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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan


The Real Corporate Money Funding Anti-Oilsands Propaganda

Started by Anonymous, April 17, 2018, 12:24:49 PM

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Quote from: "Peaches"

Nor is your behavior conducive to thread continuity.  Perhaps the thread will need to be moderated again, or perhaps you'll work that corncob outta your ass.  Time will tell.

Call it privilege of rank. You don't post enough here to be relevant.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
First thing the NDP/Green coalition did was raise the carbon tax. Second was sabotaging Canada's future.


The Left is systematically breaking down the society they despise so much, but not ONE of this morons have yet offered solutions to the problems they bang on about. They just scream, yell and whine.


Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Peaches"

Nor is your behavior conducive to thread continuity.  Perhaps the thread will need to be moderated again, or perhaps you'll work that corncob outta your ass.  Time will tell.

Call it privilege of rank. You don't post enough here to be relevant.

I believe it was Shen Li that started the personal crap that got parts of this thread exiled to RR.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Peaches"

Nor is your behavior conducive to thread continuity.  Perhaps the thread will need to be moderated again, or perhaps you'll work that corncob outta your ass.  Time will tell.

Call it privilege of rank. You don't post enough here to be relevant.

I believe it was Shen Li that started the personal crap that got parts of this thread exiled to RR.

Go fuck urself tattletale.


Canada's prosperity is being sabotaged by American billionaires, Russia and OPEC. It's no wonder the NDP in Alberta do not want any investigation into foreign interference. The anti Canadian oil TIDES foundation donated money to the NDP in their provincial election.


Kenney launches inquiry into foreign-funded campaigns against Alberta oil

CALGARY — Vowing to fight back against "foreign meddling" that Premier Jason Kenney says has hamstrung Alberta's economy, the UCP government announced Thursday it will launch a public inquiry into international campaigns supposedly targeting the province's energy industry.

The inquiry, led by Calgary Economic Development board chair Steve Allan, will investigate foreign-funded efforts that Kenney says are undermining Alberta's oil and gas sector.

Costing $2.5 million, the inquiry will last a year, broken up into two phases. Allan will first focus on fact-finding through a combination of interviews and research, followed by public hearings if they are deemed necessary.

A final report, to be available to the public, will be filed by July 2, 2020.

Flanked by Justice Minister Doug Schweitzer and Energy Minister Sonya Savage as he spoke to media in downtown Calgary on Thursday, Kenney pointed to foreign efforts such as the "Tar Sands campaign," which he said was aimed at shutting down investment, development and export of energy from Alberta's oilsands.

He referenced U.S. organizations including the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Oak Foundation, Sea Change Foundation and Tides Foundation as groups with links to the "well-funded political propaganda campaign" over the past decade. Kenney said Canadian environmental groups such as Greenpeace and the Pembina Institute have also participated in the effort.

"Its main tactics have been disinformation and defamation, litigation, public protests and political lobbying," Kenney said.

Kenney also pointed to social media campaigns run by the Russian government to oppose construction of pipelines in North America.

He said foreign-funded groups have demonstrated a "hypocritical double standard" toward other energy producers around the world, which "have benefited massively from the campaign to land-lock our energy."

"They focused on Canada because they saw us as the easy target, as the pushover, as the kid in the schoolyard most easy to bully," said Kenney.

"We're so nice, we tend to be apologetic and I think they understood that this country, among all the major energy producers, would be the most easily intimidated by this campaign. And you know what? They were right."

The inquiry will "follow the money trail and expose all of the interests involved," uncover whether any laws have been broken and recommend policy actions where appropriate, Kenney said.

But while Allan will be able to compel witness testimony within Alberta, he won't be able to do so in the U.S. or other Canadian jurisdictions.

NDP House Leader Deron Bilous said Kenney was "going on a fool's errand trying to hire someone to do a glorified Google search."

"What the premier's trying to do is change the channel on his abysmal record thus far as far as job creation," Bilous said. "What Albertans want to see are jobs created. They don't want to see a glorified witch hunt."

Bilous said the inquiry won't help Alberta expand its market access or build pipelines.

It's unclear what policy actions could arise following the release of Allan's report.

Kenney said his government would look to create legislation banning foreign money in provincial elections through third-party campaigns. It would also challenge the charitable status of groups that exceed spending limits on political activity.


Trudeau and Notley have been working together to cover for the fake charities that have worked against the vital economic interests of all Canadians. And they both will fight to protect their foreign billionaire friends war on Canada's economy.


It feels good to finally fight back against foreign funding of campaigns against Alberta oil

Thank God Alberta finally has a provincial government that isn't chummy with radical environmentalists and cosy with the anti-development Trudeau government.

Exhibit No. 1 was the UCP activation of the former NDP government's turn-off-thetaps law. It would permit Alberta, if it comes to that, to stop shipments of oil, bitumen or gasoline to B.C.

The Notley government passed the law last year but never proclaimed it. That meant their threat to cut off oil to Trans Mountain-blocking British Columbia was more of a symbolic gesture than a real possibility.

The fact that Jason Kenney's government made the law real has so disturbed the B.C. government that NDP Premier John Horgan has had Left Coast government lawyers argue in a Calgary court that the Alberta law should be stopped because it amounts to a "loaded gun" that might "accidentally go off."

How? A law isn't an inanimate object. It won't "go off" unless the Alberta cabinet deliberately orders it to.

Still, it's been fun to watch the B.C. New Democrats lose their minds.

Now comes Exhibit No. 2: The UCP appointment of a commission to look into the foreign funding of Canadian environmental groups in a plot to "landlock Alberta oil" using something called the "tar sands campaign."

T[size=150]he campaign was first exposed by independent B.C. researcher Vivian Krause, who in a speech to the Calgary Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday estimated that over the last decade a total of $600 million had been shipped from wealthy American charitable foundations to Canadian eco-activists in an effort to stop shipments of Alberta oil and prevent the construction of pipelines.[/size]

Now the Kenney government has appointed wellknown forensic accountant Steve Allen to head a commission that will have one year to dig into how much foreign money has been funnelled to Canadian "green" groups and by whom.

This is a one-eighty from the Notley government.

You will recall,[size=150] the NDP approach was to appoint well-known environmentalists such as Tzeporah Berman and Karen Mahon to senior advisory groups on the future of Alberta's resource industry, even though those bullhorn radicals continued to protest and blockade pipelines, launch lawsuits against Trans Mountain and badmouth Alberta energy across the country and around the world.


Whether the Kenney government's get-tough approach will achieve more pipelines, faster than the NDP'S rollover-and-playdead approach remains to be seen. But, damn, it's nice for once to be fighting back.

However, it's not just foreign foundations that Commissioner Allen should be looking into. In her Calgary speech on Wednesday,

[size=150]Krause said she also suspects the federal Liberal government has been meddling with Canada Revenue Agency audits of eco groups (or at the very least hiding the results of those audits from the public) in order to cover up the deeppocket connections between American philanthropists and Canadian activists.


Krause pointed out that even during his first weeks in office, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had ordered his revenue minister to stop what Trudeau called CRA'S "political harassment" of activist organizations.

And, [size=150]Krause noted, CRA has recently removed these groups' tax returns from the public part of its website. "Every single tax return for every single registered charity for 14 years."

Krause laid all this out for the Notley government, too, but they did nothing[/size]
. At least under the UCP we'll get to see if it amounts to anything.


The results of this could be very embarrassing for Justine, and the Alberta and BC NDP parties.


Quote from: "seoulbro"Trudeau and Notley have been working together to cover for the fake charities that have worked against the vital economic interests of all Canadians. And they both will fight to protect their foreign billionaire friends war on Canada's economy.


It feels good to finally fight back against foreign funding of campaigns against Alberta oil

Thank God Alberta finally has a provincial government that isn't chummy with radical environmentalists and cosy with the anti-development Trudeau government.

Exhibit No. 1 was the UCP activation of the former NDP government's turn-off-thetaps law. It would permit Alberta, if it comes to that, to stop shipments of oil, bitumen or gasoline to B.C.

The Notley government passed the law last year but never proclaimed it. That meant their threat to cut off oil to Trans Mountain-blocking British Columbia was more of a symbolic gesture than a real possibility.

The fact that Jason Kenney's government made the law real has so disturbed the B.C. government that NDP Premier John Horgan has had Left Coast government lawyers argue in a Calgary court that the Alberta law should be stopped because it amounts to a "loaded gun" that might "accidentally go off."

How? A law isn't an inanimate object. It won't "go off" unless the Alberta cabinet deliberately orders it to.

Still, it's been fun to watch the B.C. New Democrats lose their minds.

Now comes Exhibit No. 2: The UCP appointment of a commission to look into the foreign funding of Canadian environmental groups in a plot to "landlock Alberta oil" using something called the "oil sands campaign."

T[size=150]he campaign was first exposed by independent B.C. researcher Vivian Krause, who in a speech to the Calgary Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday estimated that over the last decade a total of $600 million had been shipped from wealthy American charitable foundations to Canadian eco-activists in an effort to stop shipments of Alberta oil and prevent the construction of pipelines.[/size]

Now the Kenney government has appointed wellknown forensic accountant Steve Allen to head a commission that will have one year to dig into how much foreign money has been funnelled to Canadian "green" groups and by whom.

This is a one-eighty from the Notley government.

You will recall,[size=150] the NDP approach was to appoint well-known environmentalists such as Tzeporah Berman and Karen Mahon to senior advisory groups on the future of Alberta's resource industry, even though those bullhorn radicals continued to protest and blockade pipelines, launch lawsuits against Trans Mountain and badmouth Alberta energy across the country and around the world.


Whether the Kenney government's get-tough approach will achieve more pipelines, faster than the NDP'S rollover-and-playdead approach remains to be seen. But, damn, it's nice for once to be fighting back.

However, it's not just foreign foundations that Commissioner Allen should be looking into. In her Calgary speech on Wednesday,

[size=150]Krause said she also suspects the federal Liberal government has been meddling with Canada Revenue Agency audits of eco groups (or at the very least hiding the results of those audits from the public) in order to cover up the deeppocket connections between American philanthropists and Canadian activists.


Krause pointed out that even during his first weeks in office, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had ordered his revenue minister to stop what Trudeau called CRA'S "political harassment" of activist organizations.

And, [size=150]Krause noted, CRA has recently removed these groups' tax returns from the public part of its website. "Every single tax return for every single registered charity for 14 years."

Krause laid all this out for the Notley government, too, but they did nothing[/size]
. At least under the UCP we'll get to see if it amounts to anything.

So, the government of Canada may have colluded with foreigners who have a vested interest in preventing competition from Canadian oil. There should be an independent inquiry into this.
The Russian Rock It