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How many days,weeks, months before a war with Russia happens?

Started by Frood, December 18, 2021, 08:47:28 PM

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Russian forces are positioning themselves to take more of Ukraine's eastern regions in the coming days.

Russian forces now control the center of Severodonetsk in the east and could claim Donetsk to the south within days, and then the entire Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine in a few weeks, according to U.S. officials. All bridges leading to Severodonetsk have been destroyed, leaving many trapped and presaging a hard fight for Ukrainian forces.

Russia initially stumbled in its invasion of Ukraine, but the daily bombardment of the southeastern region of Donbas shows that the Kremlin has pivoted its strategy to a steady devastation that could make the imbalance of weapons and troops between the two countries even wider.

Russia is clearly winning the war. Once they take all of the East, a truce is more likely. The end could before the end of summer.


Surprising comments from Francis. But, I still think he should stick to scripture.

QuotePope Francis weighed in on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, stating on Monday that the Kremlin was provoked into military conflict by NATO.

His remarks come as warmongers in the West, such as OSINT military advisors and former generals who serve on corporate boards and neoconservative think tanks call for an escalation of Western involvement against Russia.

During the interview with the Catholic magazine on Monday, the pope suggested that an unnamed Western world leader previously expressed concern about NATO's eastward expansion and how it would provoke Russia into action against Ukraine."> ... nkh_lzYcfk">


I just tuned in to a radio broadcast here in Australia.... it had a western Ukrainian being interviewed.

She was chocked full of anti Russian propaganda  

I tire of these sort of broadcasts.

Her claims were stupid


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=460167 time=1655464895 user_id=1676
I just tuned in to a radio broadcast here in Australia.... it had a western Ukrainian being interviewed.

She was chocked full of anti Russian propaganda  

I tire of these sort of broadcasts.

Her claims were stupid

Even our biased media is reluctantly acknowledging that the tide has turned against Ukraine.


Citizens in Kaliningrad are panic buying food and supplies after Lithuania moved to violate its transit agreement with mainland Russia under the guise of consistency of applied sanctions.

Russia has offered a stern warning that it has the right to supply Kaliningrad and this is a red line.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=460617 time=1655747440 user_id=1676
Citizens in Kaliningrad are panic buying food and supplies after Lithuania moved to violate its transit agreement with mainland Russia under the guise of consistency of applied sanctions.

Russia has offered a stern warning that it has the right to supply Kaliningrad and this is a red line.

The list includes coal, metals, construction materials and advanced technology. Russia will make sure they get what they need.


Quote from: Herman post_id=460663 time=1655781175 user_id=1689
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=460617 time=1655747440 user_id=1676
Citizens in Kaliningrad are panic buying food and supplies after Lithuania moved to violate its transit agreement with mainland Russia under the guise of consistency of applied sanctions.

Russia has offered a stern warning that it has the right to supply Kaliningrad and this is a red line.

The list includes coal, metals, construction materials and advanced technology. Russia will make sure they get what they need.

NATO keeps poking the bear with desperate and shallow moves....

What very little respect I had for NATO is gone completely.

It behaves like a multinational Amber Heard...


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=460666 time=1655792624 user_id=1676
Quote from: Herman post_id=460663 time=1655781175 user_id=1689

The list includes coal, metals, construction materials and advanced technology. Russia will make sure they get what they need.

NATO keeps poking the bear with desperate and shallow moves....

What very little respect I had for NATO is gone completely.

It behaves like a multinational Amber Heard...

This war is lasting longer than it should have thanks to NATO.


China's crude oil imports from Russia soared 55% from a year earlier to a record level in May, displacing Saudi Arabia as the top supplier.


Boris Johnson is an idiot.

Boris Johnson says 'toxic masculinity' led to war in Ukraine, suggests that a woman wouldn't have started the war"> ... Engagement">

A female Russian president would never have invaded Ukraine, so says British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

According to Business Insider, Johnson sat down with German news outlet ZDF shortly following the G7 summit and blamed much of Vladimir Putin's behavior, especially the war in Ukraine, on his male identity.

"If Putin was a woman, which he obviously isn't, if he were, I really don't think he would have embarked on a crazy, macho war of invasion and violence in the way that he has," Johnson said, per ZDF.

"If you want a perfect example of toxic masculinity, it's what he's doing in Ukraine," Johnson continued.


Quote from: Herman post_id=461983 time=1656544359 user_id=1689
Boris Johnson is an idiot.

Boris Johnson says 'toxic masculinity' led to war in Ukraine, suggests that a woman wouldn't have started the war"> ... Engagement">

A female Russian president would never have invaded Ukraine, so says British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

According to Business Insider, Johnson sat down with German news outlet ZDF shortly following the G7 summit and blamed much of Vladimir Putin's behavior, especially the war in Ukraine, on his male identity.

"If Putin was a woman, which he obviously isn't, if he were, I really don't think he would have embarked on a crazy, macho war of invasion and violence in the way that he has," Johnson said, per ZDF.

"If you want a perfect example of toxic masculinity, it's what he's doing in Ukraine," Johnson continued.

How very woke of him.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=461998 time=1656551959 user_id=56
Quote from: Herman post_id=461983 time=1656544359 user_id=1689
Boris Johnson is an idiot.

Boris Johnson says 'toxic masculinity' led to war in Ukraine, suggests that a woman wouldn't have started the war"> ... Engagement">

A female Russian president would never have invaded Ukraine, so says British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

According to Business Insider, Johnson sat down with German news outlet ZDF shortly following the G7 summit and blamed much of Vladimir Putin's behavior, especially the war in Ukraine, on his male identity.

"If Putin was a woman, which he obviously isn't, if he were, I really don't think he would have embarked on a crazy, macho war of invasion and violence in the way that he has," Johnson said, per ZDF.

"If you want a perfect example of toxic masculinity, it's what he's doing in Ukraine," Johnson continued.

How very woke of him.

Other than negotiating Brexit, Johnson is the British equivalent of Erin O'Foole.

Oliver Clotheshoffe

Finland and Sweden being invited into NATO is a big kick in the balls for old Vlad and he's pretty pissed about it. He'll take what he can get out of Ukraine, leave just enough troops to hold it and send everyone else up north so he can put on a show of force before the U.S. elections get here. Or as much a show of force as he can achieve after getting most of his stuff blown up in Ukraine.
Life is too short to be in a hurry


Quote from: "Oliver Clotheshoffe" post_id=462013 time=1656556085 user_id=3349
Finland and Sweden being invited into NATO is a big kick in the balls for old Vlad and he's pretty pissed about it. He'll take what he can get out of Ukraine, leave just enough troops to hold it and send everyone else up north so he can put on a show of force before the U.S. elections get here. Or as much a show of force as he can achieve after getting most of his stuff blown up in Ukraine.

I do not blame him, but he already had that baked in. Russia aint as pissed about Nordic countries joining as they were when Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia joined.

Oliver Clotheshoffe

Quote from: Herman post_id=462016 time=1656556989 user_id=1689

I do not blame him, but he already had that baked in. Russia aint as pissed about Nordic countries joining as they were when Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia joined.

We're in a pretty dangerous time. Vlad probably thought he would have taken the entirety of Ukraine by now and he blames the rest of the world and their support and equipment for bogging him down. Now he's watching NATO set up camp on his border up north and he's feeling threatened too. I think he's going to blow.
Life is too short to be in a hurry