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Leftism in 2021

Started by Anonymous, April 28, 2021, 01:01:42 PM

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Affluence + Secularism = Boredom = Leftism

Just as physicists look for equations to explain the natural world, I have always thought it useful to look for equations to explain human nature. For example, in my book on happiness, I offer this equation: U = I – R. Unhappiness = Image – Reality. The difference between the images we have for our life and the reality of our life is one way of measuring how much unhappiness we experience.

Here, I offer another theorem, this time to help explain leftism.

A + S = B = L

Affluence + Secularism = Boredom = Leftism

The search for an equation to help explain leftism (as distinguished from traditional liberalism) emanates from these facts:

Most leftists come from the upper and upper-middle class. This was true for the two founders of leftism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marx was supported by his family and by Engels, who was a wealthy businessman and the son of a very wealthy businessman. All the Western spies for the Soviet Union were economically secure. And the great funder of radical causes today is a billionaire—George Soros.

Nearly all leftists are irreligious people. And the breeding place of leftism, the university, is the most secular institution in modern society.

These two facts produce a problem: Many people lack meaning in their lives. And lack of meaning is another way of stating "boredom"—a boredom of the soul.

People need meaning. After food, that is the greatest human need. As important as sex is, there are happy people who go without sex (loss of a partner, never having found a partner, vows of chastity), but there are no happy people who go without meaning (no matter how much sex they have).

This need for meaning has traditionally been met by four things: religion, family, providing for oneself and one's family, and patriotism. And all are fading.

Let's begin with religion. In America today, religion is in sharp decline. According to Pew Research, more than a third of all Americans born after 1980 identify with no religion. That is the highest percentage ever. In a recent Gallup Poll, only 47 percent of American adults said they were members of a church, mosque, or synagogue. It was the first time since Gallup began asking Americans about religious membership in the 1930s that a majority of Americans said they were not members of a church, mosque, or synagogue.

Next comes family. Marrying and making a family have always been sources of meaning to the great majority of people. However, like religion, the American family is also in steep decline. For the first time in American history, according to Statista, as of 2020, nearly half of all men in America (46 percent) have never been married, and 41 percent of American women have never been married. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 85.4 million Americans 18 and over have never been married. There are presently 130 million unmarried American adults. Worse yet, as Dr. Bella DePaulo of the University of California at Santa Barbara wrote in Psychology Today, "Half of all solo single people don't want a romantic relationship or even a date."

As every criminologist knows, a lot of single men is a problem for society. And as the ubiquity of women on the left and among the left's angriest protesters makes clear, a lot of single women is no blessing either.

Another nearly universal source of meaning has been providing for oneself and one's family. That's why, though the poor lack money and material wealth, they have never lacked meaning. Figuring out how to feed one's family every day provides a person with a great deal of meaning.

Finally, belonging to one's nation also provided meaning to most people in modern history. But love of country largely died in Western Europe after World War II, and it is dying in America today.

So, then, with the four primary sources of meaning dying—killed in large measure by leftist ideology—meaning must be found elsewhere. And that is where the left steps in. Leftism has always been a secular religion. It kills traditional religion and presents itself as a secular alternative.

It certainly provides meaning. "Anti-racism" and saving the world from a threat to its very existence (global warming) are two prominent life-filling examples.

Therefore, the only way to prevent the left from destroying America and its core value of freedom is to make the case for Judeo-Christian religions, the importance of marriage and family, and the unique achievement of America as the world's first and greatest multiracial, multiethnic, multinational society.

Americans should have been making that case in every generation. Post-World War II, they forgot, or never really believed, that the land of the free is, as former President Ronald Reagan warned, always just one generation away from losing its freedom."> ... 2LOA%3D%3D">


All I know is that real privilege is being born into a loving two parent family.


Progtardation like greenie insanity are like a religion.


Quote from: Herman post_id=409541 time=1619653688 user_id=1689
Progtardation like greenie insanity are like a religion.

More like a cult.


Quote from: Herman post_id=409541 time=1619653688 user_id=1689
Progtardation like greenie insanity are like a religion.

It's not LIKE a religion. It is a religion.


Does anyone still believe gun control is not about taking away rights of law abiding people.

San Jose announces plan to charge law-abiding gun owners for costs of criminal gun violence"> ... Daily%20AM">

In an unprecedented move that is sure to be challenged in court by gun-rights advocates, city leaders in San Jose voted Tuesday to require gun owners in the city to pay taxpayers for the public costs incurred by criminal gun violence.

In a unanimous vote Tuesday night, the progressive San Jose City Council passed ordinances to "require every gun owner to buy liability insurance coverage for their firearms" and "pay a fee to compensate taxpayers for the emergency medical and police responses to gun-related injuries and deaths," the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Democratic Mayor Sam Liccardo praised the measures and reportedly argued that gun owners who refuse to comply with the new rules would have their weapons seized.

At least one gun-rights group, the Firearms Policy Coalition, is already planning legal action. FPC told KNTV-TV last week it was putting San Jose officials "on notice." Read the full statement below.

Firearms Policy Coalition and our members are putting recalcitrant government officials on notice: If you ban constitutionally protected firearms or conduct, we are coming for you. All states and local governments must comply with the Bill of Rights and Fourteenth Amendment, period. The days of governments doing whatever they wish to impose expansive, unconstitutional gun control laws are numbered. We will work tirelessly to bring your tyrannical efforts to a crashing halt, and are committed to restoring human liberty and freedom using every available resource. If San Jose adopts Mayor Liccardo's outrageous and unconstitutional gun control proposals, we will not hesitate to challenge the City's policies in federal litigation and take every possible action to block their enforcement.

The gun-rights group went on to refute each piece of the 10-point plan, explaining why each specific measure is unconstitutional.

With the new ordinances, San Jose becomes the first city in the U.S. to enact such a controversial anti-gun stance. The new policy comes after last month's mass shooting at a FedEx facility in the city.


Can we not split hairs, allow latitude and  compromise on a "wonkey self-serving religious cult" ?
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: Herman post_id=414921 time=1625170565 user_id=1689
Does anyone still believe gun control is not about taking away rights of law abiding people.

San Jose announces plan to charge law-abiding gun owners for costs of criminal gun violence"> ... Daily%20AM">

In an unprecedented move that is sure to be challenged in court by gun-rights advocates, city leaders in San Jose voted Tuesday to require gun owners in the city to pay taxpayers for the public costs incurred by criminal gun violence.

In a unanimous vote Tuesday night, the progressive San Jose City Council passed ordinances to "require every gun owner to buy liability insurance coverage for their firearms" and "pay a fee to compensate taxpayers for the emergency medical and police responses to gun-related injuries and deaths," the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Democratic Mayor Sam Liccardo praised the measures and reportedly argued that gun owners who refuse to comply with the new rules would have their weapons seized.

At least one gun-rights group, the Firearms Policy Coalition, is already planning legal action. FPC told KNTV-TV last week it was putting San Jose officials "on notice." Read the full statement below.

Firearms Policy Coalition and our members are putting recalcitrant government officials on notice: If you ban constitutionally protected firearms or conduct, we are coming for you. All states and local governments must comply with the Bill of Rights and Fourteenth Amendment, period. The days of governments doing whatever they wish to impose expansive, unconstitutional gun control laws are numbered. We will work tirelessly to bring your tyrannical efforts to a crashing halt, and are committed to restoring human liberty and freedom using every available resource. If San Jose adopts Mayor Liccardo's outrageous and unconstitutional gun control proposals, we will not hesitate to challenge the City's policies in federal litigation and take every possible action to block their enforcement.

The gun-rights group went on to refute each piece of the 10-point plan, explaining why each specific measure is unconstitutional.

With the new ordinances, San Jose becomes the first city in the U.S. to enact such a controversial anti-gun stance. The new policy comes after last month's mass shooting at a FedEx facility in the city.

Legal gun owners are subsidizing criminals who use firearms in the comminssion of offenses. Combined with defunding police, this will lower the violent crime rate. :001_rolleyes:


That claim by the White House was a joke.

WaPo nails Biden White House, Psaki with 3 Pinocchios for their claims that GOP is defunding police

In recent remarks, Psaki and senior Biden adviser Cedric Richmond both said that the GOP's opposition to Biden's staggering $1.9 trillion COVID-19 rescue plan was akin to supporting the "defund the police" movement, as $350 billion of the bill was earmarked for state and local government aid.

However, the Post fact-check explained, "Although Republicans all opposed Biden's coronavirus relief package, no one voted to cut, or defund, anything. Rather, Democrats proposed $350 billion in emergency funds for state and local governments, and Republicans voted against those extra funds. That's not a reduction."

The paper concluded that there was no evidence backing up the White House's remarks that the GOP wanted to defund the police.

"[G]oing strictly by the bill text, lawmakers had no guarantee that police would get a slice of the pie," the Post said. "What's more, voting against a one-time infusion of cash is not the same as voting to cut funding, so there is little basis to claim that Republicans are trying to 'defund the police.'"

"Overall, we award Three Pinnochios," the paper concluded."> ... ing%20News">


The democRATs are blaming defund the cops on Republicans. ac_toofunny

Dallas Police sergeant slams White House's 'ludicrous' claim that Republicans want to defund the police"> ... ing%20News">

A Dallas police sergeant and former candidate for U.S. Congress is speaking out against Democrats who are falsely claiming that Republicans want to defund the police.

Tre Pennie, the executive director of the National Fallen Officer Foundation and a 17-year veteran with the Dallas Police Department, called claims made by Biden administration officials that Republicans supported defunding the police "ludicrous."

"We in law enforcement, we saw across the country as the George Floyd riots progressed through this nation that the Democrats called for defunding our police," Pennie said during an interview on Fox News. "It's not like it was something that was just hidden from plain sight."

"You had liberal cities across this country that actually put forward measures to defund their police agencies. Our officers suffered," he added.

In recent remarks, both White House press secretary Jen Psaki and senior Biden adviser Cedric Richmond have argued that Republican opposition to Biden's $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package was the same thing as cutting police funds because the bill contained $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments. Earlier this week the Washington Post's fact-checker gave the White House "Three Pinocchios" for the false claim, stating the obvious that opposition to extra funds is not the same as supporting cuts in police budgets.

Far-left activists invented the "Defund the Police" slogan as a means of advocating for radical reform of police departments, claiming that police forces in the U.S. are structurally racist. These activists want police department budgets cut so that money can be redistributed elsewhere to fund social programs they claim will reduce crime without police intervention.

But Democrat-run cities that followed the far left's lead and defunded their police forces have come to regret the policy as crime rates have sharply increased.

"We're talking about a 35% increase in violent crime nationally. Our officers, we understand, we're completely on the front lines dealing with this nonsense," Pennie told Fox News. "There are not legitimate programs or ideas being put forward in these inner-city communities.

"Let's tell all the politicians out there we don't need more tax rebate programs, we don't need other government programs to support the inner-city," he continued. "Look, we need to change the culture in the inner city. We have to deal with the way young people think. I've spent a significant amount of time in the black community talking to our young people and trying to inspire them to do something different with their life.

"We can't get out here and allow these so-called activists to come in and promulgate ideas of critical race theory and make everyone believe that they're victims and oppressed by the government. That's what's causing these people to come out here and attack our police."
