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Must Buy Books

Started by Anonymous, September 22, 2019, 06:53:41 AM

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A miracle. Coal, oil and natural gas, the carbon-based fossil fuels that powered the Industrial Revolution and civilization's rapid advancement.

A menace. Climate change has how convinced many that carbon emissions are the world's greatest challenge.

The necessity and benefits of decarbonizing the global industrial and energy complex are well articulated. What is not explained is this will require the largest financial disruption in history, affecting everyone and everything.

For over a century Alberta's massive carbon resources have supported Alberta and Canada financially, helping make Canada the world's fifth-largest oil and gas producer. Carbon has been a major driver of prosperity, employment and opportunity, shaping the country we know today.

However, climate change is creating enormous challenges for Alberta - and Canada - with no possible outcomes that will satisfy all stakeholders.

Alberta has become ground zero for the changes many demand but few are willing to pay for. As the province demonstrates what carbon's future looks and feels like, unless the rest of the world participates Alberta has become a needless sacrifice.

From Miracle to Menace explains how Alberta came to be, the enormity of the planned financial dislocation, and how Alberta, and Canada, can meet the climate challenge without committing economic suicide....


The Once and Future Hegemon

In a world bristling with dangers, only one enemy poses a truly mortal challenge to the United States and the peaceful and prosperous world that America guarantees. That enemy is China, a country

-that invented totalitarianism thousands of years ago

-whose economic power rivals our own

-that believes its superior race and culture give it the right to universal deference

-that teaches its people to hate America for standing in the way of achieving its narcissistic "dream" of world domination

-that believes in its manifest destiny to usher in the World of Great Harmony

-which publishes maps showing the exact extent of the nuclear destruction it could rain down on the United States

Steven Mosher exposes the resurgent aspirations of the would-be hegemon—and the roots of China's will to domination in its five-thousand-year history of ruthless conquest and assimilation of other nations, brutal repression of its own people, and belligerence toward any civilization that challenges its claim to superiority.

The naïve idealism of our "China hands" has lulled America into a fool's dream of "engagement" with the People's Republic of China and its "peaceful evolution" toward democracy and freedom. Wishful thinking, says Mosher, has blinded us to the danger we face and left the world vulnerable to China's overweening ambitions.

Mosher knows China as few Westerners do. Having exposed as a visiting graduate student the monstrous practice of forced abortions, he became the target of the regime's crushing retaliation. His encyclopedic grasp of China's history and its present-day politics, his astute insights, and his bracing realism are the perfect antidote for our dangerous confusion about the Bully of Asia.


Quote from: "Berry Sweet"No.  I'm reading it for a positive influence, I guess you could say.  The teachings are peaceful.  I went to this Japanese garden in Portland this summer and I felt as peace, it was so pretty and they had some Buddhist stuff in the gift shop and I bought some things.   I don't want religion and stupid beliefs in my life,  I just want the enlightenment out of it.  You know, inner peace.

I TOTALLY get where you are coming from  :punk:
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


he author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Russia Hoax picks up where that book ended with this hard-hitting, well-reasoned examination of the latest findings about "collusion" between the Trump Administration and the Russians, offering further proof that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is nothing more than a politically motivated witch hunt.

How did a small group of powerful intelligence officials convince tens of millions of Americans that the president is a traitor, without a shred of evidence?

Now that every detail and argument set forth in The Russia Hoax has been borne out by the Mueller report, Jarrett returns with Witch Hunt, providing a hard-hitting, well-reasoned evisceration of what may be the dirtiest trick in political history.

No marks have ever been as gullible as distraught Democrats in 2016. Washington insiders broke rule after rule investigating the president, chasing a conspiracy that turned out not to exist. Somehow this was spun into Donald Trump having something to hide. People associated with the president were pushed into plea deals that had nothing to do with Russian "collusion" or discouraged from serving by the threat of huge legal bills. Somehow this was spun into Trump's lawyers being bullies. The president complained that the investigation was a waste of time, but he allowed it to continue unimpeded to the end. Somehow this was spun into obstruction of justice.

In Witch Hunt, Gregg Jarrett uncovers the bureaucratic malfeasance and malicious politicization of our country's justice system. The law was weaponized for partisan purposes. Even though it was Hillary Clinton's campaign that collected and disseminated a trove of lies about Trump from a former British spy and Russian operatives, Democrats and the media spun this into a claim that Trump was working for the Russians.

Senior officials at the FBI, blinded by their political bias and hatred of Trump, went after the wrong person. At the DOJ, the deputy attorney general discussed secretly recording the president and recruiting members of the cabinet to depose Trump. Those behind the Witch Hunt have either been fired or resigned.  Many of them are now under investigation for abuse of power. But what about the pundits who concocted wild narratives in real time on television, or the newspapers which covered the fact that rumors were being investigated without investigating the facts themselves?

Factual, highly persuasive, and damning, this must-read expose makes clear that not only was there no "collusion," but there was not even a basis for Mueller's investigation of the charge that has attacked Trump and his administration for more than two years. It's always been a Witch Hunt.


That book should be required reading in civics classes across the states.


This book should be required reading for BLM.,204,203,200_.jpg">

Thoughtful and challenging, this book argues for a reassessment of the role historically played by Islam in Africa, and offers new hope for in creased mutual understanding between African people of different faiths. Drawing on a wealth of sources, from the colonial period to the most up-to-date scholarship, the author challenges the widely held perception th at, while Christianity oppressed and subjugated the African people, Islam fitted comfortably into the indigenous landscape. Instead, this penetrating account reveals Muslim settlers to be as guilty of enforcing slavery and conversion as those of their more maligned sister tradition. Only with an acknowledgement of the true roles of both faiths in African history, suggests Azumah, can the people of both traditions move themselves and their continent towards a new future of tolerance and self-awareness


Our Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry released this book in 2009. It is a hot buy here in BC.">
Time is malleable


Quote from: Vancouver post_id=366392 time=1592281274 user_id=65
Our Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry released this book in 2009. It is a hot buy here in BC.">



To effectively refute any lie, however large or small, it is first necessary to be properly informed. Toward this end, "The Myths That Divide Us" stands as a most important boo on the subject of America's enduring national dilemma -- race. This treatise offers -- in a clear, logical, and intrepid manner -- powerful evidence that the most serious social and economic problems afflicting black Americans are not due to societal racism, but rather to the tragic disintegration of the black family. By taking this position (which the author supports with hundreds of references to vital sociological, historical, and contemporary research), Perazzo's work differs markedly from the vast majority of books on race. While noting that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. declared as early as 1965 that the civil rights movement had already achieved its principal goals, Perazzo asserts that King's successors have nonetheless done everything in their power to keep alive the false perception that American society mistreats the black community in a host of ways, both overtly and covertly. "They contemptibly use their personal agendas to keep fueling the fire of racial enmity," he says. Perazzo contends that civil rights crusaders evaluate matters of race by two sets of standards. For instance, one chapter of his book discusses how these leaders relentlessly drew worldwide attention to the evils of South African apartheid during the 1980s, yet have said virtually nothing about the far greater atrocities perpetrated against black victims all over the African continent. Another chapter details how civil rights leaders have loudly denounced the white enslavement of blacks that occurred in a bygone age (and have gone so far as to demand that reparations be paid collectively to present-day blacks), yet they have remained silent about the black-on-black slavery that pervaded Africa since time immemorial. Indeed, these leaders refuse even to denounce the modern-day slavery that currently exists in some African nations. Closer to home, Perazzo demonstrates such major points as these: -- Notwithstanding civil rights agitators' irresponsible charges to the contrary, white racism in the United States has declined dramatically since the middle of the 20th century, to the point where the [size=200]black Harvard sociologist Orlando Patterson has said that America "is now the least racist white-majority society in the world."[/size] -- Contrary to popular belief, the American criminal-justice system treats black defendants no more harshly than white defendants. -- Affirmative action has heightened racial tensions while doing almost nothing to improve the economic condition of black Americans, and is merely a variation of similar failed policies elsewhere in the world. Perazzo further details research which shows that: -- Fatherlessness, not race, is the most accurate predictor thaty a child will end up in poverty or in prison. -- Black full-time workers today earn slightly more than white workers of the same age, sex, and IQ. -- College-educated, black working couples earn more than similar white couples in every age group and in every region of the country. This book does not tread lightly in its assessment of those individuals currently recognized as the foremost civil rights leaders in the United States. It exposes them, without apology or euphemism, as charlatans who prefer to sermonize rather than educate; who deliver hackneyed platitudes rather than knowledge; and who substitute elaborate exhibitions of moral preening, for reason.


Governments around the world are in the early stages of a repositioning of power, as China rises and the United States is drawn into direct competition. However, some are beginning to wonder whether, for all of the economic benefits, engaging with China carries unseen dangers.

The Chinese Communist Party is now determined to reshape the world in its image. The party is not interested in democracy. It divides the world into those who can be won over and enemies. They have already lured many leaders to their corner; others are weighing up a devil's bargain.

Through its exercise of 'sharp power,' the party is weakening global institutions, aggressively targeting individual corporations, and threatening freedom of expression from the arts to academia. At the same time, security services are increasingly worried about incursions into our communications infrastructure. Indeed, the vaunted Great Firewall is a temporary measure, only necessary until the party has transformed the global conversation.

In December 2019, the CCP's obsession with social control led it to suppress expert warnings about the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. Most alarming for the West was the active collaboration of the WHO in spreading the CCP's version of events. It was a shocking example of the widespread co-optation of global institutions by the CCP, as described in Hidden Hand. As soon as Beijing thought it had the virus under control, it began a global propaganda blitz, presenting China's authoritarian system as a model for the rest of the world. Western media and pundits soon began echoing the Party line.

Hidden Hand is a detailed and devastating expose of Chinese Communist Party influence in the West, including Canada. It could not arrive at a better time in Canada, with relations between Ottawa and Beijing reaching breaking point after two years of mounting tension. China's bullying behaviour, and the mobilising of people loyal to the Chinese Communist Party on the streets of Canada's cities, has caused deep disquiet among Canadians.

