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North Korean defector who escaped sex slavery has powerful indictment for woke culture, liberals embracing socialism

Started by Anonymous, June 15, 2021, 03:53:15 PM

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What does a North Korean know about oppression. There are biological men who are not allowed to compete as women.

A North Korean defector spoke out Monday about the encroaching dangers of progressivism on American college campuses, explaining woke culture is eroding what makes America a beacon for the world, especially for those people who are not free.

What is the background?

Yeonmi Park fled North Korea with her mother when she was just 13 years old. Park fled sex slavery and traveled across the vast and dangerous Gobi desert in search of freedom.

Park eventually settled in South Korea, as many defectors from the North do, but came to the United States in 2016 when she transferred to Columbia University in New York City.

What did she say?

Speaking with Fox News, Park said her experience studying at an elite American university had many similarities to her life in North Korea.

In fact, she said the problems began during orientation, when she was scolded for admitting that she enjoys reading classic English literature, such as works by Jane Austen.

"I said 'I love those books.' I thought it was a good thing. Then she said, 'Did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you,'" Park recalled.

Park explained that her education was designed to make students "resent" Western democracy and included blaming white men for civilization's problems. She also chided students for "playing with fire" — citing their love for socialism and communism — and mocked safe spaces and wanting to be identified by pronouns distinct from one's biological sex.

"It felt like the regression of civilization," Park said of her time at Columbia. "Even North Korea is not this nuts. ... North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

"People choose to be brainwashed, and they deny it," she added of Americans. "Education almost makes you not able to think critically, even though in the name of critical thinking."

Park went on to lambaste Americans who think they are oppressed, especially those who pay half a million dollars to attend an Ivy League institution like Columbia University. "They are so bitter. They have zero, zero appreciation for what this country did, what the Constitution says to protect individual liberty. They have zero, zero appreciation. They are dying to give all their liberty away."

Park predicted that, if progressives get their way, America will head down the same path as North Korea.

"There's no rule of law, no morality, nothing is good or bad anymore, it's complete chaos," she said. "I guess that's what they want, to destroy every single thing and rebuild into a communist paradise."

Anything else?

Park later spoke with Fox News host Sean Hannity, where she explained why her experience is "heartbreaking" — and what it means for freedom.

"It's just heartbreaking. I literally sold as a sexual slave and I literally crossed the Gobi Desert to be free," Park said. "And now I thought I landed in a country where I can say what I believe and have my, you know, freedom to think. However, now I live in a country I have to constantly censor my speech because now in the name of safe place — Columbia told us what we cannot talk about."

"I am so concerned like, if America is not free, I think there's no place else is left that is free," she added. "And I think that's why it's really alarming to me.""> ... ing%20News">


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Quote from: seoulbro post_id=413501 time=1623786894 user_id=114
[media]"> ... e=emb_logo">[/media]

Damn, I like this gal. She came to the US for an education, not an anti-American indoctrination.  

I hope she does do a speaking tour of US universities. Snowflakes will try and cancel her.


And here is the bullshit the North Korean gal is probably talking about.

College students say American flag symbolizes 'genocide,' 'extremism,' 'injustice,' and 'sins we've committed against others'"> ... ing%20News">

Just prior to Flag Day on Monday, Campus Reform reporter Ophelie Jacobson visited the University of Texas at Dallas to chat with students about what they believe the American flag symbolizes.

And not only did they not know much if anything about Flag Day, most of the interviewees didn't have a very high opinion about Old Glory.

What are the details?

When Jacobson asked one student what things come to mind when he sees an American flag, he offered a doozie of a response: "A lot of things come to mind. First of all, war. Second of all ... we've also taken a bit of land from Native Americans, so that's unfortunate, too. And it's just really terrible that we've done all these things, and this flag kind of reminds me of that — of all the sins we've committed against others."

She then asked if he agreed with other students who say the flag symbolizes oppression, racism, and genocide, and he replied, "Yes, wholeheartedly. We've done so much under that banner ... and the whole patriotism thing just sweeps all that narrative of racism, oppression, and the like under the rug."

A female student couldn't have been more simpatico.

"I guess I don't look at [the American flag] positively ... I do look at it negatively," she said, adding that "I don't agree with [what] this country was found upon completely ... a lot of injustice ... a lot of genocide. I see a lot American flags on church grounds, which i find very ... like, not trustworthy 'cuz I don't like the idea of tying in politics with religion, which is what this country does, even still today."

A different male student said that "absolute love of the American flag ... is very obviously correlated to, like, extremism ... nationalism."

Another female student said she's "definitely seen the American flag used as a racist symbol ... you see people show up to, like, [former President Donald] Trump rallies with their flags, waving it, screaming in people's faces. Well, then, yes ... it makes it obvious what it means to them."

Anything else?

Not surprisingly, some students mistook Flag Day (June 14) for Juneteenth (June 19).

In addition, when asked if Flag Day should be celebrated, the first male student had a terse reply: "F*** no."

And the female student who disagreed with American flags on church grounds said that while people should celebrate Flag Day if they choose to, she "personally wouldn't because I don't entirely love this place as much as some people do."

... b_imp_woyt">[/media]


The same link has been posted twice..

That's okay, this story is twice as interesting as most others.


I assume you are referring to the N Korean lady.

She is a gem .. unfortunately her brilliance is lost on those in power today

In fact, all brilliance is lost on them. It's a dilemma that I today see no way out of .... the propaganda taught for many years has worked
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



Quote from: Fashionista post_id=413584 time=1623881220 user_id=3254
I hope she gets to speak at American universities.....if she doesn't get cancelled.

She'll be cancelled before her speaking tour begins.