate ice at an alarming pace, a new NASA study published Monday finds.

The Jakobshavn glacier, located in Greenland, began thinning around 2012 to nearly 130 feet annually. It's been growing again at about the same rate for the past two years, a study in Nature Geoscience noted. Scientists reacted with surprise, noting that they grew accustomed to the glacier receding.

That was kind of a surprise. We kind of got used to a runaway system," Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland ice and climate scientist Jason Box told AP reporters Monday. "The good news is that it's a reminder that it's not necessarily going that fast. But it is going."

Jakobshavn is "arguably the most important Greenland glacier because it discharges the most ice in the northern hemisphere. For all of Greenland, it is king," said Box, who was not part of the study. The lead authors of the Nature Geoscience study claimed the natural cyclical cooling of North Atlantic waters was likely the catalyst for the reversal. They also say the phenomena is probably temporary.

This is ultimately bad news on the long-term because it suggests ocean temperature is a bigger player in glacier retreats than previously thought, NASA climate scientist Josh Willis told reporters. Throughout the next several years water will be warming from climate change, he noted, adding that more than 90 percent of the heat greenhouse gasses trap folds into the ocean.

The study comes on the heels of research in 2017 showing that some of the largest non-polar glaciers in the world are either stable or growing due to a "vortex" of cold air over a 1,200-mile section of the greater Asia. Climate models have been unable to reproduce the phenomenon, an August 2017 study published in Nature revealed. The system is keeping Karakoram mountain range glaciers from melting.

Still many scientists and activists have sounded the alarm on Antarctic ice melt. A recent assessment of Antarctic data found that ice melt had dramatically increased in recent years, but critics said that work did not take into account modeling errors of the movement of the Earth beneath the ice sheets.