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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles


Started by @realAzhyaAryola, May 22, 2019, 02:25:10 PM

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Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "Dove"Bodily autonomy is actually very limited. You cant do whatever you want because its your body.

 You cant shoot heroin legally. Cannot demand to have your organs removed. Cannot drive without a seatbelt. Cannot be drunk in public. Cannot rape. Cannot masturbate in public.

 Typically your bodily autonomy is limited when it involves another human

 So lets stop pretending everyone is just willing to ignore that fact that abortion is the direct, and brutal, killing of a human being and that "muh bodah!" just doesnt defend it like you think it does.

 When its the womens body in a med waste bin in shreds you will have a point.

 I know plenty of minors who were forced to get abortions so they could finish school. The ole "get one or we will kick you out" thing.  Or like my friend who was held down on the abortion table by her own mother.  Where are you advocates when that happens?

 Oh yeah....yelling "Muh Bodah" over them when they publically speak about it.

 Honest discussion about this is difficult for abortion advocates. Euphemism and buzz words, denial of facts and evidence is pretty much all you can get outta them.


 It only serves the women who agree with you and pisses off the rest of us. And we have growing numbers for that reason.

Hi Dove I guess you were here before I got here so hello nice to meet you.  Gotta say--Well done, lots of good arguments. :thumbup:  

I am somewhat pro choice but I have a lot of sympathy for the pro-life movement and I am ashamed of many on, quote "my side " and the way they behave.  

I am disgusted by the main argument that the predominantly leftist pro choice movement makes that this is all about eeeeevil men trying to take away women's rights.  Its not about women,  It's not about men,  Its about babies--and pro lifers believe the unborn child is a human being.  This is a philosophical argument about when life begins.  Pro life people are NOT trying to attack women, they are trying to save what they view as human lives.

Its all a giant ruse by the predominantly leftist pro choice movement to stir up anger and divide woman against men so they will win the argument with trickery instead of legitimate persuasion and get more women to pull the D lever.  The left loves to divide people against each other and stir up animosity based on race, gender etc for political gain, its their favorite trick.

But jedi mind tricks only work on the weak minded, some of us know better. :wink:

 They completely shit all over women who were pressured, coerced, forced to abort, shit all over the millions of pro life women by pretending none of us exist.

 They dont care about how many women have been severely damaged by all thus rhetoric or by abortion itself. So long as we all shut up and take one for the "wimmenz rights" team.

 Roe was decided by men, Republican men...and they exploited a homeless teenager, Norma Mcorvey to do so. She spent years trying to get her name off that decision.  Abortion BENEFITS men who use and abuse women.

 It is about assuming people are weak minded, easy to manipulate and unable to fact check.

 Its not about womens rights. And as far as violence against women....oh man....these people arent even willing to look at how their position has inflicted REAL violence against women and psychologically castrated so many others.

 Its all about entitlement.

 They are losing, slowly but surely. And they will parrot all these bad arguments until that day and then wonder what happened. Not our problem.

 Let them have their narratives, they help the pro life side more than they realize.

If you take away abortion of embryos you will increase other WORSE things... infantcide, murder of pregnant woman, day old babies being left on church doorsteps....illegal abortions which might turn septic in victims... and 40 million extra Americans you're struggling to house and feed now.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "caskur"Hello Dovey...

nice to see you.

Whats up.  ac_hithere

Not much... just trying to organize my PC and remove unwanted images. I take far too many pictures and read the posts here and ther AND watch Sunday night TV about seriel killers... standard stuff.

I promised myself i would never use my laptop....that i used for work and school....for any boards.

That worked well when i wasnt even on them for a long time.  :laugh3:


Quote from: "cc"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "Odinson"Being a mother is the hardest job on the planet..
Well it finally happened.  Odi has become a feminist :laugh:


Actually, the top line is  the opposite of "feminist" as defined today - That's true and actual "femaleist'"

The second line, not so much. Being female or male is a tough job
Well I was joking of course.

 But yeah I remember Hillary  when she said "I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies,"  as if being a mother taking care of children is somehow not being a real woman.   Being a good parent is probably the most important job anyone can do.

and all in all if I had to pick which gender has it tougher/better I don't think I could choose, both genders present some different challenges but all in all, it probably comes out fairly equal.

Most of what is called feminism today is about victim status and manhating--and most women have no interest in that--they don't want to hate their fathers, brothers, husbands, sons, boyfriends, male friends etc


Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "Dove"Bodily autonomy is actually very limited. You cant do whatever you want because its your body.

 You cant shoot heroin legally. Cannot demand to have your organs removed. Cannot drive without a seatbelt. Cannot be drunk in public. Cannot rape. Cannot masturbate in public.

 Typically your bodily autonomy is limited when it involves another human

 So lets stop pretending everyone is just willing to ignore that fact that abortion is the direct, and brutal, killing of a human being and that "muh bodah!" just doesnt defend it like you think it does.

 When its the womens body in a med waste bin in shreds you will have a point.

 I know plenty of minors who were forced to get abortions so they could finish school. The ole "get one or we will kick you out" thing.  Or like my friend who was held down on the abortion table by her own mother.  Where are you advocates when that happens?

 Oh yeah....yelling "Muh Bodah" over them when they publically speak about it.

 Honest discussion about this is difficult for abortion advocates. Euphemism and buzz words, denial of facts and evidence is pretty much all you can get outta them.


 It only serves the women who agree with you and pisses off the rest of us. And we have growing numbers for that reason.

Hi Dove I guess you were here before I got here so hello nice to meet you.  Gotta say--Well done, lots of good arguments. :thumbup:  

I am somewhat pro choice but I have a lot of sympathy for the pro-life movement and I am ashamed of many on, quote "my side " and the way they behave.  

I am disgusted by the main argument that the predominantly leftist pro choice movement makes that this is all about eeeeevil men trying to take away women's rights.  Its not about women,  It's not about men,  Its about babies--and pro lifers believe the unborn child is a human being.  This is a philosophical argument about when life begins.  Pro life people are NOT trying to attack women, they are trying to save what they view as human lives.

Its all a giant ruse by the predominantly leftist pro choice movement to stir up anger and divide woman against men so they will win the argument with trickery instead of legitimate persuasion and get more women to pull the D lever.  The left loves to divide people against each other and stir up animosity based on race, gender etc for political gain, its their favorite trick.

But jedi mind tricks only work on the weak minded, some of us know better. :wink:

 They completely shit all over women who were pressured, coerced, forced to abort, shit all over the millions of pro life women by pretending none of us exist.

 They dont care about how many women have been severely damaged by all thus rhetoric or by abortion itself. So long as we all shut up and take one for the "wimmenz rights" team.

 Roe was decided by men, Republican men...and they exploited a homeless teenager, Norma Mcorvey to do so. She spent years trying to get her name off that decision.  Abortion BENEFITS men who use and abuse women.

 It is about assuming people are weak minded, easy to manipulate and unable to fact check.

 Its not about womens rights. And as far as violence against women....oh man....these people arent even willing to look at how their position has inflicted REAL violence against women and psychologically castrated so many others.

 Its all about entitlement.

 They are losing, slowly but surely. And they will parrot all these bad arguments until that day and then wonder what happened. Not our problem.

 Let them have their narratives, they help the pro life side more than they realize.

If you take away abortion of embryos you will increase other WORSE things... infantcide, murder of pregnant woman, day old babies being left on church doorsteps....illegal abortions which might turn septic in victims... and 40 million extra Americans you're struggling to house and feed now.


 Firstly, according to stats, women are not aborting humans in the embryonic stage. They are abortion humans in the fetal stage.

 Child abuse, infantcide, murder of pregnant women has increased since legal abortion. There are plenty of women forced to abort, or are the victims of violence BECAUSE they refused to abort.

 Illegal abortion is associated with lower rates of unwanted pregnancy

 Last year, there were MORE couples waiting to adopt than babies aborted.

 My mother didnt want me. My life is no less valuable than yours.

 Im not concerned about the safety of people who are attempting to kill other humans. We are not making slavery legal so it is safer for traffickers.  But since you brought it up, there are more deaths from abortion complications now than there were when it was illegal.


The night before I was booked to abort was cancelled. I didn't go through with it but it drastically changed my life's direction having a child so early.

I don't believe in adopting children out... to me it is child trafficking.. Children from poor people are trafficked. I subscribe to open adoptions where a child can know it's real parents from the start.

All this sadness can be prevented if people got/get smarter and educating 11-12 year olds.

Unless a foetus is dead or will kill a mother by continuing the pregnancy, it should not be aborted.

We don't do foetal abortions in Australia and if they are done, it isn't in the same method as is done in the USA.

I completely support the rights of women to abort an embryo up until 12 weeks.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "Dove"But since you brought it up, there are more deaths from abortion complications now than there were when it was illegal.

Aimin\' to misbehave.


I saw men in court rooms being passionate about banning abortion and that rubbed me the wrong way so I started this thread. I wanted to see women up there too being passionate about both, pro-life and pro-choice. Where are they? After all, it is their bodies that are affected most of all. I am not your Abortion Representative to No One so I am not here to promote or refute your views. This is just a thread about a topic.

I am not man-hating. If they are married or in a serious relationship, a man and woman should decide together. Let's face it, not all men and women are responsible like that. To many, they just like "getting laid" and do not think ahead about the consequences.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Although men are usually involved in conception, it is the woman's body that will be undergoing dramatic changes in nine months and thereafter. Some pregnancies cause complications that tragically end a woman's life and her unborn child. Pregnancy is not a picnic. It is a dangerous time in a woman's life.

These abortion issues are not new to me. A spring chicken I am not. I am for all females and males to be educated about conception, sex, sexually transmitted infections, pro or anti-abortion issues, family planning the moment they have consciousness. Sadly, not all are educated by their elders properly. Due to this, it should be taught in schools. Every girl should know what possible situations she could face as an ovulating female and have the freedom to make her own decisions. More importantly, she should live with the decisions she makes whether she has an abortion, give up the child for adoption, or raise the child. I do not agree with people who blame society for their decisions. It is not my problem the condition of their souls or their morality. I have problems of my own to attend to.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "Blurt"
Quote from: "Dove"But since you brought it up, there are more deaths from abortion complications now than there were when it was illegal.


 AGI, CDC, multiple cases of abortion providers failing to provide reasonable emergency transfer as to not give "antis" more ammo.

 Women pushed in cars and on sidewalks hemorrhaging.

 Several court docs of abortionists malpractice lawsuits

 You are at risk of cervical lacerations, uterine perforation, bowel perforation,  post surg infections and pneumonia.  3 times higher a risk of suicide, complicated pathological grief and depression. Hi. We have a high maternal mortality rate.

 The number of deaths from illegal abortions was heavily exaggerated, and thats been addressed. Hold on, ill get the sources, i have to charge my laptop.


Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"I saw men in court rooms being passionate about banning abortion and that rubbed me the wrong way so I started this thread. I wanted to see women up there too being passionate about both, pro-life and pro-choice. Where are they? After all, it is their bodies that are affected most of all. I am not your Abortion Representative to No One so I am not here to promote or refute your views. This is just a thread about a topic.

I am not man-hating. If they are married or in a serious relationship, a man and woman should decide together. Let's face it, not all men and women are responsible like that. To many, they just like "getting laid" and do not think ahead about the consequences.

 Who signed the bill in AL? It wasnt a man.

 Did it rub you wrong when 9 men decided Roe and Norma went into how she just showed up for food?

 Does it rub you wrong when women are forced or pressured or coerced by men into abortion?

 Does it rub you wrong when abortion providers fail to report rape? Enable trafficking?

 Or just when men defend life in the womb?

 You really think people are just entitled to sex and should be able to kill tiny humans?


I'm pretty sure foetus aren't broken up but women have to give birth to it in Australia... so I just checked and that is right..."> ... rocedures/">

[size=150]Abortion Procedures[/size]

Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy the most common surgical abortion technique is called 'suction aspiration'. The cervix is first dilated with a series of rods of increasing size. A tube is then inserted into the uterus through the cervix and suction is used to remove the foetus and the placenta from the uterus. Another instrument called a curette is then inserted to scrape the walls of the uterus to make sure nothing is left inside. This procedure generally takes less than 15 minutes to complete.


After 12 weeks of pregnancy a different procedure is used as the foetus is more developed and it is more difficult to remove using the suction method. There are a couple of different methods, but both involve the need to soften and widen the cervix more than in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Hormone blocking drugs may be given by mouth or inserted into the vagina to soften the cervix. Alternatively, the cervix may be widened using rods and a product inserted into the cervix. This product will slowly swell over several hours until the cervix is wide enough to allow the abortion to proceed. The abortion procedure itself is usually performed a day or 2 later.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


A human being enters the fetal stage at 8 weeks.


Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"Although men are usually involved in conception, it is the woman's body that will be undergoing dramatic changes in nine months and thereafter. Some pregnancies cause complications that tragically end a woman's life and her unborn child. Pregnancy is not a picnic. It is a dangerous time in a woman's life.

These abortion issues are not new to me. A spring chicken I am not. I am for all females and males to be educated about conception, sex, sexually transmitted infections, pro or anti-abortion issues, family planning the moment they have consciousness. Sadly, not all are educated by their elders properly. Due to this, it should be taught in schools. Every girl should know what possible situations she could face as an ovulating female and have the freedom to make her own decisions. More importantly, she should live with the decisions she makes whether she has an abortion, give up the child for adoption, or raise the child. I do not agree with people who blame society for their decisions. It is not my problem the condition of their souls or their morality. I have problems of my own to attend to.

Good post.  :smiley_thumbs_up_yellow_ani:
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"Although men are usually involved in conception, it is the woman's body that will be undergoing dramatic changes in nine months and thereafter. Some pregnancies cause complications that tragically end a woman's life and her unborn child. Pregnancy is not a picnic. It is a dangerous time in a woman's life.

These abortion issues are not new to me. A spring chicken I am not. I am for all females and males to be educated about conception, sex, sexually transmitted infections, pro or anti-abortion issues, family planning the moment they have consciousness. Sadly, not all are educated by their elders properly. Due to this, it should be taught in schools. Every girl should know what possible situations she could face as an ovulating female and have the freedom to make her own decisions. More importantly, she should live with the decisions she makes whether she has an abortion, give up the child for adoption, or raise the child. I do not agree with people who blame society for their decisions. It is not my problem the condition of their souls or their morality. I have problems of my own to attend to.

Good post.  :smiley_thumbs_up_yellow_ani:

Well, thanks, caskur. On that note, I have to get some things done here with my own problems at hand. Have at it, y'all.  :thumbup:

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "Dove"A human being enters the fetal stage at 8 weeks.

Well that's a change from the old days then... It was 12 weeks formerly.

My Christian mother-in-law who is a midwife said it best because it was the most level headed statement I ever heard. ( And this topic is very emotional) she said, "every embryo is a life but not every embryo is a potential for life," as many have sadly discovered.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol