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Slimy, sloppy and stooopid - Geek Squad spot child porn on his drive after he spills gravy on laptop

Started by cc, May 02, 2019, 05:09:07 PM

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cc">Best Buy's Geek Squad finds child porn on man's laptop after he spilled gravy on it: police

An Iowa man asked Best Buy's Geek Squad to fix his laptop after a gravy spill. He ended up in handcuffs, police said.

Robert Leo Watson, 54, was arrested Wednesday after employees at the electronic store discovered documents they suspected were child pornography, the Des Moines Register reported. Watson brought his laptop to Best Buy in an attempt to save his files after he spilled gravy on the device.

The Geek Squad employees made the disturbing discovery while they were transferring the files from the "gravy-covered computer" to a new device, the report said. They contacted police, who took both laptops as evidence and arrested Watson on 10 counts of child porn possession.

Watson described several of the images found on the laptop and admitted to labeling the files as "13 year old" and "14 year old's," Des Moines Register reported.

[Not just a child porn  collector slimebag, but stupid enough to have pros transfer his data}
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



Quote from: "cc"">Best Buy's Geek Squad finds child porn on man's laptop after he spilled gravy on it: police

An Iowa man asked Best Buy's Geek Squad to fix his laptop after a gravy spill. He ended up in handcuffs, police said.

Robert Leo Watson, 54, was arrested Wednesday after employees at the electronic store discovered documents they suspected were child pornography, the Des Moines Register reported. Watson brought his laptop to Best Buy in an attempt to save his files after he spilled gravy on the device.

The Geek Squad employees made the disturbing discovery while they were transferring the files from the "gravy-covered computer" to a new device, the report said. They contacted police, who took both laptops as evidence and arrested Watson on 10 counts of child porn possession.

Watson described several of the images found on the laptop and admitted to labeling the files as "13 year old" and "14 year old's," Des Moines Register reported.

[Not just a child porn  collector slimebag, but stupid enough to have pros transfer his data}

Is he ever stupid.
The Russian Rock It


I wouldnt be surprised if he walked out of that court-room without any kind of punishment..

Thats a very suspicious way to acquire evidence.. Might render everything inadmissible.

Cops need warrants, permits and all that to acquire admissible evidence.

That laptop is private up until the point the judge says its not..


You raise an interesting point...however, not for the reason you cite.

If the files are viewed during a lawful process, then the evidence is admissible. Courts hold the view that offering your device to a third party for repairs gives tacit (implied) consent to them to do what is necessary to complete the required work. If, during that process offensive material is viewed, then it's fair game.

However, if he gave them the laptop to clean the screen and keyboard, and the repairers decided to view the files without just cause, then he may have an argument. I'm pretty sure these days that any evidence of child sexual abuse must be reported by law. This is why the Catholic Church and their moronic "confessional" is at odds with governments everywhere; they will be compelled to report confessions of child abuse, thus losing the sanctity of the confessional booth. Not before time, I might add.

There is another wrinkle; it can be argued by the defence that the laptop was used by others when it was not in the defendant's possession. In other words, the repairers either put the files there erroneously or deliberately. Remember, the defence only has to create reasonable doubt...not proof of innocence.


Quote from: "Bricktop"In other words, the repairers either put the files there erroneously or deliberately.

That all sounds correct to me in terms of local law here.  But it also reminds me that there is a really dirty forensic cop here who is an expert at loading stuff on people's computers without ever touching them.  And there is other stuff that will gag even you.  I'd like to tell you about him and his son, but not on a public thread.  Just curious whether you might have insight into something he overlooked.


I'm not aware of any such controversy. Planting evidence is not a new phenomenon, by any means, however.


Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "Bricktop"In other words, the repairers either put the files there erroneously or deliberately.

That all sounds correct to me in terms of local law here.  But it also reminds me that there is a really dirty forensic cop here who is an expert at loading stuff on people's computers without ever touching them.  And there is other stuff that will gag even you.  I'd like to tell you about him and his son, but not on a public thread.  Just curious whether you might have insight into something he overlooked.



If a repairer, or anyone for that matter, puts files on they would also have to have the ability to re- date them in a way that could not be traced

Setting the clock  back no longer works as they have ways to spot it

Seems today, for illicit every move there is a way to spot it
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"If a repairer, or anyone for that matter, puts files on they would also have to have the ability to re- date them in a way that could not be traced

Setting the clock  back no longer works as they have ways to spot it

Seems today, for illicit every move there is a way to spot it

I wasn't sure how it worked. You seem more tech savvy tjan I am.