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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


Trump supporters were mischaracterized by the media-what else is new

Started by Anonymous, January 08, 2021, 11:36:58 AM

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Quote from: Fashionista post_id=397518 time=1610384154 user_id=3254
Quote from: Odinson post_id=397486 time=1610348239 user_id=136
Google is too big...

It should be cut into pieces like Standard Oil.

Big part of capitalism is to ensure competition... Prevent monopolies and cartels.

Certain peeps wont like it but its necessary.

Monopolies are very bad..

The only thing I agreed with generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek about was his opposition to monopolies..

Which is why Taiwan never followed the massive conglomerate development model that Japan and South Korea did.

Monopolies have always been a bad thing in the west.

The basis of capitalism is competition and ensuring competition.

Thats why the USA broke Rockefellers Standard Oil into smaller companies... That was over a hundred years ago.

These modern big companies have cartel-like cohesion.

They do the same things even though they are supposed to be rivals.


Quote from: Odinson post_id=397638 time=1610434124 user_id=136
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=397518 time=1610384154 user_id=3254
Quote from: Odinson post_id=397486 time=1610348239 user_id=136
Google is too big...

It should be cut into pieces like Standard Oil.

Big part of capitalism is to ensure competition... Prevent monopolies and cartels.

Certain peeps wont like it but its necessary.

Monopolies are very bad..

The only thing I agreed with generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek about was his opposition to monopolies..

Which is why Taiwan never followed the massive conglomerate development model that Japan and South Korea did.

Monopolies have always been a bad thing in the west.

The basis of capitalism is competition and ensuring competition.

Thats why the USA broke Rockefellers Standard Oil into smaller companies... That was over a hundred years ago.

These modern big companies have cartel-like cohesion.

They do the same things even though they are supposed to be rivals.

Monoploies and corrupt governments go hand in hand too..

Taiwan has been able to avoid the type of collusion seen between conglomerates and the government that has plagued South Korea because it has encouraged a more competitive marketplace.


If Trump if guilty of incendiary speech leading to rioting, than half the House democRAT caucus and the VP should be impeached too.

Rep McClintock: 'If We Had Prosecuted BLM And Antifa ... With The Same Determination,' Capitol Riot Might Not Have Happened"> ... c7kNbUn5ob">

Republican California Rep. Tom McClintock said Wednesday that there might not have been any Capitol riot if the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and antifa rioters had been prosecuted "with the same determination" as impeachment.

"If we had prosecuted BLM and antifa rioters across the country with the same determination these last six months, this incident may not have happened at all," McClintock said in a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, which is considering whether to impeach President Donald Trump.

McClintock called impeachment "the most solemn and consequential act that Congress can take" next to declaring war but suggested it was not being used with discretion.

"To use it in this manner, in the heat of the moment, with no hearings, no due process, many members phoning in their votes after a hastily called debate, exactly one week before a new president is to take office, trivializes this power to the point of caricature."

He noted that the Democratic Party now controls the House, Senate and presidency: "in a republic that calls for magnanimity by the victors, only in a banana republic does it call for vengeance."

McClintock said making "intemperate" speech into a high crime and misdemeanor is a dangerous step. "The moment any member of this body gives an impassioned speech and a lunatic fringe of their movement takes license from it, be prepared to answer to this new precedent that we established today."

He suggested he could find plenty of evidence of  "provocative speeches made by Democrats that directly preceded violence this summer" as rioters and looters ransacked American cities.

"I cannot think of a more petty, vindictive and gratuitous act than to impeach an already defeated president a week before he is to leave office," the congressman said, adding that this "unconstitutional act" makes a "mockery" out of President-elect Joe Biden's pledge to restore national unity.


So many members of congress cheered on BLM's insurrection across the US. Will elected democRAT politicians be held to account like they are doing to Trump who did not encourage supporters to riot? Not a chance.

Black Lives Matter Activist Who Stormed Capitol on Jan. 6 Arrested, Charged

The Black Lives Matter activist who was seen storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was arrested and charged, the Department of Justice said Thursday.


