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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


Lamestream Media Double Standards and Fake News

Started by Anonymous, August 13, 2020, 04:09:03 PM

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Republicans distrust the media and government institutions is the concerted effort to make Donald Trump guilty of Russia collusion when the evidence was, in the end, never there.

That distrust has been exacerbated by institutions that hold a Democratic president to a different standard.

The standard of evidence used for the Russia thing for three, four years vs. the standard of evidence used now in media for Biden and Hunter Biden's shenanigans and fairly obvious influence-peddling is worlds apart — worlds apart — and voters deserve fairness in how these two people are treated. They do not get it, and they sometimes don't get it from law enforcement.

If "Hunter Biden had been Don Jr., if it had been Don Jr.'s laptop, everything would change in terms of the reception." He acknowledged the unfair asymmetry of the situation.

The reason that so many Republicans and independents accept so much of Donald Trump's unorthodox behavior is because the Russia stuff was a lie, and nobody paid for it.

There were things that were illegal. Like using the FISA Court to spy on American citizens in ways they shouldn't have done. And the fact that the Hillary Clinton campaign was partially funding the dossier, which partially came from — oh, wait for it — Russian disinformation. And it started this cycle of media circle-jerk, and then we had four years of that.


Reporters had a meltdown on Tuesday when a State Department spokesperson declared that Israel has a right to defend itself from the recent brutal terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas.

The terrorist organization has reportedly killed more than 1,000 people, including women and children. Another 150 people are believed to have been taken hostage by the group.


The Washington Post penned a 5,000-word defense for a biological male identifying as a female to live with women at a sorority house at the University of Wyoming. The left-leaning media outlet received a barrage of negative responses for attempting to make excuses for the transgender individual – who has been accused of having an erect penis while "peeping" at sorority sisters.

Artemis Langford became the first transgender individual to be accepted into the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority in October 2022. Langford was accepted into the sisterhood with a majority vote by KKG members.

However, some Kappa Kappa Gamma members later revealed that they were pressured into accepting Langford into the sorority because they feared being labeled as "homophobic" or "transphobic."

In March 2023, several former and current members of Kappa Kappa Gamma filed a lawsuit against Langford.

As troubling as a man pretending to be a sorority sister would be, some UW KKG members have complained that Langford, who is 6'2" and weighs 260 lbs., makes almost no effort to appear like a woman. A source connected to the sorority who spoke with TheBlaze on the condition of anonymity claimed that while Langford often wears vaguely feminine clothing, such as "a tunic and leggings with tall boots,'" he has not undergone any medical treatment or procedure to alter his physiognomy and make it more womanly.

The sorority sisters claimed that Langford had been "peeping" on them in intimate situations. Langford was allegedly caught ogling a sorority member who was only wearing a towel as she walked toward the communal bathroom to take a shower.


A man was shot Monday by a sheriff's deputy in a traffic stop that went sideways in Camden County, Georgia. In the days since, there have been cries of "injustice" and accusations of racism.

The widespread presumption of police wrongdoing in the death of 53-year-old Leonard Allan Cure appears to have been driven, in part, by how the incident has been presented by the liberal media and other activist groups.

Footage of the incident, shared Wednesday by Camden County, reveals a critical detail has been downplayed or glossed over in the ascendant narrative: The deputy appears to have been in a fight for his life.


The British Bullshit Corporation refuses to call Hamas a terrorist organization.

The BBC has made a habit of referring to Hamas as a militant group, despite being designated as a terrorist organization by the British government. The group is responsible for the slaughter, torture, and abductions of hundreds of Jews since its surprise attack on October 7.

Shen Li

Quote from: Herman on October 23, 2023, 02:41:10 AMThe British Bullshit Corporation refuses to call Hamas a terrorist organization.

The BBC has made a habit of referring to Hamas as a militant group, despite being designated as a terrorist organization by the British government. The group is responsible for the slaughter, torture, and abductions of hundreds of Jews since its surprise attack on October 7.

The CBC also won't call Hamas a terrorist org.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: DKG on October 19, 2023, 07:00:04 PMA man was shot Monday by a sheriff's deputy in a traffic stop that went sideways in Camden County, Georgia. In the days since, there have been cries of "injustice" and accusations of racism.

The widespread presumption of police wrongdoing in the death of 53-year-old Leonard Allan Cure appears to have been driven, in part, by how the incident has been presented by the liberal media and other activist groups.

Footage of the incident, shared Wednesday by Camden County, reveals a critical detail has been downplayed or glossed over in the ascendant narrative: The deputy appears to have been in a fight for his life.

Anyone who could call that an unjustified use of force is just an asshole that needs to be walked off a very tall rooftop

the guy was choking that cop and saying "Yeah bitch" as he was doing it

Who the fuck in the world doesn't know that they'll be arrested for driving over 100 mph ?


Quote from: DKG on October 19, 2023, 07:00:04 PMA man was shot Monday by a sheriff's deputy in a traffic stop that went sideways in Camden County, Georgia. In the days since, there have been cries of "injustice" and accusations of racism.

The widespread presumption of police wrongdoing in the death of 53-year-old Leonard Allan Cure appears to have been driven, in part, by how the incident has been presented by the liberal media and other activist groups.

Footage of the incident, shared Wednesday by Camden County, reveals a critical detail has been downplayed or glossed over in the ascendant narrative: The deputy appears to have been in a fight for his life.

1. He wuz a good boi!
2. He din doo NUFFINS!!!!

Sorry the nigger didnt die.


Quote from: DKG on October 15, 2023, 11:53:09 AMThe Washington Post penned a 5,000-word defense for a biological male identifying as a female to live with women at a sorority house at the University of Wyoming. The left-leaning media outlet received a barrage of negative responses for attempting to make excuses for the transgender individual – who has been accused of having an erect penis while "peeping" at sorority sisters.

Artemis Langford became the first transgender individual to be accepted into the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority in October 2022. Langford was accepted into the sisterhood with a majority vote by KKG members.

However, some Kappa Kappa Gamma members later revealed that they were pressured into accepting Langford into the sorority because they feared being labeled as "homophobic" or "transphobic."

In March 2023, several former and current members of Kappa Kappa Gamma filed a lawsuit against Langford.

As troubling as a man pretending to be a sorority sister would be, some UW KKG members have complained that Langford, who is 6'2" and weighs 260 lbs., makes almost no effort to appear like a woman. A source connected to the sorority who spoke with TheBlaze on the condition of anonymity claimed that while Langford often wears vaguely feminine clothing, such as "a tunic and leggings with tall boots,'" he has not undergone any medical treatment or procedure to alter his physiognomy and make it more womanly.

The sorority sisters claimed that Langford had been "peeping" on them in intimate situations. Langford was allegedly caught ogling a sorority member who was only wearing a towel as she walked toward the communal bathroom to take a shower.

That fat fuk weighs way more then 260lbs! More like 360lbs!

Too bad one of those girls dads didnt hire a hitman to murder that fat fuck. I would have beat him with a ball bat at the very LEAST!


Quote from: Herman on October 23, 2023, 02:41:10 AMThe British Bullshit Corporation refuses to call Hamas a terrorist organization.

The BBC has made a habit of referring to Hamas as a militant group, despite being designated as a terrorist organization by the British government. The group is responsible for the slaughter, torture, and abductions of hundreds of Jews since its surprise attack on October 7.

I hope a palestinian citizen blows the BBC up or at least rape/murders a bunch of em.


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on October 23, 2023, 12:00:37 PMAnyone who could call that an unjustified use of force is just an asshole that needs to be walked off a very tall rooftop

the guy was choking that cop and saying "Yeah bitch" as he was doing it

Who the fuck in the world doesn't know that they'll be arrested for driving over 100 mph ?

That stupid fucker is lucky he wasnt trying that with a woman cop! A woman cop would have emptied her mag into him like he deserved!!!!!
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Biggie Smiles

This is what America will be turning into under clown leadership like that which exists among the so called squad


Quote from: Lokmar on October 23, 2023, 01:05:41 PMI hope a palestinian citizen blows the BBC up or at least rape/murders a bunch of em.
That is the only way that the BBC would admit Hamas is a terrorist group.


Here is how the CBC reprted the election of a new Speaker-"The U.S. House is now led by an election denier extraordinaire"


Quote from: DKG on October 23, 2023, 05:38:13 PMThat is the only way that the BBC would admit Hamas is a terrorist group.

SHEEEEEEEEIIT, they'd prolly apologize!  :crampe: