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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

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avatar_Erica Mena

Forum gossip thread

Started by Erica Mena, May 20, 2022, 03:56:08 PM

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It's very simple; any ketstroke you commit to a databasebought and paid for by someone else, you treat as though it were public. Hacks for board owners to read members PMs exist for pretty much all forum software, even the boards that run on software that don't make them publicly available (like SMF). That's not to say every last board has the facility of course, but if you are aware of the potential for them to be installed, or indeed that someone might take it into their head to divulge the contents of theirs, you really can only blame yourself if shit gets out into the public domain that you might otherwise have trusted to remain "in camera".

And if you find yourself at a place that bills itself as a factory for bastards, you might pay passing attention to what is written on the tin. Just seems to make sense to, is all. In one way the owner of BF did you all a favour by being honest enough to telegraph the nature of the site in it's very name.

Erica Mena

Quote from: Breakfall post_id=476850 time=1665830265 user_id=3358
I always knew the PM's over at BF were readily read. was an inside troll having particular conversations with certain members. I asked Oak to post her fat vagina for me knowing full well that BF would be in hysterics. Don't ever trust forum administrators...they are of the dark side! Lol

Not I. I wouldn't know how to read PM's, nor do I want to.

Erica Mena

Quote from: UoT post_id=476851 time=1665831933
It's very simple; any ketstroke you commit to a databasebought and paid for by someone else, you treat as though it were public. Hacks for board owners to read members PMs exist for pretty much all forum software, even the boards that run on software that don't make them publicly available (like SMF). That's not to say every last board has the facility of course, but if you are aware of the potential for them to be installed, or indeed that someone might take it into their head to divulge the contents of theirs, you really can only blame yourself if shit gets out into the public domain that you might otherwise have trusted to remain "in camera".

And if you find yourself at a place that bills itself as a factory for bastards, you might pay passing attention to what is written on the tin. Just seems to make sense to, is all. In one way the owner of BF did you all a favour by being honest enough to telegraph the nature of the site in it's very name.

You're absolutely right. I'm taking this as another lesson learned.

Let's just say I won't be signing up at any new forums unless I've known the owner to be a stand up individual.

Biggie Smiles

And don't use the same password on the forum that you would use to sign on elsewhere as part of everyday life

Erica Mena

Ha! I knew that one. Nobody has to worry about that here. I wouldn't even know where to start.

I am going to start taking more interest in the panel tho, so I don't have to depend on anyone 24/7. I'll learn quick.


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=476727 time=1665709546 user_id=2845
Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=476726 time=1665709484

I can't speak for all forum software, but phpBB for instance can be easily modded to allow Administrators very easy access to PM's.  I'm sure other forum software is similar.

But why would someone want to? It's not normal to be THAT invested in these forums.

 I'm guessing people who feel generally powerless in their lives, so they enjoy high drama and thinking they can have "dirt" on other people to control or humiliate them.

 And not only will they use private stuff from private convos....sometimes theyll lie about that stuff.

 They either want to coerce you to comply with their dumb and petty bullshit or they are trying to get revenge upon you for....not complying with their petty bullshit.

 That's what it's really about. Control freaks who make utter and total asses of themselves in their retarded and often unhinged efforts to make people "look" a certain way. To shock, intimidate, or embarrass their target into complying with them OR leaving all togther.  

 It's ironic how people like this care so much about appearances and really only serve to ruin their own lol.  They will always be the jack asses who read PMs, or use private things told to them in confidence. Known as pathetic losers with thin skin who fly off the handle and get personal vendettas that consume them.

 In the end they show they have no integrity or self control, are over emotional and narcissistic.

 So nope....its not normal at all and people who do this are wack jobs with disordered thinking. We should feel bad for the poor bastards who have to deal with these people in real life.  You just know they are sitting there getting mad at the screen and snapping at whoever is around them lol.

 No one would be wrapped around any of Planet Oinks rings if they didnt want to be. When she pulled that sort of shit with me and Big we just ignored her. BF is evidently easy to control as long as you harrass him hard enough. So he doesnt respect any of his respectful members and favors the drama mongering cry babies. And adds to that mess by snooping on his members PMs. He is just as messed up.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Is it really true that BF and Flynn are the same person? as in Poofer's brother? the nigger stole FB pics to say he BF was so world travelling star in the movies and such but really is a broke ass junkie fucking his own brother in a one room apartment? i heard that place has never been cleaned. sick and demented if BF was always a fake.


Quote from: Dove post_id=476943 time=1665880464 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=476727 time=1665709546 user_id=2845

But why would someone want to? It's not normal to be THAT invested in these forums.

 I'm guessing people who feel generally powerless in their lives, so they enjoy high drama and thinking they can have "dirt" on other people to control or humiliate them.

 And not only will they use private stuff from private convos....sometimes theyll lie about that stuff.

 They either want to coerce you to comply with their dumb and petty bullshit or they are trying to get revenge upon you for....not complying with their petty bullshit.

 That's what it's really about. Control freaks who make utter and total asses of themselves in their retarded and often unhinged efforts to make people "look" a certain way. To shock, intimidate, or embarrass their target into complying with them OR leaving all togther.  

 It's ironic how people like this care so much about appearances and really only serve to ruin their own lol.  They will always be the jack asses who read PMs, or use private things told to them in confidence. Known as pathetic losers with thin skin who fly off the handle and get personal vendettas that consume them.

 In the end they show they have no integrity or self control, are over emotional and narcissistic.

 So nope....its not normal at all and people who do this are wack jobs with disordered thinking. We should feel bad for the poor bastards who have to deal with these people in real life.  You just know they are sitting there getting mad at the screen and snapping at whoever is around them lol.

 No one would be wrapped around any of Planet Oinks rings if they didnt want to be. When she pulled that sort of shit with me and Big we just ignored her. BF is evidently easy to control as long as you harrass him hard enough. So he doesnt respect any of his respectful members and favors the drama mongering cry babies. And adds to that mess by snooping on his members PMs. He is just as messed up.

More or less on the money, though there is also the argument that watching people chimp out when their presumed pillowtalk is laid bare for all to see. Yours and Joo's reaction was the way to go; it's a less than satisfying result and requires a protagonist to work harder to maintain some illusion that it matters more to you than you let on.

It's a board and that's all it ever should be seen as. Its owner is out for a few cheap thrills as far as I can tell and if he can get that with the least amount of effort then so much the better. That's why I didn't bother giving him shit about it when he started selectively enforcing rules during my tenure there, why I didn't bother with an "I'm leaving" post when I couldn't be bothered fronting, it's a large part of why I politely declined the offer to return last year (or was it the year before, I don't remember). I won't grudge any owner for how they choose to conduct themselves in their house, but if it includes a load of dick wagging and the presumption and and all be expected to bend over at a whim then I'm sure there are others he can count on  to make the place look lived-in; he doesn't need me to be there specifically for the purpose and I'm okay with occupying myself elsewhere.


Quote from: UoT post_id=476953 time=1665886870
Quote from: Dove post_id=476943 time=1665880464 user_id=3266

 I'm guessing people who feel generally powerless in their lives, so they enjoy high drama and thinking they can have "dirt" on other people to control or humiliate them.

 And not only will they use private stuff from private convos....sometimes theyll lie about that stuff.

 They either want to coerce you to comply with their dumb and petty bullshit or they are trying to get revenge upon you for....not complying with their petty bullshit.

 That's what it's really about. Control freaks who make utter and total asses of themselves in their retarded and often unhinged efforts to make people "look" a certain way. To shock, intimidate, or embarrass their target into complying with them OR leaving all togther.  

 It's ironic how people like this care so much about appearances and really only serve to ruin their own lol.  They will always be the jack asses who read PMs, or use private things told to them in confidence. Known as pathetic losers with thin skin who fly off the handle and get personal vendettas that consume them.

 In the end they show they have no integrity or self control, are over emotional and narcissistic.

 So nope....its not normal at all and people who do this are wack jobs with disordered thinking. We should feel bad for the poor bastards who have to deal with these people in real life.  You just know they are sitting there getting mad at the screen and snapping at whoever is around them lol.

 No one would be wrapped around any of Planet Oinks rings if they didnt want to be. When she pulled that sort of shit with me and Big we just ignored her. BF is evidently easy to control as long as you harrass him hard enough. So he doesnt respect any of his respectful members and favors the drama mongering cry babies. And adds to that mess by snooping on his members PMs. He is just as messed up.

More or less on the money, though there is also the argument that watching people chimp out when their presumed pillowtalk is laid bare for all to see. Yours and Joo's reaction was the way to go; it's a less than satisfying result and requires a protagonist to work harder to maintain some illusion that it matters more to you than you let on.

It's a board and that's all it ever should be seen as. Its owner is out for a few cheap thrills as far as I can tell and if he can get that with the least amount of effort then so much the better. That's why I didn't bother giving him shit about it when he started selectively enforcing rules during my tenure there, why I didn't bother with an "I'm leaving" post when I couldn't be bothered fronting, it's a large part of why I politely declined the offer to return last year (or was it the year before, I don't remember). I won't grudge any owner for how they choose to conduct themselves in their house, but if it includes a load of dick wagging and the presumption and and all be expected to bend over at a whim then I'm sure there are others he can count on  to make the place look lived-in; he doesn't need me to be there specifically for the purpose and I'm okay with occupying myself elsewhere.

 Neither Big or myself care at all.  And a lot of the stuff that's been said isnt even the truth and I'm fine with that too.  

 Why should anyone ever feel the need to justify themselves or be embarrassed over stupid shit like that?  The only people that chimp out that hard over stuff like that are doing it because they are ashamed of themselves.

 I have absolutely no shame lol. You can take anyone's life or business and twist it into some smear. I'm perfectly fine with people not liking me and I dont need that sort of petty and angry shit just doesnt have any pull with me.

 I WILL draw boundaries and warn if someone particularly unhinged starts to make threats of unwanted off board contact....that isnt because it upsets me or scares me, I just make it clear what sort of action I'll take if someone starts real life harrassing me or anyone in my family.  That should go without saying.  That sort if thing is just too much....and people really should just log off for a bit when they start feeling psycho like that.

 So he had a history of the bias, selective rule enforcement? That's not surprising. He was cool at first but the bias started showing with the politcal fights.  I logged out and left when Flynn was given a mod panel and panel abused me by taking a thread I started in politics (about the horrid gender cult) and moved it to meltdown so he could shit in it.

 Flynn was only the meltdown mod, so he shouldnt have been moving anything from politics at all. But he targeted my thread and moved it....and then complained about politcs in meltdown, and justified moving my thread by saying it was a "troll thread" against Admin. Which was a weak excuse.

 I told BF about it and asked him to fix it, and instead of fixing it, he made some excuses and than asked me to chose a "lib to sacrifice". So instead of addressing and dealing with the panel abuse, he dismissed it and asked me to pick one of the leftards to inflict more panel abuse on. I'm not going to do that stupid shit.

 I dont want to bother posting on a board ran like that so I left.  Flynn was demodded and did some bullshit apology thread that he didnt actually mean....but I went back anyway.

 Really I hardly post there anymore as it is. I probably wont bother at all now with this bizzare asshurt over how people are not exclusively posting at his board.

 Him telling Flea he wants to gay homo rape her husband was.....interesting.  As far as him reading PMs....I kind of expect that on most boards. I dont think it's okay, I just accept it as part of the territory.

 Wasnt Brain reading everyone's PMs at Third Rail?
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


the Retard Farm was running on SMF, and they don't offer that function openly to people. If THE MOR0N was reading PMs via a hack, then he'd have needed someone to code it for him. So... possibly?

Not that he really needs that level of access. THE MOR0N is a reasonably educated man with recognised training in psychology. Which means he has a better than average grasp on which levers and buttons to press and can draw inferences from the results his proddings produce. Most people in our corner of the messageboard community cannot do this, therefore they aren't aware of how much they give away by their actions, particularly when up against those who have studied human behaviour.

That said, he's still a terminally stupid man in some respects, the letters after his name instilling a level of overconfidence just begging to be tripped up. A few of us saw the results of that the night of the 2016 election count which began with a multipage gloat at the expense of "stupid trump voters" and ended with him channeling his inner Gunt Uyger, roaring like a moose in heat and banning any and all people who laughed at his expense. I mean how dare we piss in his Cap'n Crunch, right? He, educated Man of Letters could never be so egregiously wrong and we were horrible nasty peopns for kicking him when he was down.

So yes, if it turned out he did in fact have the access required to read other people's PMs, I wouldn't have been surprised in the slightest. He was certainly full enough of himself to fit the bill... if narcissism and insecurity were any indicator.


the Retard Farm was running on SMF, and they don't offer that function openly to people. If THE MOR0N was reading PMs via a hack, then he'd have needed someone to code it for him. So... possibly?

Not that he really needs that level of access. THE MOR0N is a reasonably educated man with recognised training in psychology. Which means he has a better than average grasp on which levers and buttons to press and can draw inferences from the results his proddings produce. Most people in our corner of the messageboard community cannot do this, therefore they aren't aware of how much they give away by their actions, particularly when up against those who have studied human behaviour.

That said, he's still a terminally stupid man in some respects, the letters after his name instilling a level of overconfidence just begging to be tripped up. A few of us saw the results of that the night of the 2016 election count which began with a multipage gloat at the expense of "stupid trump voters" and ended with him channeling his inner Gunt Uyger, roaring like a moose in heat and banning any and all people who laughed at his expense. I mean how dare we piss in his Cap'n Crunch, right? He, educated Man of Letters could never be so egregiously wrong and we were horrible nasty peopns for kicking him when he was down.

So yes, if it turned out he did in fact have the access required to read other people's PMs, I wouldn't have been surprised in the slightest. He was certainly full enough of himself to fit the bill... if narcissism and insecurity were any indicator.


Both CO and TRF sent pms through their personal email.  All they had to do was read sent email.  BH probably had a hack but ppl with admin access merely used the ACP to reset passwords.  Don't know what method TV used.


Quote from: cw_ post_id=476970 time=1665897667 user_id=3226
Both CO and TRF sent pms through their personal email.  All they had to do was read sent email.  BH probably had a hack but ppl with admin access merely used the ACP to reset passwords.  Don't know what method TV used.

Oh, BH was riddled with hacks. Half the reason why Doomsday was running vBulletin software that was two to four release versions behind the current was I think so he could update the third party add-ons he had running.

Some of it was innocuous enough - eye candy like the awards system, flies crawling over posts animations and so forth. But there were other, less advertised functions he'd had installed. The Read PM hack was one of many; Login as User was another, which afforded superusers the ability to masquerade as other posters on the board, there was a hack to adjust the timestamps of posts and so forth which I chanced to catch him using one day. Those are three that I knew to be in use and there were unconfirmed reports of board behaviour that might be attributed to the presence of more of them.

Erica Mena

That takes up way too much time and effort. I'm assuming Doomsday did not work or have a family.

Back then, I can see someone trolling like that. Look at how things were. But now? There is not that many posters today. Awful lot of effort to control a message board of mainly ten people?


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=476979 time=1665927648 user_id=2845
That takes up way too much time and effort. I'm assuming Doomsday did not work or have a family.

Back then, I can see someone trolling like that. Look at how things were. But now? There is not that many posters today. Awful lot of effort to control a message board of mainly ten people?

 Exactly lol

 You gotta have some kind of serious malignant personality disorder to be acting like that today with an audience of like 15 people who have been posting togther for over a decade lol.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.