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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


Lamestream Media Double Standards and Fake News

Started by Anonymous, August 13, 2020, 04:09:03 PM

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Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin was criticized and mocked online after she claimed that women could now be "executed" by a state after the Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade decision.

Oliver Clotheshoffe

Try this -

Go to DuckDuckGo and do an image search for Bobby Crimo, the Highland Park shooter. See how many pictures of him comes up.

Now go to Google and do the same thing.

Notice a difference?
Life is too short to be in a hurry


Quote from: "Oliver Clotheshoffe" post_id=462880 time=1657082277 user_id=3349
Try this -

Go to DuckDuckGo and do an image search for Bobby Crimo, the Highland Park shooter. See how many pictures of him comes up.

Now go to Google and do the same thing.

Notice a difference?

I did and there were no images come up on Google.


CNN is shitting bricks.

In June, CNN primetime shows averaged just 654,000 nightly viewers, despite the allure of the Jan. 6 committee hearings, which the network covered at length. And of those 654,000, just 148,000 of them were in the coveted 25-54 age demographic.

The ratings for Brian Stelter's show "Reliable Sources" were particularly abysmal, drawing just 585,000 total viewers and 79,000 key demographic viewers. It was the lowest rating for the show in over 20 years.

As bad as Stelter's numbers have been, the numbers for other high-profile CNN personalities like Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper were far worse, as Stelter outperformed each prime time host in the second quarter. The CNN daily lineup likewise had a poor showing, losing 3% of its audience from May.


Recent polling shows that American trust in media institutions has fallen to record lows.

According to Gallup, just 16% of American adults have "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in newspapers. Only 11% said they have "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in TV news.

Big frickin surprise here.

Interestingly, the poll found that Democrats are much more likely than Republicans or independents to place confidence in newspapers or TV news. Perhaps the deviation is related to the mainstream media's progressive bias.


Quote from: Herman post_id=466001 time=1658367957 user_id=1689
Interestingly, the poll found that Democrats are much more likely than Republicans or independents to place confidence in newspapers or TV news. Perhaps the deviation is related to the mainstream media's progressive bias.

I think it's far more likely that in the digital information age a critical mass of people have finally started to accept that corporate "news" programming is nothing but establishment propaganda.

Oh- and there are no "progressives" in corporate infotainment.

But there are lots of ex-politicians, ex-employees at multinational corporations, sons/daughters/etc. of wealthy families, and the typical products of "elite" higher educational institutions.

In other words people with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.

The culture war bullshit only exists to blind people to the ongoing class war which the oligarchs have already more or less won.


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=466008 time=1658369863 user_id=3381
Quote from: Herman post_id=466001 time=1658367957 user_id=1689
Interestingly, the poll found that Democrats are much more likely than Republicans or independents to place confidence in newspapers or TV news. Perhaps the deviation is related to the mainstream media's progressive bias.

The culture war bullshit only exists to blind people to the ongoing class war which the oligarchs have already more or less won.

Brother, you nailed it. The Davos crowd are playing us against each other and we are falling for it. It is the same scam in Canada. The woke elites are using like playing us like chess pawns.


Quote from: Herman post_id=466009 time=1658370136 user_id=1689
Brother, you nailed it. The Davos crowd are playing us against each other and we are falling for it. It is the same scam in Canada. The woke elites are using like playing us like chess pawns.

They succeeded in tribalizing us so much they only really have to give a little nudge here and there; we're more than happy to do the rest ourselves.

It's a dangerous game though...

...if the tribes ever figure out they have way more in common with each other than they do with politicians and media "celebrities" there will be a shit ton of private jets all scrambling to get in the air at the same time.


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=466016 time=1658370777 user_id=3381
Quote from: Herman post_id=466009 time=1658370136 user_id=1689
Brother, you nailed it. The Davos crowd are playing us against each other and we are falling for it. It is the same scam in Canada. The woke elites are using like playing us like chess pawns.

It's a dangerous game though...

...if the tribes ever figure out they have way more in common with each other than they do with politicians and media "celebrities" there will be a shit ton of private jets all scrambling to get in the air at the same time.

I am counting on it.

