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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles

Shooting at California synagogue leaves at least one dead, 3 injured

Started by cc, April 27, 2019, 08:20:42 PM

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A gunman walked into a suburban San Diego County synagogue and opened fire, killing one person and three injured in an attack in what authorities believe was a hate-motivated attack. A suspect has been arrested in connection with the shooting at the Chabad of Poway, officials said.

The gunman, armed with an automatic rifle, entered the synagogue on Chabad Way about 11:20 a.m. and opened fire on the congregation, sheriff's officials said.

A large group of congregants had gathered behind the temple following the shooting, said sheriff's Sgt. Aaron Meleen. It was not immediately clear how many people were attending services.

As the suspect was fleeing the scene, an off-duty Border Patrol agent shot at his vehicle but he got away, authorities said. He was captured a short time later. Adam Pringle, 32, said he was sitting at a 76 gas station parking lot when a swarm of San Diego police, county sheriff and California Highway Patrol cars descended on the scene less than 50 feet away.

While currently unconfirmed – internet sleuths have tenatively identified the suspect as 19-year-old local John Earnest – who appears to have posted about the attack on 4chan prior to the incident.

He calls Trump a "Jew loving Zionist who hates white people."

I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Where was old Scouse when he was not being a slut for global progtards.


Why dont these people concentrate their efforts towards the more immediate danger... The muslims..

First you defeat the henchmen and then you go after the main villain aka the jews.


He was shot at by an off duty border Agent and took off only to be captured without a fight in a highway chase

He posted a manifesto an hour or so before - and called 911 just before I think

An open letter.

My name is John Earnest and I am a man of European ancestry. The blood that runs in my veins is the same that ran through the English, Nordic, and Irish men of old. I am a descendant of one of the original colonists of Roanoke—John Earnest. What happened to him I do not know, and nor does anyone. But I do know that he left his wife and son, James Earnest, back in England. This son shortly after made the same daring journey across the Atlantic to the New World. From my mother's side I inherited the blood of very wealthy Yankees—intelligent, resourceful, uncompromising. From my father's side I inherited the blood of poor Southern farmers—intelligent, musically gifted, self-sufficient. A part of my ancestors lives within me in this very moment. They are the reason that I am who I am. Their acts of bravery, ingenuity, and righteousness live on through me. Truly, I am blessed by God for such a magnificent bloodline.

Anyone who denounces violent self-defense against the Jew is a coward. He may know the crimes of the Jew, but subconsciously he knows that ACTUALLY taking action would mean sacrificing the bread and circus. It might mean that he won't live comfortably anymore. This is one of the reasons cowards so shrilly screech that Brenton Tarrant and Robert Bowers were Mossad false flag operations. They can't fathom that there are brave White men alive who have the willpower and courage it takes to say, "Fuck my life—I'm willing to sacrifice everything for the benefit of my race." He projects his own cowardice onto the White race. To the coward it is just a hobby. He is a LARPfag and a traitor. Ignore him. He has nothing useful to offer. That or it's just a Jew shilling, "Don't oppose us." Or possibly a schizo boomer off his meds. It's a shame that Robert Bowers especially got such a bad rap due to the inordinate amount of schizofags and flat-earth-tier-tards on /pol/ right now. Brenton Tarrant inspired me. I hope to inspire many more. To those who are brave—know that your sacrifice is the greatest act of love for your race. Your sacrifice will be remembered. Always.

I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Lightning round. (self written)

"Are you a Trump supporter?"

You mean that Zionist, Jew-loving, anti-White, traitorous cocksucker? Don't make me laugh.

"Are you affiliated with any political ideology?"

Yes. It's called not wanting to go extinct.

"Are you a conservative?"

I am not a useless, spineless coward so no—I am not a conservative. Conservative is a misnomer. They conserve nothing. They'll complain all they want but they won't take up arms and threaten their government with death (the only thing that works). Ever heard about the Battle of Athens (1946)? Find your balls again you insufferable faggots. If you do not defend your rights you deserve none.

"Are you a terrorist?"

Well, let's walk through this question together shall we? I'm not wearing the sandnigger equivalent of a durag, my skin isn't the color of shit, you can't smell me from across the room, it is socially unacceptable for me to marry my cousins, I do not shout 'Durka durka mohammed jihad,' and it doesn't look like a sadist attempted to play tug-of-war with my nose. So no, I'm not a terrorist.

"Do you feel any remorse for what you did?"

The Jews have depleted our patience and our mercy. I feel no remorse. I only wish I killed more. I am honored to be the one to send these vile anti-humans into the pit of fire—where they shall remain for eternity.

"Do you feel anything but hatred for Jews?"

Disgust. Disgust that a race can become so unrecognizably corrupted that they would commit the most heinous acts that only the most twisted of individuals could put into reality.

and on and on and on (12000 + characters )

I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


A rather eloquent and verbose whackjob.

