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Re: Forum gossip thread by Thiel

CANCELLED .... The "Cancel Culture" we are now in

Started by cc, January 14, 2021, 09:30:39 PM

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Trump Lawyer Ousted as Law School Professor

A lawyer who represented the Trump campaign in a legal challenge to the Pennsylvania election results was forced out of his post last week as a law professor at Chapman University in California for representing President Donald Trump as a client.

But what especially earned the ire of left-wing activists at the famous conservative legal scholar's school was that John C. Eastman spoke alongside the president at the Jan. 6 "Stop the Steal" rally in Washington. Violence began at the U.S. Capitol during certification of the presidential election results while the rally was still going on at the other end of the Washington Mall. There is no evidence that Eastman, or Trump, did anything unlawful by speaking at the rally.

Nevertheless, Chapman University President Daniele Struppa promptly denounced Eastman for engaging in constitutionally protected free speech. Struppa accused Eastman in a Jan. 8 statement of playing "a role in the tragic events in Washington, D.C., that jeopardized our democracy."

"Eastman's actions are in direct opposition to the values and beliefs of our institution. He has now put Chapman in the position of being publicly disparaged for the actions of a single faculty member, and for what many call my failure to punish and fire him," Struppa wrote.

Struppa also said, "This week has also demonstrated that this country has a great deal of work to do for social justice and equity."

Lisa Leitz, a professor of peace studies at Chapman, was one of 169 faculty members who signed an open letter addressed to the university demanding Eastman be fired. She told a local media outlet that Eastman's appearance at the rally and his Trump campaign activities have damaged the university.

In a statement the next day, Eastman accused members of the university's board of trustees of publishing "false, defamatory statements about me without even the courtesy of contacting me beforehand to discuss."

"Had they bothered to discuss the matter with me, they could have learned that every statement I have made is backed up with documentary and/or expert evidence, and solidly grounded in law," Eastman wrote.


For the first time in our lives, free speech is about to be criminalized

We never thought this day would arrive in America

"Our First Amendment freedoms give us the right to think what we like and say what we please. And if we the people are to govern ourselves, we must have these rights, even if they are misused by a minority." ~James Madison

We never thought this day would arrive in America. Last year, we learned that they can shout "COVID" as an emergency, and our life, liberty, and property disappear. They can shout "racism," and our inalienable right to self-defense disappears. The last thing we had was the freedom to criticize what is happening, even if there was nothing we can do about it. Now they can shout "right-wing terrorism" or "right-wing conspiracy" and say that freedom of speech no longer applies.

Leftists in this country claim that their violence is speech and our speech is violence. That is why they glorified riots last year that burned down numerous cities, caused thousands of injuries, cost billions of dollars, and elevated their cause as the most urgent grievance in need of redress. At the same time, they are pushing to criminalize not just the violent acts and actors at the Capitol on January 6, but any view or speech or assembly predicated on views that are held by those people. This is why they seem to be taking direct shots at the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech for Americans, even as they plan to grant amnesty to those whose entire presence in this country is illegal.

As everyone focuses on the corporate world violating the spirit of the First Amendment by excommunicating anyone with conservative views, watch carefully how the governmental actors are coming very close to violating the letter of the First Amendment with the force of the "law" behind it. Big tech might have a monopoly on the internet and communications, but government has a monopoly on violence, law, and the ability to restrain our liberty. If we don't wake up immediately, our speech and freedom to assemble will be not only censored, but criminalized.

It started on January 6, when Tom Edsall published a column in the New York Times noting, "A debate has broken out over whether the once-sacrosanct constitutional protection of the First Amendment has become a threat to democracy." This is a tried and tested tactic of the Left – to have their columnists float a radical idea as a "debate," while their governmental actors begin working on it in earnest.

Just take stock of what we are seeing out in the open. They are now arresting people all over the country for merely being in the Capitol, even if they didn't engage in violence, vandalism, or theft. Had this standard been applied to Black Lives Matter, there would literally have been millions of arrests. So no, this is not just about punishing those who acted violently. The FBI is placing signs all over the country asking people to report those who were at the Capitol, something that never happened even in the most deadly BLM/Antifa riots last year, or at Trump's inauguration four years ago in D.C.

