Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=466555 time=1658624795 user_id=3382
I like how they always used blue liquid in the commercials because red looked too much like blood and nobody wanted to think about gross girl stuff when they're trying to watch violent news clips and sports ball.
They did away with that, or they're starting to. They didn't even say 'period' until the 80s. Now if only they'd stop censoring naughty words, maybe the world can start moving forward away from the puritan BS.
You think the blue liquid was bad......ever see how fast a breastfeeding mother can cause the whole Taco Bell to close down?
Unless boob fat is being flaunted to sell beer or jiggling around porn.....no one wants to see that shit! Better shove that hungry baby under a quilt so no skin is showing or be decent enough to never leave your house again until the baby is weaned.
I whipped my tit out(not really, I was pretty graceful and ninja like about it....but you know how people have to be dramatic about mothers just whipping out the tits in public in front of everyones little boys and God) in public and fed my baby as I needed and the only person that ever glared at me was an older man who was in the mens program at the outreach I recovered in. During church. The ONE place that should be garunteed to not happen.
This guy was a creep as well. He was always posting pictures of women in bikinis on FB. But breastfeeding was offensive.....go figure.
My husband and our friend (another married man whose wife had just had a baby as well.....good friends of ours) glared right back at him until he minded his own business lol.