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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles

Canada resettled more refugees than any other country in 2018

Started by Gaon, June 20, 2019, 06:11:20 PM

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Berry Sweet

Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Why would they want thousands of scam refugees from Central America.

The Prime Minister of Canada is welcoming more.

He's a fuckin idiot.

Berry Sweet

Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Bricktop"I wonder how many "refugees" China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia and South Africa resettled?

Sex slaves... hundreds to thousands.

Women in neighbouring Asian countries are being trafficked in China as forced brides.

Yep... we don't know the half of it.

Theres concentration camps in N.Korea that are massive and have been holding and torturing people for a very long time...I just recently and briefly read about it somewhere...then I was chapters looking for a biography last week and there is a book about this, a biography on this guy who managed to escape from the looks very will be the next book I read....this world is such a sick place.


Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Why would they want thousands of scam refugees from Central America.

The Prime Minister of Canada is welcoming more.

He's a fuckin idiot.

Justine has nice hair though.


Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Gaon"At least return border crossers back to America.

If someone's asylum claim is rejected in the states, they should not be allowed to make a claim here and vice versa.

I think Canada is trying to pass a bill on this.

Canada and the US have the Safe Third Party Agreement which says someone cannot claim asylum in both countries at the same time. If they try to cross a designated border they are returned. But, non designated borders are exempt. The Conservatives and the Bernier's People's Party vow to close those loopholes if elected.


Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Bricktop"I wonder how many "refugees" China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia and South Africa resettled?

Sex slaves... hundreds to thousands.

Women in neighbouring Asian countries are being trafficked in China as forced brides.

Yep... we don't know the half of it.

Theres concentration camps in N.Korea that are massive and have been holding and torturing people for a very long time...I just recently and briefly read about it somewhere...then I was chapters looking for a biography last week and there is a book about this, a biography on this guy who managed to escape from the looks very will be the next book I read....this world is such a sick place.

My aunty saw a show on one of our ethnic TV stations, SBS. The show reported the North Lorean farmers are so poor and have very little food, cannabilism is going on. They're eating children for real.

I don't want to know any more bad stuff so it's unlikely I'd follow you and read that book. Kudos to you though but be careful it doesn't affect you.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Bricktop"I wonder how many "refugees" China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia and South Africa resettled?

Sex slaves... hundreds to thousands.

Women in neighbouring Asian countries are being trafficked in China as forced brides.

Yep... we don't know the half of it.

Theres concentration camps in N.Korea that are massive and have been holding and torturing people for a very long time...I just recently and briefly read about it somewhere...then I was chapters looking for a biography last week and there is a book about this, a biography on this guy who managed to escape from the looks very will be the next book I read....this world is such a sick place.

My aunty saw a show on one of our ethnic TV stations, SBS. The show reported the North Lorean farmers are so poor and have very little food, cannabilism is going on. They're eating children for real.

I don't want to know any more bad stuff so it's unlikely I'd follow you and read that book. Kudos to you though but be careful it doesn't affect you.

It's hard to say what exactly it is really going on in rural areas of North Korea. People living in Pyongyang are chosen to live there based on their loyalty to the regime. They live fairly well.


Canadians want fewer refugees, while Liberals want more

A slew of recent public opinion polls on Canadian attitudes toward immigrants and refugees — the latest one commissioned by the CBC — suggest our views toward immigrants and refugees are hardening.

The CBC poll by Public Square Research and Maru/Blue released Wednesday found 57% of the 4,500 adults participating in an online panel said Canada should not be accepting more refugees.

The survey also found 64% said illegal immigration is becoming a serious problem, 56% believe that accepting too many immigrants will change Canada and 24% say too many immigrants are visible minorities.

Recent polls by Ipsos, Ekos, Leger and Angus Reid have produced similar findings.

Reaction to these polls by Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen, who wants to increase Canada's intake of both immigrants and refugees, and by other immigration advocates, has been similar.

It's that first, Canadians don't understand that a steady flow of immigrants is necessary for our economic well-being, in order to provide present and future workers, given our low birth rates.

And second, that growing opposition to refugees is part of a rising global trend of intolerance prompted by the millions of displaced people fleeing wars in the Mideast over the past four years, with many ending up in Europe.

To be sure, not every poll has mirrored these findings, indicating, as if we didn't already know, that the answers to any poll depend on what questions are asked.

For example, an Environics Institute poll of 2,000 Canadians released in April, found 59% disagreed with the statement, "overall there is too much immigration in Canada" while 77% agreed, "overall, immigration has a positive impact on the economy of Canada."

Over half, 53%, agreed immigrants tend to work harder than people born in Canada, while 45% said immigration is making Canada a better place compared to only 15% who said it is making Canada worse, with 33% saying it has made no difference, while 7% have no opinion.

