Enough with the leftist hissy fits. Blowing up Soleimani was a no-brainer
This merciless bloodstained fanatic had been slaughtering Americans, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians and anyone else he could reach for decades
Blowing the guy up was a no-brainer. Qassem Soleimani was a merciless bloodstained fanatic who'd been slaughtering Americans, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians and anyone else he could reach for decades.
The New York Times whined "Democrats Question Timing of Strike" as if they should have blasted him when they didn't know where he was instead of when he carelessly stepped out of the shadows. As for it being a violation of international law, unlike his 30-year terrorist career, to its credit NBC noted that Barack Obama ordered more than 500 such airstrikes, killing thousands. But back to practicalities. What exactly is Iran going to do now that Trump made it mad?