Quote from: Herman post_id=397928 time=1610665866 user_id=1689
If Trump if guilty of incendiary speech leading to rioting, than half the House democRAT caucus and the VP should be impeached too.

Rep McClintock: 'If We Had Prosecuted BLM And Antifa ... With The Same Determination,' Capitol Riot Might Not Have Happened"> ... c7kNbUn5ob">

Republican California Rep. Tom McClintock said Wednesday that there might not have been any Capitol riot if the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and antifa rioters had been prosecuted "with the same determination" as impeachment.

"If we had prosecuted BLM and antifa rioters across the country with the same determination these last six months, this incident may not have happened at all," McClintock said in a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, which is considering whether to impeach President Donald Trump.

McClintock called impeachment "the most solemn and consequential act that Congress can take" next to declaring war but suggested it was not being used with discretion.

"To use it in this manner, in the heat of the moment, with no hearings, no due process, many members phoning in their votes after a hastily called debate, exactly one week before a new president is to take office, trivializes this power to the point of caricature."

He noted that the Democratic Party now controls the House, Senate and presidency: "in a republic that calls for magnanimity by the victors, only in a banana republic does it call for vengeance."

McClintock said making "intemperate" speech into a high crime and misdemeanor is a dangerous step. "The moment any member of this body gives an impassioned speech and a lunatic fringe of their movement takes license from it, be prepared to answer to this new precedent that we established today."

He suggested he could find plenty of evidence of  "provocative speeches made by Democrats that directly preceded violence this summer" as rioters and looters ransacked American cities.

"I cannot think of a more petty, vindictive and gratuitous act than to impeach an already defeated president a week before he is to leave office," the congressman said, adding that this "unconstitutional act" makes a "mockery" out of President-elect Joe Biden's pledge to restore national unity.

BLM and Antifa are Dem constituencies. If Trump is held responsible for a minority of his supporters illegally entering the Capitol, than Dem congress members are responsible for illegally entering police and government buildings in Seattle and Portland.


Dennis Prager—'This Is the Reichstag Fire, Relived'

On the heels of the breach of the U.S. Capitol, Big Tech companies have swiftly censored the President, the emerging social media platform Parler was effectively shut down, and there are growing calls for no-fly lists.

Does the assault on the Capitol warrant such a response?

"We're living in a gigantic lie that is reminiscent of the Reichstag fire," argues talk show host Dennis Prager, founder of Prager University."> ... 21-01-15-2">


Was Antifa Responsible For The Capitol Riot?"> ... p5ReiXFBxO">

Some commentators and elected officials have suggested that antifa was responsible for the Capitol riots on Jan. 6.

Only one person charged in D.C. federal court so far in connection to the riot had apparent ties to antifa.

Six reporters with the Daily Caller and the Daily Caller News Foundation who covered the Capitol riot on the ground said the crowd descended into violence after mob mentality kicked in.

Federal investigators are looking into whether there was an organized subsection of instigators at the Capitol riot that riled the crowd up into a frenzy, according to CNN. The FBI is examining evidence that indicates some participants at President Donald Trump's rally outside the White House left early to retrieve weapons for use at the Capitol, CNN reported.

Caller Chief Video Editor Richie McGinniss, who was inside the Capitol building covering the riot, noted that there was a small subsection of the mob that came dressed in all black with masks that concealed their identity and weapons to commit vandalism.

John Sullivan of Utah is the only known left-wing activist who has been charged in D.C. federal court for participating in the Capitol riot. Sullivan, who founded the social justice group Insurgence USA and describes himself as "anti-fascist," told a local news outlet he was at the Capitol on Jan. 6 solely to document the event.

cc">Graham releases Russia probe docs, slams original investigation as 'incompetent, corrupt'

FBI and Department of Justice blasted for 'Crossfire Hurricane' investigation

EXCLUSIVE: Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham on Friday released a slew of additional documents and transcripts related to his panel's investigation into the origins and aftermath of the Trump-Russia probe, calling the original probe "one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ."

The first investigation – which looked into whether members of President Trump's 2016 campaign colluded with the Russians to influence the election – was called "Crossfire Hurricane" Graham, the senior Republican senator from South Carolina, released transcripts of interviews with FBI and Justice Department officials conducted by the committee, between March 3, 2020 and October 29, 2020.

"I consider the Crossfire Hurricane investigation a massive system failure by senior leadership, but not representative of the dedicated, hardworking patriots who protect our nation every day at Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice," Graham said in a statement Friday, saying his committee has released "as much material as possible," but noted that "some classified material has still been withheld."

"The FISA court was lied to. Exculpatory information was withheld on those being investigated. The investigators, with some notable exceptions, were incredibly biased and used the powers of law enforcement for political purposes," Graham said. "The subjects of the investigation had their lives turned upside down. It is my hope that counterintelligence investigations will be reined in and this never happens again in America."

Graham slammed the leadership of the FBI under former Director James Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, saying it was "either grossly incompetent" or said  "they knowingly allowed tremendous misdeeds."

"There was a blind eye turned toward any explanation other than the Trump campaign was colluding with foreign powers," he continued. "At every turn the FBI and DOJ ran stop signs that were in abundance regarding exculpatory information."

Also receiving the ire of the four-term senator was the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which issued warrants against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. Graham called that acting "a travesty" and noted that former DOJ officials who signed those warrants, such former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, "have acknowledged that if they knew then what they know now, they would not have signed it."
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


An incompetent and corrupt investigation by a corrupt and incompetent Democratic party, with the help of a corrupt and dishonest media.


I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



Quote from: Fashionista post_id=398057 time=1610770459 user_id=3254
I find to believe anything the American media reports.

That nation is sadly dead to my heart these days...

I know, like China, there are good people within these nations....and even Canada, but I believe we are on the precipice of a new Dark Age.

We're getting colder weather and freak incidents all over the globe, crops are continually getting battered...and the Sun hasn't been ejecting hardly any CME's for awhile now.

I can't believe that governments haven't studied this over the recorded history of Earth and not put two and two together. Yet, instead, they tell us the exact opposite is happening. That we're driving these changes.

Within our lifetimes, a good portion of the population may well perish....but it will be social media managed and slow walked.

The behaviour we see from our leaders before they are elected and not too long after (and those others in positions of power) for decades now shows to me that something global in nature is afoot.

Too much science and history gets easily omitted. We live in times where evil has flourished or alternately, our figureheads know something that they cannot warn us about and have had to model the population on a top down NASA need to know structure leveraged on extortion, threats, coercion, and mostly the good natured belief that we do our jobs on a N2K basis.

I don't know which side of the equation infuriates and scares me more.

It's raining right now... and cold, where I'm at. The middle of an Aussie summer where it should be in at the very least late 20's Celsius all the way up to the 40's. Every year it gets worse and worse, but nary an admission that it's happening. In fact, we're told about the record heats...

It's been snowing off and on in SE Asia over the last 6 or so weeks....places that hardly ever get snow. Over a 1000 motorists got stranded outside of Tokyo in December because of a downpour. Fruit crops in the US Midwest have been decimated from uncharacteristic late freezes in 2020... crops all over the world have been hammered. LPG tankers are in such short supply because of the cold, they're commanding huge premiums.

I used the term "slow walked" before....because that's the perfect terminology for it.

And if Bobblehead Biden and Kooky Kamala ascend to the crown, we'll find out what's truly transpired far later.... possibly never.


Very few decisons our federal government imposes on us is bad for families like mine.




Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said that the house violated six independent points of the Constitution when impeaching President Donald Trump.

In an interview with Newsmax, Dershowitz said: "They violated the free speech provision. They violated the impeachment criteria. They violated the bill of attainder. They violated due process, on and on and on."

"How can you impeach a president for a speech that is constitutionally protected?" he said.

The law expert said that Congress is not above the law, but that ironically, they have protection from culpability for what they do on the Senate floor.

"But the only sanction is to vote them out of office and to bring them to trial in the court of public opinion," Dershowitz told host Carl Higbie. "Senators and congressmen are immune from lawsuits for what they do or say on the floor of the Senate, so there can't be any personal lawsuits."

"The Constitution is very clear, the purpose of impeachment is removal," he said. "The Senate cannot try an ordinary citizen."