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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

I think the forums need to amalgamate...

Started by Anonymous, January 01, 2020, 05:13:48 AM

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Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"If this isn't flaming why does your face suddenly look like 5 lbs of mushy camel-toe?

Mudcock sat on your monitor I'm guessing.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"The fact  that you're here daily coughing up these flaccid nerf novels

You mean like you are? Key difference being of course I'm showing up to one forum when the mood takes me, you're vomiting your angst over multiple sites, even going as far as to make it a main focus on a forum whose paymaster has wished the whole thing dead and buried on and off for years now. You'd want to be careful about that, she might threaten to tighten her purse strings and slip off into the sunset and you'll have to take up a collection... ohh yeah, that's already happened, hasn't it? :laugh3:
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"make me leave you alone. Perhaps I will...

Yeah, I'm not exactly holding my breath on that score. Face it, I dangled the bait in front of your plasticene pud and you've been furiously stroking it ever since. Not that you hadn't been aversed to tugging at that shambolic excuse strapped between your legs previously. I've seen the murmurings of disquiet flowing from your fingertips for some time now. You wanted to "see how Flame Truth would react to a hacking", you got it. Endless scorn for your plight as a jerkoff who let some cripts do his talking for him because he didn't enjoy the luxury of a panel for the task. Currently having your ass handed to you over and over whenever I show up while the older hands nod knowingly and say "Rowan's hooked himself another one". You can't leave me alone, like so many before you I am the itch that never really leaves, the scar on your psyche you rub at night as you moan to yourself "if only I hadn't fried my manliness through pumping so many roids".
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"You're not flaming. Well duh, any of us could have sorted that one out without the gratuitous announcement.

Funny, because not so long ago you were labouring under the impression I was attempting to. Based on the responses you were delivering (not to mention your querulous query at the head of your post) one could be forgiven you were making every effort to respond in kind... and failing miserably. Do you think those Guesticles swinging from the arse hairs of your every post genuinely thought you were "doing better" or was it more a case of "shit, he's getting pulverised, better get in there and say he's not".

I'm guessing it's the latter. Fact is I have a transsexual and a... thing... that's universally accepted as a crossdresser both waving their pompoms in my face at the moment and that's unlikely to change any time soon. Actually I suspect it will continue for as long as I keep stopping by here because you especially have proven tenacious in your dogged insistence that you'll carry the day if you only keep at it long enough. Not that it's worked overly well for you in the past, I mean look at how long you kept that whole Nose thing and Leon The Professional act going at Peaches expense. I wonder how much dick sucking it took to convince him to register at your sperg fest when you needed all the warm bodies you could muster to pretend you knew what you were doing at two forums. Lasted about nine months if I recall, an appropriate interval as it turns out, since at the end you gave birth to a fresh(?) round of mewling waterworks regarding his physical appearence. Mother and baby doing... well, heh.  ac_biggrin
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"It's pretty obvious you're just breathing heavy at an LG android lifted out of Walmart as you sit on a couch in a crack-house leeching wireless off the neighbors router.

Asus i7 8750H base processor with a 15.4 inch screen, in a hotel room by the airport thanks. I left the higher specced laptops back at the pad, they being too cumbersome and unwieldy to fit in my carry on luggage. I do own an android device, a Samsung as it turns out, though I'm not overly keen on surfing the web with it. I'm a bit old fashioned when it comes to phones; I expect them to be able to make and receive calls and that's pretty much about ALL that I ever use them for.

I never understood the desperate attraction people had for carrying a web/gaming presence in their pocket. What's the matter with you poor saps? Can't you get enough human to human interaction in the real worls to keep you occupied?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"yeah, You're not trying to flame like failtruth wasn't in dire need of interesting content before

Flame Truth wasn't in dire need of ANY content, it was simply a little bit of fun for Ceedub to fool around with. That's exactly how it was sold to me, it's why I agreed to take an admin panel there. I was under no illusion whatsoever that the butthurt were going to boycott the place out of spite the minute it became known I had an admin panel and for the most part that is precisely what happened. Thanks, you and your pouting army of malcontents did exactly what was required of you, right up to the point you realised it wasn't having the effect you wanted. Namely, a head to head battle for forum supremacy, simply because nobody at FT in a position to oblige you was interested.

Idiot, the only reason posting was even left open on that board was as a courtesy for anyone who cared to use it and could do so without the need for moderators and admins micromanaging what they could and couldn't get away with. Nobody was chasing you, certainly not to the extent of scurrying into "rival boards" to beg their members to pull up stumps and head to Ceedub's place. You were desperate for traffic, you were desperate for forum rivalries, two things Ceedub and FT by extension gave precisely zero fucks about.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl" just had your precious e-rep trampled upon...

Like the imagined twin lures of traffic and forum rivalries, my e-rep is something neither FT or I are overly concerned with. You sure seem to find it precious though, probably because your own has been effectively rendered mud over the last fifteen years. With the exception of gnarled figures under various bridges who may or may not be personal acquaintances of the billy goats gruff, I cannot think of too many people who hold you in any reasonable estimation, not once they find out just how easily you get triggered by a little harmless namecalling and an unwillingness to reboot Flametown in your image.

I really don't see how bulldozing someone's site to the point it gets switched off is in any way harmful to an e-rep I never gave two shits about in the first place. I already knew what the effects of my being adminned there would do in terms of posting, it's why I argued against getting a panel in the first place. I can measure my reputation simply by the lengths people go to in order to fuck with it. Truthfully, if you'd wanted to trample it, you'd have had better success at not getting involved at all... but as you've shown, you're not only involved, you are hooked on it, worse than any heroin fix or roid fuelled body dysmorphia.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"You feeling a little ""couched"" There princess?

Not at all.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Yeah, its a real travesty of justice this isn't brawl stallz

Ahhh, but it may as well be. Both your sites function in more or less the same manner as Bawk Mall degenerated into in the mid 2000s, especially when it comes to the whole "rules for thee but not for me" angle and I'm not just talking about the history of certain admins doxxing their opponents "for the lulz" here. Additionally, you do encourage the "frequent fellatio miles and other assortments of browneye points from equally dejected loathsome e-peasants" by fostering a team based environment among everyone you can yank in under your umbrella. It functions that way in your forum, it functions that way in your interforum entanglements, in fact the very reason Sperging Gonadz (and Pissed On before it) were founded in the first place was as a function of opposition to ONE person. Believe it or not, that's exactly how Bawk Mall got started when two trolls got so fucked up by Ruthless1's jeering that they started Bawk Mall and (heh) begged everyone they could in PM to get them to join.

The only difference being of course is they made the site pay for itself within the first year or two, where you are on attempts two and three and having to dip into women's purses to keep your doors open. In all other respects, your sites (Sperging Groundz particularly) is a poorly coloured in clone of the BH model.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"At last, a moment of clarity

Don't get to cheering too soon Chumly. Considering what I've said at length here, you should wish it was an attempt to flame. Fact is, I've more or less been laying down the truth and peppering my taunting of you with a little mildly cruel commentary of where your steroid abuse has led you. Fact is FT was bombarded with attacks for two weeks straight and initially few enough wanted to believe you responsible. In the interim, screencaps have emerged of you toying with the notion of orchestrating such an attack, weakening your position among anyone who may have doubted my deductions based on the amount of connections being made to the server from a datacenter you are known to log in from. Additionally, your insistence that I might have any skin in the game of FT's demise, coupled with my spanking of you for the better part of a year and the conclusion is inescapable.

Both Flea and Murdy are running forums known to harbour hackers.


Not that I personally needed any such confirmation, since I saw how willingly you would open your doors to literally anyone. This included a certain someone who tried to palm off malicious scripts to me fifteen years ago and a person I wasn't overly concerned to see splitting the Legion scene to hang with KatieKong. One of the guys to doxx Bricktop in fact. Enjoys taking strapons up his hoop on the odd occasion. I'm sure the both of you get along famously.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"SQL injection?

Among other things.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"quite frankly, if it was anything but your gross ineptitude that  destroyed flame tunafish...

If? We already know through your admission and that of Ceedub itself that my part in the destruction of FT was tertiary (and barely even that). Fact is if Ceedub hadn't made her site a target for your misplaced aggression by adminning me in the first place it would likely stayed open a good deal longer before it got targeted for extended fuckment.

And I believe I've indicated to her more than adequately (and will do so again) that she should think it over before giving me visible access to the vBulletin software. I tend to think back end access should still be fine though as it's not an overt indicator to losers like yourself and it still affords me the path required to disable the board should you or your friends of questionable repute decide to take another crack at handing Mudcock admin access. Two years of having that level of access without a single documented case of my using it for nefarious purpose ought to have allayed any lingering doubts she might have entertained regarding my bona fides when she offered me the admin spot in the first place. Pretty much the same as I'm sure Fash has had any fears that an accused PI rapist and distributor of questionable imagery was going to ride roughshod over her rules from the guest account.

That's the difference between you and me though. I've never had to stoop to such base tactics to ply my trade. Nope, my weapon of choice is being a smartass, sure, but irrespective of these constant assaults on my so-called "precious" e-rep I've never flipped the fuck out and started scribbling outside the lines.

You have though. Yay you?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"you're still known as sum cant after all these years? On the internet? Well shit you harpy hobo, why  haven't you alerted the media?

Because they'd probably regard it as much of an achievement as I do. I have a trail of roadkill moaning my nym in my wake. Meh.

Kind of puts those two weeks of attacks on Ceedub's sites in perspective, no? Hell, I didn't even post on one of them, but I guess you were just making sure. Or perhaps you were just too plain stupid to tell the two apart. I'm under no illusions as to your lack of acumen when it comes to server software, not to mention bulletin board stuff. I seem to recall you talking up the whole idea of an SQL injection attack as being "carefully crafted code" in a post which may even have been on this board. Strange, because while it might seem arcane knowledge to a good many of the people posting here, SQL injections (at least to anyone with a passing knowledge of what of what they actually are) are little more than aiming queries at a server and poking and prodding for a result. Kind of like a juvenile might poke and prod at an abandoned wasp's nest with a stick. Your mileage may vary, Jersey Gurl.

Bear in mind, I've never had the occasion to do so myself, I've never felt the need to own a messageboard of my own and like it or not that would be the only instance where I would practice such tactics. People who carry the day on the back of wiping out others property are losers and I surely would think twice before joining a forum I knew to be run by a loser. You are a loser, but that's not the only reason I won't register at any board you are running. Not openly anyway, probably not clandestinely. I'll leave it to you to figure out if I'm trolling you or not here, the rest of your userbase can decide for themselves if they are comfortable with you randomly accessing their devices to see if there's anything for you to start panting down their necks over.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"How about getting a grip on reality for a change you delusional half-witted pigeon molester.

You wish I was in the habit of molesting pigeons, I might be convinced to focus mu attentions elsewhere rather than stuffing my fist up screeching buzzards like yourself.  :laugh3:
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Nobody cares  who you were, are or will be because to us you're

Yes yes, I am fully aware the truth of who I am does not lend itself as admirably to your butthurt as the overly played out material from your dogeared copy of Flaming For Dummies Jersey Gurl. Go on, roll it up and tuck it back up into your sphincter, diddling your gurlycawk and remind me again how much you think it owns me, in spite of it being more overused than your usual go-to of Peaches nose lames or Rancid's coffee plantation and has as much life in it as Kane's decomposing skeleton or your love life.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Is this the part where

I'm not your tour guide Jersey Gurl, I'm just the one leading you about the Rejected forum by your NOSE before turning you loose to squeal like a piggy to anyone who will listen. If you don't like it, you know where the door is. And if you do like it, then by all means show up to squeal some more.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Is it sinful that I laugh anytime someone with your unique history uses the word "pin" in a sentence?

No, just pathetic. But I can kind of understand why you might want to giggle inanely like a coquettish schoolgirl. Fact is it's probably been a good ten years since your roid abuse caused your body to forget how to manufacture its own testosterone and the latent estrogen in your stream probably has you just about ready to enter a second puberty for a gender your chromosomes cant cash. Meaning that you're probably due for a training bra about now, to go along with those maxipads your gynecologist lied were to soak up your menses.

That's not menstrual blood you're knee deep in, it's your anal weepage from copping one too many boots to your cocksocket. Get used to it; most women get to deal with that shit for a week out of every month. Whereas I'm reliably informed for you it's more or less a daily occurrence.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"No, No, no need for me to "pin" anything on you.

Ahh, so you are trying to flame then. Weird, because by my reckoning you're churning out a 3 on the naught to Rowan scale of what I've been posting here and I'm not even making the attempt to flame. Just goes to show how useless you are. No wonder you were workshopping the idea of destroying sites over at Sperging Groundz.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"...decades  of littering your arms with Morse code tattoos have done a fine job at that already, junkie.

That's a bit rich, coming as it is from someone who destroyed any last vestiges of his manhood on the back of years of steroid abuse. The kindest thing that might be said is you have so much bodyfat these days you could practically pass for a shemale, at least until the pants came off.

Want to know the best part of not being a wobbly sag-tittied excuse of a man like you Jersey Gurl? I'll tell you; my teeshirts fit and I can find my cock when I go to pee, sans roadmap, sans jaws of life, sans having to wait in a queue for the porcelain throne. Remember that the next time you're taking selfies of your purulent torso in the bath house mirror and maybe see if you can't get what's left of O'Bummercare to spring for some liposuction and a belly tuck.  ac_razz
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"
Quote from: "Guest"off to some other, less trafficked forum.

Like FlameToothlessness dot com perhaps? Oh wait, cant do that because sum incompetent jerkoff couldn't figure out how to work a simple C-panel and ended up fucking his own website

Been through this before; I don't operate a website and never did. Though you can be sure of one thing; if I did own a website, I wouldn't be going cap in hand for someone else to pay for it.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"In centimeters no doubt

If you think worth can be measured in centimetres, you're probably going to need to repeat a year. Probably more than one in fact.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Hate your guts?

You have a different explanation as to why you are running two forums and trying to stitch up and and all others I happen to post at?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"You've always maintained a consistent level of tardism as far as I'm</snip>

Yes yes, thanks for the rehash of mine (and others) conclusions of you, but I got there first. All very well and good to start rabbiting about lively content when you're out here daily searching for mine in preference to fostering sites whose resale value is hovering just shy of the four figure mark, no? Maybe you should consider opening a porn portal as Terry No-legs did, you've already aped everything else he's tried.


Remember, I've seen what passes for "lively content" as far as you're concerned. Far too much of it centers around myself and people laughing at you for getting roped in to getting donkeypunched on sites you have precisely zero control over as you pathetically mewl old flames that lost their mojo over a decade ago. I don't expect any better of you though, you got your nipples all twisted over the idea that someone with more standing and tenure in the community regarded you as a worthless, backbiting sputum gargling knobjockey who needed other to write his flames for him. At least when SloCo got himself roped into it, he was having his written fresh and by a master of the craft. You can't even boast that much.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Now, should we ever design a role requiring someone to play The Grinch That Stole interest you'll  certainly find yourself on the short list of capable participants.

I'd like to see that, given how quickly you've been throwing yourself at my feet of late.  :laugh3:
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"But that has nothing to do with hate nor is it because you are some revered flame legend, but rather because you reek of dry urine and your breath smells like small animals die in your throat daily.

And here you are, wilfuly associating with such. Either you're a brazen masochist or a flat out liar. Which is it?

No, on second thoughts don't bother. I already know the answer. You're both.
Quote from: "Murdock"
Quote from: "cw_"
Quote from: "Compton's Most Wanted"I've never seen anyone get this worked up over not being allowed on a messageboard that they're constantly bad mouthing.


I have.    ac_toofunny

I'm sorry about your forum, but Big/ThugLife and I didn't have anything to do with it.

Sorry, not buying that. Right before the attacks commenced, Jersey Gurl warned you to stay off the forum. You admitted as much both here and at the Mudpit. I saw you say as much.

I also saw you laughing it up at the Mudpit how you had logged in to FT despite Jersey Gurl's warnings to find yourself listed as administrator. I know I didn't set you those permissions, I left such matters to Ceedub. I believe Bonesaw left such matters to her as well, in any event he wasn't about FT when the shit was going down and I find it unlikely that Ceedub would have elevated your permissions and not chimed in to claim responsibility for it when I mentioned it.

That leaves the actor(s) who were attempting to gain access to the board. It seems telling to me that you are here vouching for your site tech whose company IP was showing three instances on the board software alone when I witnessed the attacks prior to shutting the board down myself. Then there is the matter of Weepy (a staff member) yukking it up with Jersey Gurl about "lending his expertise to fix the damage". Also posted at the Mudpit.

