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Re: Forum gossip thread by Frood

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avatar_Erica Mena

Forum gossip thread

Started by Erica Mena, May 20, 2022, 03:56:08 PM

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Officer Tatum calls Justine and Jim Crow Joe Beavis and Butthead. One is soy and one is dead. :s_laugh:

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Herman on June 07, 2024, 11:02:53 PMIt's already June. You don't think that ship has sailed?


They don't play by any rules

And that's assuming we even have a 2024 election
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Time to play a little game of guess the outcome. Cookie Monster started a thread aimed at condemning gender affirming care for minors. Normally AIDSmin would blow an intestine over something like this and rain used condoms, sperm droplets and anything else that has been lodged up his asshole since 1978  at the OP and anyone who dared agree.

But now he finds himself in a bit of a pickle as Fat Lily agreed that doctors shouldn't be pushing gender transition options on minors. Will AIDSmin be brave enough to stick his tits out at Fat Lily on behalf of his deviant sexual perversions or will he scurry back under his rock like the useless invertebrate he is?


Quote from: Sloan on June 08, 2024, 10:27:04 AMBut now he finds himself in a bit of a pickle as Fat Lily agreed that doctors shouldn't be pushing gender transition options on minors. Will AIDSmin be brave enough to stick his tits out at Fat Lily on behalf of his deviant sexual perversions or will he scurry back under his rock like the useless invertebrate he is?

not having any knowledge of who the fuck these ppl are, i'd still like to play.... having watched liberal trash as a hobby, i have some experience in their basic dynamics.... since these ppl do everything in mass formation, new ideas need to be decided on.... whoever is the local "woke" shaman needs to comment first.... probably the guy/girl with two masks, two shades of hair color (probably purple and blue or green and pink), more than three nose piercings and a 4 variations of "no human is illegal, trust the science, love is love, the earth is round" T-shirts.... once this person has declared it validity, the rest of the group will either celebrate the inventor of this new idea or they'll be kicked out of the club.... if there is no "woke" shaman, the idea will be ignored and left unchallenged.... out of sight and out of mind....  :crampe:


i think i should add kudos to this "fat lily" character for taking such a bold and logical stance.... i hope she isn't killed in a "mostly peaceful" groomer tsunami....  :crampe: 

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: deadskinmask on June 08, 2024, 10:52:40 AMi think i should add kudos to this "fat lily" character for taking such a bold and logical stance.... i hope she isn't killed in a "mostly peaceful" groomer tsunami....  :crampe: 
More than likely not. That "aidsmin" guy is a real pussy who will stand down, look down and keep his cocksucker shut when she's talking. He wont dare contradict her directly even if it is on a subject near and dear to his heart like children being groomed by sexual predators


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 08, 2024, 10:59:13 AMMore than likely not. That "aidsmin" guy is a real pussy who will stand down, look down and keep his cocksucker shut when she's talking. He wont dare contradict her directly even if it is on a subject near and dear to his heart like children being groomed by sexual predators

even still, i'm sure theres a "pecking order".... i'm sure seamonkey is "bottom bird" and they all rise to different levels above him.... whos the top bird there? thats the shaman....

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: deadskinmask on June 08, 2024, 11:04:10 AMeven still, i'm sure theres a "pecking order".... i'm sure seamonkey is "bottom bird" and they all rise to different levels above him.... whos the top bird there? thats the shaman....

I believe you are right, sir. There is a top of the pecking order among those degenerate halfwits. He's their supreme shamman & stupidity advisor if you will. A shoddy & mentally ill female impersonator who runs the farm they all seem to grow on.

He demands you refer to him as a she and even banned Fat Lily from the fold once for saying it is against basic biology to say men can become pregnant.

Apparently this particular loser is under the impression a colon can double duty as a birth canal  :crazy:


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 08, 2024, 11:10:16 AMI believe you are right, sir. There is a top of the pecking order among those degenerate halfwits. He's their supreme shamman & stupidity advisor if you will. A shoddy & mentally ill female impersonator who runs the farm they all seem to grow on.

