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‘Move to Canada’ searches spike after Tories win general election

Started by Anonymous, December 13, 2019, 02:11:58 PM

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Quote from: "cc""> ... -11911078/">

British Muslims have started the process of leaving the UK over fears for their 'personal safety' now Boris Johnson is Prime Minister for five years, can reveal. Among them is the head of a Muslim charity, which provides food parcels for poor people in Manchester, after saying he was scared for the 'future of his children'. Manzoor Ali said: 'I'm scared for my personal safety, I worry about my children's future.' It comes after the prime minister was accused of 'Islamophobia and racism' following a number of controversial comments he made in the past, including his remarks in a 2005 Spectator article in which he claimed it was only 'natural' for the public to be scared of Islam.

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[WOW. Never thot it would be that easy]

Some people are scared because fifteen years ago, BoJo said something controversial. :crazy:


Bojo lovable bad boy

Canuck Tories could learn from U.K.

Oh, the irony.

On the day Boris Johnson swept British Conservatives to a landslide victory, Canadian Conservative leader Andrew Scheer called it quits.

One leader has a picture-perfect family, has led an apparently blameless life in a rock-solid marriage.

Another is a philanderer, a womanizer and took with him to Downing Street a girlfriend for whom he dumped his wife and to whom he's not yet married.

In the old political calculus, Johnson would be dead in the water and Scheer's devoted wife should be measuring for new drapes at Rideau Cottage.

But there's a whole new political equation and Canadian Conservatives have a lot to learn from Johnson's victory as they head into their leadership bunfight.

Of course, the U.K.'S election was unusual in that it was a one-issue vote on Brexit.

But the way Johnson's opponents tied up Parliament in an effort to thwart the will of the referendum offended the democratic sensitivities of Brits, no matter where they stood on leaving the EU.

Johnson's opponents threw mud — everything from his relationship to a U.S. pole-dancer to allegations he had put his hand on a woman's knee 20 years ago(!) was fair game. Nothing resonated. Why? Because he's an unabashed naughty boy. And women particularly like naughty boys.

He made no attempt to hide his indiscretions. He's not a hypocrite. He appeals to all of us with flaws and foibles and a checkered past.

He was aided by the fact

Britain doesn't have much of a social conservative faction. Conservative MP Jacob Rees-mogg is closest to being on the religious right. He was generally mocked as being arrogant and snobbish.

Abortion is not fully decriminalized in the U.K.

Two parties, the Lib Dems and Labour, both promised in their platforms to make changes to that. Yet it never became a ballot issue.

LGBTQ issues didn't surface. You can argue that's because Brexit was paramount, but no one takes attendance of politicians at Pride parades in the U.K.

Had same sex issues been discussed, you'd think Johnson, with his own marital infidelities, would be the last one to lecture folk on who they can't marry.

No matter what you think of Johnson, he oozes personality and character.

He's a tad eccentric — but in a rather endearing way.

Scheer's problem is that if he has a personality, he hides it well. He comes across as prissy and humourless.

He flubbed his response to revelations that he holds dual U.S. citizenship and he couldn't clearly enunciate his view on just about anything.

Johnson was born in New York, yet his citizenship never became an issue — probably because Canadians have more of a lovehate relationship with the U.S. than do Brits.

There's also a message in Johnson's victory for Ontario Premier Doug Ford, who's in many ways similar to Bojo.

With his shock of unruly hair and his rumpled suits, Johnson managed to be humble and relatable to working-class people throughout the election — and he managed major breakthroughs in predominantly Labour ridings.

And he laughs at himself. That's a look that would work well for Ford.

Here's my advice to the Canadian Conservatives: Quit squabbling and immediately sign up Johnson's communications team.

The Love Actually parody ad was superb.

His slick message was brilliant in its simplicity: Let's get Brexit done.

Scheer pussyfooted around, afraid of his own political shadow.

Voters admire boldness and courage and a leader who'll fearlessly put forward his ideas. They'll forgive the occasional misstep because we're all, after all, human.

Instead of attacking Trudeau's record — blackface, his embarrassing performance on the world stage, his failure to free Canadian hostages in China — Scheer tripped on his own timid shoelaces.

Most importantly, whoever wins the leadership must get a cute dog.

Take it to the polls. Have said dog lick your face as cameras click.

Because when all else fails, dogs make everything better.

Cats, of course, vote NDP.


Johnson's positive message

Canadians watched with interest as Conservative leader Boris Johnson didn't just pull off a win in Thursday's United Kingdom general election, but pulled off a win the likes of which hasn't been seen in that country in years.

Regions of the country that had been staunchly Labour for a century flipped Conservative under Johnson's leadership. There is much to learn from this for Canadian politicians from all parties and a lot of it has to do with the power of positivity.

Back in 2015, Canadian voters took a chance on the leader of the third party, Justin Trudeau. They had grown tired of 10 years of Stephen Harper's stoicism and were looking for a change. Trudeau offered an upbeat agenda of "sunny ways," which at the time appealed to the regular voter.

We've since learned that was a sham. Sunny ways quickly turned to grey skies.

It later became so bad that Trudeau spent most of this recent election campaign throwing mud at Conservative leader Andrew Scheer and having his proxies call Scheer every name under the sun.

Interestingly enough, Trudeau took a hit following his sour campaigning. Was it because of his lousy tone? Perhaps.

Whereas Johnson did no such thing. He looked like he was having fun and extended a warm and inclusive invitation for all voters to join him. It was clearly a message that appealed and his viral videos made everyone smile.

While advocacy for Brexit had previously been smeared as xenophobic and closed-off behaviour, Johnson's messaging showed the public that this was not the case. It was his positive spin that brought more people on board. He was the quintessential happy warrior.

Contrast Johnson's performance with grumpy Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's. The socialist candidate seemed like an angry old man fighting yesterday's battle. Plus the persistent allegations of anti-semitism didn't help. Corbyn just wasn't as positive as Johnson.

Trudeau has appeared too negative in recent months. It's not a good look for a prime minister. The Conservatives should also learn how to sell their free-market policies with a smile.

Canadian politicians could learn a thing or two from what happened during the U.K. election.


Justine really believes there is a climate emergency."> ... 8FFwaWUFSM">

Trudeau takes private jet for vacation while Boris Johnson flies economy

Mark Towhey, Editor-in-chief of Sun News chimed in, tweeting, "This is what you get when you elect a poor bastard who doesn't know any billionaires with private islands and helicopters. Silly Brits."


Quote from: "Herman"Justine really believes there is a climate emergency."> ... 8FFwaWUFSM">

Trudeau takes private jet for vacation while Boris Johnson flies economy

Mark Towhey, Editor-in-chief of Sun News chimed in, tweeting, "This is what you get when you elect a poor bastard who doesn't know any billionaires with private islands and helicopters. Silly Brits."

Justin Trudeau doesn't do coach.


Quote from: "Herman"Justine really believes there is a climate emergency."> ... 8FFwaWUFSM">

Trudeau takes private jet for vacation while Boris Johnson flies economy

Mark Towhey, Editor-in-chief of Sun News chimed in, tweeting, "This is what you get when you elect a poor bastard who doesn't know any billionaires with private islands and helicopters. Silly Brits."

I am like Boris Johnson better all the time.



Quote from: "seoulbro"There really isn't much to like about our pm.

Not even his hair.