In the balance, I'm inclined to think your apology is not as genuine as it might be, purely based on the mirth you expressed at finding an admin tag attached to your account and doubt your sincerity that you and Jersey Gurl had nothing whatsoever to do with it. As I noted to Ceedub at the time, if it wasn't Jersey Gurl, then it was somebody going to a lot of effort to make it look like him and I seriously doubt there's any in our combined crew who could do that, particularly without the knowledge and more importantly the compliance of one or more of you.

But, not my board and Ceedub is adult enough to draw her own conclusions from what she saw at her end. As is the server host who I understand were working with her during and after the fact. Occams Razor dictates the attacks were launched from within the community and given the mistrust exercised at both forums when it comes to things as ephemeral as IP addresses I can understand why your pet would try to frame it as my taking it into my head to suddenly start meddling in the forum software after years of not so much as installing a single hack.

Bottom line; going forward, every time I see you waxing lyrical about how "flamers ruined the game", I'll be reminded of how your own forum owes so much of its ethos to those miscreants and their behaviour which you claim to have stepped away from. For what it's worth, I imagine that had Flea's account been approved, then the efforts to elevate it to admin status as well as or in place of your own is in all likelihood what would have happened, and I do not pretend for a single moment that either of you had any more part in the affair than allowing it to happen, if not actively encouraging it.

You are invited to give your roid addled trannie a stern talking to. If you're truly sorry about Ceedub's forums that is, you will take all measure to ensure her two forums and any others she may choose to operate in future do not come up for such ridiculously asinine and base attempts to "show others the error of their ways", regardless of who she has on her admin team or not.

Quote from: "cw_"Yeah, sorry about my luck.   :001_rolleyes:   There is always hope in logic though.  Logic says that the pool of people who had motive, means, an opportunity is limited.  But it includes me.  If we apply holistic logic, the conclusion must be that ultimately, I am responsible for my forum's security.  

My response to 'Fupa' there is in reference to that time at band camp, when she 'got worked up' over her registration @FT being rejected.

I remember the reason you gave as to why. And I am dead certain that had you not gone public with it being you that refused the registration that certain assclowns would have laid it at my doorstep.

As for the security question, you're right - the responsibility ultimately rests with who pays for the damn thing, but I cannot find it in my heart to blame you for it and not assume some of the responsibility for myself. Fact is, I don't believe either of us saw this shitstorm coming. I certainly did not back when you floated the idea of an admin panel my way or I might have mentioned it then. I certainly haven't needed a panel for the purposes of posting and while it's proven useful in a few bits of minor housekeeping about the site, I'll understand completely if you think your property is less of a target by not offering that consideration when both sites go live again.

Mind you, if these gutter ratbags are going to go hammer and tongs just because someone they disagree with has a panel there, I wouldn't put it past them to stress test the arrangement in the hopes I stop posting at your board entirely. In any event and whatever your eventual decision, I'm grateful for the trust you placed in me and hope I've honoured that trust to your satisfaction, even and especially through any disagreements we may have had during our association together.

And if you do decide you want me back on staff and under our previous arrangement in spite of our script kiddie friends and their bruised egos, my answer is an unequivocal "yes".


That pic was taken 10 minutes ago.  I have to finish hardwiring in the dishwasher electricals, and connect the inlet (for the second time, since I had to remove all my new appliances for new kitchen)...  It had taken me 20 minutes just to re-level the dishwasher, since countertop is at a different height now.  New sink and faucet was a hassle for me to plumb in...

You tell me now...  If you're crawling around on the floor, doing your best to turn this fucking shithole into a top-notch home, do you really want some bitch around that will end up doing nothing but nagging, provide you with a want list, complain, PMS, bitch, whine, shop until every penny is gone, and then think she can take half your shit?

Get fucking real...


Thanks Kiefers, for dumping a bunch of posts into this thread...


Or maybe it was Prickflop.


This forum still cannot grasp the concept of not fucking around with posts/threads...  

I tried to set an example, with my sub.  Delete if you have to, but don't merge a bunch of shit to disrupt the flow, for no other reason than you can't keep your fucking mouse pointer out of the control panel.


Quote from: "Compton's Most Wanted"Is this whale still going on about a site that banished her bumperheaded ass ? If she's so responsible for SG's success, why is her own site a dead zone for fat chicks ? FACT - Oak and Moon joined because of Peaches and Dovey. SG is busy as ever months after the Poofer drama and fat Murdock still has a forehead the size of a 2x4. Everyone is allowed at SG except for her and below is an example of why she isn't allowed there.

That eye in the pic, isn't that part of someone's real life friends pic ?  Yo Poofer, wanna come confirm this ?  :roll:

This broad is nothing but a lying joke. That's why no one wants to participate on her whack ass forum.

You seem to be forgetting about the millennium dome above your eyebrows :howdy:


Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Blurt"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Blurt"Seoul, should you drop in, it will surely end in tears for Scouse. Again.

People say I am a nerd, and I there is some truth in that accusation. I might bore the flamers to tears.

More often than not, flamers are quite adept at boring each other to tears well enough on their own. Exhibits A to Z on this very forum are a testament to this fact. They're a pretty thin-skinned bunch, too (uh, no offense to the Gods of Flaming).

I have noticed from their appearances on this board they have a high opinion of their own posts. If I do register there, I won't even try to compete with their "genius."

 Oh hush.

 We all know you are just jealous of all this iconic stuff they do and are.

 Who else can sell 8 coffee cups and prolifically ramble cuss words on shitcasts? I mean....its got 5 whole listeners ffs.


I find it particularly amusing when they ramble on endlessly about some "pantheon of exploits" they and other degenerative toothless hobos performed online back in the glory days of this "internet flaming" thing that no one else seems to grasp but them.

Those are always good for a nice cringe & chuckle moment

You mean like you do about TV?

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: "Guest"Stunted Cunt wrote : Not one but TWO text bombs of absolute garbage

Whoa! Cowboy Cunt!  Two toilet cloggers in a row?

My, Sum Conniption we have here.

Seems you tied the plastic bag around your face extra tight this entire weekend so that your brain could be properly deprived of oxygen before embarking on this clusterfuck of a highly dull & uninteresting no you campaign.


Bit of Trivia folks:

What do you get when snot dripping ignorant, first cousin, Aussie sheep rapists living in a trailer somewhere with highly contaminated drinking water decide to fuck without any discretion?


This Forrest Gump Cunt halfbreed man-goat of a world class capital bore and everything thing that comes with his ultra repetitive inflatable soundbites set to snooze control. That's what.

Posted not once, but twice in a fucking row just so that should he ever need confirmation from the mirror mirror on the wall as to who is the most unquestionably banal of them all his Shrek ears can delight in the sound of "you are you heathen degenerate cocksucker"

Fucking me skating on ice this is un-fucking-forgivable. It's like the moment a discussion becomes lively a bell goes off in an abandoned building somewhere, next to your couch, where you happen to be leeching free wireless and here you come springing out like something out of tales from the crypt to make positively certain we are all very much aware that it is YOU who is still the Prince of Fucking Tedium of the Isle of Narcolepsy.

It's as if one of us happens to say "net narcolepsy" three times in front of a mirror late at night there you'll be, no teeth, neglecting hygiene as always, perched behind us with your hands on our shoulders like creepy fucking Joe Biden ready to sniff the back of our earlobe.  You disgusting, obnoxious, freakshow.

Go fuck yourself into a low pulse stupor with low grade opiates littered with bathroom disinfectants & egg nog found in seedy ghettos for ruining this thread with your putrid and rigid commitment to being a repetitive fucking lemming of the highest order.

Quote from: "Forrest Gump Cunt"SQL injections
Quote from: "Forrest Gump Cunt"I don't operate a website and never did

I thought we went over this already you self fisting automaton? The object trolling & flaming alike is to entertain your audience while making your target look like a complete knuckleheaded boob in the process. Not make yourself look like a victim of cerebral palsy who has lengthy & frequent fits of hysterical conniption wherein you blast these insomnia busters through our monitor screens like it was your calling in life to turn anyone reading your turgid throat foam into a pillar of salt.

Lucky for me my family lineage cannot traced back to a community of Ostriches and my IQ is at least 50 points above anything you can attempt to pass off with a thesaurus and a roll of toilet paper.  So I know what you're going to say before your redundant hamster wheel of a brain produces it. Therefore I spare myself the discomfort of bleeding eye ball syndrome by leveraging the browsers find feature to quickly locate and cherry pick whatever it is I feel like nuking you with next as I continue to lead you around this thread like you had a leash fastened around your banana nose, junkie.

Fun fact. And I'm certain I speak for the majority of the competent readership here. The only thing entertaining about YOU is watching you go Sum Chernobyl every-time I kick that fucking shoe box you're sleeping in.

Fuck, boy, you're not doing well here at all if all you can come up with are rampant  tranny manifestos driven by personal experience and allegations of site rape that even if they were true would only serve to make me look like the alpha aggressor between us. And you the soggy little meerkat cowering in a corner with earmuffs on who is too terror stricken to do dick about it.

Obviously you've yet to consider that simple fact as you take these long dog walks down to the woodshed with an electric shock collar around your neck to get buggered silly  by some burly mustached tranny who thinks your name is Mary.

Yeah, cry some more about how we can count you out of joining sites no one wants you on to begin with because you have no where else to go after some bastard of an e-rapist who might despise intellectual potholes across internet decided your site would look far better as blank page rather than the shit scribble infant programmed unusable dogshit you paid V-bulletin to construct for you. lol.

As I've stated during your last two fits of hysterical delirium, I dont give the first fart who owned the site, why someone may have decided to install the your server is now guacamole theme or how many times you jerked off next to the power cord. El Oh El @ you believing your little community of mole crickets would come under assault by someone who would forget you bio-bumper cretins exist were it not for the fact that so many of your alts came crashing up against the SG windshield like kamikaze insects just to get a taste and report back to the other nobodies you consort with as to which window cleaner is in use at the moment.

That's your hitchhiking apparatus to bear. As far as I'm concerned it can easily be assumed you got high one night and decided to stuff your tiny cock down the power supply vent and blew the fucking thing to smithereens like an incompetent tosser who doesn't know the difference between a woman without a penis and a crack behind the urinal.

In any event, despite what the circumstance turns out to be, I'm just here to laugh at you, your gross incompetence and the fact that nobody wants a scabby e-peasant like you on their board because people become rather uncomfortable when junkies who loath toothpaste pick their sores in public view.

Got that now or shall I rope in someone familiar with the grunts and groans of your native abo sodomizing tongue?

Quote from: "Sum Chernobyl"that's exactly how Bawk Mall got started when two trolls got so fucked up by Ruthless1's jeering

What's with you sissyboy throwback relics and your need to drone on endlessly about happenings over a decade ago at a porn board which catered to 12 of society's most prolific castaways like this is the history which should be replaced in our text books and taught to young impressionable minds across the planet?

Nobody gives a fuck about some school girl "pantheon of exploits" you, toothless1 and CoonsDay pulled off online after you were done milking goat sperm for purposes of family sustenance in the back of your tree house where girls were not allowed to enter because they have vaginas and to you tranny loving man lust puppets, vaginas are evil and should be repelled with crosses and holy water.

And if your performance here is any indication as to your competency levels with respect to such "exploits" I'd wager that the only type of "exploit" you've ever managed to pull off with any measure of success was knocking out all of your teeth with a crowbar in hopes that you could "exploit" the fucking tooth-fairy out of pocket change to score dope.

You suck at this flaming shit. Always have and always got clowned for it too Couch Cunt. And you're even worse as a site operator. Neither is a strength obviously, so my advice to you would be to stick to something you're good at; like snorting lice out of Tranny crotch with your generous and disfigured big jew nose and leave building sites that spark interest in the capable hands of people who actually have the brainpower to be a success and something worthwhile in life.


Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Stunted Cunt wrote : Not one but TWO text bombs of absolute garbage

Three replies for three seperate posts. And here's you crying about it. For half your post no less. Cannot say that I'm surprised in the slightest.

Wipe away your tears, bitchtits, I know you don't read for pleasure, it makes your brain hurt. If you have a problem with it, don't give me excuse after excuse to "clog your shitty plumbing" with screeds that barely clock in as a chapter of the average novel of today, particularly not after you've babbled for far longer in any one of your given podcasts.

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"
Quote from: "Forrest Gump Cunt"SQL injections
Quote from: "Forrest Gump Cunt"I don't operate a website and never did

I thought we went over this already

We did, but you are obviously a slow learner. Plus you've been gunning for extended rehashings on the topic just so you can cry about it when they are rammed down your throat with a toilet plunger. Drink a bag of cement and harden the fuck up, crybaby.

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"my IQ is at least 50 points above anything you can attempt to pass off

I seriously doubt that. If I'm in the habit of firing off essays essays which have you crying "too long, too big" and reaching for the kleenex in short order to wipe your bloodied nose with, an IQ in the MENSA range is certainly not something you possess.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Fun fact. And I'm certain I speak for the majority of the competent readership here.

You mean the 140 characters or less crowd?

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Fuck, boy, you're not doing well here at all

I'm doing well enough for myself and that's pretty much all that matters. I certainly haven't taken to wiping sites off the net or crying tears about getting pantsed for it after the fact. Nor do I overly heed the attention of how it looks to others.">

Grab your skipping rope an do a quick shuffle hop to the 1'45" mark. The three minutes which follow that explain exactly who you are, what your game is and why. And if it's that obvious that a fourteen year iold child can articulate it, it should come as no surprise that someone with their wits about them and an additional three dozen years on the clock can do no less. You are as described; a manlet addicted to the Cancel Culture who has been reduced to bitching about how bad your opponent's posts look to The Group. I've told you before and I'm telling you again, I measure my worth by different metrics, the opinion of your group of Stacies means squat to me. Why? Because I'm strong enough and smart enough to, that's why.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"if all you can come up with are rampant  tranny manifestos

It's not all I can "come up with", it does represent way more than you're worth however Jersey Gurl.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"even if they were true would only serve to make me look like the alpha aggressor between us.

More like a squalling femboy swinging his purse before rushing back in tears of frustration to his Safe Space at Sperging Groundz where his Ultimate Powah is ensconsed in the banhammer he uses with impunity on anyone who dares get in the way of his cuddle time.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Yeah, cry some more about how we can count you out of joining sites no one wants you on to begin with

...and still manages to come crooning in my inbox to make up the numbers on their PYP. Or when one of their number splits the scene and they're freaking out that I might go lend my prose to the outcasts.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"you have no where else to go

Oh dear, ye olde "we're the only game in town" schtick. Right you are, Terry No-Legs.  ac_toofunny

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"I dont give the first fart who owned the site

Sites. And of course you don't care who actually owned it, they were collateral damage to you. You're no better than Caskur.

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"
That's your hitchhiking apparatus to bear.

Your carry-on wouldn't fit in my carry on luggage.

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"As far as I'm concerned it can easily be assumed you got high one night and decided to stuff your tiny cock down the power supply vent and blew the fucking thing to smithereens like an incompetent tosser who doesn't know the difference between a woman without a penis and a crack behind the urinal.

Some pretty dodgy building requirements in your neck of the woods is there? Power outlets behind the urinal? What third world favella do you hail from?

Oh right, "New Joisey", forget I asked.  :laugh:

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"In any event, despite what the circumstance turns out to be, I'm just here to laugh at you

Well you'd better get on to that quick smart. Less crying about post length, more laughing. Don't mind me, I'll be curling my lip in disgust at the paroxysms of a busted trannie manlet who thinks that "looking good" is more important than being accurate.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"
nobody wants a scabby e-peasant like you on their board

I'm sure if my presence is a problem, they'll let me know. A big part of the reason why I didn't bother with Sperging Gonadz all to frequent changes of heart on the topic was because I thought it better to hold them to their original mission statement.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Got that now or shall I rope in someone familiar with the grunts and groans of your native abo sodomizing tongue?

Call in whoever you like Jersey Gurl. Two persons weaknesses are far easier to play off against each other than one.  ac_dance
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"
Quote from: "Sum Chernobyl"that's exactly how Bawk Mall got started when two trolls got so fucked up by Ruthless1's jeering

What's with you sissyboy throwback relics and your need to drone on endlessly about happenings over a decade ago...

...cried the lumpy transsexual Jersey Gurl as he fingered his dogeared 2003 edition of "New Flames For Aspiring Manlets".
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"a porn board which catered to 12 of society's most prolific castaways

...and boasted a readership which peaked at 22,000 three years into my tenure there. I don't imagine any site in this neck of the woods can boast that, not even yours. Must be that "new generation of flamers" Flange was banging on about, scaring the interest away. Or maybe you're just trying to claw what interest you can out of a relic of a platform. Either way, the successes of yesteryear are far more noteworthy than anything you're capable of offering me now.