Last week, Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman said emphatically that the First Amendment doesn't apply to sentiments he disagrees with. "This idea that saying that Pennsylvania was 'rigged' or that we were 'trying to steal the election' — that's a lie. And you do not have the right, that is not protected speech."

Thus, from now on, Democrats can unilaterally change election law in middle of an election – up until and including abolishing Election Day in favor of mail-in ballots – and anyone who criticizes it or organizes a rally against it is subject to prosecution? These comments would be comical if they didn't coincide with actions taken by his party coming into power in Washington that look a lot like martial law.

In other words, if you watch the language the Left is using about our speech and the actions the Biden administration and the governors are taking, it's quite evident that Big Tech is not the only thing we have to worry about. If nothing changes, I predict that even if Parler is able to become completely independent in the private market, the government, which has the ultimate monopoly on power, will shut it down.

Last week, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, the same man who is prosecuting business owners and threatening them with labor camps for earning a living, said on a conference call with prosecutors that he is investigating those from his state who merely attended the rally.

Already in 2019, Richard Stengel, the Biden transition "team lead" for the U.S. Agency for Global Media, wrote in a Washington Post op-ed that the First Amendment needs curtailment. "All speech is not equal. And where truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails. I'm all for protecting 'thought that we hate,' but not speech that incites hate," wrote Stengal.

This is pretty bizarre coming from a side of politics that already controls 99% of all speech and big business that controls speech. What exactly are they afraid of? If anything, we are the ones who should be scared of their speech, given the monopoly they hold.

Well, George Washington already warned us about the motivations of those who clamp down on speech. "For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter," said Washington in an address to the Continental Army on March 15, 1783.

The question facing patriots in the coming days is quite simply this: Will we allow that final domino to fall?"> ... ing%20News">


Liberal media, Big Tech increase calls to 'deprogram,' deplatform Trump supporters

Lincoln Project threatens Expedia group: 'You will feel immense pain if we fight'

Liberal journalists and social media voices have stepped up their calls to "deprogram," deplatform or outright threaten right-leaning voices in the aftermath of the deadly Capitol riot earlier this month.

During an appearance Friday on "Real Time with Bill Maher," former CBS News anchor Katie Couric ripped the Republicans in Congress who voted against impeaching President Trump over a charge of inciting rioters on Jan. 6.

"The question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump," Couric said.

Liberal journalists and social media voices have stepped up their calls to "deprogram," deplatform or outright threaten right-leaning voices in the aftermath of the deadly Capitol riot earlier this month.

During an appearance Friday on "Real Time with Bill Maher," former CBS News anchor Katie Couric ripped the Republicans in Congress who voted against impeaching President Trump over a charge of inciting rioters on Jan. 6.

"The question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump," Couric said.

Cancelled not enough for them - Deprogram Anyone?"> ... 2483894276">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Twitter bans Trump, others get a free pass

rump gave a long, raucous speech, in which he claimed election fraud, in front of supporters an hour before a mob stormed the Capitol building on Jan. 6. This horrific siege took place during a joint session of Congress. After the violent disruption, former Vice President Joe Biden was officially certified the winner.

Trump said: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today, we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country."

Democrats intend to impeach Trump again because of his pre-Capitol building siege speech.

George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley, a Democrat, wrote: "Like others, I condemned those remarks as he gave them, calling them reckless and wrong. I also opposed the challenges to electoral votes in Congress. But his address does not meet the definition for incitement under the criminal code. It would be viewed as protected speech by the Supreme Court."

Similarly, Democrat and professor Alan Dershowitz wrote: "Nothing the president said constituted unprotected 'incitement,' as narrowly defined by the Supreme Court over nearly a century of decisions. His volatile words plainly fell on the side of political 'advocacy,' which is protected speech."

How far does Twitter intend to take its policy designed to discourage "risk of further incitement of violence"?

For four years, Hillary Clinton, the failed 2016 presidential candidate, has called the 2016 election "stolen" while frequently describing Trump's election as "illegitimate," only the result of Russian interference. "I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used," said Clinton in 2019, "from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did."

Similarly, in 2019, former President Jimmy Carter said: "There's no doubt that the Russians did interfere in the election, and I think the interference, although not yet quantified, if fully investigated would show that Trump didn't actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf."

