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Re: Forum gossip thread by Shen Li

Twenty two thousand seven hundred and thirty one

Started by Bricktop, May 16, 2019, 07:58:07 PM

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Nor would I want to.

You'll always be Number One!!!


Quote from: "Bricktop"Nor would I want to.

You'll always be Number One!!!

And don't forget it..


Just kidding Bricktop.


I never will...

It takes guts to run a place like this. I may not always agree...but I will always respect and admire you for your effort and commitment.


Quote from: "Bricktop"I never will...

It takes guts to run a place like this. I may not always agree...but I will always respect and admire you for your effort and commitment.

Thank you so much Bricktop.



Quote from: "Bricktop"Take the knee for I am your leige.

Our leige? What is that? Is that a beige liege or something?

I take no knee before beige lieges. Ecru, maybe, or coral. But not beige.
Aimin\' to misbehave.


"noun A lord or sovereign to whom allegiance and service are due according to feudal law."

Bend the knee, peon. Lest they face the wrath of the wurm....


Quote from: "Blurt"
Quote from: "Bricktop"Take the knee for I am your leige.

Our leige? What is that? Is that a beige liege or something?

I take no knee before beige lieges. Ecru, maybe, or coral. But not beige.

Now, now, Blurt.  Let me just observe, with apologies to John D. MacDonald:

QuoteAll that remains for Bricktop is an ironic Knighthood, a spavined steed, second class armor, a dubious lance, a bent broadsword, and the chance, now and again, to lift into a galumphing charge against capital E Evil, his brave battle oaths marred by an occasional hysterical giggle.

He has to carry a very long banner because on it has been embroidered, by maidens galore, "The Only Thing in the World Worth a Damn is the Strange, Touching, Pathetic, Awesome Nobility of the Individual Human Spirit." The end of the banner trails on the ground way the hell behind his horse, and people keep stepping on it.

Given the size of the man's load, let us not fault him over a mere misspelling or typo.  He has more important things to do.   :wink:


Quote from: "Bricktop"Second only to Fash as the most prolific contributor...and deposing RW in the process. (Yep, that comment will get back to her).

22,731 witty, erudite, enlightening, informative, creative and constructive posts. Words AND pictures.

Celebrate me, minions. Bring me cake and wine, and show me due deference. Take the knee for I am your leige. They come from far and wide to bask in my glory and to incite even a glance of attention in their pitiful direction.

They pretend to be someone else, or act like petulant 4 year olds, all to validate their lamentable lives on the internet by claiming they basked in my heed for but a brief moment.

Let the celebrations begin.

 :23tfup5:  :wootsmiley:  :morewine:  :XIe76hJ:  :20utj4j_th:  :JC_burp:  :hapydancsmil:

Congratulations on your prolificacy. Makes my 11,000 post contribution seem paltry.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Bricktop"Second only to Fash as the most prolific contributor...and deposing RW in the process. (Yep, that comment will get back to her).

22,731 witty, erudite, enlightening, informative, creative and constructive posts. Words AND pictures.

Celebrate me, minions. Bring me cake and wine, and show me due deference. Take the knee for I am your leige. They come from far and wide to bask in my glory and to incite even a glance of attention in their pitiful direction.

They pretend to be someone else, or act like petulant 4 year olds, all to validate their lamentable lives on the internet by claiming they basked in my heed for but a brief moment.

Let the celebrations begin.

 :23tfup5:  :wootsmiley:  :morewine:  :XIe76hJ:  :20utj4j_th:  :JC_burp:  :hapydancsmil:

Congratulations on your prolificacy. Makes my 11,000 post contribution seem paltry.

You believe in quality, not quantity Seoul..

Wait a moment, that's an insult on Brick and especially myself.



Quote from: "Peaches"Given the size of the man's load, let us not fault him over a mere misspelling or typo.  He has more important things to do.   :wink:

Mayhap you're right.

Still, I'll take my cue from Evvies on VF who has well over 81,000 posts under her doublet and yet sports not a single commemorative pin on her chest plate, let alone a banner trailing through the hoof-marked mud.

Uh, not to diminish Leo's acknowledgment of his own windbaggery or anything. It is impressive.
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Quote from: "Peaches"

Given the size of the man's load, let us not fault him over a mere misspelling or typo.  He has more important things to do.   :wink:

"Definition of liege

 (Entry 1 of 3)

1a : having the right to feudal allegiance (see allegiance sense 1a) or service his liege lord

b : obligated to render feudal allegiance and service

2 : faithful, loyal"


Quote from: "Blurt"
Quote from: "Peaches"Given the size of the man's load, let us not fault him over a mere misspelling or typo.  He has more important things to do.   :wink:

Mayhap you're right.

Still, I'll take my cue from Evvies on VF who has well over 81,000 posts under her doublet and yet sports not a single commemorative pin on her chest plate, let alone a banner trailing through the hoof-marked mud.

Uh, not to diminish Leo's acknowledgment of his own windbaggery or anything. It is impressive.

Er, monsieur...look up.

The shining, silvery object soaring above you is The Point, which you can clearly see has missed you entirely.

... rt_radio=1">


Quote from: "Bricktop"">
... rt_radio=1">

I don't recall Ali ever bending the knee to anyone.  Why is he in this thread?">