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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan

I'm bored.

Started by Bricktop, September 02, 2019, 08:05:59 PM

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Quote from: "Odinson"We used to have posters like Romero (the fuckwit) who bravely defended his distorted/false view of the world.

I thought I had staying power too but once you are in a forum where you just cannot stand the views of the majority, perhaps it is time to move on. I felt that way about memebee in the end so I could not go back there even if I want to. Even if I want to, I also forgot my password. :laugh3: Not too important for me to find out what it was.

Maybe Romero could not stomach this place anymore. In that case, he had no staying power.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"I can never be bored. There is always something to do. I'm painting these days. One day, I'll paint something just for TBC and show it to you.  ac_dance

As long as the good Lord provides me with barrel wash and badgers to shoot, old Herman will never be bored either.

My remarks were more in the context of forum activity...and as I said, being cooped up in the cold weather doesn't help. Someone just described it to me as "forum burnout" and I think that is a very accurate description.

My single malts look after me.

Oh, and the kids and grandkids...

The cold would not keep me from visiting museums and such. When I lived in the vicinity of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, we had the finest museums in the continent.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Odinson"The place is stale..

I dont mean the people are stale... But the discussion is a bit stale because we are all like minded.

I have Netflix now....

No need to get bored.


It has a treasure trove of films of all genres. Of course, I always select Thrillers, Horror, Action, Adventure. It has thought-provoking documentaries too. I used to watch America's Book of Secrets and then they pulled it off before I could finish the series. I wondered why they did that. It was most disappointing.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "Velvet"
Quote from: "Bricktop"Some may come to test the water, but when confronted by our rather militant position will probably not remain.

We will only attract alternative thinkers by being less rambunctious towards them.

I don't see any "militancy" here. Herman is a pig, but that's not the same thing.

I agree about "militancy." I wondered about that word but perhaps Bricktop was speaking about himself.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "Blazor"

Less than an hour away in Shawsville.

The story to the naming of the place, a Confederate Naval man by the name of Stiles was trying to impress how good he could swing from mast to mast, by swinging vine to vine and branch. When he grabbed a branch, it broke, and he fell to his death.


Great story but rather a sad ending.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "seoulbro"
I respected Romero until the end when he stopped putting any effort into his posts/threads. Before he left, he spammed the board with memes to the point we looked like CBT. Scouse, on the other hand, is a weak willed nutjob who can't take what he dishes out. He was not ran off. He left because nobody here would take him seriously, nor should they.

We can be different without surrendering our principles. I am a liberty loving, fiscal hawk. I will defend those principles against anyone. If someone is incapable of defending their position, that is their problem, not mine. They are free to leave, but I would prefer they stay and stand up for what they believe in.

 :thumbup:  Best post.

It seems to me that Bricktop is just expressing his own views about the forum which some of us do not share. I am fine the way it is but I am not here 24/7/365 and I have never been a mod. Perhaps when you mod and when you own the forum, you see it differently. I come here as a participant only but of course I also would like to see a healthy forum since this is the only forum I go to.

I also respect the opinions of others that differ from mine. I never wanted them gone for good. We could still discuss the topic and disagree and come back here the next day. What's wrong with that? Things change when the conflict becomes personal for one of the posters or both.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "seoulbro"

We can be different without surrendering our principles.

Which principles are they?




That, to me, is the core of the problem. We have become so innately "principled" that we've in effect become narrow minded.

A forum should not have principles. Individual members certainly should...but a forum should be utterly neutral on the issue of "right" and "wrong".

We are now sanitised to the point of lacking any real purpose or reason to exist.

Then do you regret the said "principles" of the mod Rotwang on the Fights and Failures sub?

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "Blazor"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Blazor"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"Summer is almost over...more time for posting when it gets cold outside.  While its nice, I prefer to be outside doing something.  We'll spark it up real good!

Darn tootin' Berry!


I suffer golf withdrawal every winter.


I bet! I'll miss hiking and camping and driving around with the top and doors off my Jeep. I'll also miss the feeling in my fingers and toes  :laugh:

I'll miss shorts, sandals, and straw hats.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "seoulbro"

We can be different without surrendering our principles.

Which principles are they?




That, to me, is the core of the problem. We have become so innately "principled" that we've in effect become narrow minded.

A forum should not have principles. Individual members certainly should...but a forum should be utterly neutral on the issue of "right" and "wrong".

We are now sanitised to the point of lacking any real purpose or reason to exist.

Then do you regret the said "principles" of the mod Rotwang on the Fights and Failures sub?


As a mod Rotwang must act in the best interests of the forum, not his own personal views.

This forum is not served by people banned from other forums bringing their feuds here and exposing private and personal details of each other's lives.

The reason they conduct themselves in this way here is because they have been stopped from doing it elsewhere.

Having been involved in forums as member, mod and Admin for many years, Rotwang recognised the early warning signs of conduct that inevitably leads to more serious consequences for ALL members and acted accordingly.


Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
I respected Romero until the end when he stopped putting any effort into his posts/threads. Before he left, he spammed the board with memes to the point we looked like CBT. Scouse, on the other hand, is a weak willed nutjob who can't take what he dishes out. He was not ran off. He left because nobody here would take him seriously, nor should they.

We can be different without surrendering our principles. I am a liberty loving, fiscal hawk. I will defend those principles against anyone. If someone is incapable of defending their position, that is their problem, not mine. They are free to leave, but I would prefer they stay and stand up for what they believe in.

 :thumbup:  Best post.

It seems to me that Bricktop is just expressing his own views about the forum which some of us do not share. I am fine the way it is but I am not here 24/7/365 and I have never been a mod. Perhaps when you mod and when you own the forum, you see it differently. I come here as a participant only but of course I also would like to see a healthy forum since this is the only forum I go to.

I also respect the opinions of others that differ from mine. I never wanted them gone for good. We could still discuss the topic and disagree and come back here the next day. What's wrong with that? Things change when the conflict becomes personal for one of the posters or both.

There is something to what you and Seoul are saying..

You both have strong opinions..

And you should be able to express them even if people may disagree..

Debate comes from disagreements.


Quote from: "Fashionista"There is something to what you and Seoul are saying..

You both have strong opinions..

And you should be able to express them even if people may disagree..

Debate comes from disagreements.

A healthy debate is healthy.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]