But the government seems paralyzed. Hidden Hand shows how Canada's political, business, academic and cultural elites have over many years been co-opted by the Chinese Communist Party and its agencies. They are confused about what is in Canada's national interests and frequently do Beijing's bidding.

Hidden Hand shows how the Chinese Communist Party represents a profound threat to Western democracy. It's vital reading for Canadians who want to understand what is really happening, and points to a way of carving out a new diplomatic course with China. But the question remains: Does the government have the will to stand up to Beijing and its proxies in Canada or is it too late?


Michael Shellenberger has been fighting for a greener planet for decades. He helped save the world's last unprotected redwoods. He co-created the predecessor to today's Green New Deal. And he led a successful effort by climate scientists and activists to keep nuclear plants operating, preventing a spike of emissions.

But in 2019, as some claimed "billions of people are going to die," contributing to rising anxiety, including among adolescents, Shellenberger decided that, as a lifelong environmental activist, leading energy expert, and father of a teenage daughter, he needed to speak out to separate science from fiction.

Despite decades of news media attention, many remain ignorant of basic facts. Carbon emissions peaked and have been declining in most developed nations for over a decade. Deaths from extreme weather, even in poor nations, declined 80 percent over the last four decades. And the risk of Earth warming to very high temperatures is increasingly unlikely thanks to slowing population growth and abundant natural gas.

Curiously, the people who are the most alarmist about the problems also tend to oppose the obvious solutions.

What's really behind the rise of apocalyptic environmentalism? There are powerful financial interests. There are desires for status and power. But most of all there is a desire among supposedly secular people for transcendence. This spiritual impulse can be natural and healthy. But in preaching fear without love, and guilt without redemption, the new religion is failing to satisfy our deepest psychological and existential needs.


"The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President." By Lee Smith


New York Times bestselling author Sharyl Attkisson takes on the media's misreporting on Black Lives Matter, coronavirus, Joe Biden, Silicon Valley censorship, and more.

When the facts don't fit their Narrative, the media abandons the facts, not the Narrative. Virtually every piece of information you get through the media has been massaged, shaped, curated, and manipulated before it reaches you. Some of it is censored entirely. The news can no longer be counted on to reflect all the facts. Instead of telling us what happened yesterday, they tell us what's new in the prepackaged soap opera they've been calling the news.

For the past four years, five-time Emmy Award–winning investigative journalist and New York Times bestselling author Sharyl Attkisson has been collecting and dissecting alarming incidents tracing the shocking devolution of what used to be the most respected news organizations on the planet. For the first time, top news executives and reporters representing every major national television news outlet—from ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN to FOX and MSNBC—speak frankly, confiding in Attkisson about the death of the news as they once knew it. Their concern transcends partisan divides.

Most frightening of all, a broad campaign in the media has convinced many Americans not only to accept but to demand censorship over journalism. It is a stroke of genius on the part of those seeking to influence public opinion: undermine public confidence in the news, then insist upon "curating" information and divining the "truth." The thinking is done for you. They'll decide which pesky facts shouldn't cross your desk by declaring them false, irrelevant, debunked, unsafe, or out-of-bounds.

We have reached a state of utter absurdity, where journalism schools teach students that their own, personal truth or chosen narratives matter more than reality. In Slanted, Attkisson digs into the language of propagandists, the persistence of false media narratives, the driving forces behind today's dangerous blend of facts and opinion, the abandonment of journalism ethics, and the new, Orwellian definition of what it means to report the news.,204,203,200_.jpg">


E is for Energy: Fossil Fuels make the world go round

Children can no longer grow up innocent. At schools across America, destructive left-wing values dominate the curriculum. Children as young as three are inflicted with climate hysteria; told that the world will end soon because of the weather, which sends them into panic and despair. Climate hysteria is out of control. E is for Energy creatively and gently explains to children the truth about fossil fuels and the amazing blessing it is in their personal lives. The world will not end because of fossil fuels. This is a lie. Fossil fuels are actually the reason the modern world is able to function. This book sets the foundation for your child to think clearly and independently so they will not be seduced by the propaganda they are bound to face at school, and in the media and culture. Your child should be able to grow up happy. Protect them from climate hysteria.,204,203,200_.jpg">


This book presents one chilling possibility, and it is every bit as relevant to our world today as George Orwell's masterpiece was in the aftermath of World War II.

This is a work of literary science fiction, one which has something important to say.

Stylistically, it is a work of mainstream fiction, focused on the journey of the protagonist and on the world in which she lives. It is surreal in places, heavily laced with satire, mystical realism, and even a bit of absurdism. In terms of subject matter, it lies squarely within the boundaries of the cyberpunk genre: virtual reality and sentient artificial intelligences are omnipresent, and our characters live much of their lives within a VR system that sometimes seems more real than reality itself. The virtual world and the AIs who live within it act as a mirror, reflecting our own existence. It is also a solid work of hard science fiction: everything it portrays is technologically feasible, and much of it is already part of our daily lives.