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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan


Started by @realAzhyaAryola, May 22, 2019, 02:25:10 PM

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I had a surgical abortion at 9 weeks without being put under.  IN Grand Rapids, at Heritage.

Its not that strange.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: "JOE"seems I'm one of the few (the only?!) males on this forum who supports abortiin rights & a wonans right to choose. Must be my congenial nature.

course i'm one of the few here who can co-exist peacefully on all 3 forums at once.

its tough bein a liberal on the blue cashew

oh well.

All that water carrying and you cant even manage to scrape a little pussy out the deal


That's fucking pathetic .  Women would sooner fuck a man that openly supports striping them of their ""rights"" before looking in your direction


Quote from: "Dove"I had a surgical abortion at 9 weeks without being put under.  IN Grand Rapids, at Heritage.

Its not that strange.



Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "JOE"seems I'm one of the few (the only?!) males on this forum who supports abortiin rights & a wonans right to choose. Must be my congenial nature.

course i'm one of the few here who can co-exist peacefully on all 3 forums at once.

its tough bein a liberal on the blue cashew

oh well.

All that water carrying and you cant even manage to scrape a little pussy out the deal


That's fucking pathetic .  Women would sooner fuck a man that openly supports striping them of their ""rights"" before looking in your direction
LOL No matter what Joe does women just don't want anything to do with him.  He will be a virgin incel forever.  Oh well.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "JOE"seems I'm one of the few (the only?!) males on this forum who supports abortiin rights & a wonans right to choose. Must be my congenial nature.

course i'm one of the few here who can co-exist peacefully on all 3 forums at once.

its tough bein a liberal on the blue cashew

oh well.

All that water carrying and you cant even manage to scrape a little pussy out the deal


That's fucking pathetic .  Women would sooner fuck a man that openly supports striping them of their ""rights"" before looking in your direction
LOL No matter what Joe does women just don't want anything to do with him.  He will be a virgin incel forever.  Oh well.

JOE never reads what posters write..

What's he doing on discussion boards..

That's my last derail on this topic.


Quote from: "Shen Li"Abortion is a waste of time discussion topic. Pro life people are usually religious and they don't care what man thinks. The radical pro abortion crowd hates religion, well, Christianity anyway.

Yeah, going around and around in mind numbing circles... it drives you nuts.

There are a fair few people in Australia killing new borns over the last few years. They get off because they're suffering the Baby Blues.

I feel as though they still should do time in jail even though they're mental.

One woman who killed her baby got that very baby from IVF program from 10 years trying."> ... 2858dbd54e">

This article says the father killed the baby but at the time it was reported on the news, they said the mother did it.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "JOE"seems I'm one of the few (the only?!) males on this forum who supports abortiin rights & a wonans right to choose. Must be my congenial nature.

course i'm one of the few here who can co-exist peacefully on all 3 forums at once.

its tough bein a liberal on the blue cashew

oh well.

All that water carrying and you cant even manage to scrape a little pussy out the deal


That's fucking pathetic .  Women would sooner fuck a man that openly supports striping them of their ""rights"" before looking in your direction
LOL No matter what Joe does women just don't want anything to do with him.  He will be a virgin incel forever.  Oh well.

JOE never reads what posters write..

What's he doing on discussion boards..

That's my last derail on this topic.

Looking for a pity fuck.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"They have already legalized abortion up until birth..

Thats murder.

Why dont we just go full nazi and put down all the disabled people too... They are a burden.

And all the people with other health issues..

Loonies etc.


Eugenics used to be law in Canada fifty years ago.Good post--I definitely see similaritier between some of the logic used in the pro choice movement and the Eugenics movement.  

There is always a big danger when you can define someone as a non person in order to kill them because they are inconvenient.  

For example--why aren't young children the same?  They may not reside inside someone's body--but Young children are a burden as well, they can't survive without a parent or parents to take care of them.  Why can't they be terminated if the parent(s) don't want them?

People with special needs, especially younger ones, can't survive without help from others.  How about them?

Same with an old person with dementia who can't take care of themselves without help.  They could be a huge burden to their family why not call getting rid of them a "choice" too????


Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. It should be rare. Legitimate reasons, such as risk to the mother's health or risk that the baby will be born with major birth defects should be required before abortions are approved. Even then, not after the ninth week.


"Should" is all all fine and dandy, but you need to back up a bunch of "shoulds" with a bouquet of "becauses."
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Quote from: "Blurt""Should" is all all fine and dandy, but you need to back up a bunch of "shoulds" with a bouquet of "becauses."

Change should to must and Velvet's post is almost perfect.


Yeah, but... "musts" also need to be backed up.

If you feel someone should, or must, do something, provide the reasons.
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Quote from: "Velvet"Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. It should be rare. Legitimate reasons, such as risk to the mother's health or risk that the baby will be born with major birth defects should be required before abortions are approved. Even then, not after the ninth week.

Seems perfectly reasonable to everybody except extremists.


We really should educate the young people and make sure they understand. A lot of them say that the topic about sex, sexually transmitted infections, conception, abortion, legal implications, etcetera are covered in their schools but still a lot of them will face some of these problems eventually. It must be pressed upon them that either they use condoms or practice abstinence or face the unfortunate consequences.

My own mother said the following to me when I was in my early 20s and far from her because I was already in the states, "Oh no! Do not see an ob/gyn! If you do, your hymen will no longer be intact!" As though that is more important than ensuring I have informed and proper care. For me, I learned everything on my own because it was taboo in my culture for the elderly to speak to the young about these matters which is utterly stupid. I sure hope the younger parents now back home are not as blind and stuck in the middle ages like the parents were when I was growing up.

When I think back on that now, I cringe at my own mother. I can't believe she was so brainwashed by her backwards thinking, religious upbringing, and misplaced need to be pious or prudent, so enslaved by the cultural mores she grew up with. I have a 3-year old niece back home and you can be sure I am going to educate her if her own parents won't.  :thumbup:

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


I support abortion because if I wouldn't want to pay for a child I didn't want, I don't expect a woman to bring a child into the world she doesn't want to take the time to raise or pay for.

Agree or disagree with that POV, at least its consistent and fair.

I aint no hypocrite