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This revolution is unlike the 60's

Started by Anonymous, July 24, 2020, 12:16:38 PM

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If I was an American in the 1960's I would have been firmly on the side of those demanding racial equality and an end to the war in Vietnam. Today, as a liberal. I am repulsed by the demands for institutionalized identity politics.

By Victor Davis Hanson, a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author, most recently, of The Father of Us All: War and History, Ancient and Modern

A half-century after the earlier revolution, today's cultural revolution is vastly different — and far more dangerous.

Government and debt have grown. Social activism is already institutionalized in hundreds of newer federal programs. The "Great Society" inaugurated a multitrillion-dollar investment in the welfare state. Divorce rates soared. The nuclear family waned. Immigration, both legal and illegal, skyrocketed.

Thus, America is far less resilient, and a far more divided, indebted and vulnerable target than it was in 1965.

Today, radicals are not protesting against 1950s conservatism but rather against the radicals of the 1960s, who as old liberals now hold power. Now, many of the current enforcers — blue-state governors, mayors and police chiefs — are from the left. Unlike Democratic Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley in the '60s, today's progressive civic leaders often sympathize with the protesters.

The '60s protests were for racial assimilation and integration to reify Martin Luther King Jr.'s agenda of making race incidental, not essential, to the American mindset. Not so with today's cultural revolution. It seeks to ensure that racial difference is the foundation of American life, dividing the country between supposed nonwhite victims and purported white victimizers, past and present.

In the '60s, radicals rebelled against their teachers and professors, who were often highly competent and the products of fact-based and inductive education. Not so in 2020. Today's radicals were taught not by traditionalists but by less-educated older radicals.

Another chief difference is debt. Most public education in the 1960s was bare-bones and relatively inexpensive. Because there were no plush dorms, latte bars, rock-climbing walls, diversity coordinators and provosts of inclusion, college tuition in real dollars was far cheaper.

The result was that 1960s student radicals graduated without much debt and for all their hipness could enter a booming economy with marketable skills. Today's angry graduates owe a collective $1.6 trillion in student loan debt — much of it borrowed for mediocre, therapeutic and politicized training that does not impress employers.

College debt impedes maturity, marriage, child-raising, home ownership and the saving of money. In other words, today's radical is far more desperate and angry that his college gambit never paid off.

Today's divide is also geographical in the fashion of 1861, not just generational as in the 1960s. The two blue coasts seem to despise the vast red interior, and vice versa.

Corporations are no longer seen as evil, but as woke contributors to the revolution. The military is no longer smeared as warmongering, but praised as a government employment service where race, class and gender agendas can be green-lighted without messy legislative debate. Unlike the 1960s, there are essentially no conservatives in Hollywood, on campuses or in government bureaucracies.

So the war no longer pits radicals against conservatives, but often socialists and anarchists against both liberals and conservatives.

A half-century after the earlier revolution, today's cultural revolution is vastly different — and far more dangerous.


While I disagreed with a lot of the 60's shit(psychedelic drugs for example), there were people who genuinely wanted individual freedom. Today's protests are financed by billionaires and corporations. They want an end to liberty, consolidating all power among themselves.


Antifa is a scary group of thugs who won't tolerate differences of opinion..

BLM is an organization that seems only interested in the very few unarmed black men who are killed by police, but not the most serious problems in the African American community, like the deadly violence.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=372641 time=1595608662 user_id=56
While I disagreed with a lot of the 60's shit(psychedelic drugs for example), there were people who genuinely wanted individual freedom. Today's protests are financed by billionaires and corporations. They want an end to liberty, consolidating all power among themselves.

It's a different situation today. The establishment supports the protests.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=372641 time=1595608662 user_id=56
While I disagreed with a lot of the 60's shit(psychedelic drugs for example), there were people who genuinely wanted individual freedom. Today's protests are financed by billionaires and corporations. They want an end to liberty, consolidating all power among themselves.

It's a different situation today. The establishment supports the protests.


I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


The protestors are spreading the coronavirus.


City govts are a  blend of "supports" and "caves to" .. varies between radicalism of each City Govt

Antifa & BLM are telling the cities how to act  .. in effect they are boss in many cities - Unbelievable">SATURDAY: Antifa Cells Announce Day Of Retribution Across US After Feds Quell Riots In Portland

Antifa splinter cells are planning a day of terrorism across the country in retaliation for the feds doing the job that Portland police won't do after they took control of the rioting mobs. Tomorrow, Saturday, July 25th, is being dubbed J25, and actions are planned in several cities.

Stand in solidarity with #Portland on #J25.

-Form an affinity group.

-Coordinate am action.

-Challenge the police state.

-Don't back down.#ACAB #PortlandProtest #PortlandMoms #BlackLivesMatter.

The central group appears to be Pacific Northwest Youth Liberation Front, which is organizing the main event in Portland. From the Facebook event page:

    Happening anywhere and everywhere, organize an action if there isn't one in your area!

    July 25th: Call for a Day of action in solidarity with Portland & against the Federal invasion.

No action so far - but they do like to use the dark for their dirty work
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=372697 time=1595703989 user_id=88
City govts are a  blend of "supports" and "caves to" .. varies between radicalism of each City Govt

Antifa & BLM are telling the cities how to act  .. in effect they are boss in many cities - Unbelievable">SATURDAY: Antifa Cells Announce Day Of Retribution Across US After Feds Quell Riots In Portland

Antifa splinter cells are planning a day of terrorism across the country in retaliation for the feds doing the job that Portland police won't do after they took control of the rioting mobs. Tomorrow, Saturday, July 25th, is being dubbed J25, and actions are planned in several cities.

Stand in solidarity with #Portland on #J25.

-Form an affinity group.

-Coordinate am action.

-Challenge the police state.

-Don't back down.#ACAB #PortlandProtest #PortlandMoms #BlackLivesMatter.

The central group appears to be Pacific Northwest Youth Liberation Front, which is organizing the main event in Portland. From the Facebook event page:

    Happening anywhere and everywhere, organize an action if there isn't one in your area!

    July 25th: Call for a Day of action in solidarity with Portland & against the Federal invasion.

No action so far - but they do like to use the dark for their dirty work



"Highly Organized and Highly Mobile" thugs

While cities deliberately let them do their dirty deeds.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=372716 time=1595717845 user_id=88
"Highly Organized and Highly Mobile" thugs

While cities deliberately let them do their dirty deeds.

Democrats Motto: No Lives Matter


The Media Are Complicit In The Left's Extremist Violence"> ... alf4UvFOnH">

With Portland and Seattle being inundated with waves of chaos and violence at the hands of extremist leftists Antifa and Black Lives Matter, the silence from the liberal media is deafening. Despite nightly clashes in both cities (and murders in Seattle's CHOP zone), there was nary a word from the cable and broadcast networks. But this is by design. Seeing as how the media spent years covering up, downplaying and even normalizing their base's radicalism and the resulting violence.

The violence that gripped Washington D.C. following President Trump's inauguration was only the beginning. At the time, then-Washington Post national correspondent Wesley Lowery was one of the early journalists to run defense, comparing Antifa to "the Boston Tea Party."

Following the August 2017 unrest in Charlottesville, the self-proclaimed political referees actively worked to nurse Antifa's image. In August of 2017, NBC political director Chuck Todd treated MSNBC viewers to Antifa apologist Mark Bray, allowing Bray to romanticize the terrorist group's violent history, ignore their ties to communism and promote violence as a legitimate form of political dissent.

Around the same time, CNN's late-night hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon came out in support of Antifa. "There's a lot of about what-aboutism and spin going on. And it's kind of sickening to me," Cuomo pontificated. "But I argue to you tonight, all punches are not equal morally."

That's right, CNN was telling viewers that the leftist domestic terrorist organization had morality in their side. It was an argument he would repeatedly fall back on; one time claiming they fought for a "true" and "good cause," saying they must "fight fire with fire," and comparing them to Allied forces landing on D-Day.

But CNN's normalization of violence against their political opponents didn't stop there.

In the spring of 2019, CNN's United Shades of America and host Kamau Bell gave a nod to violence by downplaying their tactics and weapons. While speaking with an Antifa member who only went by the name Ariel, Bell let her claim the group only believed that "people deserve love." And he sat in awe as she pulled out pink brass knuckles, a large knife, and wanted posters she made for a local ICE officer.


Don Lemon is hypocrite. He has done an about face on BLM.