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Changing Politics & Economics of Western Countries vs The Pariah

Started by cc, May 02, 2020, 11:27:12 PM

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Head Of Blue-Ribbon COVID Commission Has History Of Praising China, Criticizing US"> ... iWBXGRgFAz">

The Lancet COVID-19 Commission, which is working with the United Nations and the World Health Organization to investigate the coronavirus outbreak, is chaired by a Columbia professor who has called the U.S. a "threat" to global peace, while praising China.

Jeffrey Sachs, a former UN adviser, has met with WHO and UN officials as part of his work with the Lancet Commission.

One Lancet commissioner is Peter Daszak, a zoologist who served on the WHO team that investigated the origins of coronavirus in Wuhan.

Like the Chinese government, both Sachs and Daszak have long dismissed the theory that the virus started from a lab leak in Wuhan.


Beijing Wants to Sway US Policy Using Climate Change, Experts Warn

The Biden administration should not allow the Chinese regime to use climate change as a bargaining chip to extract concessions in other areas, according to China experts.

The warning comes as the United States formally rejoined the Paris agreement on Feb. 19. President Joe Biden has described climate change as an "existential threat" and vowed to do more to reduce carbon emissions. But analysts are concerned that this may lead the United States to become cozier with the Chinese regime.

While Biden officials have broadly indicated they would continue the Trump administration's tough-on-China posture, they have also pointed to "cooperative" aspects of the U.S.-China relationship.  

On the campaign trail, Biden said he'd work with the regime in areas of common interest, such as climate change and preventing nuclear proliferation.

Experts fear that U.S. cooperation on climate change could lead the administration to give ground in other key domains such as human rights, trade, and national security.

The Chinese regime has already indicated that the United States would have to accept its own terms before the two sides could work together.

"China is ready to cooperate with the United States and the international community on climate change," Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Jan. 28.

"That said, I'd like to stress that China-U.S. cooperation in specific areas ... is closely linked with bilateral relations as a whole," Zhao continued, adding the regime has repeatedly emphasized that "no one should imagine they could ask China to understand and support them in bilateral and global affairs when they blatantly interfere in China's domestic affairs and undermine China's interests."

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has labeled a range of topics such as its repression of minorities in Xinjiang and Tibet, the crackdown in Hong Kong, and intimidation of Taiwan as part of its core interests, and not open for discussion.

Zhao's comments were made after Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry pledged that important issues including the CCP's theft of intellectual property (IP) and military aggression in the South China Sea "will never be traded for anything that has to do with climate."

But Kerry added that "climate is a critical standalone issue," noting that China is the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases at about 30 percent.

 "So it's urgent that we find a way to compartmentalize, to move forward," he said.

Gordon Chang, author of "The Coming Collapse of China," recently told The Epoch Times that it would not be possible for the United States to cooperate with the regime given the conditions it imposes.

"China's position is that you either have good relationships with us on everything, or on nothing," Chang said.

"If we're given that choice, it should be nothing. Because China is trying to constrict those areas where we can have a constructive discussion."

In any event, the United States does not need to offer anything to get the regime to take action on climate, Chang noted.

"The Chinese are on the same planet that we are," he said. "So they've got the same interest in preventing climate change to the extent that it's occurring, so we don't need to give them anything for it."

Any negotiations with the regime on climate change would also be a waste of time, according to Clyde Prestowitz, author of "The World Turned Upside Down: America, China, and The Struggle for Global Leadership."

Prestowitz, who was a trade negotiator for the Reagan administration, said "China is not going to negotiate any deal that would be acceptable to us."

"You cannot rely on China to keep its word," he added.  

Former Trump security official Matthew Pottinger has similarly warned about getting stuck in "negotiation traps" set by Beijing. He said successive U.S. administrations squandered years in formal talks with China that did not yield concrete results, which allowed the regime to continue harmful actions against the United States such as IP theft.

To cut emissions, Chang suggested the United States stop buying from China and start re-shoring manufacturing back to the United States, given that the shipping industry is a heavy polluter.

"That way will do a lot for the climate, in addition to having, of course, some other very critical knock-on benefits for us," he said."> ... 21-02-19-4">


CCP Withheld Pandemic-Relevant Data From Public, Leaked Documents Reveal

Internal documents that were leaked to The Epoch Times show that the Chinese communist regime has a large amount of data on influenza and other diseases that have symptoms similar to COVID-19, but did not disclose it to the outside world.

Since wrapping up an investigation into the origins of the global CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic, experts on the team assigned by the WHO have complained about the Chinese regime's refusal to provide the related data.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Feb. 12, that Dominic Dwyer, a member of the WHO expert team and an Australian infectious disease expert, said that when the WHO expert team conducted an investigation into the source of the epidemic in Wuhan, the CCP refused to provide raw data of 174 COVID-19 patients in the early stages of the outbreak, as well as data on pneumonia patients who may have been infected by the virus earlier than December 2019.

According to the report, the CCP only provided influenza surveillance data from before Dec. 2019 from one children's hospital and one general hospital. The report cites WHO experts saying that one of the reasons for the regime refusing to provide COVID-19 origin tracing data is its lack of early influenza data."> ... 21-02-21-3">


Hong Kong leaders must pledge loyalty to — and demonstrate "love" for — China's communist party in order to stay in office, Reuters reported.


China Will Exploit Paris Climate Accord to Undermine US: Expert

After the Biden administration rejoined the Paris Climate Accord on Feb. 19, reversing the policies of the previous administration, experts warned that it will benefit China and the latter will take advantage of this move to undermine the United States.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will gain in four fronts through the Paris agreement, Sen Nieh, professor and former chairman of Mechanical Engineering at the Catholic University of America, told the Hong Kong edition of The Epoch Times.

According to the Paris agreement, developed countries will provide developing countries with about $100 billion in aid each year to help them develop and improve their energy structure and technology development and transfer before 2025. China pledged to increase its carbon emissions and reach a peak in 2030.

Nieh believes that for the CCP, signing the Paris agreement is like "killing four birds with one stone." The agreement enables the CCP to obtain financial assistance; to increase its carbon emissions for as long as ten years; to establish an environmentally friendly image of a "leading country" in the world; and to defeat the United States.

He believes the CCP is able to achieve the four goals because the climate agreement was built upon the different responsibilities of developed countries and developing countries.

Through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the CCP managed to take a leading position in the Group of 77 and China became a key player in the negotiations with the developed countries, according to a report by Gang Chen, assistant director and senior research fellow of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore.

The UNFCCC acknowledged the cooperation on the basis of "common but differentiated responsibilities" of participating countries. The UNFCCC noted "that the largest share of historical and current global emissions of greenhouse gases has originated in developed countries, that per capita emissions in developing countries are still relatively low and that the share of global emissions originating in developing countries will grow to meet their social and development needs." Under this framework, the CCP has enjoyed many benefits in the climate agreement as a "developing country."

Nieh said that actions must be taken immediately to correct the previous mistakes and tackle the climate problem. "The CCP will hit the carbon emission peak in 2030 before reducing emissions. This logic is like a claim made by a thief: 'After I have continued to steal for another ten years, I will reduce the stealing year by year until 2060.'"

He also indicated that the agreement is not equivalent to problem-solving. "In fact, the CCP's promise is worth nothing."

"Environmental protection and climate governance are issues in different fields. Although they are related, they are not the same, at least the terms are different. Carbon reduction does not completely represent environmental protection," Nieh explained.

The CCP promised to reach "carbon neutrality" by 2060, which seems to contribute to environmental protection. This conceptual confusion allows the CCP, the political party that turned China into the world's most polluting place, to gain global recognition for "environmental protection," Nieh said."> ... 21-02-24-4">


Leaked emails prove that, contrary to United Nations denials, UN human-rights officials did in fact give the names of Chinese dissidents to the communist regime in Beijing before those activists were set to testify in Geneva against the Communist Chinese Party's abuses.

In fact, it appears from the leaked documents that the practice of handing over names of Chinese dissidents to the dictatorship was viewed as a "usual practice" by all involved.


The UN is and long has been the single most effective enemy of freedom and of "what is right" on the planet
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: Herman post_id=403448 time=1614291334 user_id=1689
Leaked emails prove that, contrary to United Nations denials, UN human-rights officials did in fact give the names of Chinese dissidents to the communist regime in Beijing before those activists were set to testify in Geneva against the Communist Chinese Party's abuses.

In fact, it appears from the leaked documents that the practice of handing over names of Chinese dissidents to the dictatorship was viewed as a "usual practice" by all involved.

The UN promotes China's interests, not basic universal human rights.


Leaked Emails Confirm UN Gave Names of Dissidents to CCP

Leaked emails prove that, contrary to United Nations denials, UN human-rights officials did in fact give the names of Chinese dissidents to the communist regime in Beijing before those activists were set to testify in Geneva against the Communist Chinese Party's abuses.

In fact, it appears from the leaked documents that the practice of handing over names of Chinese dissidents to the dictatorship was viewed as a "usual practice" by all involved. The whistleblower told The Epoch Times that it continues to this day, despite UN denials.

Chinese communist authorities used the names received from the UN to prevent the dissidents from leaving China. At least one dissident identified by the UN and detained by the CCP before leaving for Geneva, Cao Shunli, died while in detention.

If the dissident expected to embarrass Beijing at the UN was already abroad, the CCP frequently threatened or even kidnapped and tortured the person's family, according to UN whistleblower Emma Reilly, who first exposed the scandal.

Critics of the regime whose names were handed over by the UN included activists concerned about Tibet, Hong Kong, and the Islamic Uyghur minority in Western China—all of which are being targeted by the CCP for various reasons.

In February of 2020, The Epoch Times reported on the scandal, and on the retaliation faced by Reilly for attempting to expose and halt the practice. Reilly's case at the UN is ongoing. She remains employed there but is under "investigation."

Prominent human-rights organizations around the world have slammed the UN practice for endangering the lives of dissidents and their families.

In comments to The Epoch Times, Reilly described it as "criminal" and even argued that it made the UN "complicit in genocide."

For years, the UN denied that its agents were providing the names of dissidents to the CCP.

Thanks to leaked e-mails about the practice, however, it is now clear that the UN misled its member governments and the press surrounding the scandal.

One of the explosive emails in question was sent on Sept. 7, 2012, from a diplomat at the CCP's Mission to the UN in Geneva requesting information on Chinese dissidents set to testify at the UN Human Rights Council.

"Following the usual practice, could you kindly heip me [sic] to check whether the persons on the attached list are requesting the accreditation of the 21st session of the HRC?" asked the CCP diplomat in an email to a UN liaison with non-governmental organizations. "My delegation has some security concern [sic] on these persons.""> ... 2021-02-26">


I wonder why Male managers dont want to have one on one time with a female employee.

Having a one on one interaction with a female employee, without witnesses, is just a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.



Quote from: Odinson post_id=403527 time=1614353086 user_id=136
I wonder why Male managers dont want to have one on one time with a female employee.

Having a one on one interaction with a female employee, without witnesses, is just a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.

I aint worked with women except for geologist or two, HSE people and a few engineers. The old lady is a geologist.


The Chinese communist regime put up ads on a video screen in Times Square in New York City, claiming to be leading the world's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, right after it refused to share raw patient data with the World Health Organization (WHO) in Wuhan during its investigation into the origins of COVID-19.


Quote from: Herman post_id=403560 time=1614378986 user_id=1689
The Chinese communist regime put up ads on a video screen in Times Square in New York City, claiming to be leading the world's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, right after it refused to share raw patient data with the World Health Organization (WHO) in Wuhan during its investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

And NYC has no problem with CCP propaganda.


Anthony Fauci's deputy was required to sign a confidentiality agreement "tailored to China's terms" before joining a World Health Organization team in China early last year to collect data about the novel coronavirus, according to an email obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

A WHO technical officer informed Dr. Cliff Lane, the Fauci deputy, would have to sign a confidentiality form and a disclosure of interest approved by Chinese authorities, according to a Feb. 15, 2020, email.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=403822 time=1614631658 user_id=114
Anthony Fauci's deputy was required to sign a confidentiality agreement "tailored to China's terms" before joining a World Health Organization team in China early last year to collect data about the novel coronavirus, according to an email obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

A WHO technical officer informed Dr. Cliff Lane, the Fauci deputy, would have to sign a confidentiality form and a disclosure of interest approved by Chinese authorities, according to a Feb. 15, 2020, email.
