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Blurt's New Year's Message to the Cashew Nuts

Started by Blurt, December 30, 2020, 12:55:46 PM

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Well, here we are, at the tail tip of totally trying year.

I just want to say a few words at the dawn of 2021.

First and foremost, despite all the COVID controversies, all the political bloodshed, all the half-serious clownmanship, and all the "raging against the dying of the light," we're all still just people here. We all have ideas, thoughts, opinions, dreams, views, feelings, and experiences that we like or want or need to share with others or we wouldn't otherwise visit venues such as these. It matters little, in the end, whether any one of us sees eye to eye with anyone else. What matters is that we are, or can be, a presence in each other's lives, sometimes for comfort, sometimes for laughs, sometimes to learn, sometimes just to not be alone in our anger or our indignation whenever the world seems to be tottering on the edge. And that edge was brought into sharp focus this year for the reasons we all love to hate.

All of us have, in one way or another, known loss and hardship this year, whether with regard to our health or our finances or to the health and finances of those we love. The year 2020 will be a hard sell in the history books, no doubt. My own beloved father died from COVID-19 on May 29th of this year. I couldn't be there during his last few days in the hospital. Even his own wife was refused access to him. I couldn't be there at the funeral. In fact, the funeral was altogether skipped by all. My father was cremated in a vacuum, so to speak. And this tale repeats itself across the board, regardless of anyone's politics or worldviews.

Now this is my wish for 2021: that, come what may, we all remember and cherish each other's humanity even as we poke fun at each other or rail against each other's occasional idiocy. This world, to me, would be a far, far sadder and  emptier, lonelier place without you people in my life. It certainly would be a darker one. While I realize that many will say friendships are impossible in virtual venues, that people cannot come together nor be truly close on the internet, I beg to differ. In a way, COVID has made all friendships virtual. This shouldn't prevent us from taking pleasure in each other's presence, even if that presence has more to do with the soul of who we are than with physical closeness or proximity.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: going into this new year, where monsters undoubtedly still roam, don't be afraid to appreciate each other's presence in your lives, even if only through the medium of a keyboard. Further, don't be afraid to let each other know that you appreciate that presence. Poet Robert Herrick, speaking to young maidens, said it best when he wrote, "gather ye rosebuds while ye may." I'd add, "and get ye together to make a bouquet." We, all of us, are here today and gone tomorrow, like "grass thrown into the oven." Let that knowledge spur you to tell your friend, your lover, your spouse, your child, your parent, your pleasant acquaintance even, how much your life is enriched by their being a part of it and how much you love them for it.

That's it. That's all I have to say.

And this, I guess: I wish everyone here much happiness, joy, hope, love, good health, and serenity in the new year.

Eddie's still a prick, though.  :001_tongue:
Aimin\' to misbehave.


BackAtchya Blurt.

Thanks for a wonderful and thoughtful message

May I take the liberty to echo it in its entirety .. as there is little I can add?

And yes, Eddie's still a prick.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: Blurt post_id=395951 time=1609350946 user_id=1974
Well, here we are, at the tail tip of totally trying year.

I just want to say a few words at the dawn of 2021.

First and foremost, despite all the COVID controversies, all the political bloodshed, all the half-serious clownmanship, and all the "raging against the dying of the light," we're all still just people here. We all have ideas, thoughts, opinions, dreams, views, feelings, and experiences that we like or want or need to share with others or we wouldn't otherwise visit venues such as these. It matters little, in the end, whether any one of us sees eye to eye with anyone else. What matters is that we are, or can be, a presence in each other's lives, sometimes for comfort, sometimes for laughs, sometimes to learn, sometimes just to not be alone in our anger or our indignation whenever the world seems to be tottering on the edge. And that edge was brought into sharp focus this year for the reasons we all love to hate.

All of us have, in one way or another, known loss and hardship this year, whether with regard to our health or our finances or to the health and finances of those we love. The year 2020 will be a hard sell in the history books, no doubt. My own beloved father died from COVID-19 on May 29th of this year. I couldn't be there during his last few days in the hospital. Even his own wife was refused access to him. I couldn't be there at the funeral. In fact, the funeral was altogether skipped by all. My father was cremated in a vacuum, so to speak. And this tale repeats itself across the board, regardless of anyone's politics or worldviews.

Now this is my wish for 2021: that, come what may, we all remember and cherish each other's humanity even as we poke fun at each other or rail against each other's occasional idiocy. This world, to me, would be a far, far sadder and  emptier, lonelier place without you people in my life. It certainly would be a darker one. While I realize that many will say friendships are impossible in virtual venues, that people cannot come together nor be truly close on the internet, I beg to differ. In a way, COVID has made all friendships virtual. This shouldn't prevent us from taking pleasure in each other's presence, even if that presence has more to do with the soul of who we are than with physical closeness or proximity.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: going into this new year, where monsters undoubtedly still roam, don't be afraid to appreciate each other's presence in your lives, even if only through the medium of a keyboard. Further, don't be afraid to let each other know that you appreciate that presence. Poet Robert Herrick, speaking to young maidens, said it best when he wrote, "gather ye rosebuds while ye may." I'd add, "and get ye together to make a bouquet." We, all of us, are here today and gone tomorrow, like "grass thrown into the oven." Let that knowledge spur you to tell your friend, your lover, your spouse, your child, your parent, your pleasant acquaintance even, how much your life is enriched by their being a part of it and how much you love them for it.

That's it. That's all I have to say.

And this, I guess: I wish everyone here much happiness, joy, hope, love, good health, and serenity in the new year.

Eddie's still a prick, though.  :001_tongue:



A happy new year and a toast to Blurt and his awesomeness.  ac_drinks
Permanently off his rocker


Blurt, I didn't know your father succumbed to the China virus. I am sorry for your family's loss. Let's hope we saw the bottom in 2020, and we can only go up from here.


Thanks, Jock. Much appreciated.

My dad was a good man. He's remembered with fondness.
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Damn, that is tough for old Blurt and his kin.


Quote from: Herman post_id=396017 time=1609379304 user_id=1689
Damn, that is tough for old Blurt and his kin.

I feel bad for blurt too, but unlike eddie the weak, I have faith blurt is a very strong person inside.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: Blurt post_id=395951 time=1609350946 user_id=1974
Well, here we are, at the tail tip of totally trying year.

I just want to say a few words at the dawn of 2021.

First and foremost, despite all the COVID controversies, all the political bloodshed, all the half-serious clownmanship, and all the "raging against the dying of the light," we're all still just people here. We all have ideas, thoughts, opinions, dreams, views, feelings, and experiences that we like or want or need to share with others or we wouldn't otherwise visit venues such as these. It matters little, in the end, whether any one of us sees eye to eye with anyone else. What matters is that we are, or can be, a presence in each other's lives, sometimes for comfort, sometimes for laughs, sometimes to learn, sometimes just to not be alone in our anger or our indignation whenever the world seems to be tottering on the edge. And that edge was brought into sharp focus this year for the reasons we all love to hate.

All of us have, in one way or another, known loss and hardship this year, whether with regard to our health or our finances or to the health and finances of those we love. The year 2020 will be a hard sell in the history books, no doubt. My own beloved father died from COVID-19 on May 29th of this year. I couldn't be there during his last few days in the hospital. Even his own wife was refused access to him. I couldn't be there at the funeral. In fact, the funeral was altogether skipped by all. My father was cremated in a vacuum, so to speak. And this tale repeats itself across the board, regardless of anyone's politics or worldviews.

Now this is my wish for 2021: that, come what may, we all remember and cherish each other's humanity even as we poke fun at each other or rail against each other's occasional idiocy. This world, to me, would be a far, far sadder and  emptier, lonelier place without you people in my life. It certainly would be a darker one. While I realize that many will say friendships are impossible in virtual venues, that people cannot come together nor be truly close on the internet, I beg to differ. In a way, COVID has made all friendships virtual. This shouldn't prevent us from taking pleasure in each other's presence, even if that presence has more to do with the soul of who we are than with physical closeness or proximity.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: going into this new year, where monsters undoubtedly still roam, don't be afraid to appreciate each other's presence in your lives, even if only through the medium of a keyboard. Further, don't be afraid to let each other know that you appreciate that presence. Poet Robert Herrick, speaking to young maidens, said it best when he wrote, "gather ye rosebuds while ye may." I'd add, "and get ye together to make a bouquet." We, all of us, are here today and gone tomorrow, like "grass thrown into the oven." Let that knowledge spur you to tell your friend, your lover, your spouse, your child, your parent, your pleasant acquaintance even, how much your life is enriched by their being a part of it and how much you love them for it.

That's it. That's all I have to say.

And this, I guess: I wish everyone here much happiness, joy, hope, love, good health, and serenity in the new year.

Eddie's still a prick, though.  :001_tongue:

That is terrible Blurt. If I posted an ASS pic, would that cheer you up.


When Shen's tiny bottom farts, popcorn chicken falls out...


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=396039 time=1609381929 user_id=1676
When Shen's tiny bottom farts, popcorn chicken falls out...


Quote If I posted an ASS pic, would that cheer you up.



I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



Berry Sweet

Aww, but well said.  Happy new year, Blurt  :6:

I like honey mustard with my popcorn chicken.


Quote from: "Berry Sweet" post_id=396127 time=1609396187 user_id=164
Aww, but well said.  Happy new year, Blurt  :6:

I like honey mustard with my popcorn chicken.

Do you like barrel wash with kolbassa and mustard? Come sit on old Herman's knee and I'll share some with ya.