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"You suck at this flaming shit.

Not that you're in any position to know since I haven't bothered to flame you. You aren't capable of withstanding it, you sure aren't capable of dishing it out.

Never mind. you have your scripts and a small gaggle of Stacies to pat you on the head and tell you that you done good. From the way you've been carrying on these last few years, that's Everything to a trannie manlet like you.


I want Sum Cunt to do my eulogy so all the motherfuckers that show up die from boredom and join me.


Quote from: "Guest"I want Sum Cunt to do my eulogy so all the motherfuckers that show up die from boredom and join me.


I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


7967 words, 43860 characters. Readability level: 11-12th grade student

Words   7967

Characters (including spaces)   43860

Characters (without spaces)   35771

Extra Word Count Statistics

Syllables   12262

Sentences   531

Unique Words   

Average Word Length (char)   4.5

Average Sentence Length (word)   15

Monosyllabic Words (1 syllable)   4935

Polysyllabic Words (≥3 syllables)   941

Syllables per word   1.5

Paragraphs   287

Difficult Words Readability level   2154 (27%)

Length Statistics

Short Words (<=3 characters)   3303 (41%)

Long Words (>=7 characters)   1352 (17%)

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: "Slum Clown"essays essays

Nice stutter there you mind numbing un-bathed creep.

Do you have a matching eye twitch you'd like to share with us too?

S-S--S-Sum C--C----C---unt is C-C--Cc--coming to K-K---K--Kill me  ac_toofunny

Quote from: "Slum Clown"My carry on luggage

You mean the child's schoolbag you lifted off a park bench when you were ready to stuff every worldly possession you own into a shoe box to migrate your way across country like this was your personal version of PeeWee Hobo's great adventure?

To meet up with what might have very well been your first contact with human pussy?

Oh dear, is that your bottom lip sanding the hardwood floors beneath us or are you just feeling like a bit of a Stunned fucking Cunt right now?

Yeah, I heard all the stories that turned you into an internet renowned FleaNatic, son. They're embarrassing to be honest, so you may wanna take this as your only word of advice to avoid the subject all-together before I decide to treat the back of your neck like my personal treadmill and, well, gasp, flame you for a change. lol

Because, you know, renting a pair of roller-skates & tying a rope from the bumper around your chicken neck to hitch across country because you cannot afford bus fair is not a good look. Even for someone who has as much to laugh at as you do.

"PeeWee Hobo" lmao.. that one is gonna stick.

Quote from: "PeeWee Hobo"Boasted a readership of 22,000.00 3 years into my tenure

Cookie or Crack vile? Hobos on government assistance can only choose either or.

Is that a resume worthy accomplishment to be proud of down in earth's toilet where turds like you are flushed backwards because, well, you are backwards?

Or is that just what you use to impress people online to make up for the fact that in real life you are nothing but a Trojan hobo who will happily spend decades becoming part of the living room furniture until someone tired of your bum & stank parody throws a bucket of soap and water on you so that you could meltdown in a mass of steam and foam like a fucking alka-seltzer?

Leaving nothing behind put a pair of prosthetic testicles sitting on the middle cushion. Picture that. I did. And so will everyone laughing in my PM box over at a site you cannot join this evening.

Maybe it's that time? You know, to grab a hold of those PHP vulnerabilities you claimed you knew of so that you could muscle your way in to the "cunt is a world class tit victory party I'm throwing every hour on the hour over at Stomping toothless gum-lines dot com uninvited?

You know, rain on our fun a little bit? Cause some hysteria? A pantheon of exploits maybe? Anything that might lend some credence to this idea that you're anything but a hallucinating dick cheese breather with nothing but dreams & dicks in your hand?

I promise to be sleeping at the wheel when you try. Hell, maybe you can break your way in, pitch tent err couch and impress me into affording you a complimentary Habitat for Hobos bus pass back to what ever diseased hovel you lick urinals at for 30 cents an hour.

You're in way over your pay grade in terms of noteworthy accomplishments here mop muppet, and the fact that you may have been the Chief Sperm Harvesting Officer for 3 years  at some hopeless squalid of rampant beast rape 10 years ago isn't going to change that.

Three years hard at work, mopping goat excrement off the ceiling after the wild lemon parties and nobody is willing to pat you on your funny shaped head with a selfie stick. lmao.

Quote from: "PeeWee Hobo"Since I haven't bothered to flame you.

Is that going to be your permanent alibi for being such an unfunny rudimentary single trick pony who blasts these stinky borefests of dullard tripe whenever your pigtails are pulled too hard princess?

Not once, but twice in a row even, just to make sure that should there be any doubt you are the most horrendously obnoxious slow witted dullard to ever touch a key board we could all have this fact seared into our memories for a lifetime like the 21,988 bots that were programmed to play ring around the retard during your "3 year tenure". rotflamo.

I know you haven't flamed me.  1) because your plaid sundress is soaked to the hilt and 2) because these raging tirades of Niagara's narcolepsy which require some deviant version of an Aussie Penis Pump to produce don't contain enough gumption to light a cigarette.

But that's not by your own design, its because in your case God opted to use the cheap knock off, no name brand,  Indonesian brain tissue on all newborns in the Aussie outback birthed of date rape.

I find it "mildy amusing" of course, that a pair of dentures chattering around in an ash heap would busy themselves in post after post to make sure we know they haven't been flamed when in fact my personal message box has been ablaze with message after message informing me that they've never seen you get wrecked as badly as you are here is proof positive the whole community is laughing at your putrid ass right now. No, you have been "flamed" Sonned Cunt, given a surrogate uncle as well,  and the fact that the Human fucking Torch himself would opt to keep a safe distance from you right about now is a testament to that undeniable fact.

And fact that YOU don't think you're being flamed only speaks to your detachment from reality & the fact that you're so fucking developmentally delayed you require a kick stand fastened to your forehead just to stand upright.

Say hi to both your fathers for me, missy.

You are most certainly experiencing an episode of  delusional grandeur now my four legged friend because I went cow tipping on your delicate ego with my very first post and you've yet to regain full mastery of all 2 of your senses since my futile little tranny cock parading freakshow.

After party is at a forum you cant join and drinks are on me. lol


Quote from: "stats man"
7967 words, 43860 characters. Readability level: 11-12th grade student

Words   7967

Characters (including spaces)   43860

Characters (without spaces)   35771

Extra Word Count Statistics

Syllables   12262

Sentences   531

Unique Words   

Average Word Length (char)   4.5

Average Sentence Length (word)   15

Monosyllabic Words (1 syllable)   4935

Polysyllabic Words (≥3 syllables)   941

Syllables per word   1.5

Paragraphs   287

Difficult Words Readability level   2154 (27%)

Length Statistics

Short Words (<=3 characters)   3303 (41%)

Long Words (>=7 characters)   1352 (17%)

You missed a spot.
    A novel is anything over 50,000 words. The sky's the limit for the maximum length, though anything over 250,000 is getting into War and Peace territory.

    A novella is between 20,000 and 50,000 words.

    A short story has a word count of under 20,000 words (though anything over 10,000 puts it into that no man's land – along with novellas – where it's a long slog for a "short" story but too short for anything resembling a novel).


You're welcome. Now if you'll excuse me, I notice the Jersey Gurl is crying for another short story to be plungered down her gullet. We wouldn't want to disappoint her, now would we?

Probably be tantamount to an invitation to hack into The Blue Cashew if we did.

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"
Quote from: "Slum Clown"My carry on luggage

You mean the child's schoolbag you lifted off a park bench</snip>

No, don't have one. Was that your idea of a flame?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Oh dear, is that your bottom lip sanding the hardwood floors beneath us</snip>

No. Was that your idea of a flame?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"you may wanna take this as your only word of advice to</snip{/quote]

No. Was that your idea of a flame?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Because, you know, renting a pair of roller-skates & tying a rope from the bumper around your chicken neck to hitch across country because</snip>

No I don't. Was that your idea of a flame?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"... you cannot afford bus fair...

Actually it's bus fare Mr 50 IQ points. Was that your idea of a flame?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"is not a good look.

Don't really care what you think is a good look and neither does Soph, spiritual manlet. Was that your idea of a flame?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"
QuoteBoasted a readership of 22,000.00 3 years into my tenure

Is that a resume worthy accomplishment to be proud of down in earth's toilet where turds like you are flushed backwards because, well, you are backwards? Or is that just what you use to impress people online to make up for</snip>

Not especially, but for Terry No-Legs it was. He bragged about it for many a year in fact before until his site resale worth dropped below five figure mark, at which point he clammed up on the subject. Was that your idea of a flame? You do know that Sperging Groundz is valued at under $1000 dollars, yes?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl" the fact that in real life you are nothing but a Trojan hobo who will happily spend decades becoming part of the living room furniture until someone tired of your bum & stank parody throws a bucket of soap and water on you so that you could meltdown in a mass of steam and foam like a fucking alka-seltzer?

Leaving nothing behind put a pair of prosthetic testicles sitting on the middle cushion. Picture that.

I already did. It's essentially the same material I used on you a number of posts back. Was that your idea of a flame?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Maybe it's that time? You know, to grab a hold of those PHP vulnerabilities you claimed you knew of so that you could muscle your way in to the "cunt is a world class tit victory party I'm throwing every hour on the hour over at Stomping toothless gum-lines dot com uninvited?

I don't think so. Was that your idea of a flame?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"You know, rain on our fun a little bit?

I'm doing that perfectly fine from here.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"I promise to be sleeping at the wheel when you try. Hell, maybe you can break your way in, pitch tent err couch and impress me into affording you a complimentary Habitat for Hobos bus pass back to what ever diseased hovel you lick urinals at for 30 cents an hour.

Is that yet another plea for me to lend my iconoclasm to your favella or merely your idea of a flame?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"You're in way over your pay grade in terms of noteworthy accomplishments here mop muppet

Throwing my material back at me I see. Was that your idea of a flame?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Three years hard at work, mopping goat excrement off the ceiling

Is that what you call your efforts at Peed On, Sperging Gonadz and Mudcock's Mudpit? Are you flaming yourself there?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"
QuoteSince I haven't bothered to flame you.

Is that going to be your permanent alibi for being such an unfunny rudimentary blak blah blah zzzzzz.....

No, I might also flame your next professed champeen with a photoshop or two and watch as they sperg out at the management of one or more of your sites, forcing you to set up yet another board.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"I know you haven't flamed me.

Congratulations. Maybe when you learn to flame I might be persuaded to respond in kind.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"you have been "flamed" Sonned Cunt

But not by you. You've never flamed anyone, not that I've ever seen at least.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"And fact that YOU don't think you're being flamed only speaks to your detachment</snipped>

No, it speaks to the fact that I was fortunate enough to cut my teeth in communities where flaming was practiced. Whereas you learned to be a bitter, twisted and sexless hater who relied on how big a group you could get to sing your praises at Bawk Mall.
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"You are most certainly experiencing an episode of  delusional grandeur now my four legged friend because I went cow tipping on your delicate ego

No, you didn't. Was that your idea of a flame?
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"After party is a forum you cant join

And yet still manage to know exactly what is going on there whenever I care to look, go figure.

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