Quote from: seoulbro post_id=409737 time=1619801063 user_id=114Quote from: Odinson post_id=409732 time=1619799830 user_id=136Quote from: Fashionista post_id=409531 time=1619649600 user_id=3254Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=409506 time=1619627158 user_id=56Quote from: Odinson post_id=409505 time=1619626847 user_id=136
If they really were afraid for their lives, they wouldnt do shit like that.
Call me a racist, but I'm starting to dislike black Americans. What an entitled spoiled bunch of brats.
You're blaming an entire race in one country because of the actions of a few?
That's very racist.
Most of them are bad...
A good american negro is a rare thing.
Before the pandemic, I used to go to Florida every winter. There are lots of hard working responsible African Americans. But, even if what you said was true, you can thank the Democratic Party.
Yeah and I know decent, hard working gypsies.
Too bad 99% of them ruin it for everybody.