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avatar_Erica Mena

Forum gossip thread

Started by Erica Mena, May 20, 2022, 03:56:08 PM

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Quote from: Dove post_id=467342 time=1659194662 user_id=3266
Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=467247 time=1659136522 user_id=3381
I exercise my political demons on Facebook and Twitter.

That leaves me free to use forums for other things.

I know that's not an arrangement a lot of people would even want to attempt, but it works for me.

 Lol when I do that I always end up FB jailed and I start getting hate mail.

 People dont want to talk. They want hate. Nothing anyone can do about that.

I haven't been officially restricted or put in "time out" yet but I've had poasts removed; sometimes the FB goon squad will go back years in my poasting history to find something "objectionable" they can delete. LoL

Probably the only reason I haven't been nuked is that I try really hard to keep disagreements about issues, not ad hominem crap. I've had some pretty heated discussions but instead of calling the other person 'stupid' or otherwise insulting them personally I treat *ideas* or *methods* with disdain where it's deserved, but always for clearly articulated reasons and not just "cuz I said so".

It's been successful at keeping my account active so far...

...or maybe the Zuckster simply doesn't view me as enough of a threat to bother with.

I am, after all, Mostly Harmless.   :001_cool:


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=467360 time=1659195702 user_id=3381
Quote from: Dove post_id=467342 time=1659194662 user_id=3266

 Lol when I do that I always end up FB jailed and I start getting hate mail.

 People dont want to talk. They want hate. Nothing anyone can do about that.

I haven't been officially restricted or put in "time out" yet but I've had poasts removed; sometimes the FB goon squad will go back years in my poasting history to find something "objectionable" they can delete. LoL

Probably the only reason I haven't been nuked is that I try really hard to keep disagreements about issues, not ad hominem crap. I've had some pretty heated discussions but instead of calling the other person 'stupid' or otherwise insulting them personally I treat *ideas* or *methods* with disdain where it's deserved, but always for clearly articulated reasons and not just "cuz I said so".

It's been successful at keeping my account active so far...

...or maybe the Zuckster simply doesn't view me as enough of a threat to bother with.

I am, after all, Mostly Harmless.   :001_cool:

 I avoid insulting people and take the same approach but I still get jailed for the stupidest shit.

 I'm in a debate group and we all have to be careful in there if we want to keep the group from being shut down. I've been jailed for things I've said in sarcasm. Jailed for memes. For memes I posted in 2014. Just ridiculous.

 I'm not nearly as "active" on FB as a I used to be. I will post here and there and mostly in groups. Most of the "other side" in the groups are just democrat party loyals and omg....its a complete waste of time.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


I spend more time watching stuff on YouTube than I do posting in FB and Twitter combined.

Considerably more.

I wouldn't miss Twitter if it folded tomorrow but there are a few people I only ever see on FB that I would miss.

Or rather WILL miss when Panquake launches unless they start using it as well.

Once Panquake is up and running I intend to put Twitter, FB, etc. in my rearview.


Quote from: Garraty_47 post_id=467366 time=1659196515 user_id=3381
I spend more time watching stuff on YouTube than I do posting in FB and Twitter combined.

Considerably more.

I wouldn't miss Twitter if it folded tomorrow but there are a few people I only ever see on FB that I would miss.

Or rather WILL miss when Panquake launches unless they start using it as well.

Once Panquake is up and running I intend to put Twitter, FB, etc. in my rearview.

I tweet regularly. I have spent time in the sin bin.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=467367 time=1659196609 user_id=114
I tweet regularly. I have spent time in the sin bin.

There's usually not much activity here but...">

Biggie Smiles

:great:  :great:
Quote from: deport_liberals post_id=467306 time=1659184443 user_id=3305
Time to move on.

I stand with biggie.



So less than 24 hours after the ban, Mutantini has made a return and created one of his typical threads claiming that he's going to invite a load of new members and it's time for BF to progress to bigger and better things etc...

That 2 faced fuck Regan is naturally cheerleading him on, no doubt while doing his usual spying and snooping routine between forums.

If there is a sizeable Conservative diaspora from the board over this decision, the leftards will be e-strutting around the place like peacocks, spamming the politics sub with TDS drivel and the Shartini FT brigade will resume their tiresome BH remembrance shite.

EUUUGHHHHH. What a dismal prospect.

Biggie Smiles

If y'all haven't noticed only conservatives have been banned there

Blazor, oerdin, prowler, Raven, lokmar

But monkeys like sewagemajor and admong can run amuck with zero consequence


Quote from: Fashionista post_id=467351 time=1659195162 user_id=3254

If Biggie Smiles was spamming it was a reaction to Admin's spam..

Will banning Biggie stop Admin's spam?  

I rarely post there, but I doubt it.

Did Biggie Smiles spamming stop Admin's spam?


Will banning biggie stop admin's spam?


But the whole thing is some kind of forum warz vendetta between biggie and CBT.  None of it belongs on somebody else's site.


Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=467387 time=1659200163 user_id=3214
If y'all haven't noticed only conservatives have been banned there

Blazor, oerdin, prowler, Raven, lokmar

But monkeys like sewagemajor and admong can run amuck with zero consequence

BF said he was gonna shitcan Admin too, but they had a talk via PM and it made him change his mind.


Quote from: cw_ post_id=467389 time=1659200276 user_id=3226
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=467351 time=1659195162 user_id=3254

If Biggie Smiles was spamming it was a reaction to Admin's spam..

Will banning Biggie stop Admin's spam?  

I rarely post there, but I doubt it.

Did Biggie Smiles spamming stop Admin's spam?


Will banning biggie stop admin's spam?


But the whole thing is some kind of forum warz vendetta between biggie and CBT.  None of it belongs on somebody else's site.

The political divide on BF can't be bridged in my opinion..

We have some very political posters here too, but nothing like the CBT posters has made this forum a home for spamming matches with posters like Seoul for example.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=467390 time=1659200375 user_id=1728
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=467387 time=1659200163 user_id=3214
If y'all haven't noticed only conservatives have been banned there

Blazor, oerdin, prowler, Raven, lokmar

But monkeys like sewagemajor and admong can run amuck with zero consequence

BF said he was gonna shitcan Admin too, but they had a talk via PM and it made him change his mind.

He wasn't gonna shitcan him. He's full of shit

Poark would be weeping in his ear for weeks if he did


Quote from: RAVEN post_id=467252 time=1659139007 user_id=3352
I'm truly sad to see that you were banned, Biggie :'(  You were already being punished for the AdminSC troll, which did get old, not going to lie.  But equally tiresome is Admin's spamming the shit out of threads with Trump memes and his endless threads of pure fuckery. You both deserved to be ass boxed in my opinion LOLOL I agreed with BF on that one, especially when I saw the spamming in general :/  

I'm not here to badmouth BF because I truly believe he wants what's best for his board and wants to see it thrive (that, and I like him), but I don't think in this instance he made the right decision. You didn't deserve a ban out of the blue like that!  I'm a softy, tho and hate to see anyone get banned from a board.  But if it does happen, I feel that someone would have to be intolerable and contribute nothing, which certainly hasn't been the case with you.  I hope he reconsiders as he did with Oerdin.

As you pointed out, what makes your spam so much worse than what Seamajor and Admin spam?  In my view, It's all bad, but one shouldn't get the ultimate punishment, while the other 2 get a free pass.  

That's my 2 cents.. not that anyone gives a fuck about it. :D  Just not going to be the same without you there :'(  You're a funny dude and I'll miss you.

BIggz was banned from BF, but not Apegirl and Seamoron?? Is it about money? They pay and Biggz doesn't.


Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=467387 time=1659200163 user_id=3214
If y'all haven't noticed only conservatives have been banned there

Blazor, oerdin, prowler, Raven, lokmar

But monkeys like sewagemajor and admong can run amuck with zero consequence

Lokmar, you, Dove (?), Reggie, Deport all potentially gone for good?

That sucks massively.

The libtard & FT/BH infestation is likely going to swallow the board.


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    Oliver Shagnasty


    Oliver Shagnasty

    Biggie Smiles


    Biggie Smiles