One problem with polling and reporting on these issues is that they tend to lump "immigrants" and "refugees" together, when they are separate issues to which different government policies apply.

But the most glaring thing about how these polls are perceived by those who are most often asked to comment on them by the media — government (Liberal) politicians, academics and immigration and refugee advocates — is how the public is consistently portrayed as at best ignorant and at worse racist in their views about immigration and refugee policy.

Seldom, if ever, is there any admission, for example, that if Canadian attitudes toward refugees have hardened, it's the logical consequence of watching over 40,000 irregular/illegal (take your pick) border crossers entering Canada at so-called "unmanned" border crossing from the U.S. since 2017, with a rejection rate (so far) of 45%.

Or that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberals — after more than two years of condemning any criticism of how they bungled this issue, starting with Trudeau's #WelcomeToCanada tweet in January 2017, as racist — suddenly reversed course and toughened the rules for asylum seekers in April, as their critics had demanded.

The irony is that if the recent polls suggesting toughening attitudes towards immigrants and refugees by Canadians are accurate, then leading up to the Oct. 21 election, Trudeau, Hussen and the rest of the Liberal chorus will be campaigning under the operating belief that the majority of Canadians are racists.

And that only they can save us from ourselves."> ... -want-more">

As an immigrant myself, these survey results reveal what immigrants and I would imagine many native born Canadians feel about Justin's let everyone stay who gets here policy. And Canadians are getting tired of Trudeau's government not listening to what the people have to say and demonizing Canadians who disagree with his top down style of governing.


QuoteSeldom, if ever, is there any admission, for example, that if Canadian attitudes toward refugees have hardened, it's the logical consequence of watching over 40,000 irregular/illegal (take your pick) border crossers entering Canada at so-called "unmanned" border crossing from the U.S. since 2017, with a rejection rate (so far) of 45%.

And if we object the Liberals and their CBC propaganda machine say this about Canadians.
Quotethe public is consistently portrayed as at best ignorant and at worse racist in their views about immigration and refugee policy.


During the leadership debate, everything Elizabeth May said about refugees and the Conservative leader was a lie.

By Candace Malcolm of Sun News Media

There is such a thing as queue-jumping refugees

The major news coming from the first national leaders' debate on Thursday was that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau didn't bother showing up.

With a record like his, full of broken promises, do you blame him?

But just as important as the absence of our Prime Minister were the topics covered — and those excluded from discussion.

According to a recent Angus Reid poll, 20% of Canadians believe immigration is a top election issue, and yet, none of the debate questions were even remotely tied to immigration.

Despite the best efforts of moderator Paul Wells, who asked Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer a question about Brexit, the conversation turned towards immigration — for less than one minute of the two hour debate.

During that time, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May told a string of falsehoods about our immigration system.

"I've heard you say it in the House, Andrew, you act as if people are illegals when they come here as refugees," May said to Scheer.

First, using the term "illegal" as a noun is mean-spirited and derogatory, and yet, May herself does it in this exchange.

A quick search on Open Parliament shows, by contrast, that Scheer has never used this pejorative term.

As Scheer attempted to explain the Conservative position on immigration — that it should be fair, orderly and compassionate, but that illegal border crossers jump the immigration queue — May jumped in to assert, "there is no queue for refugees!"

This is patently false. In fact, there are several different queues for refugees coming to Canada.

When refugees are fleeing a war zone, they move to refugee camps and register with UN officials.

This registration process creates a queue for refugees, who then wait to be resettled to a safe country like Canada.

Every year, Canada aims to resettle about 50,000 UN refugees. The asylum seekers entering Canada illegally to seek asylum are bypassing this orderly queue and placing themselves at the front of the line.

But that's not the only queue asylum seekers are hopping.

Because of the surge of illegal border crossings during the Trudeau years, the wait times for asylum claims to be processed has proliferated. According to the most recent Auditor General report, there is a backlog of 75,000 applicants.

This backlog causes asylum seekers to wait in limbo for their case to be heard in front of an immigration judge. The current wait time to see a judge is about two years, but could be as long as 11.

This means legitimate refugees who are fleeing war, violence and persecution must wait in a queue alongside bogus refugees looking to score freebies from the Canadian taxpayers.

This is because Canada has no meaningful triage system to quickly reject asylum claims that are obviously false.

Finally, Canada's refugee resettlement agencies prepare for an annual intake of about 50,000 refugees. Under the Trudeau government, Canada has, on average, also received an additional 50,000 asylum seekers per year.

Given the limited resources of these agencies, legitimate refugees will be stuck waiting for helpful services while those who crossed the border illegally and have weak asylum claims will be helped first.

No matter which way you look at it, illegal border crossers coming from the United States are jumping a refugee queue.

Defenders of the controversial UN Compact on Migration insisted that the goals of this global scheme were noble — including a new emphasis on correcting the record when public figures spread misinformation about immigration.

I look forward to those voices stepping up and correcting May for her fabrications — but I won't hold my breath.


A lot of Canadians are troubled by Trudeau's immigration policies. But, if they express those misgivings they are labelled racists by Trudeau, Elizabeth May and Jagmeet Singh.

By Lorrie Goldstein of Sun News Media

Liberal leader's immigration policies alarm many Canadians

thus far in the federal election campaign, the issue of immigration has been debated mainly by not talking about it.

two of the biggest media stories have been:

Controversy over a billboard campaign featuring a picture of people's party of Canada Leader maxime bernier, accompanied by the words: "Say no to mass immigration".

Controversy over a Vancouver Sun column the paper ran criticizing ethnic diversity that it publicly denounced within hours of publishing.

In the case of the billboards, bernier didn't put them up but said he agreed with the sentiment. they were quickly taken down by those who erected them, saying they were responding to public complaints the message they contained was racist.

media coverage was dominated by push-back, with politicians, academics, journalists and immigration lobbyists condemning the billboards and column as racist, arguing Canada has been a global leader in successfully integrating immigrants, who we need to address our aging population and declining birthrate.

the problem is that, as usual with immigration (and refugee) policy, there is one debate going on at the level of the chattering classes and another among the public.

prime minister Justin trudeau's policy is to increase Canada's annual intake of immigrants until it is 1% of Canada's population every year.

that has translated into targets of 300,000 immigrants in 2017, 310,000 in 2018, 330,000 this year and 340,000 in 2020. (Canada's population is 37.7 million.)

regardless of whether one views this as "mass" immigration, an angus reid Institute poll released in august 2018 found half of Canadians — 49% — considered the 2018 target of 310,000 too high.

Only 31% endorsed it and only 6% said it was too low, with 14% unsure.

a Leger poll released in June found 63% of Canadians want the government to limit immigration because of concerns we may have trouble integrating immigrants into our society, compared with only 37% who said we should continue to grow immigration to meet the demands of the Canadian economy.

a public Square research maru blue-cbc poll released in July, which questioned Canadians on their views on immigration and refugee policy — refugees are a separate category — found 76% believe Canada should be doing more to encourage skilled labourers to immigrate (which the trudeau government says it is doing), while 57% said Canada should not be accepting more refugees.

this poll also found 64% believe illegal immigration is becoming a serious problem, 56% believe accepting too many immigrants will change Canada and 24% believe too many immigrants are visible minorities.

an Ipsos poll released in may found 37% of Canadians believe immigration is a "threat" to white Canadians, while 53% disagreed.

Some polls suggest Conservative voters and those with less education take the hardest line on immigration and refugee issues, but one caution here is that answers to polls depend on what questions are asked.

an environics poll released in april found much more positive attitudes, including that 59% disagreed with the statement "overall there is too much immigration in Canada," while 77% agreed "overall, immigration has a positive impact on the economy of Canada."

However, what these polls show collectively is that Canadians have serious concerns about trudeau's immigration and refugee policies.

this is despite the fact trudeau and company have essentially argued for four years that any response other than support for ever-increasing immigration levels is at best uninformed and at worst racist, which is utterly absurd.


There is a real elitism in Canadian politics. Most people I have talked to since landing in Canada two and a half years ago have expressed reservations about this country's immigration system, especially refugees. But, politicians like Elizabeth May and Justin Trudeau refuse to listen to any criticism.
The Russian Rock It


Quote from: "Gaon"There is a real elitism in Canadian politics. Most people I have talked to since landing in Canada two and a half years ago have expressed reservations about this country's immigration system, especially refugees. But, politicians like Elizabeth May and Justin Trudeau refuse to listen to any criticism.

Our politicians tell us what they want, not the other way around.


The US under Trump continues to make effective changes to lower the flow of illegals and scam asylum seekers while Trudeau ignores the problem."> ... 1569006377">

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration reached a deal with the government of El Salvador to send some asylum seekers from third countries back to El Salvador, in the latest effort to dissuade migrants from entering the U.S. illegally.


Quote from: "Herman"The US under Trump continues to make effective changes to lower the flow of illegals and scam asylum seekers while Trudeau ignores the problem."> ... 1569006377">

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration reached a deal with the government of El Salvador to send some asylum seekers from third countries back to El Salvador, in the latest effort to dissuade migrants from entering the U.S. illegally.

Anything that reduces the number of illegal aliens. :thumbup:


If anyone is interested in the total immigration numbers Andrew Scheer had in mind, he said when asked for a figure that Trudeau's number of 350,000 for 2021 is acceptable.