He demands you refer to him as a she and even banned Fat Lily from the fold once for saying it is against basic biology to say men can become pregnant.

Apparently this particular loser is under the impression a colon can double duty as a birth canal  :crazy:

YIKES.... well if what you describe is indeed the situation, that certainly is "top bird".... i imagine he will attack the post feverishly and she will be demoted even further if not removed entirely....


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 07, 2024, 10:55:19 PMOnly thing he's calling for is the nurse to help him get to the bathroom before he shits the bed


they ditching this guy and running a Gavin Newscum and Jeffries ticket


I think its too late for that. I hope so, anyway.
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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: deadskinmask on June 08, 2024, 11:14:48 AMYIKES.... well if what you describe is indeed the situation, that certainly is "top bird".... i imagine he will attack the post feverishly and she will be demoted even further if not removed entirely....
Ah, but see, here is the caveat. They must appear unified because they're hatred of us is so much more important than any of their internal rifts.

they will get to those later.

And thus their thin alliances are not based on mutual respect or even a genuine like for one another but rather a vehement hatred of anyone smarter than they are.  And that, my friend, is what I enjoy relishing the most  :pardon:

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Lokmar on June 08, 2024, 11:15:26 AMI think its too late for that. I hope so, anyway.
Well then, WWIII it is

followed by a """temporary"" suspension of democracy for the good of us all.

Can't have a runaway train like democracy flourishing here in the United States while some evil dictator who simply wants an adequate buffer between him and a known aggressor is still breathing can we?

No we cannot. So if you wish not to be called a racist, fascist or homophobe get back in your pod and eat your bugs and let the geriatric lead us into the greatest human catastrophe  the planet has ever witnessed 


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 08, 2024, 11:17:58 AMAh, but see, here is the caveat. They must appear unified because they're hatred of us is so much more important than any of their internal rifts.

they will get to those later.

And thus their thin alliances are not based on mutual respect or even a genuine like for one another but rather a vehement hatred of anyone smarter than they are.  And that, my friend, is what I enjoy relishing the most  :pardon:

they do indeed need their "unity".... but the way you describe the place, they have liberals to spare and can afford to ostracize a few as an example.... at VF, theres not a large enough roster so disagreements are settled via PM as so not to expose any weakness.... its a slower process.... but "gender affirming health care" is a sacred cow for the real liberals.... its the "foot-in-the-door" to legalize pedophilla.... and THAT is the ultimate goal for them....
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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: deadskinmask on June 08, 2024, 11:24:58 AMthey do indeed need their "unity".... but the way you describe the place, they have liberals to spare and can afford to ostracize a few as an example.... at VF, theres not a large enough roster so disagreements are settled via PM as so not to expose any weakness.... its a slower process.... but "gender affirming health care" is a sacred cow for the real liberals.... its the "foot-in-the-door" to legalize pedophilla.... and THAT is the ultimate goal for them....
yes, you are 100% correct. Haven't they started already by softening the term used to describe such deviant behavior? MAPS (Minor Attracted Persons) I believe? Sounds so much more socially acceptable. NO?
It's not all that bad you see? they simply have a sexual affinity towards human beings who haven't reached puberty yet. So would you please stop with all this caveman MAGA hate stuff already?

Speaking of MAPS, to your earlier point, I do believe seamonkey, with his signature repertoire of usual grunts, groans and clicking noises is indeed at the bottom of their sodomy pole. I think, to make him feel included, they placed him in charge of the ministry of repetition or something.


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 08, 2024, 11:10:16 AMI believe you are right, sir. There is a top of the pecking order among those degenerate halfwits. He's their supreme shamman & stupidity advisor if you will. A shoddy & mentally ill female impersonator who runs the farm they all seem to grow on.

He demands you refer to him as a she and even banned Fat Lily from the fold once for saying it is against basic biology to say men can become pregnant.

Apparently this particular loser is under the impression a colon can double duty  as a birth canal  :crazy:
Ah CBT. No thank you. It's the only one of these forums that has even worse modding than BF.
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