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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aryan



Started by Odinson, March 01, 2014, 07:06:25 PM

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Rambo Wong

Ghengis Khan is Mongolian which is a minority of China which means that China conquered Russia and therefor Russia and all of the other lands that Ghengis Khan conquered also must be returned to China and these nations should stop their splittism and return to the motherland China.


Quote from: "Rambo Wong"Ghengis Khan is Mongolian which is a minority of China which means that China conquered Russia and therefor Russia and all of the other lands that Ghengis Khan conquered also must be returned to China and these nations should stop their splittism and return to the motherland China.

China belongs to the british empire. Along with 3/4 of earths surface.


Quote from: "Rambo Wong"Ghengis Khan is Mongolian which is a minority of China which means that China conquered Russia and therefor Russia and all of the other lands that Ghengis Khan conquered also must be returned to China and these nations should stop their splittism and return to the motherland China.

Fuck off virgin boy or I'll get some blonde white chick to beat the hell out of you.


QuoteObama's Far Right Foreign Policy

The conflicts in Ukraine, Venezuela, and Syria have one thing in common: the U.S. government is in favor of the groups who aspire to topple — or who have toppled — the government in power. Thus, U.S. politicians are giving either political, financial, or military support to these "opposition" movements.

But in all three cases there are leading groups steering the "opposition" that want absolutely nothing to do with democracy — these groups are as far-right as politics gets: European-style fascism in Ukraine, Islamic extremism in Syria, and in Venezuela the elite-favored tradition of military dictatorships.

But there has been a virtual U.S. media blackout as to the leadership of the movements in Ukraine, Syria, and Venezuela, and for good reason; if these groups come to power, the country will be far worse off than it is now. The American public would give zero support to these groups if they knew the truth, which is why the level of U.S. media misinformation about these groups is as Orwellian as the workings of Obama's NSA.


Take Ukraine for example. The day after democratically elected government forces fled from the capital Kiev, the successful opposition political leaders sucked the enthusiasm out of the "revolution" when they informed the public that they would be presiding over a "doomed" transitional government, because they "have to make some unpopular decisions." The new nominee for Prime Minister called his new cabinet a "Kamikaze government."


The government is suicidal because they are seeking loans from western financial institutions — like the IMF and European Commission — that come at a heavy price; in exchange for money Ukraine will have to implement a massive austerity program where the living standards of Ukrainians will be destroyed in Greek-like fashion.


This was the original reason why the now-ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych began to lean towards Russia, since Putin agreed to give Ukraine the money with no strings attached. Of course, this background information — which is crucial to understanding the events in Ukraine — was simply ignored in the western media, which misleadingly referred to the protests as "pro-EU protests." It's true that the suppression of a small pro-EU protest helped ignite wider sections of the population against the Ukrainian government, but the average Ukrainian would of course, not risk life and limb only to be torn asunder by a pro-EU austerity program.  


The U.S. media also ignored the motor force of the Ukrainian protesters: the Ukrainian fascist party Svoboda, whose already-large presence in the Ukrainian parliament has been empowered because of the protests. There was yet another U.S. media blackout about the role of Svoboda in the protests, whose members or sympathizers acted as the shock troops against the democratically elected government. As writer Mike Whitney recently noted:


"The United States helped defeat Nazism in World War 2. Obama helped bring it back."">//

U.S. Senator John McCain, right, meets Ukrainian opposition leaders Arseniy

 Yatsenyuk(now Prime Minister), left, and Oleh Tyahnybok in Kiev">

US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland together with opposition leader Oleh Tyahnybok (left)">

Oleh Tyahnybok is the leader of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party">

Neo-Nazis at Ukrainian protest">

White supremacist banners in Kiev's City Hall">

Obvious Li

Quote from: "Romero"
QuoteObama's Far Right Foreign Policy

The conflicts in Ukraine, Venezuela, and Syria have one thing in common: the U.S. government is in favor of the groups who aspire to topple — or who have toppled — the government in power. Thus, U.S. politicians are giving either political, financial, or military support to these "opposition" movements.

But in all three cases there are leading groups steering the "opposition" that want absolutely nothing to do with democracy — these groups are as far-right as politics gets: European-style fascism in Ukraine, Islamic extremism in Syria, and in Venezuela the elite-favored tradition of military dictatorships.

But there has been a virtual U.S. media blackout as to the leadership of the movements in Ukraine, Syria, and Venezuela, and for good reason; if these groups come to power, the country will be far worse off than it is now. The American public would give zero support to these groups if they knew the truth, which is why the level of U.S. media misinformation about these groups is as Orwellian as the workings of Obama's NSA.


Take Ukraine for example. The day after democratically elected government forces fled from the capital Kiev, the successful opposition political leaders sucked the enthusiasm out of the "revolution" when they informed the public that they would be presiding over a "doomed" transitional government, because they "have to make some unpopular decisions." The new nominee for Prime Minister called his new cabinet a "Kamikaze government."


The government is suicidal because they are seeking loans from western financial institutions — like the IMF and European Commission — that come at a heavy price; in exchange for money Ukraine will have to implement a massive austerity program where the living standards of Ukrainians will be destroyed in Greek-like fashion.


This was the original reason why the now-ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych began to lean towards Russia, since Putin agreed to give Ukraine the money with no strings attached. Of course, this background information — which is crucial to understanding the events in Ukraine — was simply ignored in the western media, which misleadingly referred to the protests as "pro-EU protests." It's true that the suppression of a small pro-EU protest helped ignite wider sections of the population against the Ukrainian government, but the average Ukrainian would of course, not risk life and limb only to be torn asunder by a pro-EU austerity program.  


The U.S. media also ignored the motor force of the Ukrainian protesters: the Ukrainian fascist party Svoboda, whose already-large presence in the Ukrainian parliament has been empowered because of the protests. There was yet another U.S. media blackout about the role of Svoboda in the protests, whose members or sympathizers acted as the shock troops against the democratically elected government. As writer Mike Whitney recently noted:


"The United States helped defeat Nazism in World War 2. Obama helped bring it back."">//

U.S. Senator John McCain, right, meets Ukrainian opposition leaders Arseniy

 Yatsenyuk(now Prime Minister), left, and Oleh Tyahnybok in Kiev">

US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland together with opposition leader Oleh Tyahnybok (left)">

Oleh Tyahnybok is the leader of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party">

Neo-Nazis at Ukrainian protest">

White supremacist banners in Kiev's City Hall">

it must have made you physically ill to post something negative about your hero Hussain


Let me tell ya something about the russkies...

How many western millionaires act like normal people and give you a place to stay, food etc.? NONE unless you are a millionaire yourself.

Russian millionaires dont care what your class is... I´m the finnish man to them. :D I dont understand much russian but I sure as hell understand when they put a rifle in my hands that we are going hunting.

Very hospitable people. I mean they provide everything.. Musical people.


An op/ed from commondreams is hardly the pinnacle of unbiased journalistic integrity. However, I am getting sick and tired of the West sticking it's nose into the internal affairs of sovereign nations.


Quote from: "Shen Li"An op/ed from commondreams is hardly the pinnacle of unbiased journalistic integrity. However, I am getting sick and tired of the West sticking it's nose into the internal affairs of sovereign nations.

Arent you getting tired of "attacking sovereign nations with false pretexts is wrong" - John Kerry.

It was something like that...

I mean what the fuck! US asshole saying shit like that...

I think its time for a facepalm.

Obvious Li

the USA is hypocritical beyond words.......they send their military into whatever country in the world they feel like...they always fuck it up and when the country or some other party complains they say it was for "strategic" interests......Crimea was part of Russia until 1954....Putin has every right to go into Crimea and get it back if the crimeans want to be part of Russia.....on the other hand he does not have any claims over western Ukraine  and should but out of there......"you break it you own it" and he does not have the cash to own it.... the IMF needs to lend Ukraine 35 Billion to carry on operations and form a pro western government and Ukraine has to give up claims on the Crimea:    ugeek:


Quote from: "Obvious Li"the USA is hypocritical beyond words.......they send their military into whatever country in the world they feel like...they always fuck it up and when the country or some other party complains they say it was for "strategic" interests......Crimea was part of Russia until 1954....Putin has every right to go into Crimea and get it back if the crimeans want to be part of Russia.....on the other hand he does not have any claims over western Ukraine  and should but out of there......"you break it you own it" and he does not have the cash to own it.... the IMF needs to lend Ukraine 35 Billion to carry on operations and form a pro western government and Ukraine has to give up claims on the Crimea:    ugeek:

For those of you that are knowledgeable about international affairs, what will be the outcome of this standoff?

Will Crimea stay in Russian hands? Will Ukraine move towards the European Union?

I visited Ukraine when we lived in Kazakhstan.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Obvious Li"the USA is hypocritical beyond words.......they send their military into whatever country in the world they feel like...they always fuck it up and when the country or some other party complains they say it was for "strategic" interests......Crimea was part of Russia until 1954....Putin has every right to go into Crimea and get it back if the crimeans want to be part of Russia.....on the other hand he does not have any claims over western Ukraine  and should but out of there......"you break it you own it" and he does not have the cash to own it.... the IMF needs to lend Ukraine 35 Billion to carry on operations and form a pro western government and Ukraine has to give up claims on the Crimea:    ugeek:

For those of you that are knowledgeable about international affairs, what will be the outcome of this standoff?

Will Crimea stay in Russian hands? Will Ukraine move towards the European Union?

I visited Ukraine when we lived in Kazakhstan.

War is nigh!

I got recalled! I´m no longer reserve! Wohoo!


QuoteA Monster Reawakens: The Rise of Ukrainian Fascism

With the eyes of the world fixed on Russia's invasion of Crimea and the prospect of a wider war engulfing all Ukraine, our attention has been diverted from what may be the most significant aspect of this crisis: the ascension of a genuinely fascist mass movement into the corridors of power.

Our "mainstream" media shrugs off what it describes as the presence of "a few ultra-nationalists" at the Kiev protests, but this is nonsense: it is far more than a few. Indeed, the activists of the two main fascist parties in Ukraine – Svoboda and "Right Sector" – provided the muscle the insurrectionists needed to take over government buildings in Kiev and across western Ukraine.

Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok, now a top official of the Ukrainian Parliament, is an unrepentant anti-Semite. In the summer of 2004, he made a speech to his followers at the gravesite of a Banderist commander in which he declared: "You are the ones that the Moscow-Jewish mafia ruling Ukraine fears most." His peroration also made reference to "Kikes" as prominent among those the Banderists fought. Tyahnybok was expelled from Parliament for his remarks, but the "revolution" has installed him back in his seat – and more powerful than ever.

He has plenty of company. Svoboda activists, who already held seats in Parliament, hold no less than eight top Cabinet positions.

For the first time since 1933, the followers of a movement that valorizes Adolf Hitler and preaches anti-Semitism has entered a European government. The German Nazis, too, were part of a "coalition" government, the other members of which thought they could contain or even "tame" them and prevent a Communist takeover. They were tragically wrong – and the United States and its European allies are taking the same road in backing Hitler's heirs in Ukraine.

No matter how many US taxpayer dollars flow into the coffers of the State Department's Ukrainian sock puppets between now and May 25, all the money in the world may not be able to contain the forces our interventionists have loosened on the world. The news that the leader of "Right Sector" has called on none other than al-Qaeda to help Ukraine in its battle against Russia is an indication of just what sort of demons we have unleashed – this time.">//



QuoteDiplomatic pronouncements are renowned for hypocrisy and double standards. But western denunciations of Russian intervention in Crimea have reached new depths of self parody. The so far bloodless incursion is an "incredible act of aggression", US secretary of state John Kerry declared. In the 21st century you just don't invade countries on a "completely trumped-up pretext", he insisted, as US allies agreed that it had been an unacceptable breach of international law, for which there will be "costs".

That the states which launched the greatest act of unprovoked aggression in modern history on a trumped-up pretext – against Iraq, in an illegal war now estimated to have killed 500,000, along with the invasion of Afghanistan, bloody regime change in Libya, and the killing of thousands in drone attacks on Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, all without UN authorisation – should make such claims is beyond absurdity.

The US and European powers openly sponsored the protests to oust the corrupt but elected Viktor Yanukovych government, which were triggered by controversy over an all-or-nothing EU agreement which would have excluded economic association with Russia.

Fascist gangs now patrol the streets. But they are also in Kiev's corridors of power. The far right Svoboda party, whose leader has denounced the "criminal activities" of "organised Jewry" and which was condemned by the European parliament for its "racist and antisemitic views", has five ministerial posts in the new government, including deputy prime minister and prosecutor general. The leader of the even more extreme Right Sector, at the heart of the street violence, is now Ukraine's deputy national security chief.

Neo-Nazis in office is a first in post-war Europe. But this is the unelected government now backed by the US and EU. And in a contemptuous rebuff to the ordinary Ukrainians who protested against corruption and hoped for real change, the new administration has appointed two billionaire oligarchs – one who runs his business from Switzerland – to be the new governors of the eastern cities of Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk. Meanwhile, the IMF is preparing an eye-watering austerity plan for the tanking Ukrainian economy which can only swell poverty and unemployment.">//


Quote from: "Shen Li"An op/ed from commondreams is hardly the pinnacle of unbiased journalistic integrity. However, I am getting sick and tired of the West sticking it's nose into the internal affairs of sovereign nations.
Now more moonbeams & unicorns cut / paste

Time for a laff
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell