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The world of incels

Started by Anonymous, September 27, 2019, 01:59:22 PM

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And I don't mean the posters on mmb and it's subs.

From Sun News Media

What made him Kill ?

PART One: alek Minassian explains what happened during the Toronto van terror attack

"Alek Minassian. Spread that name, speak of his sacrifice for our cause, worship him for he gave his life for our future."

On the message boards populated by the involuntary celibate — or incels — as they call themselves, the man who murdered 10 people in April 2018 in Toronto's horrific van attack is a bona fide hero.

On Youtube, there's a popular tribute video in which a singer raps about running down pedestrians "up over the curb like Alek Minassian."

Such is the rage-filled, poisoned misogynist online community of socially awkward, sexually frustrated virgins who whine the world is unfairly stacked against them with shallow women (the "Stacys") who will only sleep with attractive but otherwise worthless men (the "Chads.")

And they say the "normies" deserve to be punished for making their lives so miserable.

They are the incels, and this is their revenge.

"This is it," Minassian confessed thinking before launching his attack.

"This is the day of retribution."

At Thornlea Secondary School, where Minassian was bullied and tormented as a special needs student with Asperger's, he was called Chewbacca for his weird grunting noises.

When he enlisted in the military for a short, disastrous stint, he was ridiculed and isolated in basic training.

At Seneca at York, where the computer whiz excelled scholastically, women avoided him or laughed at his advances.

Minassian found solace with the like-minded loners on incel forums such as 4Chan and the subreddit /r/foreveralone.

In his police confession just hours after the attack, Minassian said he was inspired by "founding father" Elliot Rodger, the mass murderer and cultlike martyr of the incel movement.

"Tomorrow is the day of retribution," Rodger posted online in 2014 before he went hunting women in Isla Vista, Calif.

"I will slaughter every single, spoiled, stuck-up blond slut."

When he couldn't get into the sorority house of UC Santa Barbara, Rodger targeted people nearby, shooting and stabbing six and injuring 14 before killing himself.

He left behind an almost 150-page manifesto to justify his rampage: He'd been rejected by women, so the rest of the world needed to pay.

Since then, his loyal followers have fantasized about going ER — or Elliot Rodger — and following in his footsteps.

Minassian was among them.

"It's basically a movement of angry incels such as myself who are unable to get laid, therefore we want to overthrow the Chads, which would force the Stacys to be forced to reproduce with the incels," he explained to Toronto Police Det. Rob Thomas.

"I know he used a gun as well as a vehicle to convert the life status of certain individuals to death status — only to carry the message that incels can't be oppressed," he continued.

"You could call it an incel rebellion."

Minutes before the van attack, Minassian posted a message on Facebook praising Rodger.

"The Incel rebellion has already begun!" he wrote. "All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!"

Another of Minassian's heroes was mass killer Chris Harper-mercer, also involuntary celibate and on the autism spectrum when he murdered nine people before turning the gun on himself at Oregon's Umpqua Community College in 2015.

Minassian claimed to have been in online contact with both Rodger and Harper-mercer: "We discussed our frustrations at society and being unable to get laid and we were plotting a certain timed strikes on society in order to confuse and shape the foundations, just to put all the normies in a state of panic," he told police hours after his rampage.

The incel subculture, writer David Futrell said, "has transformed young men dealing with depression — or simply the ordinary unhappiness of life — into a veritable underground army of angry, bitter misogynists who feel they have nothing to live for and have no hope of improving their lives in what they see as our gynocentric society."

Futrell, who has spent

years tracking white male rage on his blog We Hunted the Mammoth, says we should be very afraid.

"If these young men aren't stopped, there will be more horrors like what we saw ... in Toronto, if not worse," he wrote shortly after the van attack.

"In the forums on incel hangout, some are already hailing Minassian as a hero, and looking forward to the next wave of incel terror attacks."

Seventeen months and several attacks later, Futrell hasn't changed his mind.

"I absolutely think it will continue," Futrell said in an interview.

"The incel forums are filled with anger and bitterness directed at women and the world at large as well as intense self-loathing, and it's just a really bad combination. If you feel you have nothing else to lose, why not go out in a blaze of glory and be celebrated by your fellow incels like Elliot Rodger?"

Dr. Jillian Peterson, founder of the Violence Project, an American research organization that studies mass shootings, said she's seen a disturbing uptick in the number of perpetrators from the violently misogynistic incel community of isolated and socially vulnerable men.

"Elliot Rodger has become the blueprint for the incel movement: young men who are disconnected and angry and suicidal find this community online and it's speaking to them," the forensic psychologist said. "They get validation and become very quickly radicalized." And so it continues. On the board, a poster is lamenting how the mass murder suspect in the Parkland shooting gets love letters in prison.

"But that's how it is, females are the most degenerate of genders," he writes.

"One more reason to go ER (Elliot Rodger)," user Finncel replies.

Adds a user named truthpill: "Just become a mass shooter, bro."



Accused of murdering 10 people, Alek Minassian thinks he was 'too nice'

Toronto van attacker Alek Minassian has just one regret.

After coolly confessing to running down 26 people and killing 10 of them on Yonge St., he's disappointed that he had to end his murderous rampage too soon.

"Actually, to be honest," he explains to police, "the only reason I stopped my attack was because someone's drink got splashed on my windshield and I was worried that I would crash the van anyways.

"So I decided, OK, now I wanted to do more, but I've kind of been foiled by a lack of visibility, so that's when ... I turned right ... and I saw the cops approaching, so I decided to pull over and get out of my van."

It's almost 11 p.m. on Monday, April 23, 2018 — the day of the deadliest terror attack in Toronto history — and Toronto Police Det. Rob Thomas is asking the suspect how he feels about the carnage of broken bodies he's left on the bloodied sidewalks that stretch from Finch to Sheppard.

Shockingly, the Richmond Hill man appears pretty proud of himself for aiming his rental van at crowds of innocent pedestrians, killing eight women and two men and injuring 16 others.

"I feel like I accomplished my mission," the 25-year-old calmly tells the police officer.

But Minassian does admit not all went according to plan. Not only did he want to continue his attack, but he was hoping to be killed by police and become another glorified martyr to his murderous incel — involuntary celibate — ideology.

"Even beforehand, I premeditated as an attempted suicide by cop," he says.

In a lengthy interview that takes up 190 transcript pages, the suspect explains in horrifying detail the roots of his misogynistic incel philosophy and his plan to "inflict severe damage" on that April day.

At the beginning, Minassian was reserved, refusing to speak about his family — father Vahe, mom Sona and brother Haig — or his upbringing. But slowly, in a masterful performance of sympathy and understanding, Thomas's gentle probing soon had the suspect freely confessing to all he had done.

Thomas even suggested the day must have been harrowing for him. "Yeah, well, I am a little shaken, to be honest," the mass murder suspect admitted. "It's not like it's my usual day, obviously."



Background of a killer

They began with his background.

The awkward computer whiz explained he'd just completed his bachelor of software development programming degree at Seneca at York. He was so proficient, in

fact, that as of this past May, Toronto Police had still been unable to unlock his Macbook Pro laptop or his Asus cellphone, to which he'd added layers of encryption.

Minassian had taken a detour from his studies, though, the year before.

He admitted to briefly enlisting in the Army because he was fascinated with wielding firearms. "I was interested in learning how to use weapons, specifically large guns such as assault rifles," he confided. "Unfortunately, I never made it far enough in my basic training to use guns."

Recruit number C23249161 asked to be discharged just 16 days into his September 2017 training at an army base in Saint-jeansur-richelieu, Que. Minassian

returned to school — and the dangerous comfort of his online world.

The self-described "hardcore gamer" would spend five hours a day in front of the screen. "I actually like playing video games, especially the violent ones. I just like to let out all my urges into the TV screen."

That anger seemed to stem from his problems connecting with women.

According to an interview once given by his mother, Minassian was diagnosed as a child with Asperger's — now referred to as ASD, or autism spectrum disorder — and attended special needs classes at Thornlea Secondary School in Thornhill. He told Thomas he didn't go to his high school prom and never had a girlfriend. He did

ask a girl out once in 2012, he said, but was crushed when she rejected him.

"I feel it's because I'm too nice," said the man who had just confessed to murdering 10 people.

Becoming incel

Thomas carefully delved further into his feelings about women.

"I would say that sometimes I am a bit upset that they choose to date obnoxious men instead of a gentleman," Minassian said. "I feel that it's illogical to be dating such men when they can be dating a gentleman instead."

He traced his growing rage back to his rejection at a Halloween house party in 2013: "I walked in and attempted to socialize with some girls, however they all laughed

at me and held the arms of the big guys instead."

Thomas asked how it made him feel.

"I felt very angry that they would, because I consider myself a supreme gentleman. I was angry that they would give their love and affection to obnoxious brutes," he replied. "I started thinking that it's unfair that certain guys will not get any love and affection from girls."

What did he mean by "certain guys?" Thomas asked.

"Such as me, that are very nice and acting gentlemanly."

Minassian connected with other angry men online who were similarly frustrated – from his 4Chan chats on RB, R9K (space robots) and Pol (politically incorrect) boards as well as Forever Alone on Subreddit, the

topic of conversation was their anger at their "inability to lose one's virginity, especially for young males."

They call themselves incels — involuntary celibate. Or, as Minassian explained to the detective, you "essentially have been thrown into true forced loneliness and you're unable to lose your virginity. This is especially painful for young males."

In the lexicon of the incel subculture, Minassian denigrated the "dizzy dumb girls" who ignored him as "Stacys," while the "goofy jocks" who unfairly score with women are labelled "Chads."

They all needed to be taught a lesson, he said. "Angry incels as myself who are unable to get laid, therefore we want to overthrow the Chads which would force the Stacys to be forced to reproduce with the incels."

connecting with terror

Unfortunately, he complained, his fellow incels were all talk. "I would consider them too cowardly to act on their anger."

But not his hero, mass killer Elliot Rodger, the "founding forefather" of their "movement." Minassian recalled first connecting with incels on 4Chan on May 23, 2014. Thomas asked why he could still remember the exact date.

"Because I remember that was a very significant day. That was when Elliot Rodger decided to essentially commit an uprising — a beta uprising, if you will — against the Chads and the Stacys."

After posting his rambling manifesto, Rodger murdered six and injured 14 near the University of California, Santa Barbara campus, before killing himself. Some of the victims were intentionally struck by his car.

"I know he used a gun as well as vehicle to convert the life status of certain individuals to death status only to carry the message that incels can't be oppressed," Minassian explained. "You could call it an incel rebellion."

Minassian then told Thomas about mass shooter Chris Harper-mercer who killed a professor and eight students at an Oregon university.

He claimed to have communicated with both incel killers by private messages on Reddit: Rodger's code name was Valtharion, he said, Mercer's was Spacerobot and his was Xboxlightside.

"We discussed our frustrations at society and being unable to get laid and we were plotting a certain timed strikes on society in order to confuse and shape the foundations, just to put all the normies in a state of panic."

The targets, he explained, were all the alpha males – the Chads – as well as "any of the Stacys who do not wish to give their love and affection to the incels."

They didn't necessarily want to kill all the normies, he continued, but to "subjugate" them – either imprison or put them in a lower position in society – so they understand that incels are superior.

Minassian last spoke to Rodger three days before he committed his mass murder. "He told me that he has to go, he's on a very important mission and he might not make it back alive."

He wished him luck.

Plotting retribution

Minassian later learned of Rodger's killing spree on May 23. "I felt kind of proud of him for his acts of bravery," he said. "I was starting to feel radicalized at that time. Meaning, I felt it was time to take action and not just sit on the sidelines and just fester in my own sadness."

Daydreaming about his own act of violence began about a month later. By March 2018, he said, his actual planning was underway. Police found Google searches on March 21 for "Elliot Rodger" on an internal hard drive found at Minassian's Richmond Hill home.

"I was thinking that it was time that I stood up to the Chads and Stacys," Minassian said. He decided to rent a 10-foot van – big enough "to inflict severe damage" but not too big he couldn't manoeuvre it – at the beginning of April.

"So I booked the van," he explained, "and then I just simply wait until today and then I go rent the van and then I drive it, take it downtown to Toronto and I just start using it as a weapon."

Thomas asked what he meant by that.

"Meaning I, it, the vehicle collided with several pedestrians, some of who are no longer alive as a result."

Hoping to inspire future masses to join in his uprising, Minassian said he posted a message on 4Chan a day before the attack encouraging others to "follow suit" and "overthrow society."

Quite a few people congratulated him, he said proudly, including an Edmonton man who said he was planning an attack of his own on Nov. 15. "He said, 'Thanks man, you've given me great inspiration.'"

That morning, Minassian passed the time playing video games until it was time to leave. At first, he lied and told Thomas he'd taken the bus to the Ryder rental location in Vaughan but later admitted his father had dropped him off at a nearby coffee shop. "I told him I was meeting up with a friend."

Using his phone, he posted a Facebook message to announce the incel rebellion had begun: "We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!"

a massacre on Yonge st.

As Minassian drove south on Yonge St., just one thing burned in his mind: "I'm thinking that this is it, this is the day of retribution."

He hadn't intended to begin his attack at Yonge and Finch until he noticed the sidewalks busy with pedestrians enjoying the rare spring sunshine.

"I'm thinking that this is it," he recalled for the officer. "I see all these people. It's time to go for it.

"I floor the pedal. I speed the van towards them and I allow the van to collide with them."

What happens next? asked the detective with remarkable calm

"Some people get knocked down on the way," Minassian replied. "Some people roll over the top of the van."

The first hysterical calls to 911 began arriving at about 1:26 p.m. Seven minutes of hell later, 10 people lay dead or dying.

When Minassian heard sirens approaching and could no longer see through his windshield, he pulled over on Poyntz Ave., south of Sheppard Ave. He was hoping to now employ the last part of his plan: Suicide by cop.

"I see a patrol car pull over and I hear the cop screaming at me to get out, so I get out and I point my wallet at the cop ... with the intent for it to be confused as a gun so that I could be fatally shot," he said. "I actually told him that I had a gun in my pocket, which was untrue."

He hoped Const. Ken Lam would panic and shoot him, Minassian explained. "Unfortunately, he didn't react."

He then decided to co-operate and get down on the ground because he figured he'd be tackled or Tasered otherwise.

The man who admitted to inflicting so much terror and agony on complete strangers didn't want to experience any himself.

"If I'm going to live," Minassian said, "I'd rather not encounter a physically painful experience. So I decided I have no choice but to admit defeat at that point."


I remember this mass killing in Toronto..

At least we may get some answers in this unlike the Danforth shooter.


I took the Aspergers test..

149 points out of 159.

I´m winning.. Almost complete Aspergers.


Quote from: "seoulbro"And I don't mean the posters on mmb and it's subs.

From Sun News Media

I was (and probably still am) pretty comfortable with the label EVEN THOUGH the professionals have dropped it from DSM-V and now call this (reasonably) identifiable constellation of behaviors simply "something" in the high functioning autism spectrum.  But in my own thinking I still use the term if I think the subject person fits the criteria in DSM-IIIa.  I don't actually know many Asberger's individuals who are also Incels.

Thanks for this topic.  I didn't read all of the detail in your second and third posts, mostly because I've read a lot of similar reports about this "fraternity."    

I have a Darwinist attitude about Incels, and my belief is that as a class they should accept and adapt to their unmarketability.  What some of them are doing instead is playing the victim and going in for hate crime and hate "groups."  Those of them who think the Stacys are worth this angst are of course morons, but there's the Darwin thing again.

I take a dim view of hate groups and hate speech.


Quote from: "seoulbro"And I don't mean the posters on mmb and it's subs.



Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "seoulbro"And I don't mean the posters on mmb and it's subs.


Don't laff. One claims to have access to a large and potentially very lethal limos

Seriously, quite a scenario. Before this happened I had never heard of it, but seems it's quite an established fraternity .. a support group with  hate driven by self pity as the major driver

Peaches puts it into perspective quite well

Thanks for the data, Seoul
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "seoulbro"And I don't mean the posters on mmb and it's subs.

From Sun News Media

I was (and probably still am) pretty comfortable with the label EVEN THOUGH the professionals have dropped it from DSM-V and now call this (reasonably) identifiable constellation of behaviors simply "something" in the high functioning autism spectrum.  But in my own thinking I still use the term if I think the subject person fits the criteria in DSM-IIIa.  I don't actually know many Asberger's individuals who are also Incels.

Thanks for this topic.  I didn't read all of the detail in your second and third posts, mostly because I've read a lot of similar reports about this "fraternity."    

I have a Darwinist attitude about Incels, and my belief is that as a class they should accept and adapt to their unmarketability.  What some of them are doing instead is playing the victim and going in for hate crime and hate "groups."  Those of them who think the Stacys are worth this angst are of course morons, but there's the Darwin thing again.

I take a dim view of hate groups and hate speech.[

I agree Peaches and until this case, I'd never heard of whatever chooses to call people like Mr Minassian..

I take a very dim view of hate groups or any other type of radicals despite what people on other forums say about us.


Quote from: "cc"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "seoulbro"And I don't mean the posters on mmb and it's subs.


Don't laff. One claims to have access to a large and potentially very lethal limos

Seriously, quite a scenario. Before this happened I had never heard of it, but seems it's quite an established fraternity .. a support group with  hate driven by self pity as the major driver

Peaches puts it into perspective quite well

Thanks for the data, Seoul



This doesn't add much to the topic.  It's a cover of a Radiohead song, but I found myself thinking it had to go in this thread.



Quote from: "Peaches"This doesn't add much to the topic.  It's a cover of a Radiohead song, but I found myself thinking it had to go in this thread.


It's a good song.