I couldn't have done better myself!!


He was literate

Looks like he's saying he  was the mosque burner

(Contained within)

"To my brothers in blood. Make sure that my sacrifice was not in vain. Spread this letter, make memes, shitpost, FIGHT BACK, REMEMBER ROBERT BOWERS, REMEMBER BRENTON TARRANT, filter the religious D&C, and filter the schizos who will inevitably call this a 'false flag.' Something to note, people grossly overestimate the police's ability to solve 'crimes' such as 'arson' and 'murder.' Lots of threads about 'Feds are talking to me guys because I post on 8chan, it's so spooky' are 'organically' popping up. What a load of shit meant to try to scare the goyim and prevent retaliation.

I scorched a mosque in Escondido with gasoline a week after Brenton Tarrant's sacrifice and they never found shit on me (I didn't realize sandniggers were sleeping inside though—they woke up and put out the fire pretty much immediately after I drove away which was unfortunate.

Also they didn't report the message I spray-painted on the parking lot. I wrote 'For Brenton Tarrant -t. /pol/'). It is so easy to log on to Minecraft and get away with burning a synagogue (or mosque) to the ground if you're smart about it"">Suspect of Possible Arson Attack at Escondido Mosque Leaves Note Referencing New Zealand Terrorist Attacks
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


He is 19 years old and he is gonna spend the rest of his life in the clink... Getting his cheeks busted.

Not worth it.


I wonder if the media and the democrats (same thing) will blame Trump for this even though the guy specifically said he hated trump.  I bet they will.


Every is the way of the modern journalist.

Twist. Distort. Lie. Misrepresent.

All for the cause.


I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"A gunman walked into a suburban San Diego County synagogue and opened fire, killing one person and three injured in an attack in what authorities believe was a hate-motivated attack. A suspect has been arrested in connection with the shooting at the Chabad of Poway, officials said.

The gunman, armed with an automatic rifle, entered the synagogue on Chabad Way about 11:20 a.m. and opened fire on the congregation, sheriff's officials said.

A large group of congregants had gathered behind the temple following the shooting, said sheriff's Sgt. Aaron Meleen. It was not immediately clear how many people were attending services.

As the suspect was fleeing the scene, an off-duty Border Patrol agent shot at his vehicle but he got away, authorities said. He was captured a short time later. Adam Pringle, 32, said he was sitting at a 76 gas station parking lot when a swarm of San Diego police, county sheriff and California Highway Patrol cars descended on the scene less than 50 feet away.

While currently unconfirmed – internet sleuths have tenatively identified the suspect as 19-year-old local John Earnest – who appears to have posted about the attack on 4chan prior to the incident.

He calls Trump a "Jew loving Zionist who hates white people."


But, it's still Trump's fault.


QuoteWhile currently unconfirmed

He calls Trump a "Jew loving Zionist who hates white people."

Now confirmed

Quote from: "Hokey Media / Prog Drumbeat"But, it's still Trump's fault.

I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Former Obama administration official Joel Martin Rubin appeared on Fox News on Saturday and accused President Donald Trump of encouraging the shooter who attacked a Poway, California, synagogue earlier that day.

Rubin, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for House Affairs, and former staffer for the far-left J Street group — which frequently opposes Israel — cited the Charlottesville "very fine people" hoax in blaming Trump.

While admitting that Trump is not an antisemite himself, Rubin claimed that Trump encouraged antisemites:

I'm not saying Donald Trump is an antisemite, but what I am saying is that the rhetoric, for example, in Charlottesville, the "Jews will not replace us" rhetoric, the president's response to that equivocated, and did not call it out for what it was, and he said these were "very fine people." And that encouragement, and other language about immigrants, and language about people of difference, people of color, in many instances, that's the problem.

Rubin went on to connect the president's alleged "rhetoric" to attacks on Christians in Sri Lanka on Easter, and to Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand, last month.

As Breitbart News and others have shown repeatedly, Trump did not refer to the neo-Nazis as "very fine people," but specifically excluded them from that description, and said they should be "condemned totally."[/quote]

Trump has done more for Israel than any president in American History.  While most on the left push the anti-Israel BDS movement and defend and excuse Antimsemitism by Ilhan Omar and several others.


POWAY, Calif. (Reuters) – A 19-year-old man who authorities said gave himself up to police shortly after carrying out a deadly shooting in a Southern California synagogue filled with Sabbath worshippers

is also under investigation in connection with an unsolved mosque arson. - In fact he claimed it in his diatribe

Typical conspiracy nutcake - As he claimed it in his diatribe > He was anti-Semitic, anti islamic,  anti-conservative and anti-Trump (to mention a few "antis").
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell