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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles

WTF??? .. Now It's "We Want NO Law & Order" & Now it gets worse

Started by cc, June 06, 2020, 09:48:44 PM

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Should The Democratic Party Be Renamed? This Black Democrat Thinks It Should For Past Racism"> ... NBhkChf.p7">

The Democratic lawmaker who endorsed President Trump over presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is now calling for the Democratic Party to be renamed because of what he calls its racist past.

In a video last week, Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones critiqued his fellow Democrats and those on the left for "unlawfully tearing down statues and removing monuments and changing the name of streets and buildings because they feel it's associated with racism, bigotry, and the Confederacy."

"Wasn't it Democrats who opposed the freedom of slavery and wanted to keep slaves," Jones asked, "Wasn't it the Democrats who started the Ku Klux Klan?"

In the video below, Jones says "it was mostly Democrats who opposed the Voters Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act."

Jones called on the Democratic National Convention to make its "number one platform that they will disband and change the Democratic Party.


Look at white progtards squirm when they meet an intelligent black who left the democRAT plantation. I don't like religious shit though.




Here Are Examples Of The Media Claiming The Protests Are Peaceful"> ... J14yUQ49I4">

There have been numerous examples of media members claiming ongoing protests in the wake of George Floyd's death are peaceful – despite video evidence, deaths and more from on the ground in cities across the country.

Seattle's "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" – later renamed "Capitol Hill Organized Protest – resulted in two men dying and more being injured in shootings. A former police officer died in St. Louis after protecting a store from looters. Multiple children have died amid the protests, as well.

Despite 23 people dying since violence and protests erupted across America, media has pushed the narrative that the events are largely peaceful.


Woman Shot And Killed After Group Says 'All Lives Matter'"> ... F_sA4hwMD1">


'It's A Yes Or No Question': Harris Faulkner Challenges Marie Harf To Name One Republican-Led City Experiencing A Rise In Violence"> ... ElGeLtjZet">

Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner challenged Marie Harf to name one Republican-led city where widespread violence was as bad as in a number of Democrat-led cities.

Continued violence — particularly in Democrat-led cities like Portland, Chicago and Seattle — was the topic of heated debate through several segments of Thursday's "Outnumbered."

Faulkner pushed back then, challenging Harf to name a Republican-led city that was facing similar levels of unrest and violence. "Marie, is there another Republican-led city that is having the kinds of problems that we are seeing in a Democratic-led city? Let me let you answer that. Is there?"

"Well, look, Democrats have been in charge of the big cities in our country for a long time," Harf replied.

"It's a yes or no question," Faulkner pressed again.

Faulkner laid the challenge out again, asking once more directly, "Is there a Republican-led city that is having the same type of violence and unrest on it streets the way a Democratic-led trail of cities is right now that we continue to talk about?"

cc">Michelle Malkin: One nation under anarcho-tyranny - (She just experienced the mob from the middle of it)

The America you grew up in is not the America we live in now.

One nation under God? Ha.

Land of the free? Ha.

Domestic tranquility? Ha.

Equal protection under the law? Ha.

The right to bear arms? Ha.

It's not "socialism" or "communism" under which we suffer. Our dangerously chaotic, selectively oppressive predicament is more accurately described as "anarcho-tyranny." The late conservative columnist Sam Francis first coined the term in 1992 to diagnose a condition of "both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny — the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes."

The "criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent," Francis expounded, is achieved in such a state through: "exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation; the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through 'sensitivity training' and multiculturalist curricula; 'hate crime' laws; gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally; and a vast labyrinth of other measures."

The toxic combination of "pandemic panic" and "George Floyd derangement syndrome" has thoroughly destroyed the home of the brave. It is a paradise for the depraved and dictatorial.

Anarcho-tyranny is how hoodlums can toss statues into rivers with impunity, while citizens disgusted by Black Lives Matter street graffiti are charged with "hate crimes" — as David Nelson and Nicole Anderson in Martinez, California, were by a George Soros-funded district attorney two weeks ago.

Anarcho-tyranny is how rioters can shut down highways and byways on a whim without fear of arrest, while commuters trying to escape the window-smashing barbarians obstructing traffic are charged with "assault" — as poor Jennifer Watson of Denver, Colorado, was this week.

Anarcho-tyranny is how hordes of gay pride activists marching shoulder to shoulder can defy social distancing guidelines with gushing approbation from radical left-wing medical "experts," while anti-lockdown and anti-mask mandate protesters are deemed public health menaces who now face snitch hotlines, fines, house arrest or jail time.

Anarcho-tyranny is how 1,000 black militia members can take over the streets in Georgia and point their guns at motorists as they demand reparations, while white citizen militia members in Idaho, Utah and New Mexico have been smeared publicly as racists and face injunctions for peacefully defending their neighborhoods.

Where do the police stand in this regime? It pains me to say it, but those of us who have backed the blue so loyally and vocally can no longer do so under the assumption that the blue will back us.

It's rank-and-file cops who are issuing citations to citizens who want to breathe freely.

It's rank-and-file cops who are standing by while our monuments and courthouses and landmarks are burned and obliterated.

It was rank-and-file cops in Denver who watched as my patriotic friends and I tried to hold a Law Enforcement Appreciation Day this past Sunday and were besieged by Black Lives Matter and antifa thugs who had declared that their sole intent in invading our permitted celebration was to "shut us down." I livestreamed the chaos as pro-police attendees were beaten, including the organizer Ron MacLachlan, who was bloodied in the face and head just a few feet from me by black-masked animals. One antifa actor wielded her collapsible baton just inches from me.

The cop-haters had obstructed traffic on their five-minute march from their unpermitted event at the Colorado State Capitol to our permitted space.

No cops intervened.

Unprovoked, the cop-haters blared airhorns, sprayed our faces (mine included), burned an American flag, punched, shoved and menaced and took over our stage.

No cops intervened.

The Denver police chief, Black Lives Matter champion Paul Pazen, has repeatedly and publicly blamed us — the law-abiding — for not having enough private security in place, even as he admitted that 76 officers have been injured by the "peaceful" agitators who have turned our capitol into a heathen hellhole (and perpetrated more than $1 million in property damage so far).

If we had brandished or used our weapons in self-defense, we'd be facing felony assault charges — as armed citizen Steven Baca is in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the hands of another Soros-subsidized district attorney.

If any of our men had tried to peel the female antifa thugs off of MAGA ladies who were assaulted, they'd be charged with battery, too — just like Baca.

On Tuesday morning, a Denver police union official called me to apologize for the department's failure to protect those of us who tried to speak on their behalf. The "backlash" for defending our constitutional rights was too high a price to pay, he told me. Sorry.

So the message is loud and clear. When push comes to bloody shove in end-stage America, under the rule of the anarcho-tyrants, we, the law-abiding, are the enemy. Those in uniform sworn to protect and serve will turn their backs on us because their bosses don't answer to the public. They protect and serve the mob.

Michelle Malkin's email address is


[I must say that when a powerful fighter like Michelle starts to sound defeated, this is a VERY bad situation we are in]
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


July 23, 2020

Lorena González, President and Lisa Herbold, Public Safety Chair

Seattle City Council, City Hall

600 Fourth Ave, 2nd Floor

Seattle, WA 98104

Re: City Council Ordinance 119805 – Crowd Control Tools

Dear President González, Chairwoman Herbold, and Seattle City Council Members:

SPD has confirmed with the City Attorney's Office that the City Council ordinance banning the use of less lethal tools – including pepper spray – commonly used to disperse crowds that have turned violent, will go into effect this weekend as written.

I am sending this notification for the purpose of ensuring I have done my due diligence of informing Council of the foreseeable impact of this ordinance on upcoming events.

It is a fact that there are groups and individuals who are intent on destruction in our City. Yes, we also have seen weeks of peaceful demonstrations, but two recent events (Sunday, July 19th and Wednesday, July 22nd) have included wide-scale property destruction and attacks on officers, injuring more than a dozen, some significantly.

This weekend we know that several events are planned across the city that will foreseeably involve many of the same violent actors from recent days. There is no reason not to assume we will continue to experience property destruction, arson, looting, and attempts to injure additional officers throughout the weekend and beyond.

With this Council ordinance, we hear loudly and clearly that the use of these less-lethal tools by SPD officers to disperse crowds that have turned violent have been completely banned by City Council.

Under these circumstances, as created by Council, we cannot manage demonstrations as we have in the past. If I am not allowed to lawfully equip officers with the tools they have been trained to use to protect the community and themselves, it would be reckless to have them confront this level of violence under the current legal restrictions imposed by Council.

Some have asked why officers are not arresting those engaging in criminal behavior, as officers do every day, and as they have in recent protests. If it is safe to do so, and even when it places their lives in danger, our officers always directly address criminal behavior. They do this, however, when they know they have the tools shown to allow the safe use of their policing powers. This Council ordinance denies them access to these tools that have been an essential part of their court-approved tactics.

We have clear, court-mandated procedures for arresting individuals, grounded in the principles of deescalation. SPD's de-escalation principles are premised on the expectation, consistent with policy and best practices, that officers have the full array of approved tools. In large crowds, there is no safe way for officers to effect arrests when their colleagues do not have the tools necessary to protect them.

As City Council's legislation goes into effect, it will create even more dangerous circumstances for our officers to intervene using what they have left – riot shields and riot batons.

For these reasons, SPD will have an adjusted deployment in response to any demonstrations this weekend. The Council legislation gives officers no ability to safely intercede to preserve property in the midst of a large, violent crowd. Allowing this behavior deeply troubles me, but I am duty-bound to follow the Council legislation once it is in effect. If the Council is prepared to suggest a different response or interpretation of the legislation, I stand ready to receive it.

Additionally, while the Ordinance by title suggests a limitation to crowd management purposes, the language of the Ordinance, in its blanket prohibition on the procurement and ownership of such tools, effectively eliminates these tools as available less-lethal options across the board. The bill clearly bans OC spray at any rally, demonstration or other event, despite if it turns violent.

Further, while we recognize a limited exception for the targeted use of OC spray, the exception does not realistically allow for deployment in such a manner that ensures the aerosol does not disperse onto anyone other than the intended subject. For these reasons, officers who typically deploy with OC as one of their standard less-lethal options will no longer be carrying this tool.

We continue to assess the impact of the prohibition on the procurement, ownership, and use of these tools on SWAT operations.

I believe Council can lead on de-escalation at each of these events through their voice and presence encouraging peaceful demonstrations. It remains my deep hope that once OPA and the OIG have had the opportunity to complete the analysis tasked to them, Council will engage productively with SPD and its accountability partners to forge a meaningful path forward that provides for public safety in these unprecedented times.


Carmen Best

Chief of Police

Seattle Police Department
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



Me 2

It get's worse">Black armed militia planning Louisville march claims it's 'Not F---ing Around' - A Louisville councilman urges residents to stay away from the city's downtown area while Saturday's march is underway.

Grand Master Jay, head of the "Not F---ing Around Coalition," refers to the U.S. Constitution when talking about his Black armed militia group, which plans to march in Louisville, Ky., on Saturday.

"Once it gets to that point where it looks like the government is non-responsive to the will of the people, the Constitution says to [form a] militia to address the grievances of the people," he told Louisville FOX affiliate WDRB-TV.

"I didn't write it," he says about one of America's founding documents. "They wrote it. We just abide by it. So that's our destination, because when it looks like the government is being indifferent to the people, the people have the right to form themselves – and arm themselves — to ask those questions."">

And Then it gets even Worse">Louisville protests descend into chaos when armed protester accidentally shoots 3 members of his group

Gunshots erupted during a planned protest in Louisville, Ky., Saturday and three members of the heavily armed militia group, the "Not F---ing Around Coalition" (NFAC), were injured by shots fired from one of their own member's guns

One of the members of the NFAC spoke to throngs of protesters and said "we had a little accident, it happens," the reporter said.

Earlier in the day, officers from the LMPD were on high alert, aware of the possibility of violence from highly armed militants dressed in all black -- many of whom are not from Kentucky -- claiming they are defending the Constitution and decrying the death of Breonna Taylor.

Downtown Louisville today. A lot of people who aren't police or military with assault rifles, handguns, multiple ammo clips and knives as two opposing militias come to town">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



Car Drives Through Mob of Protesters on Colorado Highway, Protester Shoots Fellow Protesters While Trying to Shoot Driver"> ... -driver%2F">

At least two protesters were hit or grazed by bullets as a fellow "protester" tried to shoot the driver. There were multiple gunshots on the car, but the people inside did not appear to be injured.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


And Worse

BREAKING: Leftist Protestor Shot in Austin By Someone Driving Through Crowd, 'Appears to Be Fatal' (VIDEO)

A protester has been shot in Austin, Texas, by someone who had apparently driven through the crowd.

The incident was captured on Facebook Live. It appears that the crowd was blocking traffic and possibly surrounding the car prior to the shooting."> ... l-video%2F">

UPDATE on above - The Austin Police said during a late night press conference that the man who was shot by a motorist during the Black Lives Matter "protest" was carrying a rifle and may have approached the vehicle. .. so seems no one started shooting at the thugs after all

Seems  in Austin there are cops doing what cops do .. unlike Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Louisville etc.,


A peaceful Defend the Police rally hosted Saturday by Northern Colorado Young Republicans in Eaton nearly turned tragic when a male suspect in a maroon SUV drove through the protest, almost hitting some rally participants.

The suspect eventually left the scene in the 200 block of Collins Street, and was pursued by Eaton police. Eaton police stopped the vehicle and took the suspect into custody at 3:40 p.m. in the 1100 block of 2nd Street Road in Eaton, according to a post Saturday night on the Eaton Police Department's Facebook page.

The suspect was charged with seven counts of attempted first-degree assault, seven counts of felony menacing and one count of reckless driving. A second individual received a municipal citation for throwing missiles, also according to the Eaton police post."> ... testers%2F">


Antifa went on an all-out assault Saturday against police officers and the city of Seattle.

The protesters are firing mortars and hurling explosives at police.

And the Democrat politicians are scolding police instead of the violent leftist mobs.

Seattle Police Dept.


Re: officer injuries — One officer hospitalized with leg injury caused by an explosive. Two other officers treated/returned to duty.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


I see protesters in Democratic governed cities do not take COVID-19 seriously.


Documents reportedly leaked from the Seattle King County Executive's Office claim that the justice system is built off of "white supremacist culture," white leadership, and racism.

The document then goes on to list elements of "white culture," which includes "individualism," "perfectionism," "politeness," "worship of the written word," and the "belief in objectivity." :crazy: