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Open Borders Inc.: Who's Funding America's Destruction?

Started by Anonymous, September 14, 2019, 12:25:00 AM

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Quote from: "cc"Vatican is ... but is by no means alone

Love Michelle ... bright, tough, and gorgeous

She's my gal. She was made in the USA but her parents and I come from the Pearl of the Orient Seas. ac_biggrin

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Quote from: "cc"Vatican is ... but is by no means alone

Love Michelle ... bright, tough, and gorgeous

She's my gal. She was made in the USA but her parents and I come from the Pearl of the Orient Seas. ac_biggrin

I saw an interview with her. She is a sharp cookie. I can see why progtards hate her.

I want to buy her latest book.



[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"She often comes off as quite "angry" though.

So does Elizabeth Warren.
The Russian Rock It


Oh I know who it is  :laugh:


(btw google has made it much harder to find this image)
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: "Blazor"Oh I know who it is  :laugh:


(btw google has made it much harder to find this image)
Prog money. :oeudC:


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"In her stunning new book, Open Borders Inc., Michelle Malkin puts it to work with a shocking, comprehensive exposé of who's behind our immigration crisis.

In the name of compassion—but driven by financial profit—globalist elites, Silicon Valley, and the radical Left are conspiring to undo the rule of law, subvert our homeland security, shut down free speech, and make gobs of money off the backs of illegal aliens, refugees, and low-wage guest workers.

Politicians want cheap votes or cheap labor. Church leaders want pew-fillers and collection plate donors. Social justice militants, working with corporate America, want to silence free speech they deem "hateful," while raking in tens of millions of dollars promoting mass, uncontrolled immigration both legal and illegal.

Malkin names names—from Pope Francis to George Clooney, from George Soros to the Koch brothers, from Jack Dorsey to Tim Cook and Mark Zuckerberg. Enlightening as it is infuriating, Open Borders Inc. reveals the powerful forces working to erase America.

I'll assume this is an anti illegal immigration/human smuggling book and not a book that denies the economic benefits of an orderly skilled migrant policy which the US doesn't have.

The United States has a dysfunctional immigration system. And nobody, besides Trump wants order.
gay, conservative and proud


Interesting article about Ann Navarro by Michelle Malkin

TV'S foulest open borders windbag

If I had to name just one America-sabotaging mouthpiece who symbolizes the foulest of the Fourth Estate, it would be Ana Navarro-cardenas, who last week was an honoured front-row guest at Democratic presidential candidate and former veep Joe Biden's Latino fundraiser in Miami and is now cheerleading for President Donald Trump's impeachment.

As I report in "Open Borders Inc.," Navarro-cardenas is billed as a Republican strategist, but voted for Hillary Clinton, cuddled up to Bill Clinton on a Florida golf course and climbed up the pundit ladder bashing mainstream Republicans at every turn. That's the only winning strategy this madefor-tv "strategist" has ever had. The Nicaraguan-born loudmouth came to the U.S. with her family in 1980 and was amnestied under Ronald Reagan's 1986 mass pardon for lawbreakers. She fought immigrant deportations as a law student and worked for foreign special interests busting open our borders even wider.

In 1997, she was a foreign agent. Literally. Her bio describes her as "a special advisor to the Government of Nicaragua and in that role, she was one of the primary advocates for NACARA (Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act)." Under the law, Nicaraguans who had lived in the U.S. illegally since 1995, along with their spouses and unmarried children, were automatically granted permanent resident status (and the coveted path to American citizenship) as long as they applied by April 1, 2000. Certain Cubans, El Salvadorans, Guatemalans and Eastern Europeans who had entered illegally and/or faced deportation were also tossed into the amnesty. Nearly 1 million lawbreakers received NACARA benefits.

Navarro-cardenas served on the Hispanic Advisory Council for amnesty traitor John Mccain's failed 2008 presidential bid and secured a national Hispanic co-chair position for liberal Republican Jon Huntsman's 2012 flameout of a presidential bid. She served as a "confidante" of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (the nitwit who proclaimed that illegal immigration is an "act of love") and held a position as his state director of immigration policy until it was discovered that she did not have a law licence. Then she advised Jeb's low-energy 2016 presidential campaign until it ran out of gas.

Rude and crude, she racked up paid gigs at CNN, CNN Espanol, Telemundo and ABC'S The View.

You may remember one of her most infamous stunts: Pulling out a nail file and feigning boredom during an immigration debate on CNN'S Cuomo Prime Time show. Host Chris Cuomo introduced the segment by accusing Trump of "creating the fiction of a brown menace" and concocting the bloody consequences of open borders on Jan. 9, 2019.

Exactly two weeks earlier, patriotic legal immigrant and Newman, California, police officer Cpl. Ronil Singh had been executed by a Mexican gangbanger here illegally. While Trump supporter Steve Cortes called attention to the victims of illegal immigrant crime, Navarro-cardenas sighed, rolled her eyes, and exploded when Cortes had the audacity to call her a "leftist." Ignoring Singh's sacrifice, she whined: "I'm so tired of you calling me leftist just because you want to compromise your values."

Playing the victim while disrespecting the real victims is par for the Open Borders Inc. course.

In 2019, "Amnesty Ana" split from wealthy liberal businessman Gene Prescott and married establishment Republican bigwig and former Florida Republican Party chairman Al Cardenas. Cardenas is a Florida-based lawyer/lobbyist who shills for open borders billionaire Michael Bloomberg's No Labels group. From 20112014, Cardenas helmed the American Conservative Union, which runs the Conservative Political Action Conference. But don't let the "conservative" part fool you into thinking that Cardenas actually works for rank-and-file conservatives.

Currently, Cardenas and his open borders GOP buddies are lobbying hard in Florida for illegal immigrant driver's licenses and against the E-verify employer database.

Outraged that Trump released a 2018 midterm ad attacking Democrats' sanctuary policies that featured illegal immigrant and convicted cop killer Luis Bracamontes, Cardenas called the commander in chief a "despicable divider" with a "bigoted legacy" who represented the "worse (sic) social poison to afflict our country in decades."

"Amnesty Ana" echoed her hubby on CNN, hissing that Trump was a "racist pig" for memorializing the two dead American cops slain by Bracamontes, who cackled upon his convictions and bragged: "I wish I had killed more of the motherf---ers."

The next time these media mouthpieces of Open Borders Inc. lecture about civility, compassion and "who we are," remember where they stand — on the side of foreign governments over America, fame over safety, illegal immigrant criminals over hero police officers, profits over sovereignty and impeachment insanity above all else.


The Republicans are not that different from Democrats when it comes to illegal immigration. The Conservatives in Canada are not that much different from the Liberals about refugees. Trump and Bernier are really different.
The Russian Rock It


Quote from: "Gaon"The Republicans are not that different from Democrats when it comes to illegal immigration. The Conservatives in Canada are not that much different from the Liberals about refugees. Trump and Bernier are really different.

I would vote for Bernier if it wasn't for his cheerleading for free trade.


Illegal immigration equals higher profits.

That is America's curse.


Quote from: "Bricktop"Illegal immigration equals higher profits.

That is America's curse.

Perhaps in agriculture.


And manufacturing.

Cheap labour means more money for the owners. America has never really bothered about the source of cheap labour.


Quote from: "Blazor"Oh I know who it is  :laugh:


(btw google has made it much harder to find this image)


Quote from: "Bricktop"And manufacturing.

Cheap labour means more money for the owners. America has never really bothered about the source of cheap labour.

Large employers usually won't risk hiring illegals.