Indeed, according to an August 2018 Gallup poll: "Democrats widely believe Russians interfered in the 2016 campaign and that it changed the outcome of the election (78% say this), presumably by helping Trump defeat Hillary Clinton." Never mind that Jeh Johnson, Barack Obama's former secretary of Homeland Security, said in his June 2017 testimony before a congressional committee: "To my current knowledge, the Russian government did not through any cyber intrusion alter ballots, ballot counts or reporting of election results." Yet,

Hillary faces no ban from Twitter, despite promoting a dangerous, divisive 2016 election narrative not supported by the intelligence community.

In 2012, then-Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nev., stood on the floor of the Senate and knowingly, falsely accused Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney of not paying taxes. Reid later, out of office, bragged that he knowingly told this "rich don't pay taxes" lie to damage Romney's candidacy. It worked. Reid remains active on Twitter.

Ron Fournier, the former Washington, D.C., Associated Press bureau chief, in 2015, publicly said President "George W. Bush lied us into war in Iraq." True, the bipartisan Robb-Silberman commission found the intel leading up to the Iraq war "dead wrong." But co-chair Laurence Silberman said: "It is one thing to assert, then or now, that the Iraq war was ill-advised. It is quite another to make the horrendous charge that President Bush lied to or deceived the American people about the threat from Saddam." Fournier remains active on Twitter. For four years, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Jimmy Carter referred to President Donald Trump as illegitimately elected. Risk of violence, Twitter? Reid likely altered the outcome of the 2012 election with his Senate lie about Romney and his taxes. Risk of violence, Twitter? And "reporters" like Fournier insisted that former President George W. Bush sent men and women to face death and injury over a "lie." Risk of violence, Twitter?

For four years, Hillary Clinton, the failed 2016 presidential candidate, has called the 2016 election 'stolen' while frequently describing Trump's election as 'illegitimate,' only the result of Russian interference."> ... -free-pass">


My Pillow CEO Says Bed Bath and Beyond, Kohl's to Stop Selling His Products

My Pillow products won't be carried in Kohl's or Bed Bath & Beyond any longer, the company's CEO says.

CEO Mike Lindell said Monday that his company recently was notified of the discontinuance.

"I just got off the phone with Bed Bath and Beyond. They're dropping My Pillow. Just got off the phone not five minutes ago. Kohl's, all these different places," Lindell told Right Side Broadcasting Network.

Kohl's and Bed Bath & Beyond didn't immediately respond to inquiries.

Lindell said the actions came after groups like Sleeping Giant push companies to stop doing business with him.

"It's not their fault that they're scared because they don't realize these are fake people that are on, they're going 'we're going to boycott your store if you don't drop My Pillow.'" People should go into the stores and say they support My Pillow, he added.

He also said his company is a good partner and has seen its direct sales increase 30–40 percent since Friday.

Lindell drew attention last week by visiting the White House to meet with President Donald Trump. While there, notes he was holding were photographed and pictures of the notes were then circulated on social media. The notes suggested Trump declare martial law and move the chief of staff to acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller to acting CIA chief.

Lindell told The Epoch Times that the notes contained suggestions from a lawyer and he was just the messenger. He said martial law wasn't part of the five-minute discussion he shared with the president.

The cancellation of Lindell's products is the latest in punitive action taken against Trump and his supporters since the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol. The president was banned from social media platforms and cut off by some banks, while some supporters have also been banned by Twitter and been fired by employers.

Sleeping Giants, a leftist activist group, has ongoing campaigns to pressure companies to drop conservative and right-leaning websites, such as Breitbart News and Fox News. On Twitter, it trumpeted the news that Bed Bath & Beyond and Kohl's dropped My Pillow, claiming Lindell played a part in motivating the breach of the Capitol by questioning the results of the 2020 election."> ... 21-01-19-1">


Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga on Monday raised the prospect of sanctioning social media firms over what she called "systematic abuses" of free speech.


Far-left actress Debra Messing — who doubles as a card-carrying enemy of President Donald Trump — is setting her sights on one of Trump's closest confidants: White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

If I ever see @kayleighmcenany on a panel on a news show or hired by a network, I am immediately ceasing to support every single advertiser on that network," Messing tweeted Monday, asking her 684,000 followers to retweet if they agree. She added a 'Deplatform Hate' hashtag to boot.

Indeed, cancel culture has been in overdrive following U.S. Capitol rioting earlier this month, with left-wing politicians, journalists, and CEOs of social media sites and Internet empires circling the wagons around conservatives and threatening to obliterate them into oblivion unless they speak the right way.


A Canadian neonatal intensive care nurse who spoke at an anti-lockdown rally in Washington, D.C., has been fired.

London Health Sciences Centre confirms its termination of Kristen Nagle.

Nagle, a 14-year registered nurse, could not immediately be reached for comment.


Cancelling is not enough for the Dems and their big tech allies. They need Chinese and Viernamese style reeducation camps.

An authority on religious cults told CNN Tuesday that President Donald Trump's influence has been so great that "all of America needs to be deprogrammed" from his personality and polices.

Washington Post columnist and MSNBC analyst Eugene Robinson also suggested that Trump supporters should be "deprogrammed" and described them as "members of a cult" earlier this month.

Former news anchor Katie Couric said Friday that House Republicans who voted against impeaching Trump need to be "deprogrammed."


Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=398151 time=1610848324 user_id=2015
Quote from: Herman post_id=398111 time=1610839145 user_id=1689
The United Socialist States of America under the totalitarian leadership of the democRATs will make purging seventy five million Americans their governingh priority.

Trump Was Just The Lightning Rod: Post-Riot Pivot Shows Democrats' Plan To Attack All Republicans"> ... 9aDurdYbPQ">

But even as Biden planned his unity-themed inauguration, members of his party and the media began to make it clear that simply removing Trump from office was not going to be sufficient.

The Democratic House of Representatives, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, swiftly impeached President Trump for a second time — with no official inquiry or hearings. Twitter banned the president's account permanently, and other social media platforms followed suit. Then citing "dangerous Qanon conspiracy theories," Twitter banned or suspended thousands of other accounts.

Newly-elected Democratic Missouri Rep. Cori Bush called for the investigation, sanction and potential expulsion of any Republicans who had attempted to overturn the 2020 presidential election by objecting to the Electoral College vote — something that Democrats have done after every election their party has lost since 2000.

CNN anchor Don Lemon said outright that all Trump voters should be held accountable for the riot at the Capitol, because even if they were not there in person, their vote for Trump aligned them with the KKK and other extremist organizations.

That move from Lemon and from so many others appeared to support another claim Shapiro made just three days after the election: "They don't hate you because they hate Trump. They hate Trump because they hate you."

Trump was right when he said,  "they are not after me, they are after you. I'm just in the way."

Now that Trump is out of the way, there aint anything stopping woke money and their political arm, the democRATs from persecuting the seventy five million American who voted against the establishment.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=398449 time=1611104099 user_id=114
Cancelling is not enough for the Dems and their big tech allies. They need Chinese and Viernamese style reeducation camps.

An authority on religious cults told CNN Tuesday that President Donald Trump's influence has been so great that "all of America needs to be deprogrammed" from his personality and polices.

Washington Post columnist and MSNBC analyst Eugene Robinson also suggested that Trump supporters should be "deprogrammed" and described them as "members of a cult" earlier this month.

Former news anchor Katie Couric said Friday that House Republicans who voted against impeaching Trump need to be "deprogrammed."

Americans, all one third of a billion of them must become obedient progtards or face the consequences.




Quote from: Herman post_id=398567 time=1611201259 user_id=1689">

Bonus points Awarded
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Premier Scott Moe posted this.

Regina City Council's Executive Committee has passed an absurd motion that would restrict energy companies from sponsoring or advertising with the City of Regina. I commend Mayor Sandra Masters and the three other Councillors for voting against this motion.

This motion is a hypocritical attack on the hardworking workers and employers that fuel Saskatchewan's economy and fund important community initiatives through voluntary sponsorships. Should this motion pass Regina City Council next week, our government will seriously consider the future of sponsorships to the City of Regina from provincial energy companies like SaskEnergy and SaskPower.

I would also note that the City of Regina receives about $29 million a year from the municipal surcharge on SaskPower bills and $4.3 million from the municipal surcharge on SaskEnergy bills. If these Regina City Councillors have such a strong aversion to accepting money from energy companies, I assume they will no longer want to receive these funds, which could instead be distributed to other Saskatchewan municipalities.

To hell with Regina City Council's Executive Committee.