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avatar_Erica Mena

What are you doing?

Started by Erica Mena, June 12, 2022, 10:09:48 PM

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Erica Mena

Quote from: Dove post_id=471076 time=1660609772 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=471063 time=1660607859 user_id=1676

There is most definitely life on other planets...some of them at least. Anything in the sweet spot between a stable star and orbit with the necessary building blocks for life with having something reproducing on it... even if just bacteria.

 Viewing the space part of the universe like extra real estate where there is other "life" I think is very faulty, causes more questions than it answers and according to all math and logic and probability WE shouldn't even be HERE.  

 Other beings have been coming here.....including these weird UFOs(whatever they are) since BC times.  

 I think we are geared to think of space and galaxies like an expanse where there could be other civilizations because we are pattern seeking creatures and that would make sense to us, where as higher beings coming in and out dimensional portals does NOT make sense to us because we dont like to think there is all this action outside our natural perception.  

 Also that things like this are discussed in the bible and apocryphal books will put people off who are determined to cling to or sell atheism(and no I'm saying that's you or anyone here. I actually think you guys are just put off more by religion than the possibility of a higher super being we call God) so the whole "it's a big universe so it's silly to think we are alone" thing is popular.

 Well I dont think we are alone at all.....and i dont think there are beings on other planets. I think it's more complicated and more bizzare than that.

 I really really think ten years from now this world is going to be a very different place.

 I mean why would beings from another galaxy come here just to woogie boogie humans for hundreds of years?  Come at you on what weird new age occultist call the "astroplane"?  Wouldnt it take them thousands of years just to GET here if they were coming from another galaxy?

 And how the fuck do we even know the universe is as big and vast as it looks? Its expanding. And we dont know if its finite?  When you blow up a balloon doesnt it grow into the space around it?

 Did I word that right? Lol.


 Shits coming through spiral portals and interacting with our governments FACT lol.

Their most certainly is life out there. I told you my FIL worked for the NASA part of the DOD. I be knowing things


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=471087 time=1660610897 user_id=1676
Quote from: Dove post_id=471076 time=1660609772 user_id=3266

 Viewing the space part of the universe like extra real estate where there is other "life" I think is very faulty, causes more questions than it answers and according to all math and logic and probability WE shouldn't even be HERE.  

 Other beings have been coming here.....including these weird UFOs(whatever they are) since BC times.  

 I think we are geared to think of space and galaxies like an expanse where there could be other civilizations because we are pattern seeking creatures and that would make sense to us, where as higher beings coming in and out dimensional portals does NOT make sense to us because we dont like to think there is all this action outside our natural perception.  

 Also that things like this are discussed in the bible and apocryphal books will put people off who are determined to cling to or sell atheism(and no I'm saying that's you or anyone here. I actually think you guys are just put off more by religion than the possibility of a higher super being we call God) so the whole "it's a big universe so it's silly to think we are alone" thing is popular.

 Well I dont think we are alone at all.....and i dont think there are beings on other planets. I think it's more complicated and more bizzare than that.

 I really really think ten years from now this world is going to be a very different place.

 I mean why would beings from another galaxy come here just to woogie boogie humans for hundreds of years?  Come at you on what weird new age occultist call the "astroplane"?  Wouldnt it take them thousands of years just to GET here if they were coming from another galaxy?

 And how the fuck do we even know the universe is as big and vast as it looks? Its expanding. And we dont know if its finite?  When you blow up a balloon doesnt it grow into the space around it?

 Did I word that right? Lol.


 Shits coming through spiral portals and interacting with our governments FACT lol.

The number of galaxies with stars and planetary bodies is astronomical in number.... utterly unfathomable...

...and the science surrounding these UAP/UFO's indicates fields generated in front of and behind them which warps space and time, thus allowing rapid change of speed and direction which would turn our bodies into applesauce if we could only manage a fraction of it.

No offence... I'm not agreeing with or denying the existence of a supreme creator BUT the demon angle you like to push has no more credibility than the Annunaki and Planet X... actually, the Sumerians have a bit more cred....

 I said they are angel's.  

 And none taken. Those cultures all over the world speak the same beings.  It's just way to enmeshed in ancient cultures from Gilgamesh, to multiple "gods" and "demigods" to Genesis to Egypt.

 Again why would another civilization from another galaxy come here just to fuck with humans for hundreds of years?
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=471089 time=1660611202 user_id=2845
Quote from: Dove post_id=471076 time=1660609772 user_id=3266

 Viewing the space part of the universe like extra real estate where there is other "life" I think is very faulty, causes more questions than it answers and according to all math and logic and probability WE shouldn't even be HERE.  

 Other beings have been coming here.....including these weird UFOs(whatever they are) since BC times.  

 I think we are geared to think of space and galaxies like an expanse where there could be other civilizations because we are pattern seeking creatures and that would make sense to us, where as higher beings coming in and out dimensional portals does NOT make sense to us because we dont like to think there is all this action outside our natural perception.  

 Also that things like this are discussed in the bible and apocryphal books will put people off who are determined to cling to or sell atheism(and no I'm saying that's you or anyone here. I actually think you guys are just put off more by religion than the possibility of a higher super being we call God) so the whole "it's a big universe so it's silly to think we are alone" thing is popular.

 Well I dont think we are alone at all.....and i dont think there are beings on other planets. I think it's more complicated and more bizzare than that.

 I really really think ten years from now this world is going to be a very different place.

 I mean why would beings from another galaxy come here just to woogie boogie humans for hundreds of years?  Come at you on what weird new age occultist call the "astroplane"?  Wouldnt it take them thousands of years just to GET here if they were coming from another galaxy?

 And how the fuck do we even know the universe is as big and vast as it looks? Its expanding. And we dont know if its finite?  When you blow up a balloon doesnt it grow into the space around it?

 Did I word that right? Lol.


 Shits coming through spiral portals and interacting with our governments FACT lol.

Their most certainly is life out there. I told you my FIL worked for the NASA part of the DOD. I be knowing things

 I'm not saying there is no life out there. I'm just saying that "out there" isn't some other planet.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.



Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=471063 time=1660607859 user_id=1676
There is most definitely life on other planets...some of them at least. Anything in the sweet spot between a stable star and orbit with the necessary building blocks for life with having something reproducing on it... even if just bacteria.

And that's just life as we know it; carbon-based etc.

When you add in the likelihood that there are forms of life we can't even imagine yet...

Even on this planet we don't consider other species "sentient" just because we don't know how to talk to them but every day more is learned about their complex emotions, societies, and behaviors. We're already surrounded by "alien" life forms and can't even acknowledge it because of our primitive understanding and monumental hubris.


Quote from: Dove post_id=471091 time=1660611421 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=471087 time=1660610897 user_id=1676

The number of galaxies with stars and planetary bodies is astronomical in number.... utterly unfathomable...

...and the science surrounding these UAP/UFO's indicates fields generated in front of and behind them which warps space and time, thus allowing rapid change of speed and direction which would turn our bodies into applesauce if we could only manage a fraction of it.

No offence... I'm not agreeing with or denying the existence of a supreme creator BUT the demon angle you like to push has no more credibility than the Annunaki and Planet X... actually, the Sumerians have a bit more cred....

 I said they are angel's.  

 And none taken. Those cultures all over the world speak the same beings.  It's just way to enmeshed in ancient cultures from Gilgamesh, to multiple "gods" and "demigods" to Genesis to Egypt.

 Again why would another civilization from another galaxy come here just to fuck with humans for hundreds of years?

Is it possible that your need to ascribe some god property to these visitations is just more of the perceptual same for the cultures and millenniums?

Why wouldn't another civilisation visit earth and perhaps drag the moon into place as a operations base? What are the mathematical probabilities that a planetary body when struck rings like a bell and positioned perfect distances to allow for total eclipses?


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=471112 time=1660612555 user_id=1676
Quote from: Dove post_id=471091 time=1660611421 user_id=3266

 I said they are angel's.  

 And none taken. Those cultures all over the world speak the same beings.  It's just way to enmeshed in ancient cultures from Gilgamesh, to multiple "gods" and "demigods" to Genesis to Egypt.

 Again why would another civilization from another galaxy come here just to fuck with humans for hundreds of years?

Is it possible that your need to ascribe some god property to these visitations is just more of the perceptual same for the cultures and millenniums?

Why wouldn't another civilisation visit earth and perhaps drag the moon into place as a operations base? What are the mathematical probabilities that a planetary body when struck rings like a bell and positioned perfect distances to allow for total eclipses?

 Not at all. These are things that gave God more credibility to me.  Stuff like this more led to my belief....not so much confirmed an existing belief I already had. Also things like the big bang and string theory make sense as corroborating the creation narrative.

 And its deeply odd that so many people have had similar experiences and all called to God....whether believers or not believers....out of instinct and ended the experience.

 Why would a civilization advanced enough to warp space and time to travel quickly come here and spend hundreds of years gliding in bizzare air crafts that can go in and out of the water, appearing and tormenting humans in sleep states(or whatever that place is), and haunt people as "spirit guides" or manifest in rituals?

 Wouldnt they just come? How do these crafts suddenly vanish like they do?

  It's not as if they just got here. Why would they go from openly interacting with humans in the ancient world to this today?
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=471122 time=1660613118 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=471112 time=1660612555 user_id=1676

Is it possible that your need to ascribe some god property to these visitations is just more of the perceptual same for the cultures and millenniums?

Why wouldn't another civilisation visit earth and perhaps drag the moon into place as a operations base? What are the mathematical probabilities that a planetary body when struck rings like a bell and positioned perfect distances to allow for total eclipses?

 Not at all. These are things that gave God more credibility to me.  Stuff like this more led to my belief....not so much confirmed an existing belief I already had. Also things like the big bang and string theory make sense as corroborating the creation narrative.

 And its deeply odd that so many people have had similar experiences and all called to God....whether believers or not believers....out of instinct and ended the experience.

 Why would a civilization advanced enough to warp space and time to travel quickly come here and spend hundreds of years gliding in bizzare air crafts that can go in and out of the water, appearing and tormenting humans in sleep states(or whatever that place is), and haunt people as "spirit guides" or manifest in rituals?

 Wouldnt they just come? How do these crafts suddenly vanish like they do?

  It's not as if they just got here. Why would they go from openly interacting with humans in the ancient world to this today?

Have you read up on our modern human history? We were pretty benign in the distant past. And we still don't know how technologically advanced the great forgotten human civilisations were and why they didn't make it.

Something happened....

Why were the maps in existence of the Antartic coastline without ice along it long before we had satellite capabilities and naval craft which could explore it? How were perfectly carved giant stones laid into place without enough room to slide a piece of paper between them?

Something happened and we were probably responsible for it....

I'd be wary too.


Quote from: Herman post_id=471085 time=1660610857 user_id=1689
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=471078 time=1660609996 user_id=2845
I'm sitting here DYING at Poppy being locked out his password.

Holy shit, LOL

Treaurer got Fash and Poppy good with that one.

I guess I'm glad you thought it was funny.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=471126 time=1660613587 user_id=1676
Quote from: Dove post_id=471122 time=1660613118 user_id=3266

 Not at all. These are things that gave God more credibility to me.  Stuff like this more led to my belief....not so much confirmed an existing belief I already had. Also things like the big bang and string theory make sense as corroborating the creation narrative.

 And its deeply odd that so many people have had similar experiences and all called to God....whether believers or not believers....out of instinct and ended the experience.

 Why would a civilization advanced enough to warp space and time to travel quickly come here and spend hundreds of years gliding in bizzare air crafts that can go in and out of the water, appearing and tormenting humans in sleep states(or whatever that place is), and haunt people as "spirit guides" or manifest in rituals?

 Wouldnt they just come? How do these crafts suddenly vanish like they do?

  It's not as if they just got here. Why would they go from openly interacting with humans in the ancient world to this today?

Have you read up on our modern human history? We were pretty benign in the distant past. And we still don't know how technologically advanced the great forgotten human civilisations were and why they didn't make it.

Something happened....

Why were the maps in existence of the Antartic coastline without ice along it long before we had satellite capabilities and naval craft which could explore it? How were perfectly carved giant stones laid into place without enough room to slide a piece of paper between them?

Something happened and we were probably responsible for it....

I'd be wary too.


 I'm pretty sure the flood happened.  And largely because of these beings.


 And yeah a few thousand years and then all of a sudden within a few hundred years we have cars, infrastructure, and devices like mini computers we carry with us everywhere. And all our other advancements.

 I think the pre flood world was far more advanced and in ways we cannot fathom.  

 There are a lot of things that have weak explanations, we don't really KNOW how it was done.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=471138 time=1660615101 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=471126 time=1660613587 user_id=1676

Have you read up on our modern human history? We were pretty benign in the distant past. And we still don't know how technologically advanced the great forgotten human civilisations were and why they didn't make it.

Something happened....

Why were the maps in existence of the Antartic coastline without ice along it long before we had satellite capabilities and naval craft which could explore it? How were perfectly carved giant stones laid into place without enough room to slide a piece of paper between them?

Something happened and we were probably responsible for it....

I'd be wary too.


 I'm pretty sure the flood happened.  And largely because of these beings.


 And yeah a few thousand years and then all of a sudden within a few hundred years we have cars, infrastructure, and devices like mini computers we carry with us everywhere. And all our other advancements.

 I think the pre flood world was far more advanced and in ways we cannot fathom.  

 There are a lot of things that have weak explanations, we don't really KNOW how it was done.

Likely a snowball effect of our industrial revolution finally being able to back engineer crashed craft and monolithic statues and henges as well as some of the crystal skulls which point to computer usage a long time ago. And why do the grounds of Rajasthan, India still hold high levels of radiation from an estimated 8000 years ago?

Why are there Phoenician pots littering the seabed of Florida and why do core samples of Egyptian mummies turn up traces of cannabis, tobacco, and cocaine when these substances were not known to the region?

How is it that there are a group of people in Southern Chile who are genetically more similar to North American Indians than Chilean first nations people.

How did the dingo arrive in Australia from India and why are their ancient Egyption glyphs in New South Wales, Australia?

How is it that wooly mammoths are dug out of the Siberian permafrost snap frozen, tore up to shreds, with tropical flora in their bellies?

The world was a lot smaller and sophisticated place which must have changed nearly overnight.


you guys believe all this stuff?   of course alien life exists in the universe it just destroys most religious beliefs and dogma because out there  intelligent alien life does exist IMO..


In WWII look up Cargo cults where isolated island made contact with Airplanes and Naval Ships in the Pacific they made make shift planes in the dirt and runways s to them  that could be seen from the air by pilots so we would air drop food and supplies and they thought we  were some kind of ET gods.


Quote from: weebles post_id=471168 time=1660627897 user_id=2191
you guys believe all this stuff?   of course alien life exists in the universe it just destroys most religious beliefs and dogma because out there  intelligent alien life does exist IMO..


In WWII look up Cargo cults where isolated island made contact with Airplanes and Naval Ships in the Pacific they made make shift planes in the dirt and runways s to them  that could be seen from the air by pilots so we would air drop food and supplies and they thought we  were some kind of ET gods.


The Cargo Cults are one of the strangest yet almost prescient phenomenon in our or our immediately preceding bloodlines for how an uninitiated culture or race deals with new info.... like the aborigines of NSW when Cook sailed in... or like the guy that said magic is nearly indistinguishable to science when the uninitiated first encounter it....




It's pretty interesting that the human body looks like the universe.  

 And I dont think any of it is random at all."> ... uman-body/">

 I didnt really read this, it just had a lot of the pictures I wanted to share.

 We also look like the earth. The network in our lungs and our placentas look like trees. Our veins look like river systems.

 It's just so intentional.

 I'm not saying any one has to believe my religion. I'm just saying there is nothing wrong with thinking in ways we aren't used to thinking and entertaining what seems like "magic" or impossible.  Magic has never been real....its always been science we didnt understand yet.

 Pretty much everytime we think we understand the universe we find something that throws us off. Some NASA dude looked at a random part of space and believes he has seen galaxies all traveling faster then the speed of light. Others say it could be debris from warp travel from other beings more advanced. Who the fuck knows? Either way it flies in the face of what we think we know.

 I've noticed a lot of people....and sadly including some professed a VERY small and poor and humanized version and understanding of who and what God is.  For a human to fully conceive of who and what God is....a pastor I admire told me we could sooner fit every ocean in a water glass than pour all the knowledge of God into our finite minds.

 He is so outside of what we are able to even fathom. We cant even fully understand what type of Being He is. He isn't male or female but both come from Him. He is infinate...we are finite. Right there we cant wrap our minds around that. God isn't subject to time. So eternity has no passage of time. How can we even start to imagine that? He is one Being who exists as three persons in a perfect relationship within Himself. What?

 Gods that are humanized and explainable and easy to understand are made by man. But the info we have on Yahweh makes no sense whatsoever to us.  The more I've learned about God the less I really feel confident I know about Him. It's literally one of those "you cant make this up" thing.  Every other God comes with backstories of their own creation and human dramas and characteristics we can relate too. Not Yahwah. We are only told so much and some of that is even confounding.

 And i dont know about you guys.....but that's what i would I would expect if there was a higher intelligent being that is responsible for creating the universe and life inside of it. I would expect a Being so vast, so overwhelming and so outside of anything i could imagine.

 Everytime humans try to make sense out of God they dive right into total scriptures says.  The wise will be reduced to fools.

 We cant really fully understand God. It's like teaching algebra to ants. Jesus used Shepard and sheep to describe His relationship with us.....and guys....sheep are real dumb.  God is our shepard and we are His sheep. And He meant everything that suggests about Him and us.

 I've seen so many "old man in the sky/sky wizard/magic fairy" yadda yadda....comments like that that make God some bearded angry humanoid who wants us to not masturbate and never lie. Its SO much more than that and God is SO much more.

 So when I talk about God I feel conversations like this would go better if we could kinda divorce it from religious tradition and that people know what I mean by "God".  And even angels.

 I'm not talking about a bearded sky wizard daddy who I learned about in Sunday school who wants us to behave or else.  I'm talking about an incredible and vast Being who is the very source of life itself and the Architect of our very complex universe. I mean we barely understand creation itself.....thinking about the Creator in all His "glory" is beyond us.

 I dont want people here to read my posts and think "oh there she goes again with her religion and all that".  Of course I'm happy to talk about it all day.....but only to a willing audience who wants to hear that.

 When I'm talking about God in the context of the universe....I'm not talking about religion at all. JUST an Intelligent Designer.  You guys are free to interpret that anyway you want. Some people are very willing to discuss intelligent design but far from being comfortable with religion and that's okay. It's a worthy discussion if only because the universe is fascinating and it's important.

 The reasons people have for leaning towards intelligent design are not the same reasons why people become believers in Jesus.  If we somehow proved intelligent design today.....that's not in itself enough to prove scripture or that Yahweh is that designer. There are other reasons why people have their faith in Christ....and while intelligent design confirms their belief to them, it's not on it's enough to come to belief in Christ.  

 Even Richard Dawkins....who has a rather irrational hatred towards the God of the bible specifically, will admit intelligent design has merits and we can see evidence of that. He just wants to believe that we were "seeded" by aliens from another planet and kinda ignores the problems with that. Like who seeded them?

 There has to be an unlimate source of life. We have never ever seen life just appear from non life unguided. There really has to be some infinite power from which it comes. And I dont think that's simple minded or magical....I see that as logical and consistent.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.