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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

The BC is superior to these "flame" forums

Started by Oak, April 10, 2020, 09:35:24 PM

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Quote from: "Guest"When Oak gets upset these mistakes start to happen.   ac_lmfao

No shit.  :laugh3:

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"Now I've seen it all... Oak calling another hideous or fugly...

That fat slob couldn't get a lay at a kegger frat party between 4 and 5 AM....

Now now, I've got this. Watch and learn, young padawan.  ac_biggrin

Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "Oak"

Murdock, have you run out off the last person posting at your "forum" that you come here looking for a fight with me?  Don't send Moonpie or anyone to tell ask me to come back to your forum ever again.  You left the impression that I was "forgiven" for what, pray tell, I don't know.

Then you come looking for a fight.  What in the holy hell is wrong with your noodle?

People spending too much time online, it can cause  mental health issues.  Take some time away from the internet.

I don't spend much time on the internet, nor am I forum hopping to look for fights with anyone.

Yeah, maybe. But you sure wigged the fuck right out when I showed up in San Francisco.  :laugh3:

I did what?

Please, I'm not afraid of you.  Go on motherfucker, show up at my DOOR.  I'll be waiting.

Demanding my presence now, is it? I'll tell you again what has already likely been copypasta'd from Flame Truth to you aspies at Sperging Gomerz, I didn't fly in to San Fran to waste my time on a bunch of wigged out USI sufferers, I came to town to do MY shit and get the fuck out again. So while you're barricaded behind your door, fondling your Walmart rations on the offchance that (a) you might waddle in past my reach and (b) I would even bother to darken your decaying doorstep, I'm out taking care of business and taking money out of your state.

Jeez louise, one picture of me at the airport and y'all lose your fucking minds! What's the matter, did it put a dent in your self esteem that I of all Canadians should be left free to roam the streets of your neighbourhood unmolested by the same government agencies who would handcuff your fat trotters to the nearest cellblock dunny if you went so much as one wobbling step outside of your prescribed areas? Or has your burgeoning Safe Space requirements ballooned so far that not even 400 miles worth of zip codes can cover it? A bit of both maybe?

Sit down in your own filth, fatty. If I'd intended to show up on your or Clownshoes doorsteps, I sure as fuck wouldn't have telegraphed it by taking photos of my travel before the event. Use your head for something other than stuffing cookie dough into for once; you ain't worth the time or the plane tickets to get up close and personal with and you never will be.


You saw his picture, he's a filthy pig, he's got no room to talk about what anyone else looks like.

Guilty as charged? You're a filthy, FAT pig locked up in its pen. From where I stand, I'm feeling pretty good about my circumstance.  ac_dance

You're hideous.

And you're fat and hideous. Treadmill?

I may be fat, but I have a cure.  You're monster ugly.  Your hair is terrible...thank God the pictures I've seen hide part of your face.  I don't think my eyes could ever recover.  I imagine your image cannot be unseen.

You're so ugly, I'm convinced you scare babies and young children.  I can see there faces scrunching up in fear before they start wailing and pointing at the ugly monster.  I bet you're in high demand during Halloween at haunted houses. I bet you make most of your income then, and then hope around freeloading from home to home after that. Though I don't know how anyone could shuffle out of their bedroom in the morning to see you.

You have a cure for your fat, but it's not like you're using it. You are as comfortable with your fat as I am my ugly, and apparently as comfortable as you are with your ugly.

Or are you really? I find it interesting your first go-to is the "ugly" angle. Weird that you would, considering that most guys get to wear their ugly and have the women flocking to them. Hell, I even play up to my ugly; bookending that photo that got you in such a tizzy last month, my divinely ugly hair was tied back in a pony tail. What can I say, it made me more easily identifiable to the many government sponsored agents who stamped my passport as I was flying about the continent, taking care of business. I only pulled it out of the hair tie for that photo op out the front of the airport which you're still going spastic over.

Here's the thing... you're fat AND ugly. Your head looks like it's gone a few rounds in the ring with a shovel and you've a face that not even a mother could love without serious tranquillizers and a good old scraping out of her frontal lobes with a rusty spatula. And you're ugly to the core. We know this by your reaction to total strangers flying about the countryside while your own government only lets you out for your infrequent waddles to the local Walmart.

I do feel sorry for you, if that's any consolation. It must be hard being a woman in the latter stages of middle age, dropped and forgotten, youthful figure gone and the realisation that if you shed your middle aged spread you'd likely require surgery to rid yourself of all the excess skin. I'm no oil painting myself, but I've at least the compassion for those unfortunates whose life choices led them to balloon out into gargantuan dimensions that unhinged them so much they would wave their weekly rations on high while gibbering crazy cat-lady talk at the tops of their lungs on the internet.

I guess in the balance that compassion makes me less ugly than you, and the photo evidence proves I'm nowhere near as fat. Try not to become too enraged about my good fortune if you can manage it, there's people in this world that dig fat and ugly and Herman seems to be showing some interest in you. Learn to be happy with your lot, it might make you a better person.

It sure as hell couldnt make you any worse.   :laugh:

0ak clearly thinks itself ugly, else why the wails and gnashing whenever one of those pics gets chopped?

It seems to be a talking point for her. What, she expected me to wail "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I'm preeetyyyyy" instead??? Fuck that, I'll play to my strengths. "Being ugly" sure hasn't managed to put a dent in my stride, and I'm apparently more mobile than she is.

Maybe... just maybe.... I've managed to amass a few more plussies in the ledger than she. It sure would explain a hell of a lot.  ac_biggrin


Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"When Oak gets upset these mistakes start to happen.   ac_lmfao

No shit.  :laugh3:

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"Now I've seen it all... Oak calling another hideous or fugly...

That fat slob couldn't get a lay at a kegger frat party between 4 and 5 AM....

Now now, I've got this. Watch and learn, young padawan.  ac_biggrin

Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "Oak"

Murdock, have you run out off the last person posting at your "forum" that you come here looking for a fight with me?  Don't send Moonpie or anyone to tell ask me to come back to your forum ever again.  You left the impression that I was "forgiven" for what, pray tell, I don't know.

Then you come looking for a fight.  What in the holy hell is wrong with your noodle?

People spending too much time online, it can cause  mental health issues.  Take some time away from the internet.

I don't spend much time on the internet, nor am I forum hopping to look for fights with anyone.

Yeah, maybe. But you sure wigged the fuck right out when I showed up in San Francisco.  :laugh3:

I did what?

Please, I'm not afraid of you.  Go on motherfucker, show up at my DOOR.  I'll be waiting.

Demanding my presence now, is it? I'll tell you again what has already likely been copypasta'd from Flame Truth to you aspies at Sperging Gomerz, I didn't fly in to San Fran to waste my time on a bunch of wigged out USI sufferers, I came to town to do MY shit and get the fuck out again. So while you're barricaded behind your door, fondling your Walmart rations on the offchance that (a) you might waddle in past my reach and (b) I would even bother to darken your decaying doorstep, I'm out taking care of business and taking money out of your state.

Jeez louise, one picture of me at the airport and y'all lose your fucking minds! What's the matter, did it put a dent in your self esteem that I of all Canadians should be left free to roam the streets of your neighbourhood unmolested by the same government agencies who would handcuff your fat trotters to the nearest cellblock dunny if you went so much as one wobbling step outside of your prescribed areas? Or has your burgeoning Safe Space requirements ballooned so far that not even 400 miles worth of zip codes can cover it? A bit of both maybe?

Sit down in your own filth, fatty. If I'd intended to show up on your or Clownshoes doorsteps, I sure as fuck wouldn't have telegraphed it by taking photos of my travel before the event. Use your head for something other than stuffing cookie dough into for once; you ain't worth the time or the plane tickets to get up close and personal with and you never will be.


You saw his picture, he's a filthy pig, he's got no room to talk about what anyone else looks like.

Guilty as charged? You're a filthy, FAT pig locked up in its pen. From where I stand, I'm feeling pretty good about my circumstance.  ac_dance

You're hideous.

And you're fat and hideous. Treadmill?

I may be fat, but I have a cure.  You're monster ugly.  Your hair is terrible...thank God the pictures I've seen hide part of your face.  I don't think my eyes could ever recover.  I imagine your image cannot be unseen.

You're so ugly, I'm convinced you scare babies and young children.  I can see there faces scrunching up in fear before they start wailing and pointing at the ugly monster.  I bet you're in high demand during Halloween at haunted houses. I bet you make most of your income then, and then hope around freeloading from home to home after that. Though I don't know how anyone could shuffle out of their bedroom in the morning to see you.

You have a cure for your fat, but it's not like you're using it. You are as comfortable with your fat as I am my ugly, and apparently as comfortable as you are with your ugly.

Or are you really? I find it interesting your first go-to is the "ugly" angle. Weird that you would, considering that most guys get to wear their ugly and have the women flocking to them. Hell, I even play up to my ugly; bookending that photo that got you in such a tizzy last month, my divinely ugly hair was tied back in a pony tail. What can I say, it made me more easily identifiable to the many government sponsored agents who stamped my passport as I was flying about the continent, taking care of business. I only pulled it out of the hair tie for that photo op out the front of the airport which you're still going spastic over.

Here's the thing... you're fat AND ugly. Your head looks like it's gone a few rounds in the ring with a shovel and you've a face that not even a mother could love without serious tranquillizers and a good old scraping out of her frontal lobes with a rusty spatula. And you're ugly to the core. We know this by your reaction to total strangers flying about the countryside while your own government only lets you out for your infrequent waddles to the local Walmart.

I do feel sorry for you, if that's any consolation. It must be hard being a woman in the latter stages of middle age, dropped and forgotten, youthful figure gone and the realisation that if you shed your middle aged spread you'd likely require surgery to rid yourself of all the excess skin. I'm no oil painting myself, but I've at least the compassion for those unfortunates whose life choices led them to balloon out into gargantuan dimensions that unhinged them so much they would wave their weekly rations on high while gibbering crazy cat-lady talk at the tops of their lungs on the internet.

I guess in the balance that compassion makes me less ugly than you, and the photo evidence proves I'm nowhere near as fat. Try not to become too enraged about my good fortune if you can manage it, there's people in this world that dig fat and ugly and Herman seems to be showing some interest in you. Learn to be happy with your lot, it might make you a better person.

It sure as hell couldnt make you any worse.   :laugh:

0ak clearly thinks itself ugly, else why the wails and gnashing whenever one of those pics gets chopped?

It seems to be a talking point for her. What, she expected me to wail "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I'm preeetyyyyy" instead??? Fuck that, I'll play to my strengths. "Being ugly" sure hasn't managed to put a dent in my stride, and I'm apparently more mobile than she is.

Maybe... just maybe.... I've managed to amass a few more plussies in the ledger than she. It sure would explain a hell of a lot.  ac_biggrin

Being ugly and undesireable are her greatest insecurities and so they are the go-to insults.


Oak can knock down a steel reinforced door without a running start due to freakish upper body strength. The local SWAT team makes use of this skill.


Most schools are closed .. but our Kindergarten is wide open

I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


"Your Ugly!"

"No YooOor ugly!!!"

"No yUo!"

Christ, no wonder this is such a busy, popular forum.  :001_rolleyes:



I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"When Oak gets upset these mistakes start to happen.   ac_lmfao

No shit.  :laugh3:

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"Now I've seen it all... Oak calling another hideous or fugly...

That fat slob couldn't get a lay at a kegger frat party between 4 and 5 AM....

Now now, I've got this. Watch and learn, young padawan.  ac_biggrin

Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "Oak"

Murdock, have you run out off the last person posting at your "forum" that you come here looking for a fight with me?  Don't send Moonpie or anyone to tell ask me to come back to your forum ever again.  You left the impression that I was "forgiven" for what, pray tell, I don't know.

Then you come looking for a fight.  What in the holy hell is wrong with your noodle?

People spending too much time online, it can cause  mental health issues.  Take some time away from the internet.

I don't spend much time on the internet, nor am I forum hopping to look for fights with anyone.

Yeah, maybe. But you sure wigged the fuck right out when I showed up in San Francisco.  :laugh3:

I did what?

Please, I'm not afraid of you.  Go on motherfucker, show up at my DOOR.  I'll be waiting.

Demanding my presence now, is it? I'll tell you again what has already likely been copypasta'd from Flame Truth to you aspies at Sperging Gomerz, I didn't fly in to San Fran to waste my time on a bunch of wigged out USI sufferers, I came to town to do MY shit and get the fuck out again. So while you're barricaded behind your door, fondling your Walmart rations on the offchance that (a) you might waddle in past my reach and (b) I would even bother to darken your decaying doorstep, I'm out taking care of business and taking money out of your state.

Jeez louise, one picture of me at the airport and y'all lose your fucking minds! What's the matter, did it put a dent in your self esteem that I of all Canadians should be left free to roam the streets of your neighbourhood unmolested by the same government agencies who would handcuff your fat trotters to the nearest cellblock dunny if you went so much as one wobbling step outside of your prescribed areas? Or has your burgeoning Safe Space requirements ballooned so far that not even 400 miles worth of zip codes can cover it? A bit of both maybe?

Sit down in your own filth, fatty. If I'd intended to show up on your or Clownshoes doorsteps, I sure as fuck wouldn't have telegraphed it by taking photos of my travel before the event. Use your head for something other than stuffing cookie dough into for once; you ain't worth the time or the plane tickets to get up close and personal with and you never will be.


You saw his picture, he's a filthy pig, he's got no room to talk about what anyone else looks like.

Guilty as charged? You're a filthy, FAT pig locked up in its pen. From where I stand, I'm feeling pretty good about my circumstance.  ac_dance

You're hideous.

And you're fat and hideous. Treadmill?

I may be fat, but I have a cure.  You're monster ugly.  Your hair is terrible...thank God the pictures I've seen hide part of your face.  I don't think my eyes could ever recover.  I imagine your image cannot be unseen.

You're so ugly, I'm convinced you scare babies and young children.  I can see there faces scrunching up in fear before they start wailing and pointing at the ugly monster.  I bet you're in high demand during Halloween at haunted houses. I bet you make most of your income then, and then hope around freeloading from home to home after that. Though I don't know how anyone could shuffle out of their bedroom in the morning to see you.

You have a cure for your fat, but it's not like you're using it. You are as comfortable with your fat as I am my ugly, and apparently as comfortable as you are with your ugly.

Or are you really? I find it interesting your first go-to is the "ugly" angle. Weird that you would, considering that most guys get to wear their ugly and have the women flocking to them. Hell, I even play up to my ugly; bookending that photo that got you in such a tizzy last month, my divinely ugly hair was tied back in a pony tail. What can I say, it made me more easily identifiable to the many government sponsored agents who stamped my passport as I was flying about the continent, taking care of business. I only pulled it out of the hair tie for that photo op out the front of the airport which you're still going spastic over.

Here's the thing... you're fat AND ugly. Your head looks like it's gone a few rounds in the ring with a shovel and you've a face that not even a mother could love without serious tranquillizers and a good old scraping out of her frontal lobes with a rusty spatula. And you're ugly to the core. We know this by your reaction to total strangers flying about the countryside while your own government only lets you out for your infrequent waddles to the local Walmart.

I do feel sorry for you, if that's any consolation. It must be hard being a woman in the latter stages of middle age, dropped and forgotten, youthful figure gone and the realisation that if you shed your middle aged spread you'd likely require surgery to rid yourself of all the excess skin. I'm no oil painting myself, but I've at least the compassion for those unfortunates whose life choices led them to balloon out into gargantuan dimensions that unhinged them so much they would wave their weekly rations on high while gibbering crazy cat-lady talk at the tops of their lungs on the internet.

I guess in the balance that compassion makes me less ugly than you, and the photo evidence proves I'm nowhere near as fat. Try not to become too enraged about my good fortune if you can manage it, there's people in this world that dig fat and ugly and Herman seems to be showing some interest in you. Learn to be happy with your lot, it might make you a better person.

It sure as hell couldnt make you any worse.   :laugh:

0ak clearly thinks itself ugly, else why the wails and gnashing whenever one of those pics gets chopped?

It seems to be a talking point for her. What, she expected me to wail "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I'm preeetyyyyy" instead??? Fuck that, I'll play to my strengths. "Being ugly" sure hasn't managed to put a dent in my stride, and I'm apparently more mobile than she is.

Maybe... just maybe.... I've managed to amass a few more plussies in the ledger than she. It sure would explain a hell of a lot.  ac_biggrin

After all that you still look like something out of the Tales from the Crypt.


Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"When Oak gets upset these mistakes start to happen.   ac_lmfao

No shit.  :laugh3:

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"Now I've seen it all... Oak calling another hideous or fugly...

That fat slob couldn't get a lay at a kegger frat party between 4 and 5 AM....

Now now, I've got this. Watch and learn, young padawan.  ac_biggrin

Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Oak"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "Oak"

Murdock, have you run out off the last person posting at your "forum" that you come here looking for a fight with me?  Don't send Moonpie or anyone to tell ask me to come back to your forum ever again.  You left the impression that I was "forgiven" for what, pray tell, I don't know.

Then you come looking for a fight.  What in the holy hell is wrong with your noodle?

People spending too much time online, it can cause  mental health issues.  Take some time away from the internet.

I don't spend much time on the internet, nor am I forum hopping to look for fights with anyone.

Yeah, maybe. But you sure wigged the fuck right out when I showed up in San Francisco.  :laugh3:

I did what?

Please, I'm not afraid of you.  Go on motherfucker, show up at my DOOR.  I'll be waiting.

Demanding my presence now, is it? I'll tell you again what has already likely been copypasta'd from Flame Truth to you aspies at Sperging Gomerz, I didn't fly in to San Fran to waste my time on a bunch of wigged out USI sufferers, I came to town to do MY shit and get the fuck out again. So while you're barricaded behind your door, fondling your Walmart rations on the offchance that (a) you might waddle in past my reach and (b) I would even bother to darken your decaying doorstep, I'm out taking care of business and taking money out of your state.

Jeez louise, one picture of me at the airport and y'all lose your fucking minds! What's the matter, did it put a dent in your self esteem that I of all Canadians should be left free to roam the streets of your neighbourhood unmolested by the same government agencies who would handcuff your fat trotters to the nearest cellblock dunny if you went so much as one wobbling step outside of your prescribed areas? Or has your burgeoning Safe Space requirements ballooned so far that not even 400 miles worth of zip codes can cover it? A bit of both maybe?

Sit down in your own filth, fatty. If I'd intended to show up on your or Clownshoes doorsteps, I sure as fuck wouldn't have telegraphed it by taking photos of my travel before the event. Use your head for something other than stuffing cookie dough into for once; you ain't worth the time or the plane tickets to get up close and personal with and you never will be.


You saw his picture, he's a filthy pig, he's got no room to talk about what anyone else looks like.

Guilty as charged? You're a filthy, FAT pig locked up in its pen. From where I stand, I'm feeling pretty good about my circumstance.  ac_dance

You're hideous.

And you're fat and hideous. Treadmill?

I may be fat, but I have a cure.  You're monster ugly.  Your hair is terrible...thank God the pictures I've seen hide part of your face.  I don't think my eyes could ever recover.  I imagine your image cannot be unseen.

You're so ugly, I'm convinced you scare babies and young children.  I can see there faces scrunching up in fear before they start wailing and pointing at the ugly monster.  I bet you're in high demand during Halloween at haunted houses. I bet you make most of your income then, and then hope around freeloading from home to home after that. Though I don't know how anyone could shuffle out of their bedroom in the morning to see you.

You have a cure for your fat, but it's not like you're using it. You are as comfortable with your fat as I am my ugly, and apparently as comfortable as you are with your ugly.

Or are you really? I find it interesting your first go-to is the "ugly" angle. Weird that you would, considering that most guys get to wear their ugly and have the women flocking to them. Hell, I even play up to my ugly; bookending that photo that got you in such a tizzy last month, my divinely ugly hair was tied back in a pony tail. What can I say, it made me more easily identifiable to the many government sponsored agents who stamped my passport as I was flying about the continent, taking care of business. I only pulled it out of the hair tie for that photo op out the front of the airport which you're still going spastic over.

Here's the thing... you're fat AND ugly. Your head looks like it's gone a few rounds in the ring with a shovel and you've a face that not even a mother could love without serious tranquillizers and a good old scraping out of her frontal lobes with a rusty spatula. And you're ugly to the core. We know this by your reaction to total strangers flying about the countryside while your own government only lets you out for your infrequent waddles to the local Walmart.

I do feel sorry for you, if that's any consolation. It must be hard being a woman in the latter stages of middle age, dropped and forgotten, youthful figure gone and the realisation that if you shed your middle aged spread you'd likely require surgery to rid yourself of all the excess skin. I'm no oil painting myself, but I've at least the compassion for those unfortunates whose life choices led them to balloon out into gargantuan dimensions that unhinged them so much they would wave their weekly rations on high while gibbering crazy cat-lady talk at the tops of their lungs on the internet.

I guess in the balance that compassion makes me less ugly than you, and the photo evidence proves I'm nowhere near as fat. Try not to become too enraged about my good fortune if you can manage it, there's people in this world that dig fat and ugly and Herman seems to be showing some interest in you. Learn to be happy with your lot, it might make you a better person.

It sure as hell couldnt make you any worse.   :laugh:

0ak clearly thinks itself ugly, else why the wails and gnashing whenever one of those pics gets chopped?

It seems to be a talking point for her. What, she expected me to wail "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I'm preeetyyyyy" instead??? Fuck that, I'll play to my strengths. "Being ugly" sure hasn't managed to put a dent in my stride, and I'm apparently more mobile than she is.

Maybe... just maybe.... I've managed to amass a few more plussies in the ledger than she. It sure would explain a hell of a lot.  ac_biggrin

Being ugly and undesireable are her greatest insecurities and so they are the go-to insults.

I only call ugly people ugly.  And you have nothing to worry about if you're not ugly.  My most common insult is about an individual's intelligence or lack thereof.

Spelling words correctly would keep you from being insulted.   When your computer tells you that you're spelling a word wrong, and you miss it, you're hopelessly stupid.


***passes barf bags out***


Quote from: "cc"
Quote"Your Ugly!"

"No YooOor ugly!!!"

"No yUo!"


You know what else is exactly true?  You're a control freak with a large hook in your craw.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"">

***passes barf bags out***

Do you always ask women, that make you want to vomit, to call you?  I don't ask those that make me sick to call me.  

Tell them Someone's Cunt, have I ever asked you for a phone number so we could discuss your undue interest in me?




Quote from: "cc"Most schools are closed .. but our Kindergarten is wide open


Ain that the truth.


Now the questions that come to mind: "Where is there a place where ugliness is the norm and beauty the deviation from that norm?" You want an answer? The answer is it doesn't make any difference, because the old saying happens to be true. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, in this year or a hundred years hence. On this planet or wherever there is human life – perhaps out amongst the stars – beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Lesson to be learned in the Twilight Zone.

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