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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Coastal Gaslink Worksite, Machines & Workers Attacked Extremely Violently

Started by cc, February 18, 2022, 02:53:13 PM

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Major Acts of violence on the Marten Forest Service Road near Houston BC"> ... ntId=73532">

Coastal Gaslink workers 'shaken' following violent attack at Morice River drill site

HOUSTON BC — Mounties in Houston, B.C. are investigating a violent incident that left Coastal Gaslink (CGL) workers "shaken."

It happened shortly after midnight this morning (Feb.17) on the Marten Forest Service Road.

"It was reported approximately 20 people, some armed with axes, were attacking security guards and smashing their vehicle windows. It was initially reported that some CGL workers were trapped, but all had managed to safely leave the area," says the RCMP.

When police arrived at the 41 km mark, RCMP say "the roadway had been blocked with downed trees, tar covered stumps, wire, boards with spikes in them, and fires had been lit throughout the debris. As police worked their way through the debris and traps, several people threw smoke bombs and fire lit sticks at the police, injuring one officer."!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/damaged-coastal-gaslink-machinery-alleged-attack-feb-17-2022.jpeg">">">!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/attack-cgl.jpg">">!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/damaged-outbuilding-coastalgaslink-attack-17-feb-2022.jpeg">

'Devious, evil'

Brown said those behind the attack are not protesters and described the incident as "devious" and "evil."

"This has nothing to do with protest activity, whether it be legal or illegal," he said, "This strictly has to do with a very, very serious and significant criminal investigation."
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


No EMA used on protesters, no seizing bank accounts, not blaming foreign money, not even charges laid. But, it you protest peacefully in the nation's capital close to our fuehrer the state will destroy your life. Man, what double standards when the cause is approved by progtards.


Huh? Let's be fair here

This was done in wilderness with no coppers nearby - Most if not all got away before coppers got there

 RCMP are after the perps full bore to capture and arrest them
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


The cops disabled earthmoving equipment earlier along the border on private property.

They don't give a shit.


If anyone wants to know who is the puppetmaster behind Trudeau. Trudeau is figurehead. Much more powerful people are calling the shots in Canada.

QuoteIn Canada, follow the money + the ideas

Uprising a sign of new voter awareness

In a short 2017 video clip circulating on YouTube, Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum and the global promoter of corporatist stakeholder capitalism, outlines how his subversive WEF movement has, to use his word, "infiltrated" governments all over the world. He makes special note of Canada. "I have to say, when I mention now names, like Mrs. (Angela) Merkel and even Vladimir Putin, and so on, they all have been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister (Justin) Trudeau ... We penetrate the cabinet. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet, are actually Young Global Leaders."

Schwab and the WEF had help in setting up their Canadian infiltration mission, including from Trudeau's former chief of staff, Gerald Butts, a participant in the WEF's Davos conferences and a leading backroom organizer of the Trudeau government's ideological gambits. When it comes to subversive plans to overthrow the free-world economy, few are larger in scope than the WEF's global scheme to remake the world and install a new form of "capitalism" based on the recruitment of corporate leaders into the role of government.

The WEF infiltration of Ottawa has never been a secret, nor has Butts' involvement. But it is far from being common knowledge among voters that the ideological model behind the Liberal policy machine, the steering mechanism that guides decisions and policies, is subversive and authoritarian. It also covers a massive policy territory, from climate to COVID-19.

Klaus Schwab was maybe the first global personality to jump on the pandemic as a vehicle for the imposition of his new world order. As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, he saw major opportunity. "The possibilities for change and the resulting new order are now unlimited and only bound by our imagination."

The Trudeau government jumped at the opportunity, imposing sweeping social and economic controls that have cost Canadians and their economy hundreds of billions of dollars in losses, in addition to unmeasurable personal and emotional turmoil — turmoil that has helped fuel the protests and convoys that have now shattered the surface of Canadian stability.

In short, the subversive ideas that have infiltrated the Trudeau Liberal government have come around to fire up a popular resistance to the WEF ideology the prime minister and his cabinet have adopted.

That possibility may explain why Justin Trudeau has now turned to extreme rhetoric and unprecedented constitutional action against the trucking convoy and its multi-faceted supporters. His reaction is an attempt to divert attention away from the flaws in policy and the failure of the WEF-shaped model he adopted to guide policy. He saw COVID-19 as an opportunity for greater government intervention. Many Canadians now see the government pandemic policies as oppressive overkill.

Rather than face potential ideological breakdown, Trudeau is now attacking his critics on other grounds, claiming they are racists, subversives, yahoos and Trumpian yobs funded by foreign agents. The prime minister may be taking advice from his old friend, Gerald Butts. In an interview with The New York Times earlier this week, Butts blamed Fox News and foreign influences.

At the same time, foreign and "dark" money arrived. "One of the most concerning things about this movement," Butts said, "is it's shown how easy it is to pour millions of dollars of dark money into Canadian politics."

When it comes to foreign money, Butts should know how that system works. As the former head of the Canadian branch of the World Wildlife Fund, he was part of an international community of activists and funding organizations that received hundreds of millions of dollars over more than two decades. Vancouver writer Vivian Krause investigated and found more than $600 million in foreign funding of environmental groups, from the David Suzuki Foundation to Dogwood and Tides. Over the years, these groups — through demonstrations, blockades and other means — have managed to shut down Canada's Keystone XL, Northern Gateway, Trans Mountain and Energy East pipelines. The losses are in the billions.

Some organizations — including the political activist anti-Conservative Leadnow — use the same crowdfunding techniques now probed under Ottawa's convoy law.

Krause has also just posted another funding investigation outlining how the WE Charities secured tens of millions of dollars from a major insurance company, Allstate, to support WE's campaign to promote political voting among Canadian youth. She has asked Elections Canada to investigate.

The scale of these funding activities — largely from U.S. charitable foundations (Rockefeller, for example) — dwarfs to insignificance the piddling foreign funds allegedly flowing to the truckers' convoy.

Overall, the point is that it's not just about following the money, but also following the ideas that now seem to be catching up with the Trudeau Liberals."> ... -the-ideas">


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=440053 time=1645215083 user_id=1676
The cops disabled earthmoving equipment earlier along the border on private property.

One of his best .. .a keeper  

Conspiracists are great fun to watch  :roll:
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell




Quote from: cc post_id=440049 time=1645213993 user_id=88
Major Acts of violence on the Marten Forest Service Road near Houston BC"> ... ntId=73532">

Coastal Gaslink workers 'shaken' following violent attack at Morice River drill site

HOUSTON BC — Mounties in Houston, B.C. are investigating a violent incident that left Coastal Gaslink (CGL) workers "shaken."

It happened shortly after midnight this morning (Feb.17) on the Marten Forest Service Road.

"It was reported approximately 20 people, some armed with axes, were attacking security guards and smashing their vehicle windows. It was initially reported that some CGL workers were trapped, but all had managed to safely leave the area," says the RCMP.

When police arrived at the 41 km mark, RCMP say "the roadway had been blocked with downed trees, tar covered stumps, wire, boards with spikes in them, and fires had been lit throughout the debris. As police worked their way through the debris and traps, several people threw smoke bombs and fire lit sticks at the police, injuring one officer."!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/damaged-coastal-gaslink-machinery-alleged-attack-feb-17-2022.jpeg">">">!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/attack-cgl.jpg">">!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/damaged-outbuilding-coastalgaslink-attack-17-feb-2022.jpeg">

'Devious, evil'

Brown said those behind the attack are not protesters and described the incident as "devious" and "evil."

"This has nothing to do with protest activity, whether it be legal or illegal," he said, "This strictly has to do with a very, very serious and significant criminal investigation."

I saw this on Global Calgary.


Quote from: cc post_id=440052 time=1645214934 user_id=88
Huh? Let's be fair here

This was done in wilderness with no coppers nearby - Most if not all got away before coppers got there

 RCMP are after the perps full bore to capture and arrest them

Will the EMA be used to protect this critical piece of infratructure? Will bank accounts of the environmental groups be seized? Will they follow the maney trail to the Rockefellers and Tides foundation? Will anybody who donates to the environmental groups opposed to this pipeline risk having their accounts seized?

I will save you the suspense. No, it won't happen. Trudeau will provide cover for them while he throws out the Charter to crush blue collar opponents of his policies.


Prolly so

I was just saying that cops did not allow it - They were many miles away ... It's wilderness with no cop on every corner
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=440049 time=1645213993 user_id=88
Major Acts of violence on the Marten Forest Service Road near Houston BC"> ... ntId=73532">

Coastal Gaslink workers 'shaken' following violent attack at Morice River drill site

HOUSTON BC — Mounties in Houston, B.C. are investigating a violent incident that left Coastal Gaslink (CGL) workers "shaken."

It happened shortly after midnight this morning (Feb.17) on the Marten Forest Service Road.

"It was reported approximately 20 people, some armed with axes, were attacking security guards and smashing their vehicle windows. It was initially reported that some CGL workers were trapped, but all had managed to safely leave the area," says the RCMP.

When police arrived at the 41 km mark, RCMP say "the roadway had been blocked with downed trees, tar covered stumps, wire, boards with spikes in them, and fires had been lit throughout the debris. As police worked their way through the debris and traps, several people threw smoke bombs and fire lit sticks at the police, injuring one officer."!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/damaged-coastal-gaslink-machinery-alleged-attack-feb-17-2022.jpeg">">">!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/attack-cgl.jpg">">!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/original_1180/damaged-outbuilding-coastalgaslink-attack-17-feb-2022.jpeg">

'Devious, evil'

Brown said those behind the attack are not protesters and described the incident as "devious" and "evil."

"This has nothing to do with protest activity, whether it be legal or illegal," he said, "This strictly has to do with a very, very serious and significant criminal investigation."

Meanwhile, Ottawa's priority is stopping blue collar protesters too close to 24 Sussex for Justine's comfort.


Quote from: Herman post_id=440085 time=1645220287 user_id=1689
Meanwhile, Ottawa's priority is stopping blue collar protesters too close to 24 Sussex for Justine's comfort.

This Houston thing is new. Dunno actions till there is an update. In that location, perps had a good head start to get away .. and news is slow in coming

As to congested Ottawa, street blocking big trucks are disappearing  now. Similar to Windsor bridge, they are leaving a road open for people, cars & trucks of all sizes to leave voluntarily (although there were no large vehicles there)
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Does anyone remember David Suzuki recently calling for acts of terror against oil and gas infrastructure. I would donate to a Wet'suwet'en crowdfundraiser if they launced a lawsuit against him and his foundation.
gay, conservative and proud


Quote from: Thiel post_id=440207 time=1645244615 user_id=1688
Does anyone remember David Suzuki recently calling for acts of terror against oil and gas infrastructure. I would donate to a Wet'suwet'en crowdfundraiser if they launced a lawsuit against him and his foundation.

Good point. He shuld be a prime suspect. Short of T-2, he's a close second and more dogmatic and seems more physically vicious

I'd match your donation
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=440209 time=1645245250 user_id=88
Quote from: Thiel post_id=440207 time=1645244615 user_id=1688
Does anyone remember David Suzuki recently calling for acts of terror against oil and gas infrastructure. I would donate to a Wet'suwet'en crowdfundraiser if they launced a lawsuit against him and his foundation.

Good point. He shuld be a prime suspect. Short of T-2, he's a close second and more dogmatic and seems more physically vicious

I'd match your donation

David Suzuki has been "counselling to commit mischief" for years and he walks free.
gay, conservative and proud