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Covid and lock downs in a nutshell

Started by Frood, September 06, 2020, 11:09:28 AM

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Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=431537 time=1639998460 user_id=1676
Denied to eat:">

"I want to speak to the manager. What's his number?"

"You mean 'her number''"

You're fucked.


Quote from: cc post_id=431567 time=1640038214 user_id=88
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=431505 time=1639977082 user_id=3254
The lockdown here in Holland is more strict than anything we've ever had in Alberta.


Please be very careful. (Actually, I know you will)

I see the numbers would be about 25,000 / day when adjusted to Canada population

Mind you, we are climbing here - Canada rising rapidly last few days - Yesterday Was double a week ago & can't count on complete  weekend data for Canada

Will get Alta & BC 3 day numbers soon which will also give an idea of where Canada is also

I'm noticing UK death rate has come down even further last 2 weeks, a good indication but too early to draw concrete conclusions .. also it takes a bit to catch up to rapidly rising cases

I have all the time in the world here, but I haven't been checking numbers from Canada..

I've been following what's happening here in Europe and it's bad.


The head of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and bioethics professor Dr. Arthur Caplan, has a plan on how to deal with the tens of millions of Americans who have not yet received their COVID vaccines.

Shame them and blame them.

And then punish them.

Those are the ethics of the guy in charge of all the medical ethics goings on at NYU's medical school.

Dr. Caplan made his feelings clear during an interview Wednesday morning with CNN's sympathetic "New Day" host, John Berman.

Berman told Caplan that he gets the "idea of creating a moral standard here" and "being willing to judge" people who don't get shots. Then Berman, who has repeatedly made the logical case against going out of one's way to protect the unvaccinated, asked, "Why should anyone who is boosted bother, at this point, to do anything that makes the unvaccinated more safe."

Caplan responded that though he wants Americans to "act as a team" and doesn't want to "reject those who still haven't done the right thing" by getting the jabs, he will gladly "condemn them" and "shame them" and then "blame them."

Beyond that, he claims it's time to punish them even more than we already have."> ... Daily%20AM">

He's in charge of medical ethics??????




Even Hollywood liberals are now questioning the science, but more importantly, the authoritarianism.

Bill Maher blasts pandemic misinformation spread by health officials, delivers laundry list of things the medical-industrial complex got wrong

Liberal talk show host Bill Maher has had an awakening about the COVID-19 pandemic in recent months. Maher ripped the legacy media for "scaring the s**t" out of people over COVID-19. He slammed those "on the left" who "politicized" the antiparasitic drug ivermectin. Maher skewered "pain in the a** blue states" for stringent COVID-19 restrictions while praising red states as a "joy." Maher trashed Democrats for pandemic rules that he classified as "mindless bureaucracy."

On the latest episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher," the left-leaning political commentator took on the medical-industrial complex over things it has gotten wrong in the past and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Maher urged that we "focus on helping the vulnerable stay safe and let the rest of us get back to living normal lives."

He called the pandemic limitations that have been put on kids – who have a very high COVID-19 survivor rate – "unnecessary and horrible."

"There's always going to be another variant," he stated.

Maher said he is skeptical of the medical establishment because he has seen how it handled the AIDS endemic, and how there was fearmongering that the virus would kill millions.

"Last July, President Biden said, 'You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.' Well, I already knew that was wrong then, and now we all do," Maher said of the president's remarks which have been fact-checked and found to be "exaggerated."

"The former Director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, believes COVID originated in a lab, and now our intelligence agencies agree, it might have," the HBO host continued. "But for months on social media, it was banned to even discuss it."

"Look, I'm not saying the medical establishment isn't trying to figure s**t out, or that they're corrupt — although there is some of that," Maher said.

"But how about just wrong? Wrong a lot. Wrong about HIV, wrong about lockdowns, wrong about kids, wrong about how you couldn't get it if you were vaccinated," he continued.

Maher said there is no research that outdoor transmission is likely or common, then lampooned California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for flouting COVID-19 rules at the NFC Championship Game at SoFi Stadium.

Maher listed things that the science has changed completely over time.

"I'm just asking, how much wrong do you get to be while still holding the default setting for people who represent the science? Eat eggs, then don't, then do," Maher said. "Take aspirin, then don't, then do. The food pyramid, really? Bread and milk every day? Fifteen years ago, they were recommending trans fats. Now, they're illegal, just like almost a hundred prescription drugs which were once called 'safe and effective' and then yanked off the market because they were not."

"We've had this problem in medicine for a long time," he added. "The same people who, in private care, always say, get a second opinion, want to allow only one in the public debate."

"But plainly, the medical-industrial complex has not earned the right to claim monopoly status on information about this virus or medicine in general," Maher concluded. "Yes, free speech has allowed people to hear misinformation sometimes. And a lot of it was yours.""> ... Daily%20AM">


Mao the murderer said in 1940 that "Natural science is one of man's weapons in his fight for freedom." Science can be subjective or objective. The powers that be have tried to hide that during COVID, but failed miserably.


The Jim Crow Joe administration is reportedly changing the way COVID-19 hospitalizations are counted in a way that critics have been demanding for months.

According to Politico, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are asking hospitals to change how they report COVID-19 patients. The federal government now wants hospitals to distinguish between people who go to the hospital because they have COVID-19 from those who are admitted to the hospital for other reasons, like a broken leg, and then test positive for the virus.

The Jim Crow Joe administration is reportedly conducting a national review of hospitalization data to determine how many people went to the hospital for COVID-19 during the Omicron surge and how many people went for unrelated reasons but tested positive afterward. In one CDC report made public last week, a hospital in California found that 80% of its COVID-19 patients came to the hospital because of the virus while 20% were admitted "primarily for non–COVID-19 conditions."

Anonymous"> ... aring-mask">


As predicted, courts are not supporting mandatory vaccinations. This time the liberal Government of New Zealand has been given a smack.

"A New Zealand High Court challenge questioning the legality of Covid vaccination mandates for Police and Defence Force employees has been upheld, with the court determining that the government mandate is an unjustified incursion on that country's Bill of Rights, as well as being unreasonable under its Public Health Response Act."">//

I support vaccinations for those IN HIGH RISK groups. Mandatory vaccinations are unacceptable.

A win for the good guys.


'Effective immediately': NFL declares pandemic over, ends all league protocols.


American feds consider ending airline mask mandate this month; flight attendants union wants masks to stay, doesn't care that CDC guidance changed.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=442392 time=1646426194 user_id=2015
American feds consider ending airline mask mandate this month; flight attendants union wants masks to stay, doesn't care that CDC guidance changed.

We have the same problem here with the teacher's unions.....they don't want to drop mask mandates..

I believe they'd prefer not to have in class learning.


Ontario announced they are lifting mask mandates in most social settings such as restaurants, gyms, large event spaces and even schools by March 21..

The province said it is removing masking requirements in all remaining settings, as well as any other directives and orders, on April 27.


Hawaii is lifting it's public mask mandate becoming the last state to do so.


Manitoba is lifting masking requirements on Tuesday, March 15.