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WORLD REACTS!!! - We Are in This Crisis ONLY because of the Self-Serving Decisions of the Chinese Government

Started by cc, March 16, 2020, 11:04:37 PM

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As a country, we've got our hands full right now. But while we're sitting in various forms of self-quarantine, we — and a lot of other people around the world — will have a lot of time to read about the Chinese government destroying samples and suppressing information about the coronavirus in December:

Chinese laboratories identified a mystery virus as a highly infectious new pathogen by late December last year, but they were ordered to stop tests, destroy samples and suppress the news, a Chinese media outlet has revealed.

A regional health official in Wuhan, centre of the outbreak, demanded the destruction of the lab samples that established the cause of unexplained viral pneumonia on January 1. China did not acknowledge there was human-to-human transmission until more than three weeks later.

The detailed revelations by Caixin Global, a respected independent publication, provide the clearest evidence yet of the scale of the cover-up in the crucial early weeks when the opportunity was lost to control the outbreak.

And the Chinese government's attempt to silence doctors warning others about the disease:

As word of a mysterious virus mounted, Li Wenliang shared suspicions in a private chat with his fellow medical school graduates.

The doctor said that seven people seemed to have contracted SARS — the respiratory illness that spread from China to more than two dozen countries and left hundreds dead in the early 2000s. One patient was quarantined at his hospital in Wuhan, China, Li said. He urged people to be careful.

Li and seven other doctors were quickly summoned by Chinese authorities for propagating "rumors" about SARS-like cases in the area — but their warnings were prescient. Soon, health officials worldwide would be scrambling to combat a novel virus with a striking genetic resemblance to SARS.

And the Chinese authorities spending January "denying it could spread between humans — something doctors had known was happening since late December — and went ahead with a Chinese Lunar New Year banquet involving tens of thousands of families in Wuhan." Doctors say that in Wuhan, people who had no connection to that Hua'nan market were among the first showing the symptoms — suggesting that from the beginning, Chinese authorities should have understood that human-to-human transmission was already happening.

Even by the Chinese government's own account of events, President Xi Jinping knew about the disease for two weeks before making any public comments about it.

Under fire for its response to the coronavirus epidemic, China's authoritarian government appears to be pushing a new account of events that presents President Xi Jinping as taking early action to fight the outbreak that has convulsed the country.

But in doing so, the authorities have acknowledged for the first time that Mr. Xi was aware of the epidemic and involved in the response nearly two weeks before he first spoke publicly about it — and while officials at its epicenter in the city of Wuhan were still playing down its dangers.

The Wall Street Journal calculates that the Chinese government "let some five million people leave Wuhan without screening." Chinese medical authorities were much more concerned about preserving Wuhan's reputation than the contagious, deadly disease:

The hospital's leadership also banned staff from discussing the disease in public or via texts or images, Dr. Ai Fen said. Eight days later, a nurse in her department started to feel sick, and it was later confirmed she was infected by the coronavirus. By early March, three doctors at the hospital had died from the infection.

Even today, prominent Chinese citizens who criticize the government's response suddenly disappear. The Chinese government is much more effective at stopping the spread of information about the coronavirus than stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Pardon me, the "Wuhan virus."

We are in this mess in large part because of the decisions of the Chinese government. And once it's safe to come out, we're going to face some extremely consequential decisions about how we choose to treat the Chinese government after their catastrophic secrecy, coverups, blundering, and disregard for human life around the globe.

Fck China"> ... -rz055qjnj">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



Yes, I'm aware .. and fully understand

I've never been big on it myself ... "dick"tatorships were never on my good list ... they do whatever it takes to save face and to maintain power

Say - would please check for a quick pm to you?
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


The Coronavirus Will Save America

By Gordon Wysong

The analysis of engineering or business problems often includes a list of positive and negative aspects of implementing changes.  So too should the analysis of the effects of the coronavirus.  What has been seen so far has been a panoply of negatives, many exaggerated for political fodder or as clickbait in the press's cry for attention.  A sober look at this, however, can lead to a different conclusion.  Will America be stronger, and will other nations take a cue from our success?  The answer is a surprising yes.

Imagine what the world will be like when 2022 arrives.  The coronavirus's effects will become so small that they will be lost in the noise of the day, but what will remain of its lessons?  First and foremost is that many lives will have been saved.

The hand-washing and sanitation precautions that will be permanently incorporated into American culture will diminish flu deaths in 2020, in 2021, in 2022, and perpetually.  Rather than 25,000–70,000 flu deaths annually, the numbers may drop by tens of thousands, even in 2020.  The spreading of America's sanitation obsession will impact not only its own population, but that of many nations, in a way that educators and health professional could never accomplish.

This saves lives — lots of lives.  Stubborn resistance to the onerous habits of sanitation will be broken down by this one virus's actions on the psyche of people.  These changes will pass to future generations, lasting not just a few years, but lifetimes and longer, and each year, more lives will be saved.

These benefits are undeniably going to happen.  But it is not just in the health arena that America will see long-term benefits.  It will be in the alteration of business practices, long accepted as they were invisibly implemented.  Who knew?  Ninety-five percent of antibiotics were manufactured in China, and no one discussed it.  Now the vulnerability of America is displayed in front of the people — not the little cliques of "health professionals" and CEOs who fostered it.  With the Chinese penchant for lying, adulteration, blackmail, and price-gouging, will such a situation exist in 2022?  No, because if it doesn't change rapidly, a lot of CEOs will find themselves unemployed.

Antibiotics are not the only pharmaceuticals or nutritional supplements coming from China, and soon the marketers of such products will face their turn in front of the bus.  Their executives see it coming.  Changes will be rapid and, again, invisible.  They do not want their products to be the ones cited in future news stories.  "Good riddance to China" will be the mantra of the entire industry, and America will be the huge beneficiary of increased domestic production, increased research on improved quality, and increased security — a trifecta that blunts the advantages China has sought to use against the U.S.

There is more, much more, that will be seen to improve America.  The coronavirus has been a wake-up call, and this time there is no snooze button.  If a supply chain is entangled with Chinese production due to technology, the business relying on sole sourcing is foolish beyond words.  If that still exists in 2022, the business is doomed.  CEOs, technology experts within large companies, and business analysts are going to be asking a lot of questions, and someone in the organization had better have answers.  The most obvious answer is to relocate advanced technology manufacturing to secure nations, including America.

China's stealth war against America has been exposed, inadvertently, but it is no longer flying below the radar.  The overt threat to cut off shipments of antibiotic medicine and medical supplies, and the delay in shipping that may actually be taking place, has brought the issue to the people of America.  To say there is anger over such threats and actions is to understate the consequences.  Here is China, willing to send America a virus and then debilitate its supply chains to exacerbate the effects.  No longer is this a stealth war.  The American people are on to them, and no rebuttal will return the status quo.

Other strangleholds that the Chinese have engineered will also fall.  For instance, rare earth minerals have been a strength in Chinese trade.  This is largely because the pollution from the by products is so severe that no other nation will ignore this defiling of the environment.  That will change when the price curve is no longer the sole consideration, and with this change, dependence on some of the electronic devices that require such metals will change as well.  When China can withhold supplies, or when it gouges prices, it is easier to go along to get along and simply have the component made in China.  The scarcity of the metals is not a resource issue; it is an engineering and mining issue, and soon the U.S. will address it.


War?  The prospects of such an eventuality are certainly there.  China has been stealing our technology, as well as European and Russian technology, to position itself as a superpower.  Such ambitions are fraught with danger, because those who go to war are generally those who think they can win.  America must never let an adversary believe that.  Crackdowns on the theft of intellectual and military secrets have been initiated by Trump, and they will be ramped up.  The loss of free travel will restrict the movement of spies and ultimately hollow out the military ambitions of China.  This will lead to increased freedom in the Chinese sphere of influence.  Such freer people tend to align with America (à la Hong Kong), and as that happens, the prospects of an eventual war diminish.

Internally, the mindset of Americans is undergoing a dramatic change.  Not being considered are other long-lasting effects on the actions and attitudes of Americans.  Older American have seen privation, or been closely associated with a generation that really knew what it meant, and told them about it.  Younger Americans — not so much.  Today, that changed, and tomorrow, the lessons will endure.  A shortage of toilet paper is not much of a crisis, but seeing meat counters bare, cleaning products cleaned out, and all athletic contests canceled drives home a serious side to life that most Millennials have not incorporated into themselves.  Are they scared?  One would hope so.  It might mean that issues of free stuff seem a little frivolous.  Given a period of retrenchment, these youths will not be so gullible again.

This isn't exactly a baptism of fire for the under-40 crowd, but it does suddenly bring them into the culture of Americans who have lived a lot longer.  They may learn some valuable lessons and, by 2022, change the focus from attending a rave party or scoring a blunt to relying on family and working to gain a sense of security.  The stay-at-home isolation, with no athletics on TV, will also lead to a baby boom.  This will be a huge boon to America for many reasons.

In past pandemics, the Spanish Flu killed 50,000,000 people, the Asian Flu killed 1–2,000,000, and the Hong Kong Flu killed 1–4,000,000.  And what lessons were learned from them?  Health professionals learned many but never could communicate them effectively enough to change the culture.  Lacking a receptive audience, their efforts were in vain.  To say these were lost opportunities would be an understatement.  Oh, there was some change that the people accepted, but it was never across the full spectrum of the American society.

This time will be different.  A full alteration of cultural norms will ensue in the aftermath of the coronavirus.  It will be industrial, health, intelligence, educational, military, financial, strategic, and emotional.  The upside will never be entirely appreciated, but China's government and its plans will be a loser in all this, and the balance of the world will benefit immensely.  The regrettable loss of life, and a short-term financial cost, unfortunately cannot be avoided, but the benefits of the coronavirus will prevail and endure — more so if Americans take the initiative.

Gordon Wysong is an engineer and entrepreneur who has served as a county commissioner in Cobb County, Ga.

I do hope he is right  .. cc .. I have been angry for many years over how we sold our soul to China .. and not China's fault, our fault for being so greedy and for many politicians who allowed and encouraged not seeing what China was up to and doing to us .. and for businesses for being so greedy while making China a power and having power over us  
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



China ninety per cent responsible for the global meltdown. The other ten per cent is the EU.


I went from having almost unlimited overtime to being out of a job in two short months because.of China. As a foreman, I had the use of a company truck. Now that I am unemployed I lost my transportation.
The Russian Rock It


Damn . .I hope things turn around for you fairly soon

LEGEND: Close Up Photo of Trump's Notes Shows He Crossed Out "Corona" and Replaced it with "Chinese" Virus">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"Damn . .I hope things turn around for you fairly soon

LEGEND: Close Up Photo of Trump's Notes Shows He Crossed Out "Corona" and Replaced it with "Chinese" Virus">



Last month Chinese Global Television Network sent a Chinese man to hug Italians to fight against Xenophobia and racism toward Chinese People

Spread the Love!!

"Woke" Italians a month ago"> ... e=emb_logo">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"Last month Chinese Global Television Network sent a Chinese man to hug Italians to fight against Xenophobia and racism toward Chinese People

Spread the Love!!

"Woke" Italians a month ago"> ... e=emb_logo">



I teared up this morning looking at Italy's latest and total numbers - It's a hell there and no one can help them

Every day I become angrier at the monster from Asia
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "cc"I teared up this morning looking at Italy's latest and total numbers - It's a hell there

Last I saw they had 47,000 confirmed cases. The quarantine is not producing the desired results.


Hmmmmm ... veddy interestink

How China can be held legally accountable for coronavirus pandemic">A cover-up and clampdown by the Chinese government in the early weeks of the coronavirus's emergence is raising questions over whether the communist superpower can be held legally accountable.

"Generally countries like China have sovereign immunity and governments cannot be brought to regular courts or held liable regardless of their conduct," Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, an Israel-based attorney who has long specialized in suing terrorist regimes and state sponsors who orchestrate human rights abuses on behalf of victims, told Fox News.

"However, an argument could be made that just like support for terrorism, which is legally actionable, a government that engages in such reckless disregard and negligence and covers up an epidemic which has the potential to spread worldwide could be held legally liable ," Darshan-Leitner said.

"Cover-ups and deliberate acts to conceal a deadly medical crisis are not among the protected acts of a sovereign state or of responsible leaders."
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Taiwan Says It Warned WHO About Coronavirus In December, But Its Warnings Were Ignored

Taiwan is blaming the World Health Organization's relationship with China for its failure to act on early warnings of human-to-human transmission of coronavirus.

Taiwanese health officials alerted WHO of the infectivity of coronavirus in late December 2019, but the organization failed to report the claims to other countries, according to a Financial Times report.

Weeks after receiving Taiwan's warning, on Jan. 14, WHO repeated China's claim that coronavirus was not contagious among humans

Taiwan reported its concerns to a WHO framework called the International Health Regulations on Dec. 31, 2019. The IHR framework is intended to be an exchange of epidemic data between 196 countries.

"While the IHR's internal website provides a platform for all countries to share information on the epidemic and their response, none of the information shared by our country's [Centers for Disease Control] is being put up there," Taiwanese Vice President Chen Chien-Jen told the Financial Times.

"The WHO could not obtain first-hand information to study and judge whether there was human-to-human transmission of COVID-10. This led it to announce human-to-human transmission with a delay, and an opportunity to raise the alert level both in China and the wider world was lost," Chen added."> ... 28cc3c6a68">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell