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Canada stymied by poor competitiveness and sluggish growth

Started by Anonymous, November 20, 2019, 08:07:09 AM

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Justine is the worst pm in Canadian history.">


As Canada plays stupid games on natural resource development and piles taxes and useless regulations on oil and gas, Russia helps the environment, lowers emissions, creates good jobs and adds  hundreds of billions in revenue."> ... jvnsAUTN0M">

While Canada hesitates, Russia builds 3,000 km gas pipeline to China in just five years

At 10 times the size of our Coastal GasLink, Power of Siberia set to carry five billion cubic metres by 2020 and bring in $400 billion over 30 years.

As multiple Canadian pipeline projects linger in limbo, Russia and China have just turned on the taps on a natural gas behemoth long enough to connect Timmins, Ont., to Burnaby, B.C.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping brought the Power of Siberia pipeline, which will stretch 3,000 km from Siberia into northeast China, online Monday. The US$55 billion pipeline is expected to carry five billion cubic metres of natural gas into China in 2020, with production eventually ramping up and hitting 38 billion cubic metres by 2025.

The partnership between the two nations came in response to the sanctions levied on Russia following its annexation of Crimea. Brutalized by the financial sanctions in particular, Russia desperately needed to bring new capital into the country and China appeared to be an eager partner to supply it. The pipeline is expected to yield Russia US$400 billion over 30 years.



Quote from: "Herman"">

We'll never have to worry about a pipeline being built while Justin Trudeau is prime minister.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"">

We'll never have to worry about a pipeline being built while Justin Trudeau is prime minister.

Or national unity, lower taxes, economic growth or enforcing or immigration laws/securing our borders.


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"">

We'll never have to worry about a pipeline being built while Justin Trudeau is prime minister.

Or national unity, lower taxes, economic growth or enforcing or immigration laws/securing our borders.

I guess Eastern Canadians don"t care about those things.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"">

We'll never have to worry about a pipeline being built while Justin Trudeau is prime minister.

Or national unity, lower taxes, economic growth or enforcing or immigration laws/securing our borders.

I guess Eastern Canadians don"t care about those things.

Let the bums freeze in the dark.


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"">

We'll never have to worry about a pipeline being built while Justin Trudeau is prime minister.

Or national unity, lower taxes, economic growth or enforcing or immigration laws/securing our borders.

I guess Eastern Canadians don"t care about those things.

Let the bums freeze in the dark.

Us Central Canadians?


A relatively small proportion of immigrants into Canada are highly likely to contribute to developing new technologies (scientists, engineers etc.), and therefore improve Canada's productivity.  But even importing too many skilled workers can be detrimental.  For example, Canada's medical schools are atrophying due to easy access to foreign physicians."> ... 5zzl96m4ic">


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"">

We'll never have to worry about a pipeline being built while Justin Trudeau is prime minister.

Or national unity, lower taxes, economic growth or enforcing or immigration laws/securing our borders.

I guess Eastern Canadians don"t care about those things.

Let the bums freeze in the dark.

Us Central Canadians?

You guys voted for Justine.


Failed provincial and federal Liberal party energy policies are responsible for outsourcing Ontario's auto sector.

Premier 'hopeful'

Ford's Christmas wish list includes another auto plant

Premier Doug Ford better be hoping that Santa is good to him and Ontario this Christmas.

In the wake of GM shutting down its auto assembly operations in Ontario this past week — after more than 100 years of production — the province desperately needs some good news for our auto sector.

"I'm hopeful," Ford said Monday during an exclusive interview with the Sun.

I had asked him about the future of the auto industry in Ontario and whether we would be getting a new assembly plant in the near future.

"I just got off the phone with the CEO of Magna two days ago, he has some great announcements he's bringing forward," Ford said. "We're going to continue to drive efficiencies to make sure that we're competitive when it comes to building automobiles."

That's all well and good and I have no doubt the Premier and his staff are working hard to secure something, but it's been more than a decade since Ontario landed a new auto plant and the possibility of more shutdowns in Windsor, Brampton or even Oakville always leave workers, union executives and politicians sleepless at night.

A study published by Liberal friendly think tank The Mowat Centre in 2014 showed Ontario lost more than 300,000 manufacturing jobs during the early years that the previous Liberal government was in power. We can only imagine the numbers have grown since then.

Some of those jobs were in the automotive sector, others in the wider manufacturing sector. [size=200]One of the major problems facing Ontario in attracting, or even keeping, manufacturing jobs is that we have become uncompetitive in one key area — energy prices.


That's something Ford says remains his biggest struggle.

"Energy," Ford said, when asked which file causes him the most grief. "It's a real challenge."

"We have to be creative but make sure those rates come down, especially when it comes to business," he said.

That could go a long way toward helping attract a new auto assembly plant, something the government has made a priority.

Last January, Ford headed to Detroit for one of the biggest auto shows in the world as he tried to convince automakers to set up shop in Ontario.

"We want to bring manufacturing back to Ontario," Ford told me at the time.

Of course that statement came just weeks after GM announced they would be shutting down. The government was in a bit of a panic.

A short time later they released their strategy for the auto sector, which included job training, the reduction of regulation and the landing of a new auto assembly plant. Since then, ministers have been around the world selling Ontario as a place to set up shop.

That includes visits to places like Korea — home of Hyundai and Kia — and India where Tata Motors is a major player. None of those manufacturers have facilities in Ontario and landing even one of them would be a major development for the industry.

"Our number one selling feature is our people — we have some of the brightest people in the world right here in Ontario," Ford said earlier this week at his office at Queen's Park.

People will always be a major selling feature but the cost of doing business is about more than the people you hire. There is the cost of energy, which Ford has some control over, and the lower dollar, which he has no control over.

The new NAFTA deal, soon to be ratified by all three countries, could help land a new assembly or even new parts facilities. The deal calls for the proportion of parts in a vehicle manufactured here to rise from 62.5% North American made parts to 75% — and the list of parts will be updated as well.

Now is Ontario's time to strike, to show that the province is open for business and to land new assembly and parts plants. So let's hope Premier Ford and his ministers have Santa on their side as they try to land a deal.


And the economic indicators in Trudeau's Canada just keep getting worse.

Canadian retail sales decline

Ottawa — Canadian retail sales plummeted unexpectedly in October, the latest in a series of disappointing economic data that analysts say could force the bank of canada to consider a rate cut.

Statistics Canada said Friday that retail trade dropped by 1.2% on lower sales of motor vehicles and parts. analysts in a reuters poll had forecast a gain of 0.5%.The Bank of Canada, which has kept its overnight interest rate unchanged for more than a year even as several of its international counterparts eased, projected a 1.3% increase in domestic fourth quarter growth in October.

Yet the growth data so far has been underwhelming, analysts said Friday. "the weakness of GDP growth in the fourth quarter will clearly concern policymakers and means that we can't completely rule out an insurance interest rate cut in the new year," said Stephen brown, a senior canada economist with capital economics.

Chances of a cut over the coming yea jumped to nearly 50% from about 25% before the data, the overnight index swaps market indicated.


Quote from: "seoulbro"And the economic indicators in Trudeau's Canada just keep getting worse.

Canadian retail sales decline

Ottawa — Canadian retail sales plummeted unexpectedly in October, the latest in a series of disappointing economic data that analysts say could force the bank of canada to consider a rate cut.

Statistics Canada said Friday that retail trade dropped by 1.2% on lower sales of motor vehicles and parts. analysts in a reuters poll had forecast a gain of 0.5%.The Bank of Canada, which has kept its overnight interest rate unchanged for more than a year even as several of its international counterparts eased, projected a 1.3% increase in domestic fourth quarter growth in October.

Yet the growth data so far has been underwhelming, analysts said Friday. "the weakness of GDP growth in the fourth quarter will clearly concern policymakers and means that we can't completely rule out an insurance interest rate cut in the new year," said Stephen brown, a senior canada economist with capital economics.

Chances of a cut over the coming yea jumped to nearly 50% from about 25% before the data, the overnight index swaps market indicated.

If the BOC cuts interest rates, and the USA leaves their rates unchanged, the value of our dollar goes down and the food we import becomes more expensive.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "seoulbro"And the economic indicators in Trudeau's Canada just keep getting worse.

Canadian retail sales decline

Ottawa — Canadian retail sales plummeted unexpectedly in October, the latest in a series of disappointing economic data that analysts say could force the bank of canada to consider a rate cut.

Statistics Canada said Friday that retail trade dropped by 1.2% on lower sales of motor vehicles and parts. analysts in a reuters poll had forecast a gain of 0.5%.The Bank of Canada, which has kept its overnight interest rate unchanged for more than a year even as several of its international counterparts eased, projected a 1.3% increase in domestic fourth quarter growth in October.

Yet the growth data so far has been underwhelming, analysts said Friday. "the weakness of GDP growth in the fourth quarter will clearly concern policymakers and means that we can't completely rule out an insurance interest rate cut in the new year," said Stephen brown, a senior canada economist with capital economics.

Chances of a cut over the coming yea jumped to nearly 50% from about 25% before the data, the overnight index swaps market indicated.

If the BOC cuts interest rates, and the USA leaves their rates unchanged, the value of our dollar goes down and the food we import becomes more expensive.

If there is a silver lining, it will make exports cheaper. And the dark cloud in that, is bad policy has cancelled it out with bad energy policy.


Quote from: "seoulbro"And the economic indicators in Trudeau's Canada just keep getting worse.

Canadian retail sales decline

Ottawa — Canadian retail sales plummeted unexpectedly in October, the latest in a series of disappointing economic data that analysts say could force the bank of canada to consider a rate cut.

Statistics Canada said Friday that retail trade dropped by 1.2% on lower sales of motor vehicles and parts. analysts in a reuters poll had forecast a gain of 0.5%.The Bank of Canada, which has kept its overnight interest rate unchanged for more than a year even as several of its international counterparts eased, projected a 1.3% increase in domestic fourth quarter growth in October.

Yet the growth data so far has been underwhelming, analysts said Friday. "the weakness of GDP growth in the fourth quarter will clearly concern policymakers and means that we can't completely rule out an insurance interest rate cut in the new year," said Stephen brown, a senior canada economist with capital economics.

Chances of a cut over the coming yea jumped to nearly 50% from about 25% before the data, the overnight index swaps market indicated.

I have no confidence in this country.