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Shadowy Iranian general behind elite Quds terror force killed in Baghdad

Started by cc, January 02, 2020, 09:48:28 PM

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An interview with Gen. Petraeus on Qasem Soleimani's killing.

QuoteSo why do you suppose this happened now, though?

Well, I suspect that the leaders in Washington were seeking to reestablish deterrence, which clearly had eroded to some degree, perhaps by the relatively insignificant actions in response to these strikes on the Abqaiq oil facility in Saudi Arabia, shipping in the Gulf and our $130 million dollar drone that was shot down. And we had seen increased numbers of attacks against US forces in Iraq. So I'm sure that there was a lot of discussion about what could show the Iranians most significantly that we are really serious, that they should not continue to escalate.

Now, obviously, there is a menu of options that they have now and not just in terms of direct Iranian action against perhaps our large bases in the various Gulf states, shipping in the Gulf, but also through proxy actions β€” and not just in the region, but even in places such as Latin America and Africa and Europe.

Would you have recommended this course of action right now?

I'd hesitate to answer that just because I am not privy to the intelligence that was the foundation for the decision, which clearly was, as was announced, this was a defensive action, that Soleimani was going into the country to presumably approve further attacks. Without really being in the inner circle on that, I think it's very difficult to either second-guess or to even think through what the recommendation might have been.

Again, it is impossible to overstate the significance of this action. This is much more substantial than the killing of Osama bin Laden. It's even more substantial than the killing of Baghdadi.

Final question, General Petraeus, how vulnerable are US military and civilian personnel in the Middle East right now as a result of what happened last night?

Well, my understanding is that we have significantly shored up our air defenses, our air assets, our ground defenses and so forth. There's been the movement of a lot of forces into the region in months, not just in the past days. So there's been a very substantial augmentation of our defensive capabilities and also our offensive capabilities.

And, you know, the question Iran has to ask itself is, "Where does this end?" If they now retaliate in a significant way β€” and considering how vulnerable their infrastructure and forces are at a time when their economy is in dismal shape because of the sanctions. So Iran is not in a position of strength, although it clearly has many, many options available to it, as I mentioned, not just with their armed forces and the Revolutionary Guards Corps, but also with these Quds Force-supported proxy elements throughout the region in the world.

Do you have confidence in this administration to kind of navigate all those calculations?

Well, I think that this particular episode has been fairly impressively handled. There's been restraint in some of the communications methods from the White House. The Department of Defense put out, I think, a solid statement. It has taken significant actions, again, to shore up our defenses and our offensive capabilities. The question now, I think, is what is the diplomatic initiative that follows this? What will the State Department and the Secretary of State do now to try to get back to the table and reduce or end the battlefield consequences?"> ... aShJTiA9GU">


Quote from: "Herman"That spoiled little ignorant race ho, Colin Kaepernick had this to say about taking out the terrorist masquerading as a general.

"America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad," he added. "America militarism is the weapon wielded by American imperialism, to enforce its policing and plundering of the non white world."

Here were some of the responses

Qassem Soleimani was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans who were black and brown. cc


Iranian terrorist Qasem Soleimani killed thousands upon thousands of black and brown people through out the Middle East

Speaking of imperialism, how are the sales of your sweatshop shoe?"> ... 9786096640"> ...

And it's on.

Genius commentary from a guy whose only war experience includes social justice and who managed to screw up his own tryout because of his inflated ego.

Hey @Kaepernick7 you should see if Iran will start a team for you. About the only way you're ever playing again."> ... 9786096640"> ...

Soleimani oversaw the murder, starvation, displacement, detention and torture of millions of brown Syrians and Iraqis."> ... 9786096640"> ..."> ... aign=11482">

Colin Kaepernick is so hypocritical and annoying.


Yes and his mission is to grow a halo over his head in the eyes of the minorities..

He thinks of nothing but himself when he says these things.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"That spoiled little ignorant race ho, Colin Kaepernick had this to say about taking out the terrorist masquerading as a general.

"America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad," he added. "America militarism is the weapon wielded by American imperialism, to enforce its policing and plundering of the non white world."

Here were some of the responses

Qassem Soleimani was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans who were black and brown. cc


Iranian terrorist Qasem Soleimani killed thousands upon thousands of black and brown people through out the Middle East

Speaking of imperialism, how are the sales of your sweatshop shoe?"> ... 9786096640"> ...

And it's on.

Genius commentary from a guy whose only war experience includes social justice and who managed to screw up his own tryout because of his inflated ego.

Hey @Kaepernick7 you should see if Iran will start a team for you. About the only way you're ever playing again."> ... 9786096640"> ...

Soleimani oversaw the murder, starvation, displacement, detention and torture of millions of brown Syrians and Iraqis."> ... 9786096640"> ..."> ... aign=11482">

Colin Kaepernick is so hypocritical and annoying.

And stupid.


Two of our NDP MPP's join terrorist sympathizers mourning the death of the world's number one terrorist. And they want to replace Ford.

Ontario NDP MPP's deal with the devil

When a terrorist is killed, some people cheer, some shrug, but two NDP MPPS thought it best to go to a solidarity rally where the terrorist was mourned and honoured.

NDP education critic Marit Stiles, yes the one who thinks she should be in charge of the education system, and Rima Berns-mcgown, the critic for poverty and homelessness, were out in full support of an anti-american rally where dead terrorist Qassem Soleimani was celebrated.

Both elected officials showed up at the rally outside the U.S. consulate on University Ave. where protesters showed support for Soleimani and denounced American President Donald Trump.

And, of course, they did all this while surrounded by flags that should give plenty of people pause.

There were flags from the Iraqi paramilitary group, the PMF or Popular Mobilization Forces, and of course, a flag from the terrorist group, Hezbollah, one of the groups that the dead Soleimani helped fund and assist with military and terrorist activities.


Quote from: "seoulbro"Two of our NDP MPP's join terrorist sympathizers mourning the death of the world's number one terrorist. And they want to replace Ford.

Ontario NDP MPP's deal with the devil

When a terrorist is killed, some people cheer, some shrug, but two NDP MPPS thought it best to go to a solidarity rally where the terrorist was mourned and honoured.

NDP education critic Marit Stiles, yes the one who thinks she should be in charge of the education system, and Rima Berns-mcgown, the critic for poverty and homelessness, were out in full support of an anti-american rally where dead terrorist Qassem Soleimani was celebrated.

Both elected officials showed up at the rally outside the U.S. consulate on University Ave. where protesters showed support for Soleimani and denounced American President Donald Trump.

And, of course, they did all this while surrounded by flags that should give plenty of people pause.

There were flags from the Iraqi paramilitary group, the PMF or Popular Mobilization Forces, and of course, a flag from the terrorist group, Hezbollah, one of the groups that the dead Soleimani helped fund and assist with military and terrorist activities.

I am embarrassed I used to be an NDP voter. Not that I like any of the alternatives.


Iran has fired at least 10 missiles into a USA airbase in Iraq..


Quote from: "Odinson"Iran has fired at least 10 missiles into a USA airbase in Iraq..

What is the damage?


From a constitutional law professor:

Okay, it's painfully obvious that many in our country have no clue what they're talking about in regards to this strike against Qasem Soleimani. I've heard everything from Trump violated the law to he didn't inform Congress to he has to consult Congress to he's guilty of ordering an assassination. Get a grip people. Ignorance may be bliss, but it's embarrassing when you start talking about shit you know nothing about. Here comes the lesson. Article I, Section 8 of our Constitution gives Congress certain powers like declaring war, raising armies, providing a navy, etc. Article II, Section 2 gives the President the responsibilities of Commander In Chief. 50 USC 1541-1548 (known as the War Powers Resolution) puts constraints on the President being able to put the military forces of the United States into use. The Resolution states that the President can use military force under three circumstances. First, a declaration of war. Second, statutory authorization. Finally, to respond to an attack on the country, its territory, its possessions or its armed forces. The Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of the armed forces being used and that the forces cannot remain for more than 60 days (90 days max) in combat without congressional approval. Now, I know some people out there don't like facts. My answer to that isβ€”- tough shit. Two of the three conditions for military use under the resolution were met. One, there was authorization under the AUMF Against Terrorists resolution. Two, our embassy (possession, territory, country, etc.) was attacked and it was linked to Iran. The President notified Congress pursuant to the Resolution within 24 hours of the use of force. For those of you who don't know math, that's less than 48 hours. No forces remain in operation, so the 60 and 90 days caps are not relevant. As for the assassination claim, the AUMF specifically gives the President the authority to launch a military strike against anyone labeled a terrorist or heading a terrorist organization. Soleimani and his organization (IRGC) have both been officially labeled as terrorists for more than a decade.


Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Odinson"Iran has fired at least 10 missiles into a USA airbase in Iraq..

What is the damage?

No info on that yet...


Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Odinson"Iran has fired at least 10 missiles into a USA airbase in Iraq..

What is the damage?

No info on that yet...

I read twelve rockets. But, no info.


Joe Biden 1996: If Iran attacked a USA facility it is an act of war and ANY retaliation is warranted">
... kCbCFE6T-4">


Three rockets were fired near the US embassy.

Enough with the leftist hissy fits. Blowing up Soleimani was a no-brainer"> ... 1578395409">

This merciless bloodstained fanatic had been slaughtering Americans, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians and anyone else he could reach for decades

Blowing the guy up was a no-brainer. Qassem Soleimani was a merciless bloodstained fanatic who'd been slaughtering Americans, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians and anyone else he could reach for decades.

The New York Times whined "Democrats Question Timing of Strike" as if they should have blasted him when they didn't know where he was instead of when he carelessly stepped out of the shadows. As for it being a violation of international law, unlike his 30-year terrorist career, to its credit NBC noted that Barack Obama ordered more than 500 such airstrikes, killing thousands. But back to practicalities. What exactly is Iran going to do now that Trump made it mad?


Quote Barack Obama ordered more than 500 such airstrikes, killing thousands.

and one Daffy one was the leader of his country

yet none of his worshipers said a word about it being illegal

not to mention they did ZERO to help put the country back to right
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"
Quote Barack Obama ordered more than 500 such airstrikes, killing thousands.

and one Daffy one was the leader of his country

yet none of his worshipers said a word about it being illegal

not to mention they did ZERO to help put the country back to right

Khadaffy was killed by his own people, not by an airstrike.