Quote from: "Blazor"Quote from: "Bricktop"I had the courage to waltz in under an avalanche of vituperations, recriminations, and character assassinations.Quote from: "Blurt"
You may have had a modicum of courage, snotling...but your fortitude failed you. Dare I remind you that you were so filled with terror and temerity that you slammed the door of your forum in my face? Very courageous.
I also note that your flaming adventures are generally conducted in venues that I am not participant in and that are mainly inhabited by second tier wannabes that can barely withstand a tirade from Sea Major. You will note that he generates considerably more controversy than you, with substantially less effort.
I do recall you waltzing in, however. That event is etched in my memory. I even retained the photograph, which I post as a reminder to those who were there.
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fae01.alicdn.com%2Fkf%2FHTB1Mh5cRFXXXXXTXVXXq6xXFXXXp%2Fred-black-standard-dance-dress-dance-ballroom-costume-woman-foxtrot-dress-waltz-dress-ballroom-tango-dresses.jpg_640x640.jpg&f=1&nofb=1">Now go make me a sammich.Quote from: "Blurt":2i760jm:
No surprise at that request. I understand you're rather fond of sandwiches...preferring to be in the centre of the menage a trois hommes.
I so badly wanna chop Blurt onto that pic right now
I will restrain though lol.
How about a transexual scouser Adolf worshipper?