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Re: Forum gossip thread by Biggie Smiles

Reinventing History

Started by KM, July 18, 2022, 06:46:37 PM

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Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=465395 time=1658198126 user_id=2845
I see the top tier comment hit a nerve.

Don't hate me, Poofer! :laugh:

Did you actually read all that?  I just skim Poofer posts like nutritional information or the backs of TP bags when I forget my phone on the can.

Erica Mena

I skimmed. The top tier comment caught my attention lol


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=465400 time=1658199328 user_id=2845
I skimmed. The top tier comment caught my attention lol

See?  You can't get through them either.

Big ol' yawn fest. ac_boring


Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=465348 time=1658188434 user_id=3382
Poofer was told he needed to embrace his inner child, but he went too far back and all I hear is crying.

 The whole NPD tactic of people like this distorting things that happened to call someone else out.....and then trying to lecture and calling it accountability(lol) ALWAYS claim the other person is "crying" or "wanting sympathy" the minute their own garbage is repeated back to them.

 They twist and lie and demand "accountability", but when it comes to shit they actually did.....suddenly its "whining"


 It's pretty funny people like this think anyone over the age of 30 do not see right through that crap.

 Arrested development is real and it's pretty ugly lol
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=465354 time=1658189241 user_id=3382
Quote from: Poppy post_id=465350 time=1658188790 user_id=3287
I recall Brent posted Bonesaw's name at Third Rail while playing a drinking game. It took Brai1n around 2 months to take it down.

You raise a good point.

I've always wondered what it is about me that drives people up the wall so much that they would go to extreme lengths to "get" me.

It happened at Brawl Hall.  People would track me down at other forums, posting reams of what they thought was my medical information.  People would call my phone #.  People like Poofer and Brent posted my name (with the excuse that it was "common" knowledge), as well as information about my deceased mother.  People invented stories about me like some kind of urban legend, that I had an unnamed physical malady or a glass eye, or that I killed Jimmy Hoffa.

I can understand the need for a trophy, but why me?  I had entire forums fight over me.  An entire war broke out between factions of posters.

What was so special about me anyway?

I've come to the conclusion that it wasn't because I was hated, it was because I was liked.  Flamers are jealous little girls.">

You had issues at the time, dude. When people traded knowledge about what you said or did as opposed to what was publicly available, people rightly wanted to expose you for who you were at the time.

Never personal on my part though.... it was just an excuse to stir shit and have a laugh.... I miss that scene....


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=465395 time=1658198126 user_id=2845
I see the top tier comment hit a nerve.

Don't hate me, Poofer! :laugh:

I don't "hate" anybody.

I was just testing the waters of what can and can't be posted here and just used Bonehead as my personal piƱata.

Little did I know the idiot would go full and start hyperventilating with a garbage bag over his speed bag shaped head and start deflecting so much if the moron was one of those idiots flying behind Luke Skywalker during the trench run he would have made it out alive. Top tier tard is pretty much the only thing on that morons resume when it comes to creating content. A couple slaps and the clown was drunk walking into walls looking for help.

But I digress.

Actually, the big thing is....drum roll please....

The Poofer trilogy

Just like the aforementioned Star Wars and Lotr, great content comes in threes. Here, yours truly is going to take a different approach to great content and try and bring something interesting and different to the masses.

Yes, it will be content only yours truly can provide , and yes, it won't be everyone's cup of tea. But, it will be great.

Who is it about? Only I know. And for the record, if it gets deleted here there is another forum that will allow it unedited.

This, is a great day. I envy each and every one of you because you are this close to taking a step forward.\">

Erica Mena



Yeah, gee, I wonder who it's about.  :001_rolleyes:


Does Bonesaw still have a luxurious beard??

I know Brent had a cotton candy like beard that would wash off in the rain, but Bonesaw always had an old growth forest that rivaled TWAP's wizard beard.
I\'m Poppy!


Freud: fair enough.  My biggest regret was cozying up to Danger.  She's a good person, don't get me wrong, but it was impossible to see our friendship as anything other than currying favor with one of the owners.  I wasn't aware of or prepared for the shit storm that followed.


Am I the only one who feels it's weird when Poofer says "anybody" when it would be better to type "anyone"?

 Or am I just nit picking now out of some lingering self loathing over my momentary drop in standards?

 It actually repulses me when he chooses to type "anybody" or "everybody" instead of "anyone" or "everyone".

 It's just awkward.

 Carry on.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: KM post_id=465336 time=1658184397 user_id=3370
Only on Fleas "politics free flame zone" forum that doesn't want flaming can this post happen.

Honestly, I rarely read these forums and most of the rabble within them. But something odd came up that I was notified of.

Bonesaw is crying that I put his mother obit on a forum? Nice try sympathy seeker, but it wasn't me who did it. It was KH. Your "full name" was common knowledge and I'm pretty sure everyone who has spent a few years at this shit knows it. leave out the FACT it was you who passed around Cunts pic behind the scenes to AW. Because that's how I got it, and she sure as shit never lied to me.

See Bonesaw, your fucking problem is you are a forum owner seat sniffer who either sucks up to get a panel or posts you don't like deleted. What's your laundry list?





Funny how all of them had admin privy's, huh? So don't sit here and act like you were above the bullshit. You wernt. You were the one having nervous breakdowns over the flaming community and writing blogs about it.

Speaking of blogs. I remember vividly how big, righteous Bonesaw wouldn't post at Beavers Blog on account of one of its random sponsors was a site called "rape stories" yet, at his blog, where he went on a four episodic rant about flaming, one of his random sponsors was indeed "rape stories". Funny how that one worked out, on top of being a what was it, 50k post spam bot at BH where there was beasty porn.

So plz, don't try and soak in being some pleb victim. You can fool the fucktards here with your woe is me story but your not fooling anybody who's been in this shit longer then a few years, scrabbler.

It's funny, but the supposedly great "flamers" are the biggest pussies now a days.">

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=465356 time=1658189681 user_id=3382
Poofer doesn't even hate me, he just wants someone to flame again and he knows I was good at it.

As you can see, I've lost my touch.

he wont step to me tho after I destroyed him in two matches at CO

once while I was fucking handicapped with that drooling shitstain alphanova in a doubles match against him and blackmuse.

I always enjoy watching him scratch and claw his way into the prettiest girl at BrawlHall once upon a time spot when no one with a full time job, life or even a pet who loves them would give the slightest fuck.

guy needs some fresh air and a bathroom that doesn't smell like a 5 day old corpse

juss sayin


Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=465535 time=1658243608 user_id=3382
Yeah, gee, I wonder who it's about.  :001_rolleyes:

Relax, retread, it's not about you.

So put the flyswatter down and give your huge forehead a breather.

Does anybody want to make a guess how long before combover here is rocking the horse shoe hair look?




Quote from: KM post_id=465626 time=1658269487 user_id=3370
Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=465535 time=1658243608 user_id=3382
Yeah, gee, I wonder who it's about.  :001_rolleyes:

Relax, retread, it's not about you.

So put the flyswatter down and give your huge forehead a breather.

Does anybody want to make a guess how long before combover here is rocking the horse shoe hair look?



It's called the Friar Tuck, and I'm working on it.">