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Fossil Fuels are a Hell of a Lot More Sustainable Than Wind and Solar

Started by Anonymous, December 13, 2021, 08:22:05 PM

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Quote from: seoulbro
Quote from: caskurno it isn't... reducing the planets carbon sinking trees down to 15% coverage is the cause of carbon rising... HUMANS have done that clearing virgin habitat, the forests. Even if you stopped burning fossil fuel tomorrow its toooooo late because the active volcanoes are spewing CO2 into the atmosphere with 85% less trees to soak it up.
Even the most extreme proponents of alarmism like Gavin Schmidt,  head of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies has acknowledged that if no C02 was emitted, including what humans emit naturally, the climate could continue to warm for centuries if it ever stopped warming. The anti-fossils is all pain for no gain.
You forget about land clearing to accommodate the plague we call humanity. More people means more loss of habit for fauna and flora that are perpetually going extinct as a consequence. But you just  go ahead and keep on burning that big fossil fuel engine to accommodate more shitters into this world. It's all academic really...


The global population keeps growing Bonkers, my friend. That aint going to change because green leaning voters in Australia want it to. And guess what, they want the improved living standards that fossils delivers. They aint interested n expensive, useless wind and solar that doesn't work in developed countries.


Quote from: seoulbro
Quote from: caskurno they aren't... stop fearing. develop a brave heart.
Justin Trudeau alone has mandated that no new ICE vehicles be sold in Canada after January 1, 2035. That is one man dictating what consumers may buy. You never miss liberty until it has been taken away.

While we are on the subject of fossils, what is current price of a litre of petrol where you live? I paid $2.18.9 on Sunday.

You shouldn't worry about your PM... What is done by one government is undone by the next government...

We have a site called Fuel Watch where prices of fuel all over the state can be viewed daily as they change. Where I live sadly the prices are between $1.99 to $2.39 a litre... we get cheaper prices on Mondays and Tuesdays. Today is our record high.

It's price gouging... the Ukraine / Russian war gets the blame.
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur
Quote from: seoulbroJustin Trudeau alone has mandated that no new ICE vehicles be sold in Canada after January 1, 2035. That is one man dictating what consumers may buy. You never miss liberty until it has been taken away.

While we are on the subject of fossils, what is current price of a litre of petrol where you live? I paid $2.18.9 on Sunday.

You shouldn't worry about your PM... What is done by one government is undone by the next government...

We have a site called Fuel Watch where prices of fuel all over the state can be viewed daily as they change. Where I live sadly the prices are between $1.99 to $2.39 a litre... we get cheaper prices on Mondays and Tuesdays. Today is our record high.

It's price gouging... the Ukraine / Russian war gets the blame.

They're charging 2.43 per litre of diesel where I'm at.....

Glad I've got an aftermarket oversized 140 litre fuel tank on my ute.... filled it last week at 2.19 per litre....



I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: kiebers
I heard the small gasoline tax in the USA pays for road maintenance.


So, while Justin Trudeau deliberately creates inflation, oil and gas production will rise. Now is the time to end ESG investing pressure.

Despite political rhetoric, the world's going back to fossil fuels

Sensing now is not the time, the Trudeau government is delaying until next year a second carbon tax that will increase the cost of gasoline by an estimated five to 11 cents per litre by 2030.

Called the Clean Fuel Standard, the new regulations requiring producers to reduce the carbon intensity of gasoline and diesel fuel, originally scheduled to be implemented this year, have been pushed back until 2023.

Their impact on the cost of gasoline — and on the cost of everything that needs to be transported by using gasoline — is separate from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's carbon tax.

That will raise the price of gasoline by 38 cents per litre by 2030 in the four provinces where it applies — Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

The parliamentary budget officer recently reported that when the full economic impact of Trudeau's carbon tax is considered, 60% of families end up worse off financially, contrary to Trudeau's claim that 80% will be better off because of rebates.

But while our government continues to attach new charges to fossil fuel energy in a bid to discourage its use, the world, including Canada, is adopting policies to increase the use of fossil fuels, meaning oil, natural gas and coal.

That's because of the energy shortages caused by Russian President Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine and supply chain disruptions as countries power up their economies after the economic damage caused by the pandemic.

The reason is that the "green" energy sources they were counting on to replace fossil fuels — mainly wind and solar — aren't up to the job because they are intermittent.

The backsliding is quietly going on almost everywhere.

At their meeting this week in Spain, members of the G-7 — Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K. and the U.S. — endorsed ramping up the production of liquid natural gas and oil to address the global energy shortage driving up prices for goods and services and fuelling inflation.

They claimed these increases will be temporary and consistent with the goal of the Paris climate accord to limit the global

temperature increase this century to 1.5ºC compared to pre-industrial levels.

But in the real world, they were driving a stake through the heart of meeting the emission cuts the Paris accord calls for, including Trudeau's targets for 2030 and 2050.

In a move that enrages some (although not all) environmental groups, the G-7 also endorsed the use of nuclear power to lower emissions.

In February, the European Commission, the executive branch of the 27-member nation European Union, classified natural gas as a green energy source until at least 2030, if total emissions remain under a prescribed level, while endorsing nuclear power as a green energy source until 2045.

France lobbied the EU to recognize nuclear power as "green" because it has a lot of it, while Germany did the same for natural gas.

Germany, the largest economy in Europe and the self-styled leader of European efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, foolishly shut down its nuclear plants, which emit no greenhouse gases and is now firing up mothballed, coal-fired plants to provide energy, even though coal burns at twice the carbon intensity of natural gas.

The move is necessary because of fears Putin might choke off supplies of natural gas and oil to Germany in particular and Europe in general, as winter approaches, because of their support of Ukraine in its defensive war against Russia.
gay, conservative and proud


If liberal governments really believe CO2 is pollution, why do they keep flooding their countries with terd wurlderz? After all, people in the terd wurld produce LESS CO2 than they will when you import them into a 1st world country.

Oliver Clotheshoffe

Quote from: LokmarIf liberal governments really believe CO2 is pollution, why do they keep flooding their countries with terd wurlderz? After all, people in the terd wurld produce LESS CO2 than they will when you import them into a 1st world country.

For the same reason they give people bigger welfare checks as a reward for having kids... the same reason they give people tax breaks as a reward for having kids...

I have no idea what the reason actually is but it's a pretty damn stupid idea.
Life is too short to be in a hurry


Britain imposing a moratorium on fracking was one of the worst decisions taken by any government in the past decade. By most estimates, Britain has considerable shale gas reserves. One trade body calculates that if only 10 per cent were tapped, it would make the UK "self-sufficient in natural gas for 50 years". In a monumentally short-sighted move, however, ministers effectively banned companies from exploiting it – too terrified of the green lobby to do something that was so obviously within the national interest....



Environmentalists have long promoted renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind farms to save the climate. But what about when those technologies destroy the environment? In this provocative talk, Time Magazine "Hero of the Environment" and energy expert, Michael Shellenberger explains why solar and wind farms require so much land for mining and energy production, and an alternative path to saving both the climate and the natural environment. Michael Shellenberger is a Time Magazine Hero of the Environment and President of Environmental Progress, a research and policy organization. A lifelong environmentalist, Michael changed his mind about nuclear energy and has helped save enough nuclear reactors to prevent an increase in carbon emissions equivalent to adding more than 10 million cars to the road. He lives in Berkeley, California.


Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke supports green energy, but that didn't stop him from attacking Gov. Greg Abbott over potential blackouts tied to the state's reliance on wind power.

With temperatures forecast to be well over 100 degrees in Texas on July 11, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) issued a conservation appeal to the public.

ERCOT, which is in charge of the Texas electrical grid, asked residents and businesses to voluntarily conserve electricity on July 11 between 2-8 p.m., when a reserve capacity shortage was predicted.

Wind turbines were projected to produce less than 10 percent of their capacity, according to the agency.

The decrease in wind production combined with extreme heat and record demand prompted the call for Texans to cut back on electricity use. The agency stated that no widespread outages were expected.

O'Rourke, who has vowed to fight climate change by working to remove all emissions from the oil and gas industry, wasted no time in blaming Abbott for the strain on the Texas electrical grid, which is unique in its independence from the rest of the United States.

Gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rouke supports the Texas Climate Jobs Project, which is akin to the Green New Deal. The project wants to transition oil and gas jobs into green energy jobs and eliminate dependence on fossil fuels.

Pursuing green energy would only make matters worse for the Texas grid, according to some.

David Blackmon, an independent energy analyst and consultant based in Mansfield, Texas, told The Epoch Times the national grids have their own problems with demand.

"I laugh when I hear that," he said, adding Texas' problem comes from relying on unreliable energy such as wind.

Democratic policies that have stifled oil and gas production would only exasperate Texas' grid problems, Blackmon said.

Texas state Rep. Briscoe Cain (R) said in a text that a plan is afoot for the next legislative session to look at building more natural gas plants in Texas.

The Lone Star State produces the most natural gas in the United States and holds vast oil and gas reserves.

"Wind farms are a scam," Cain texted.

So how did Texas, with its energy might, get to the point of begging for its citizens to conserve energy?

Incentives for developing more wind power have increased, but the same can't be said of thermal-power generators that typically use natural gas.

Cain noted that federal production tax credits made wind farms too lucrative not to build.

Blackmon said the legislature wanted to add more gas-powered plants after Winter Storm Uri brought death and destruction to Texas in February of 2021. But that provision was stricken from the bill that ended up passing, he said.

"Gov. Abbott—I don't know what he's thinking," Blackmon said. "We're making the same mistake California did. Wind gives you nothing."


Quote from: kiebers
They will raise electricity rates or charge you by the miles you drive is my guess Kiebs.