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Fossil Fuels are a Hell of a Lot More Sustainable Than Wind and Solar

Started by Anonymous, December 13, 2021, 08:22:05 PM

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Quote from: seoulbro
Quote from: BonkerfistI don't follow Joe Biden. As far as I'm concerned, he is a puppet and was a means to end Trump's fuckery.

Fossil fuels are the main contributor to global emissions. That is undeniable...but it blows my mind at the complete stupidity of this entire thread. Fuck sakes!
Actually, active volcanoes are the biggest contributor to global emissions. Long before the Pliocene, CO2 levels were extremely elevated during the age of the dinosaurs (which ended 65 million years ago), perhaps at some 2,000 to 4,000 ppm. Tremendous CO2 emissions, from incessant and extreme volcanism, heated Earth and allowed dinosaurs to roam a sultry Antarctic. If the IPCC theory is correct there should have been runaway greenhouse induced global warming during these periods but instead there was glaciation.

During the middle ages warming period, emissions as measured by ppm were higher than today. Crops grew in Greenland at one time.

The global climate has always been in flux and animals and humans have always adapated as we will now. Asking us, no forcing us to abandon the reason(fossil fuels) we have made great technological advances in medicine, and engineering that have allowed humans to thrive is insane. Besides, nobody seriously believes we will ever stop using petroleum products. We will continue to improve on them and reduce their environmental impact, but replacement of such a plentiful necessary commodity is not going to happen. Don't worry, humans have always adapted to a changing climate without lowering their living standards. We will do it again.
Mate...not tonight. But I will have a legit conversation when I'm sober. It really disappoints me that you condone the burning of fossil fuels. That's just ludicrous rationale and bizarre behaviour to tell you the truth. Stop quoting people mate and realise what we are doing to this planet.


Fair enough. It's Saturday morning here. I'd like to have a cost-benefit analysis extreme measures to lower emissions. Let me know when you are sober.


Quote from: seoulbroFair enough. It's Saturday morning here. I'd like to have a cost-benefit analysis extreme measures to lower emissions. Let me know when you are sober.

SoleBro...look at wind, solar and tidal energies as a long term solution. You're talking to a bright mind here at the wrong time. What is your time currently? I'm 22:53...


Wind, solar, and tidal turbines can't and won't do it. it's not about proper resource management and never has been. It's about culling all the useless eaters and breeders so that the upper 1% can live in luxury for generations to come off the backs of a billion peoples but preferably half that.

Our leaders have been actively ushering in the Dark Ages 2.0 and they've been selling it under the guise of a chicken little sky is falling premise.

They know something so important and so critical that there's nary a word mentioned about anything to do with it.... just a trail of dead and nameless corpses.

It wouldn't even surprise me if covid, covid jabs, and supply chain failings are just a convenient way to bury as many biological hazards as possible before the herd realizes they're at the slaughterhouse.

Oliver Clotheshoffe

Quote from: BonkerfistSoleBro...look at wind, solar and tidal energies as a long term solution.

Get back to me when they develop a jumbo jet that can fly on wind, solar and tidal energies.
Life is too short to be in a hurry


Quote from: Oliver Clotheshoffe
Quote from: BonkerfistSoleBro...look at wind, solar and tidal energies as a long term solution.

Get back to me when they develop a jumbo jet that can fly on wind, solar and tidal energies.
Never mind that. Wind and solar can't even a small town without back up from natural gas. They are old technology that doesn't work, it's dirty as hell, and we don't have enough resources for it, so why? Because it makes a few people very rich.


Quote from: Oliver Clotheshoffe
Quote from: BonkerfistSoleBro...look at wind, solar and tidal energies as a long term solution.

Get back to me when they develop a jumbo jet that can fly on wind, solar and tidal energies.

See how it all adds up? We need long term solutions now or the planet will be truly fucked. It blows my mind how people can just sit around and talk about how sustainable fossil fuels are.

Maybe be invest in one of these Ollie and a nuclear fuel source?


Chicken Little level shit....

Oliver Clotheshoffe

Quote from: BonkerfistSee how it all adds up? We need long term solutions now or the planet will be truly fucked. It blows my mind how people can just sit around and talk about how sustainable fossil fuels are.

Maybe be invest in one of these Ollie and a nuclear fuel source?

Indeed what we need to be doing is developing new power sources. We can't get away from fossil fuels until we have something better. Some kind of hydrogen fuel cell or something like what powers the Terminator.

Life is too short to be in a hurry


Of all the fuel and energy sources we have, oil and natural gas are superior to everything except nuclear which only works for electricity, not powering engines. And that includes hydrogen fuel cells. They have a whole host of problems that will prohibit them from being anything more than a hobby just like wind and solar.
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: Oliver Clotheshoffe
Quote from: BonkerfistSee how it all adds up? We need long term solutions now or the planet will be truly fucked. It blows my mind how people can just sit around and talk about how sustainable fossil fuels are.

Maybe be invest in one of these Ollie and a nuclear fuel source?

Indeed what we need to be doing is developing new power sources. We can't get away from fossil fuels until we have something better. Some kind of hydrogen fuel cell or something like what powers the Terminator.

We have many alternatives, but the oil barons have been buying out the patents for decades.


Quote from: ThielOf all the fuel and energy sources we have, oil and natural gas are superior to everything except nuclear which only works for electricity, not powering engines. And that includes hydrogen fuel cells. They have a whole host of problems that will prohibit them from being anything more than a hobby just like wind and solar.

Winner winner chicken dinner....  :smiley_thumbs_up_yellow_ani:

Breakfall winner here. Humanity is a plague. And breeds too many halfwits.

Nonrenewable Resources

Nonrenewable energy resources include coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear energy. Once these resources are used up, they cannot be replaced, which is a major problem for humanity as we are currently dependent on them to supply most of our energy needs.


Quote from: winner here. Humanity is a plague. And breeds too many halfwits.

Nonrenewable Resources

Nonrenewable energy resources include coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear energy. Once these resources are used up, they cannot be replaced, which is a major problem for humanity as we are currently dependent on them to supply most of our energy needs.

For every person you consider to be a halfwit, there's a person who considers you or I a halfwit.


Quote from: Dinky Dazza
Quote from: winner here. Humanity is a plague. And breeds too many halfwits.

Nonrenewable Resources

Nonrenewable energy resources include coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear energy. Once these resources are used up, they cannot be replaced, which is a major problem for humanity as we are currently dependent on them to supply most of our energy needs.

For every person you consider to be a halfwit, there's a person who considers you or I a halfwit.

Those people are just fuckers of comes with analogy.  :laugh3: