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Re: Forum gossip thread by Dove

Ut oh. Is this the start of Canada's civil war?

Started by Bricktop, February 06, 2022, 07:20:58 PM

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Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=441554 time=1645892742 user_id=1676
The conversion of meat products into fake meat "protein based" products has certainly ramped up in Australia as well as spiked prices on red meat, particularly beef.

It was lockdowns that drove up the price of red meat here, actually all meat.


I believe they're implementing aspects of the great reset in the Australian food chain intentionally.

And with Ukraine possibly no longer providing a large portion of grains and gas supplies being squeezed (with the accompanying fertiliser shortages), I'm glad I've stocked up on freeze dried animal proteins and garden fertilisers over the years.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=441562 time=1645893710 user_id=1676
I believe they're implementing aspects of the great reset in the Australian food chain intentionally.

And with Ukraine possibly no longer providing a large portion of grains and gas supplies being squeezed (with the accompanying fertiliser shortages), I'm glad I've stocked up on freeze dried animal proteins and garden fertilisers over the years.

Russia's grin exports are increasing. Most of Ukraine's agricultural exports go to Europe, so that is where the damage will be felt.

Wheat markets surged by the maximum amount allowed by the Chicago exchange on Thursday, trading 5.7% higher at $9.3475 a bushe. Milling wheat is being traded 16% higher. Oilseed and soybeans also had a broad rally on the back of escalating tensions.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=441563 time=1645894061 user_id=114
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=441562 time=1645893710 user_id=1676
I believe they're implementing aspects of the great reset in the Australian food chain intentionally.

And with Ukraine possibly no longer providing a large portion of grains and gas supplies being squeezed (with the accompanying fertiliser shortages), I'm glad I've stocked up on freeze dried animal proteins and garden fertilisers over the years.

Russia's grin exports are increasing. Most of Ukraine's agricultural exports go to Europe, so that is where the damage will be felt.

Wheat markets surged by the maximum amount allowed by the Chicago exchange on Thursday, trading 5.7% higher at $9.3475 a bushe. Milling wheat is being traded 16% higher. Oilseed and soybeans also had a broad rally on the back of escalating tensions.

We're globally linked. A deficit in one region for commodities flows on to the world markets.

We're already being told that liquid gas prices in Australia will get very uncomfortable in the near future....except in Western Australia where they've legislated a 15% reserve at all times.

The Eastern States will be hit the worst.

My farmer brother in law has been dealing with inflated fertiliser prices for the last year.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=441565 time=1645894472 user_id=1676
Quote from: seoulbro post_id=441563 time=1645894061 user_id=114
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=441562 time=1645893710 user_id=1676
I believe they're implementing aspects of the great reset in the Australian food chain intentionally.

And with Ukraine possibly no longer providing a large portion of grains and gas supplies being squeezed (with the accompanying fertiliser shortages), I'm glad I've stocked up on freeze dried animal proteins and garden fertilisers over the years.

Russia's grin exports are increasing. Most of Ukraine's agricultural exports go to Europe, so that is where the damage will be felt.

Wheat markets surged by the maximum amount allowed by the Chicago exchange on Thursday, trading 5.7% higher at $9.3475 a bushe. Milling wheat is being traded 16% higher. Oilseed and soybeans also had a broad rally on the back of escalating tensions.

We're globally linked. A deficit in one region for commodities flows on to the world markets.

We're already being told that liquid gas prices in Australia will get very uncomfortable in the near future....except in Western Australia where they've legislated a 15% reserve at all times.

The Eastern States will be hit the worst.

My farmer brother in law has been dealing with inflated fertiliser prices for the last year.

What I am saying though is there might not be much of a deficit. Russia had contingency plans in place long before their tanks crossed into Ukraine. Supply chains to Europe are affected, no question about that.


Supply chains everywhere could be affected by grain export deficits in Eastern Europe.

Even worse could be gas/fertiliser stoppages...


Quote from: cc post_id=441482 time=1645847144 user_id=88
No. I have no idea where he gets such ideas from

but he's been running strange of late, obsessed with me & dunning me in every thread of late

Maybe I shouldn't have called him a pompous ass .. & told him to stop belittling  my country  ... ya think?

Then maybe you should pay more attention.

Did you, or did you not post comments criticising the protestors and urging the government and the police to break up their blockade?

Were you not critical of the tactics employed by the protestors?

Did you not rejoice when the blockade was removed?


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=441568 time=1645894679 user_id=114
............Russia had contingency plans in place long before their tanks crossed into Ukraine........

That can be taken to the bank and cashed
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


As to this threads drama queening OP,  as a Canadian I resent the implication that Canada is not strong enough  to overcome anything ... up to and including T-2 stupidly and unforgivably overreacting and activating emergency powers  ... as his Daddy T-1 did

especially bad  after there was already an example mere days before that every city has all the powers it needs. Existing City powers merely need to be employed as Windsor did, got help with a mere injunction and quickly got border traffic flowing  .. this action being all that was ever needed

yet, the power mad T-1 had to play dictator like Daddy T-1 and employ a totally unnecessary &  a vile act

Canada as a country survived even that quite well. Canada remains strong as I have said it would from the gitgo .. nothing even remotely close to a  civil war

sorry to disappoint

NOTE!!!]For some time now, I open few if any  posts from members who actively & openly tried to divide this great forum into opposing sides (which they called "teams")  .. in an attempt to divide ....  a disgusting despicable action  (identifiable now by gaudy buttugly banners and forum-destructive manners)

I'm quite content to communicate only with those who would never play such divisive  games .. and only with those who would never dun our country as a country. Of course I will comment or reply on it's political problems.

I shall as of this post refrain totally from commenting on (or being drawn in) re:  any single individual of the pack

I have been doing so (in the main) for quite a while now and am greatly enjoying forum again. However, should the attempts at division cease, I'll reconsider .. till them I'm good as is
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=441615 time=1645920899 user_id=88
As to this threads drama OP, which as a Canadian I resent the implication that Canada is not strong enough  to overcome anything ... up to and including T-2 stupidly and unforgivably overreacting and activating emergency powers  ... as his Daddy T-1 did

especially bad  after there was already an example mere days before that every city has all the powers it needs. Existing City powers merely need to be employed as Windsor did, got help with a mere injunction and quickly got border traffic flowing  .. this action being all that was ever needed.

yet, the power mad T-1 had to play dictator like Daddy T-1 and employ a totally unnecessary &  a vile act

Canada as a country survived even that quite well. Canada remains strong as I have said it would from the gitgo

Your patriotism is admirable.

Now, would you mind addressing the questions I've put to you regarding your support of your Government's actions vis a vis the truckers protest?


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=441560 time=1645893294 user_id=114
It was lockdowns that drove up the price of red meat here, actually all meat.

Even now with lifted  and / or reduced regs, all meat is very costly .. will likely be a while before it returns to fair market values
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=441482 time=1645847144 user_id=88
No. I have no idea where he gets such ideas from

but he's been running strange of late, obsessed with me & dunning me in every thread of late

Maybe I shouldn't have called him a pompous ass .. & told him to stop belittling  my country  ... ya think?

I trust Thiel will take note of your refusal to deny the evidence in support of your Government's actions despite your denials to the contrary.


Quote from: cc post_id=441615 time=1645920899 user_id=88
As to this threads drama queening OP


NOTE!!!]For some time now, I open few if any  posts from members who actively & openly tried to divide this great forum into opposing sides (which they called "teams")  .. in an attempt to divide ....  a disgusting despicable action  (identifiable now by gaudy buttugly banners and forum-destructive manners)

I'm quite content to communicate only with those who would never play such divisive  games .. and only with those who would never dun our country as a country. Of course I will comment or reply on it's political problems.

I shall as of this post refrain totally from commenting on (or being drawn in) re:  any single individual of the pack

I have been doing so (in the main) for quite a while now and am greatly enjoying forum again. However, should the attempts at division cease, I'll reconsider .. till them I'm good as is

If you feel that way, why constantly stoke the fire?

The quote above is a perfect example.

When people address you with civility, you shit on their nature strip's. When people scoop it up and fling it back on your doorstep, you feign contempt while acting innocent.

Pick a stance and stick to it, cc. The talking shit while attempting to move goalposts thing isn't working out for you....and there's no telling how much longer you can take cover like a corgi under the pleats of certain gowns.

You're welcome.


That she insists on calling all others "drama queens" when she is the ruling monarch of drama is hypocrisy at its finest.

She utterly ignores the fact that the major cause of division is HER.

"You're Australians. You have no right to comment on affairs in Canada".

"You're're trying to destroy this forum".

She utterly fails to grasp that the banners by which she is so offended are a direct result of HER inanity and utter disregard for civility towards those of alternate views. They are our response to her Karen-like demands to remove them. It's called the Streisand Effect.

If the Canadians want all members to possess a Canadian passport before being permitted to post, just say so. I'm sure the American admin will ironically oblige.

Despite her delusions, most NON CANADIANS contribute far more to the diversity and interest of this forum than she does.


I'd just like even a smidge of consistency from her.

You, I, and others have repeatedly noted her lack of character in that regard before.