Quote from: Bonkerfist post_id=456394 time=1654319701 user_id=3358Quote from: "SCOUSE 88" post_id=456391 time=1654318748Quote from: Bonkerfist post_id=456390 time=1654318372 user_id=3358Quote from: Herman post_id=456386 time=1654318018 user_id=1689Quote from: Bonkerfist post_id=456383 time=1654317638 user_id=3358
Can someone pull this yobbo's lower lip over the top of it's head? Sounds like some wanking Brit with a criminal conviction.
If Fash said that she would be accused by cw_ of outing people.
I'm not Jewish by any means...but this clown needs a Zyklon B suppository!
I only posted it because my boyfriend Mel likes it.
C'mon braah...time to mature, and give up that gig.https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTncK5CyX7czg5p_Oswg9mMylk-iSIxtzy00w&usqp=CAU">
Ya, he'll go far in life.