Quote from: seoulbro post_id=473761 time=1661955495
A Florida man went viral after he posted a car dealership quote showing it would cost nearly $30,000 to replace the battery in his electric vehicle.
Rob O'Donnell posted the quote, obtained from Roger Dean Chevrolet in Cape Coral, on Twitter last week. The quote includes the cost of the battery (nearly $27,000), the cost of labor ($1,200), and taxes for the repair (more than $1,700).
In total, it would cost O'Donnell $29,842.15 to replace the battery in his 2012 Chevrolet Volt. The car itself is worth far less.https://twitter.com/odonnell_r/status/1562846628503261185?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1562846628503261185%7Ctwgr%5Eb25122c695d50cb6945dcaf0ec43d3fc6ef7a908%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theblaze.com%2Fnews%2Fflorida-man-viral-cost-electric-vehicle-battery"> https://twitter.com/odonnell_r/status/1 ... le-battery">https://twitter.com/odonnell_r/status/1562846628503261185?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1562846628503261185%7Ctwgr%5Eb25122c695d50cb6945dcaf0ec43d3fc6ef7a908%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theblaze.com%2Fnews%2Fflorida-man-viral-cost-electric-vehicle-battery
Hey, sunshine...is there ever any positivity from you whatsoever? Are you an accountant or a mathematician of sorts? If you want to make a positive change...start making a difference in life. We don't need some nerd of doom and gloom telling us how it is. You...make the difference....you make the change. We're all 50 + yeah? Let's create a think-tank. Let's publish! Doesn't that sound grand? I sure as hell don't enjoy some prat telling me how it is when I can find the same information under my fingertips. Be the difference in life!