Oliver Clotheshoffe

I only watch network news to see big stories like the current heat wave that's going on. Once I hear "And now we turn to January 6th" *click* goes to remote to another channel. Same with local news, I watch about the shootings, car crashes, drug busts (just your typical day in Phoenix) and then click away to watch M*A*S*H or something. The news today is pathetic.
Life is too short to be in a hurry


Quote from: Herman post_id=466001 time=1658367957 user_id=1689
Recent polling shows that American trust in media institutions has fallen to record lows.

According to Gallup, just 16% of American adults have "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in newspapers. Only 11% said they have "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in TV news.

Big frickin surprise here.

Interestingly, the poll found that Democrats are much more likely than Republicans or independents to place confidence in newspapers or TV news. Perhaps the deviation is related to the mainstream media's progressive bias.

Only people who believe in anthropogenic climate change, experimental injections, partisan witch-hunts and face nappies tune in regularly to the MSM.


A best-selling book about the Freedom Convoy that took over downtown Ottawa earlier this year will not be sold on shelves in Indigo bookstores,

The book, The Freedom Convoy: The Inside Story of Three Weeks that Shook the World by Andrew Lawton, a journalist and broadcaster for True North, combines on-the-ground reporting with exclusive interviews with convoy organizers and volunteers to "tell the whole story" of the weeks-long protest against COVID-19 restrictions. It was published by Sutherland House.

"Maybe they don't think the people who would be interested in this book would shop at Indigo," said Kenneth Whyte, publishing executive and founder of Sutherland House. "You would think they understand that people who go into their stores don't all share the same outlook and probably want to see some diversity of opinion on their shelves."


Quote from: Herman post_id=466380 time=1658547861 user_id=1689
A best-selling book about the Freedom Convoy that took over downtown Ottawa earlier this year will not be sold on shelves in Indigo bookstores,

The book, The Freedom Convoy: The Inside Story of Three Weeks that Shook the World by Andrew Lawton, a journalist and broadcaster for True North, combines on-the-ground reporting with exclusive interviews with convoy organizers and volunteers to "tell the whole story" of the weeks-long protest against COVID-19 restrictions. It was published by Sutherland House.

"Maybe they don't think the people who would be interested in this book would shop at Indigo," said Kenneth Whyte, publishing executive and founder of Sutherland House. "You would think they understand that people who go into their stores don't all share the same outlook and probably want to see some diversity of opinion on their shelves."

Indigo sells Why Trudeau is a Great Leader.


People have been noticing that today's media seems to make every story into a climate crisis, no matter how innocuous, and though the media claim to stand for freedom of speech, devoted to accuracy and the truth, they never seem to publish any dissenting views on climate change at all.  If anything, they mock anyone who dares even show a hint of interest in a rational, dissenting view.  A recent case is that of a story in the "Daily Skeptic" which related that 1,200 scientists and scholars dispute the claim of a climate emergency.  The think tank in question is CLINTEL - the climate intelligence organization based in The Netherlands.  An Alberta mayor innocently retweeted the story with the two words "Interesting Article" only to find himself embroiled in a media flare-up, claiming he was supporting denialist, misinformation, forcing him to backtrack.  Of most interest to Friends of Science, is that the media managed to smear the mayor for his retweet and to denounce the Daily Skeptic a paper 'that is disinformation clickbait,' but they never interviewed anyone from CLINTEL!  Michelle Stirling, Communications Manager for Friends of Science Society, explores journalistic ethics, as written, versus journos in action.  She discusses a recent survey done in Canada by a collection of journalist groups, which claimed to show that scientists, journalists and the public want climate change covered as a crisis... but Prof. Emeritus DK Johnson of University of Victoria, a professor of logic and philosophy, shows that the survey was fundamentally flawed in that the journalists made no effort to discover whether there really is a climate crisis or not.



MSNBC host Alex Wagner tied an allegedly racist reaction from white parents to a 53-year-old Supreme Court decision to the water crisis choking the city of Jackson, Mississippi.

Jackson officials said that flooding had led to thousands of residents losing water pressure partly or completely. Residents have been forced to rely on bottled water for all their water needs, including cooking and flushing their toilets.

On Tuesday, Wagner explained on her show how racist white parents reacted to the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision that ended segregated schools.

In 1969, the Supreme Court said in another decision that Mississippi would have to immediately desegregate its schools.